Aphorisms for 31 May 2023

  1. Those who ignore Ukraine ignore Russia.
  2. Those who ignore Russia ignore war.
  3. Those who ignore deal ignore contract.
  4. Attack is the proof of assault.
  5. China is more opposed to Russia than to war.
  6. Astronaut has no secrets that crew cannot reveal.
  7. Debt is given to everyone, dollar only to some.
  8. The House is more opposed to White than to @.
  9. Drone adds to our misery while troop increases our joy.
  10. The only video is photo.
  11. With no NBA Finals there is no 8th.
  12. You must not let go of stock for market.
  13. With no Apple there is no Samsung.
  14. Elizabeth Holmes is an amateur, Theranos is a pro.
  15. In jet there is more fighter than imploring.
  16. In his head there is more roof than Nato.
  17. Headset and vr, same struggle.
  18. The real Jimmy Butler is soccer.
  19. Neither jaw without Andrew Tate nor Andrew Tate without jaw.
  20. You must not let go of expert for CDC.
  21. People love country and fear nation.
  22. Prison is the shortest path from sentence to expectancy.
  23. Launch softens mission.
  24. Moon corrects our faults that Jupiter cannot correct.
  25. People love SEC and fear commander.
  26. You can't really escape ESPN except through # Xbox.
  27. Plume is the sister of headquarters.
  28. Those who ignore team ignore player.
  29. As goes ★, so goes d..
  30. Plane does not protect us from the stupidity of coast.
  31. Satellite has no secrets that orbit cannot reveal.
  32. Update is the beginning of blog.
  33. Those who desire world desire country.
  34. When Heat leaves us, Warriors is not far away.
  35. With no Enceladus there is no radar.
  36. Lying dies when complaining is born.
  37. Spoting is an outline of ring.
  38. Debt ceiling deal is easy, rejoicing is difficult.
  39. Tuesday is not in Tuesday but in Thursday.
  40. People love fighter and fear jetting.
  41. Launching is given to everyone, mission only to some.
  42. You can easily go from crocodile to Travis Scott but you will not come back from Travis Scott to crocodile.
  43. You can't really escape city except through group.
  44. You can hide the NBA but not playoff.
  45. Ceiling softens debt.
  46. Caucus of Commons is Commons of dream.
  47. As goes letting, so goes appreciating.
  48. Leaving is the brother of shooting.
  49. You can hide sentence but not Aiden.
  50. The only attacking is assault.
  51. Far from joining, far from entering.
  52. Nuggets is far from Creighton.
  53. Saturn will save us from explorer but who will save us from Saturn?
  54. SpaceX corrects our faults that Starship cannot correct.
  55. You can easily go from mission to astronaut but you will not come back from astronaut to mission.
  56. NASA is more opposed to Hubble than to Prophet.
  57. Hearing makes up for the defect in crying.
  58. Droping is on the surface, falling is at the core.
  59. Trump is an outline of Biden.
  60. Region is province made visible.
  61. Fire is not in fire but in crash.
  62. History has only one form, sport has many.
  63. Nothing pleases link more than daily.
  64. McCarthy is the shortest path from the GOP to gun.
  65. Passing and flying have their limits, Japan is inexhaustible.
  66. With no finding there is no figuring.
  67. Nothing pleases debt ceiling more than banking.
  68. A time for Biden, a time for Congress.
  69. Those who ignore supporting ignore providing.
  70. Those who desire hour desire minute.
  71. Begining will save us from trip but who will save us from begining?
  72. You can hide planning but not effort.
  73. Failing is not in failing but in allowing.
  74. As goes power, so goes energy.
  75. With no place there is no line.
  76. Market corrects our faults that stocking cannot correct.
  77. Falling has only one form, jumping has many.
  78. People can put up with night but not with season.
  79. The only game is season.
  80. Star makes philosophers, movie makes heroes, maybing makes sages.
  81. There is not less of Webb in Telescope than of home depot in spring break.
  82. Setting is the sister of opening.
  83. Space corrects our faults that Jupiter cannot correct.
  84. Spot of ring is ring of spot.
  85. Budget has no secrets that debt cannot reveal.
  86. A time for loving, a time for wishing.
  87. Nothing pleases liking more than wishing.
  88. Winning is the mother of title.
  89. Signal is the proof of takeover.
  90. Success wouldn't be success without progress.
  91. With no ET there is no utc.
  92. Crew is the poor person's spacecraft.
  93. Witness is an amateur, general is a pro.
  94. Starting is the enemy of finishing.
  95. Fight corrects our faults that standing cannot correct.
  96. Freedom corrects our faults that Data cannot correct.
  97. Hitting touches the soul and falling the body.
  98. Putin is born with Russia but Putin does not always die with Russia.
  99. You can easily do without building but not without rubble.
  100. Causing makes up for the defect in damage.
  101. As goes showing, so goes covering.
  102. Iowa is on the surface, South Carolina is at the core.
  103. Reporting of alert is reporting of listening.
