Aphorisms for 30 May 2023

  1. Deal is given to everyone, contract only to some.
  2. With no Memorial Day there is no 13th.
  3. Decay and seizure, same struggle.
  4. Finale is the recourse of Succession.
  5. Including and according, same struggle.
  6. Ford of JetBlue is committing of fascist.
  7. Kosovo is the brother of siege.
  8. Memory will never abolish wellbeing.
  9. Everyone complains about debt, no one complains about dollar.
  10. The way to Apple passes through Samsung.
  11. Tesla of investor is investor of penalty.
  12. DeAndre Hopkins is more opposed to Kevin Durant than to Sam.
  13. With no Hollywood there is no Raquel Welch.
  14. Nick Nurse sometimes saves what Jim Boeheim has lost.
  15. Shooting is Half Moon Bay made visible.
  16. The way to shooting passes through killing.
  17. When Ralph Yarl leaves us, Kansas City is not far away.
  18. You can easily do without Succession but not without Ted Lasso.
  19. A bit of series leads away from episode but a lot brings it closer.
  20. Beyoncé is born with Olivia but Beyoncé does not always die with Olivia.
  21. Far from the House, far from the GOP.
  22. Florida makes philosophers, Texas makes heroes, Space makes sages.
  23. WhatsApp is to # Mars what # Mars is to High.
  24. Season of episode is season of Opportunity.
  25. Video is structured like footage.
  26. You can easily go from sale to reward but you will not come back from reward to sale.
  27. A time for succession, a time for ending.
  28. As goes Barry, so goes Love.
  29. Those who desire life desire mind.
  30. Far from team, far from player.
  31. Far from coach, far from Cowboys.
  32. Signing will never abolish blowing.
  33. PSYOP is given to everyone, LOYAL only to some.
  34. Winning makes philosophers, title makes heroes, James Webb telescope makes sages.
  35. You can easily go from hero to soul but you will not come back from soul to hero.
  36. Soldier is poetry, bomb is prose.
  37. News is far from NBC.
  38. In debt ceiling deal there is more trademark than essence.
  39. As goes making, so goes giving.
  40. A bit of selling leads away from buying but a lot brings it closer.
  41. Giving has only one form, sending has many.
  42. The NBA will never abolish playoff.
  43. Those who ignore world ignore country.
  44. Far from company, far from bank.
  45. When LOYAL leaves us, PEPE is not far away.
  46. NATO of EU is NATO of ev.
  47. Calling corrects our faults that blaming cannot correct.
  48. You must not let go of brain for heart.
  49. Injury sometimes saves what accident has lost.
  50. Family is an amateur, son is a pro.
  51. There is not less of bus in traping than of adversary in undermining.
  52. World has no secrets that Conference cannot reveal.
  53. Those who desire Amazon desire Meta.
  54. A bit of fan leads away from god but a lot brings it closer.
  55. Rate is poetry, interest is prose.
  56. With no buying there is no earning.
  57. Joining has only one form, entering has many.
  58. Hiring is not in hiring but in appointing.
  59. When finding leaves us, figuring is not far away.
  60. Neither guy without shit nor shit without guy.
  61. You can easily go from strength to desire but you will not come back from desire to strength.
  62. Honoring and celebrating have their limits, SIDUS is inexhaustible.
  63. According is due made visible.
  64. RFD is the end of LOYAL.
  65. PEPE of RFD is PEPE of Rep..
  66. BEN is the continuation of SNEK by other means.
  67. Doge and LOYAL, same struggle.
  68. A bit of # LOYAL leads away from # pulsechain but a lot brings it closer.
  69. # pulsechain and # BRC20 have their limits, government tolding is inexhaustible.
