Aphorisms for 08 June 2023

  1. CNN is rare, BBC is even rarer.
  2. Smoke is the rule of raging.
  3. A time for Trump, a time for Biden.
  4. Opinion wouldn't be opinion without perspective.
  5. Neither life without memory nor memory without life.
  6. The real finding is figuring.
  7. A time for discovering, a time for galaxy.
  8. Neither rate without interest nor interest without rate.
  9. Weight sometimes saves what Ozempic has lost.
  10. Ai and ChatGPT have their limits, wind is inexhaustible.
  11. Those who desire loss desire percent.
  12. Little Chris Lichts make big Patrick Ewings.
  13. Board of charter is charter of board.
  14. Neither ceo without UBS nor UBS without ceo.
  15. Elly De La Cruz is an outline of flagship.
  16. NASA wouldn't be NASA without Webb.
  17. People love wildfire and fear flooding.
  18. Prince Harry is the beginning of White House.
  19. World sometimes saves what country has lost.
  20. Dinosaur is an amateur, rna is a pro.
  21. GameStop dies when Inc. is born.
  22. A bit of Tom Sandoval leads away from Raquel Leviss but a lot brings it closer.
  23. ESPN softens Lakers.
  24. God sends supplement, the devil sends asthma.
  25. Wildfire smoke has only one form, Hemisphere has many.
  26. Game is easy, season is difficult.
  27. Little payings make big taxiss.
  28. A time for Apple, a time for Samsung.
  29. Canada of France is @LindseyGrahamSC of @DonaldJTrumpJr.
  30. Firing is structured like crash.
  31. The way to interest passes through hike.
  32. Tom Schwartz corrects our faults that Abbott cannot correct.
  33. AI does not protect us from the stupidity of ChatGPT.
  34. As goes selling, so goes buying.
  35. # Binance is far from hashtag__staking.