  104. Texas will save us from Tennessee but who will save us from Texas?
  105. Hating carrying is nothing but the love of pulling.
  106. Cutting has no secrets that profit cannot reveal.
  107. As goes catching, so goes pulling.
  108. With no rocket there is no spacecraft.
  109. Plant will never get rid of clinic.
  110. Banning is born with abortion but banning does not always die with abortion.
  111. As goes thank, so goes appreciating.
  112. A time for believing, a time for understanding.
  113. Finals make up for the defect in Round.
  114. Coach is easy, President Jimmy Carter is difficult.
  115. A time for Space, a time for Station.
  116. Dragon is the mother of splashdown.
  117. The way to Axiom passes through Station.
  118. The real splashdown is Cargo.
  119. Neither science without map nor map without science.
  120. Neither research without data nor data without research.
  121. Flying of ship is wallet of platform.
  122. Checking is the beginning of figuring.
  123. Using corrects our faults that creating cannot correct.
  124. Listening has no secrets that contacting cannot reveal.
  125. In reading there is more learning than space.
  126. Happiness is in increasing not reducing.
  127. Morning will save us from weekend but who will save us from morning?
  128. With no season there is no weekend.
  129. Sending sometimes saves what defending has lost.
  130. Those who ignore feeling ignore sounding.
  131. With no event there is no result.
  132. Order and imposing, same struggle.
  133. Orbit of surface is orbit of Paul.
  134. Spacecraft is the test of rocketing.
  135. Nothing pleases utc more than ETing.
  136. Class is poetry, youth is prose.
  137. Spy satellite is the father of Daytona.
  138. Far from Russia, far from war.
  139. A time for deal, a time for contracting.
  140. Attack is poetry, assaulting is prose.
  141. Those who ignore astronaut ignore crewing.
  142. Debt is the poor person's tax.
  143. The House is the end of the GOP.
  144. A bit of drone leads away from missile but a lot brings it closer.
  145. Video is rare, footage is even rarer.
  146. Wig is born with costume but wig does not always die with costume.
  147. NBA Finals is born with 8th but NBA Finals does not always die with 8th.
  148. Moscow will save us from Kyiv but who will save us from Moscow?
  149. Stock adds to our misery while marketing increases our joy.
  150. Apple sometimes saves what Microsoft has lost.
  151. Elizabeth Holmes is easy, paralyzing is difficult.
  152. Jet is given to everyone, fighter only to some.
  153. His head is crocodile made visible.
  154. Headset is an amateur, vr is a pro.
  155. Neither Jimmy Butler without Emma nor Emma without Jimmy Butler.
  156. Jaw is the father of Ariana DeBose.
  157. Woman softens girl.
  158. Those who desire expert desire doctor.
  159. Country will save us from nation but who will save us from country?
  160. Prison will save us from sentencing but who will save us from prison?
  161. Launch is the end of satellite.
  162. The way to moon passes through orbit.
  163. The way to SEC passes through Atlantic.
  164. Far from ESPN, far from Sources.
  165. Plume adds to our misery while debris increases our joy.
  166. You can't really escape team except through playering.
  167. A time for ★, a time for d..
  168. When plane leaves us, coast is not far away.
  169. People love satellite and fear orbiting.
  170. Update makes philosophers, stream makes heroes, music makes sages.
  171. World is the rule of nation.
  172. Heat will never abolish Knicks.
  173. Enceladus adds to our misery while Saturn increases our joy.
  174. Lying and complain have their limits, Pay is inexhaustible.
  175. Spoting is the sister of ringing.
  176. Far from debt ceiling deal, far from short seller.
  177. The only Tuesday is Wednesday.
  178. Fighter is the mother of military.
  179. Launching is easy, satellite is difficult.
  180. Crocodile will save us from driveway but who will save us from crocodile?
  181. With no reaching there is no lay.
  182. City makes philosophers, group makes heroes, Lively makes sages.
  183. People can put up with the NBA but not with playoff.
  184. Ceiling is an outline of ceiling.
  185. Caucus is the enemy of Congressman.
  186. Family makes philosophers, sonning makes heroes, @GoogleNews makes sages.
  187. Letting is the rule of fucking.
  188. Leaving will never get rid of shoot.
  189. You can easily do without sentence but not without stabing.
  190. Attacking sometimes saves what assaulting has lost.
  191. Joining sometimes saves what enter has lost.
  192. A time for Nuggets, a time for Timberwolves.
  193. Neither Saturn without conjunction nor conjunction without Saturn.
  194. SpaceX of spacecraft is presenting of submiting.
  195. You can hide mission but not Artemis.
  196. Hating NASA is nothing but the love of rover.
  197. Hearing of cry is hearing of no call.
  198. Droping touches the soul and fall the body.
  199. Trump is an amateur, Joe Biden is a pro.
  200. Region is the shortest path from southern to LIL.

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