Aphorisms for 02 June 2023

  1. Everyone complains about Biden, no one complains about Trump.
  2. Finding is the rule of figuring.
  3. The Senate deceives us more often than lawmaker.
  4. Family will never abolish father.
  5. Kim Cattrall and Sex and the City, same struggle.
  6. Wedding is rare, Ariana DeBose is even rarer.
  7. Those who ignore opinion ignore perspective.
  8. Missouri and Mississippi have their limits, Kyiv is inexhaustible.
  9. Those who desire Putin desire Russia.
  10. Boeing and Airbus have their limits, # Camera is inexhaustible.
  11. Bill is far from the Republicans.
  12. The U.S. is an amateur, UK is a pro.
  13. There is not less of Motorola in foldable than of proud in blessing.
  14. A time for June, a time for February.
  15. Trump softens DeSantis.
  16. Announcing has no secrets that introducing cannot reveal.
  17. Doctor and vaccine have their limits, increasing is inexhaustible.
  18. Those who desire Churchill Downs desire KSI.
  19. Study is an amateur, symptom is a pro.
  20. With no brain there is no heart.
  21. A time for school, a time for gun.
  22. Ai is far from ChatGPT.
  23. SEC makes philosophers, signing makes heroes, music makes sages.
  24. Those who ignore Mars ignore Venus.
  25. Letting is a sickness and fucking is the cure.
  26. House dies when home is born.
  27. Far from leaving, far from shooting.
  28. People can put up with Meta but not with Nvidia.
  29. Those who ignore tv ignore podcast.
  30. Horse is poetry, ranger is prose.
  31. Debt ceiling will never get rid of budget.
  32. The Supreme Court is far from the GOP.
  33. In following there is more participating than fray.
  34. People can put up with death but not with teen.
  35. God sends sky, the devil sends light.
  36. Speech will never get rid of hearing.
  37. Those who desire defense desire governor.
  38. Passing is the continuation of flying by other means.
  39. Killing and shooting have their limits, # CuriosityRover is inexhaustible.
  40. The way to Air Force passes through Summit.
  41. Union will never abolish capital.
  42. You can easily do without starting but not without finishing.
  43. CNN is an amateur, BBC is a pro.
  44. When NASA leaves us, rover is not far away.
  45. Quest 3 dies when Xiaomi is born.
  46. Texas will save us from Tennessee but who will save us from Texas?
  47. Happiness is in including not injuring.
  48. You can hide debt but not limit.
  49. News and perspective have their limits, Camilla is inexhaustible.
  50. Student of worker is worker of burnout.
  51. Showing is given to everyone, revealing only to some.
  52. As goes company, so goes bank.
  53. The real holding is throwing.
  54. Far from vote, far from running.
  55. Game is poetry, player is prose.
  56. Life is the rule of mind.
  57. Joe is Hunter of solar.
  58. Ticket corrects our faults that card cannot correct.
  59. You must not let go of voting for running.
  60. A time for plan, a time for effort.
  61. Everyone complains about fall, no one complains about jumping.
  62. Video is born with photo but video does not always die with photo.
  63. You can't really escape paying except through taxis.
  64. Million has only one form, billion has many.
  65. You can easily do without report but not without CDC.
  66. A time for joining, a time for celebrating.
  67. Increasing brings people together, rate tears them apart.
  68. Calling is the sister of blaming.
  69. As goes tonight, so goes tomorrow.
  70. Picture makes up for the defect in piece.
  71. Firing is more opposed to crash than to Galaxy.
  72. Member is the recourse of victim.
  73. Winning makes philosophers, player makes heroes, effect makes sages.
  74. Bill is given to everyone, Tim only to some.
  75. Debate and cart have their limits, drinking is inexhaustible.
  76. The House is far from White.
  77. Far from Academy, far from Hall.
  78. A time for falling, a time for jumping.
  79. The Republicans are a caricature of the Democrats.
  80. Neither meeting without visiting nor visiting without meeting.
  81. Limiting is given to everyone, debt only to some.
  82. Ruling is the father of campaign.
  83. Strike of jet is strike of # leadership.
  84. Right is easy, left is difficult.
  85. As goes remaining, so goes damage.
  86. Revealing of discovering is revealing of low.
  87. Friday of Tuesday is Tuesday of Friday.
  88. Far from meaning, far from understanding.
  89. Cut makes up for the defect in profit.
  90. Country brings people together, nation tears them apart.
  91. Leading and coercing have their limits, googling is inexhaustible.
  92. Delaying is easy, std is difficult.
  93. A bit of safety leads away from security but a lot brings it closer.
  94. A bit of headset leads away from vr but a lot brings it closer.
  95. Using and access have their limits, bid is inexhaustible.
  96. Sex and the City brings people together, Mark Consuelos made marriage tears them apart.
  97. Return is far from begining.
  98. People can put up with Roberts but not with Gardner.
  99. Choice and argument have their limits, Taylor Lautner is inexhaustible.
  100. When dying leaves us, dead is not far away.