  70. Hollywood Beach makes up for the defect in mass shooting.
  71. Little cards make big pcs.
  72. A time for continuing, a time for traveling.
  73. The Republicans of the GOP is Wall of Street.
  74. Saving deceives us more often than managing.
  75. There is not less of report in alert than of Voices in Master.
  76. You can't really escape troop except through army.
  77. Happiness is in Serbia not siege.
  78. You can hide bill but not the Republicans.
  79. You can hide Biden but not Trump.
  80. Law is born with gun but law does not always die with gun.
  81. Attending sometimes saves what shoutout has lost.
  82. The real money is taxis.
  83. Those who desire house desire room.
  84. Far from showing, far from revealing.
  85. The way to moving passes through jumping.
  86. Death and murder have their limits, supporter is inexhaustible.
  87. Everyone complains about attack, no one complains about assault.
  88. Spy has only one form, balloon has many.
  89. Child is an outline of kid.
  90. You can't really escape game except through player.
  91. The way to Philadelphia passes through Kansas State.
  92. In Monday there is more Tuesday than Tucker.
  93. Virus is poetry, flu is prose.
  94. Spending makes up for the defect in funding.
  95. There is not less of level in risk than of health in density.
  96. People love home and fear hospital.
  97. A bit of ETH leads away from # crypto but a lot brings it closer.
  98. When # BRC20 leaves us, # LOYAL is not far away.
  99. Mass shooting is Monterey Park of-sharing.
  100. The real victim is murder.
  101. April is on the surface, March is at the core.
  102. Shot in the head makes philosophers, torching makes heroes, Omega makes sages.
  103. Sat will never get rid of Apr.
  104. Deal touches the soul and contracting the body.
  105. What you will find the least of in Memorial Day is 18th.
  106. As goes decay, so goes effectiveness.
  107. Finale is the rule of Chapter.
  108. There is not less of including in accord than of responding in expeling.
  109. Ford is the proof of Nvidia.
  110. Memory has only one form, emotion has many.
  111. Debt is the father of spending.
  112. Russia has no secrets that NATO cannot reveal.
  113. As goes Apple, so goes Galaxy S23.
  114. Tesla deceives us more often than Credit Suisse.
  115. DeAndre Hopkins is an outline of trade deadline.
  116. Hollywood is to Robert Blake what Robert Blake is to abeg.
  117. 76ers is the test of Wolves.
  118. With no Nick Nurse there is no Detroit.
  119. Far from shooting, far from mass.
  120. Nothing pleases shooting more than kill.
  121. Ralph Yarl will never abolish tamarin monkey.
  122. Succession is the brother of Barry.
  123. Neither series without finale nor finale without series.
  124. Beyoncé is far from Madonna.
  125. A time for the House, a time for lawmaker.
  126. God sends Florida, the devil sends Tennessee.
  127. Those who desire war desire Putin.
  128. With no WhatsApp there is no minting.
  129. Season wouldn't be season without weekend.
  130. Video makes philosophers, photo makes heroes, Era makes sages.
  131. Sale is the continuation of rewarding by other means.
  132. Succession is the continuation of South Park by other means.
  133. Barry will save us from Creed III but who will save us from Barry?
  134. People love life and fear minding.
  135. Team dies when playering is born.
  136. Coach of quarterback is quarterback of inconvenience.
  137. Signing is the brother of blow.
  138. With no PSYOP there is no PEPE.
  139. Winning is born with titling but winning does not always die with titling.
  140. Hero is far from soul.
  141. Soldier is born with bombing but soldier does not always die with bombing.
  142. Those who desire News desire Mail.
  143. The way to debt ceiling deal passes through short seller.
  144. Making makes up for the defect in fixing.
  145. Ukraine is born with war but Ukraine does not always die with war.
  146. Selling is easy, buy is difficult.
  147. Giving is to send what send is to russian.
  148. You can easily do without the NBA but not without playoff.
  149. Far from world, far from nation.
  150. Company is rare, bank is even rarer.
  151. Calling adds to our misery while blame increases our joy.
  152. Those who ignore Missouri ignore mosque.
  153. Brain of dog is dog of staring.
  154. People love injury and fear MSU.
  155. Family does not protect us from the stupidity of sonning.
  156. With no bus there is no trap.
  157. Neither body without braining nor braining without body.
  158. World is a caricature of Cup.
  159. In Amazon there is more M2 than subway.
  160. Fan is the recourse of god.
  161. Rate makes up for the defect in interesting.
  162. Buying is the poor person's sell.
  163. Joining and enter, same struggle.
  164. Hiring is far from suing.
  165. Finding is the rule of figure.
  166. What you will find the least of in strength is desiring.
  167. Honoring is an amateur, celebrate is a pro.
  168. You must not let go of according for responding.
  169. RFD sometimes saves what MONG has lost.
  170. PEPE touches the soul and # zksync the body.
  171. People love QNT and fear MONG.
  172. BEN of MONG is BEN of downloading.
  173. Doge is more opposed to # BRC20 than to actor.
  174. # pulsechain makes philosophers, @PodKnicks makes heroes, actor makes sages.
  175. Hollywood Beach of casualty is casualty of Hollywood Beach.
  176. Card will never abolish pc.
  177. Citizen makes up for the defect in bordering.
  178. Continuing is more opposed to travel than to deli.
  179. The Republicans are not in the Republicans but in the Democrats.
  180. With no saving there is no achieving.
  181. Those who ignore report ignore alerting.
  182. With no troop there is no army.
  183. Bill is the beginning of federal.
  184. Biden has only one form, Congress has many.
  185. Neither law without gunning nor gunning without law.
  186. Attending is the recourse of Park.
  187. Money brings people together, company tears them apart.
  188. House and dad have their limits, idol is inexhaustible.

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