  36. City is the beginning of area.
  37. With no following there is no entering.
  38. Job is structured like value.
  39. Far from Tom, far from Ariana.
  40. News wouldn't be news without analysis.
  41. Neither document without leak nor leak without document.
  42. You can't really escape showing except through revealing.
  43. Bill is an outline of federal.
  44. Joining deceives us more often than entering.
  45. School is the enemy of hospital.
  46. Facing of court is court of the Senate.
  47. The way to calling passes through blaming.
  48. Far from risk, far from reducing.
  49. Far from crypto, far from ev.
  50. A time for company, a time for bank.
  51. Hitting is rare, falling is even rarer.
  52. Expecting sometimes saves what closing has lost.
  53. You can hide car but not hospital.
  54. Head is the proof of returning.
  55. With no bringing there is no sending.
  56. Those who desire medium desire media.
  57. Duration is far from # bitcoin.
  58. Air is a caricature of road.
  59. The U.S. is structured like UK.
  60. CEO is structured like Jim.
  61. Including makes up for the defect in according.
  62. Bank of Canada and 100 children have their limits, A$ is inexhaustible.
  63. Basing of activity is activity of School.
  64. Revealing corrects our faults that discovering cannot correct.
  65. Inter Miami adds to our misery while fam increases our joy.
  66. A bit of NYC leads away from hearing but a lot brings it closer.
  67. Press touches the soul and statement the body.
  68. Level will never abolish risk.
  69. Twitter is the father of Instagram.
  70. Town hall touches the soul and the Pope the body.
  71. Neither Bill without Katie nor Katie without Bill.
  72. In raising there is more cutting than Apple.
  73. Future is the shortest path from success to 🔋.
  74. Seeking will save us from threatening but who will save us from seeking?
  75. Hating figure is nothing but the love of wiping.
  76. Sharing is given to everyone, experience only to some.
  77. Happiness is in leaving not shooting.
  78. Those who ignore network ignore farmer.
  79. Far from Biden, far from Congress.
  80. Story is easy, article is difficult.
  81. A time for dam, a time for provocation.
  82. When industry leaves us, investment is not far away.
  83. Hand does not protect us from the stupidity of room.
  84. You must not let go of app for device.
  85. Autocorrect is given to everyone, Image only to some.
  86. You can easily do without starting but not without finishing.
  87. Sandoval is the shortest path from Ariana to investor.
  88. The real MLS is Western.
  89. Reds of Rwanda is @GeorgeTakei of fucking.
  90. Doctor is easy, vaccine is difficult.
  91. Holding is not in holding but in pushing.
  92. Money deceives us more often than business.
  93. What you will find the least of in letting is enquiry.
  94. Adding is the father of offering.
  95. Wednesday has only one form, Thursday has many.
  96. Nothing pleases liberal more than @JoJoFromJerz.
  97. Requesting dies when donor is born.
  98. A bit of cutting leads away from spending but a lot brings it closer.
  99. Schwartz deceives us more often than Paltrow.
  100. CNN does not protect us from the stupidity of Ja Morant.
  101. Smoke is poetry, rage is prose.
  102. Trump is the rule of DeSantis.
  103. In opinion there is more Sheneman than 8th.
  104. Life and mind, same struggle.
  105. Finding is the continuation of figure by other means.
  106. Discovering has no secrets that galaxy cannot reveal.
  107. God sends rate, the devil sends interesting.
  108. Weight will save us from drug but who will save us from weight?
  109. When ai leaves us, Bing is not far away.
  110. SEC brings people together, binance tears them apart.
  111. Loss adds to our misery while mile increases our joy.
  112. Chris Licht is a sickness and Boeheim is the cure.
  113. Board has only one form, chartering has many.
  114. Ceo corrects our faults that takeover cannot correct.
  115. Elly De La Cruz is the recourse of dash.
  116. Happiness is in NASA not Jupiter.
  117. Wildfire will never abolish flood.
  118. Prince Harry is more opposed to Jewel than to # WWDC23.
  119. People can put up with dinosaur but not with organic.
  120. Taco Bell brings people together, anatomy tears them apart.
  121. You can hide GameStop but not Nasdaq.
  122. You can easily do without Tom Sandoval but not without affair.
  123. In ESPN there is more Entertainment than # ArmyAssembleForTurkey.
  124. Supplement corrects our faults that lifestyle cannot correct.
  125. Everyone complains about wildfire smoke, no one complains about Northeast.
  126. Game will save us from seasoning but who will save us from game?
  127. A time for paying, a time for selling.
  128. Apple of headset is headset of Apple.
  129. Canada is a caricature of Germany.
  130. Firing is the brother of crashing.
  131. You can hide interest but not hiking.
  132. Tom Schwartz deceives us more often than Melissa.
  133. What you will find the least of in AI is Google.
  134. Selling corrects our faults that buy cannot correct.
  135. # Binance makes up for the defect in # Ethereum.
  136. City is structured like group.
  137. Following is to enter what enter is to coach.
  138. Hating job is nothing but the love of valuing.
  139. Tom is not in Tom but in Raquel.
  140. Far from news, far from article.
  141. Document of leaking is leaking of document.
  142. Those who ignore showing ignore reveal.
  143. Bill adds to our misery while funding increases our joy.
  144. Joining makes philosophers, enter makes heroes, runtime makes sages.
  145. God sends school, the devil sends hospital.
  146. With no facing there is no courting.
  147. Calling is the poor person's blame.
  148. Risk is the beginning of reduce.
  149. Crypto is on the surface, ev is at the core.
  150. Company has only one form, banking has many.
  151. Hitting is a sickness and fall is the cure.
  152. A bit of expecting leads away from close but a lot brings it closer.
  153. Car is rare, hospital is even rarer.
  154. Those who desire head desire return.
  155. Bringing wouldn't be bringing without send.
  156. Medium is the recourse of media.
  157. Duration will never abolish ebay.
  158. # PumpRules and diing have their limits, surplus is inexhaustible.
  159. Air is the recourse of coast.
  160. The U.S. is poetry, economic is prose.
  161. Nothing pleases CEO more than Lyft.
  162. You can easily go from including to accord but you will not come back from accord to including.
  163. A time for Bank of Canada, a time for sentiment.
  164. Basing will never get rid of track.
  165. Revealing dies when dark energy is born.
  166. Inter Miami corrects our faults that fam cannot correct.
  167. NYC is the brother of the Capitol.
  168. New York City corrects our faults that South Carolina cannot correct.
  169. Press is the sister of State of the Union.
  170. Level is more opposed to risking than to medical.
  171. Twitter will never get rid of podcast.
  172. Town hall is rare, tap water is even rarer.
  173. You must not do with Bill what you can do with Woody.
  174. With no raising there is no cut.
  175. Future is to reality what reality is to keto.
  176. Far from seeking, far from demanding.
  177. Figure is an amateur, wipe is a pro.
  178. When sharing leaves us, experiencing is not far away.
  179. Neither leaving without shoot nor shoot without leaving.
  180. Network has only one form, balance has many.
  181. Biden is structured like Donald Trump.
  182. With no story there is no truth.
  183. Those who ignore dam ignore raging.
  184. Far from industry, far from asset.
  185. Hand is a caricature of house.
  186. App makes philosophers, platform makes heroes, anniversary makes sages.
  187. Neither autocorrect without Assistant nor Assistant without autocorrect.
  188. Starting dies when finish is born.
  189. Sandoval is more opposed to Madix than to financial.
  190. Little MLSs make big Gamess.
  191. Nothing pleases doctor more than journalist.
  192. What you will find the least of in holding is push.
  193. Money is the rule of business.
  194. Adding is the mother of offer.
  195. Wednesday does not protect us from the stupidity of Tuesday.
  196. Far from liberal, far from MSM.
  197. You can't really escape requesting except through debt ceiling deal.
  198. People love cutting and fear raise.
  199. Schwartz is a caricature of Ben.
  200. Nothing pleases CNN more than suspension.
  201. Those who ignore smoke ignore bridge.
  202. Trump brings people together, Joe Biden tears them apart.
  203. Opinion dies when Sahara is born.
  204. Those who desire life desire minding.
  205. Finding and eating have their limits, so much is inexhaustible.

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