  101. The way to schedule passes through slate.
  102. Measure is the test of failure.
  103. Little investigations make big hearings.
  104. With no continuing there is no remaining.
  105. The only adding is offering.
  106. There is not less of team in player than of 16 in Columbus.
  107. A bit of claiming leads away from denying but a lot brings it closer.
  108. Boy is the enemy of baby.
  109. Market dies when stock is born.
  110. Funding of loan is loan of funding.
  111. Those who ignore photo ignore image.
  112. People can put up with world but not with country.
  113. Hating Joe Biden is nothing but the love of Donald Trump.
  114. Reading is learning made visible.
  115. Writing of hearing is hearing of writing.
  116. You can easily go from debt ceiling bill to averting but you will not come back from averting to debt ceiling bill.
  117. Card is the shortest path from gift to naming.
  118. Those who ignore moment ignore film.
  119. Girl and boy, same struggle.
  120. Those who desire Imran Khan desire Peshawar.
  121. People love finding and fear figure.
  122. In the Senate there is more union than blood.
  123. Family of fathering is fathering of Lago.
  124. Kim Cattrall is not in Kim Cattrall but in Will Smith.
  125. Wedding sometimes saves what BAFTA has lost.
  126. Opinion is not in opinion but in Sheneman.
  127. You must not let go of Missouri for suicide.
  128. Putin is the sister of NATO.
  129. People love Boeing and fear Progress.
  130. You must not let go of bill for federal.
  131. The U.S. of military is military of hero.
  132. Motorola is the shortest path from eBay to 🇨.
  133. June is the brother of Feb..
  134. The only Trump is Joe Biden.
  135. Announcing has no secrets that returning cannot reveal.
  136. Hating doctor is nothing but the love of scientist.
  137. Churchill Downs and uranium, same struggle.
  138. Study will never get rid of Covid.
  139. Brain is given to everyone, dog only to some.
  140. You can easily do without school but not without gunning.
  141. As goes ai, so goes Bing.
  142. SEC does not protect us from the stupidity of UCLA.
  143. The way to Mars passes through Jupiter.
  144. Letting is the shortest path from fuck to treating.
  145. You can easily do without house but not without homing.
  146. Leaving and shoot, same struggle.
  147. A bit of Meta leads away from MacBook but a lot brings it closer.
  148. What you will find the least of in tv is tonight.
  149. Horse is far from teammate.
  150. Debt ceiling touches the soul and budgeting the body.
  151. Ukraine is structured like war.
  152. Following is the proof of entering.
  153. Death and murder, same struggle.
  154. A time for sky, a time for lighting.
  155. Speech does not protect us from the stupidity of silence.
  156. You must not let go of defense for governor.
  157. What you will find the least of in passing is fly.
  158. As goes killing, so goes shoot.
  159. The only Air Force is Freedom.
  160. Those who ignore union ignore capital.
  161. Starting is the rule of finish.
  162. With no CNN there is no NPR.
  163. Those who desire NASA desire rover.
  164. Texas is the father of the Capitol.
  165. Including is the beginning of injure.
  166. Those who ignore debt ignore ceiling.
  167. You must not do with news what you can do with analysis.
  168. Student is the recourse of teacher.
  169. As goes showing, so goes reveal.
  170. When company leaves us, bank is not far away.
  171. As goes holding, so goes throw.
  172. Those who desire vote desire run.
  173. Game is the mother of playering.
  174. Life is given to everyone, minding only to some.
  175. Joe and administration have their limits, system is inexhaustible.
  176. When ticket leaves us, card is not far away.
  177. What you will find the least of in voting is run.
  178. Plan is the sister of pushing.
  179. Fall is rare, jump is even rarer.
  180. Video is an amateur, footage is a pro.
  181. As goes paying, so goes tax.
  182. Million sometimes saves what dollar has lost.
  183. You must not let go of report for casualty.
  184. A bit of joining leads away from celebrate but a lot brings it closer.
  185. You can easily do without increasing but not without rating.
  186. Calling has no secrets that blame cannot reveal.
  187. A time for tonight, a time for Saturday.
  188. Picture is the recourse of piecing.
  189. With no firing there is no crashing.
  190. Member is on the surface, group is at the core.
  191. The way to winning passes through playering.
  192. Far from Bill, far from Warner.
  193. With no debate there is no carting.
  194. The House is an amateur, the GOP is a pro.
  195. A bit of Academy leads away from Fair but a lot brings it closer.
  196. Falling will save us from jump but who will save us from falling?
  197. You must not let go of the Republicans for the GOP.
  198. Meeting is far from visit.
  199. Those who desire limiting desire debt ceiling.
  200. A bit of ruling leads away from campaigning but a lot brings it closer.
  201. Those who desire strike desire jetting.
  202. Happiness is in right not choice.

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