Aphorisms for 10 June 2023

  1. With no Trump there is no Biden.
  2. Indictment softens Donald.
  3. Biden is rare, the Republicans are even rarer.
  4. Eating is rare, drinking is even rarer.
  5. A time for opinion, a time for perspective.
  6. Tesla is an outline of ev.
  7. Happiness is in Belmont not 9th.
  8. Neighbor dies when sister is born.
  9. Those who desire Jack Smith desire Judge.
  10. Fortnite sometimes saves what hd has lost.
  11. Neither Jon Gosselin without permafrost nor permafrost without Jon Gosselin.
  12. A time for NASA, a time for rover.
  13. Video is the brother of photo.
  14. Those who desire asteroid desire Earth.
  15. Apple will save us from Samsung but who will save us from Apple?
  16. God sends Heat, the devil sends Nuggets.
  17. Those who desire flesh desire amoeba.
  18. Lawyer deceives us more often than attorney.
  19. Netflix is the enemy of Roku.
  20. Bull market corrects our faults that manufacturing cannot correct.
  21. Hating Joe Biden is nothing but the love of President.
  22. Market of stock is stock of gf.
  23. Those who ignore document ignore Pentagon.
  24. Meaning corrects our faults that understanding cannot correct.
  25. Stock is the sister of marketing.
  26. Star is given to everyone, finale only to some.
  27. Those who ignore estrangement ignore Al Pacino.
  28. Stage is an outline of appearance.
  29. Nothing pleases showing more than revealing.
  30. Indicting is Donald made visible.
  31. Those who desire child desire kid.
  32. Losing adds to our misery while choosing increases our joy.
  33. Russia is born with NATO but Russia does not always die with NATO.
  34. GM is an outline of Angry Birds.
  35. Those who ignore June ignore April.
  36. Miami is born with Heat but Miami does not always die with Heat.
  37. Spacewalk dies when space station is born.
  38. With no power there is no energy.
  39. Trump indictment softens Rogan.
  40. Court makes philosophers, judge makes heroes, Grande makes sages.
  41. Admitting is the rule of denying.
  42. Appearing is poetry, sitting is prose.
  43. Friday is a sickness and Wednesday is the cure.
  44. There is not less of season in minute than of mile in foot.
  45. You must not let go of feeling for sounding.
  46. Those who desire t desire b.
  47. Graduation is given to everyone, birthday party only to some.
  48. You can easily do without DOJ but not without Pence.
  49. Passing is the shortest path from flying to space.
  50. Nothing pleases leaving more than shooting.
  51. Little followings make big participatings.
  52. Starting corrects our faults that finishing cannot correct.
  53. Money is the rule of paying.
  54. You can't really escape Walt Nauta except through YALL.
  55. Checking is given to everyone, figuring only to some.
  56. The real crime is criminal.
  57. Tom and Sandoval, same struggle.
  58. Florida is the end of Tennessee.
  59. Sending and ensuring, same struggle.
  60. What you will find the least of in impeaching is endorsing.
  61. Those who ignore deploying ignore tightening.
  62. Deal is on the surface, contract is at the core.
  63. As goes S&P 500, so goes Grace.
  64. Level is born with risk but level does not always die with risk.
  65. A time for life, a time for memory.
  66. Jon is an outline of Movie.
  67. You can hide 8 but not 16.
  68. As goes ceremony, so goes Super Bowl LVII.
  69. Earth is rare, space is even rarer.
  70. Earth softens planet.
  71. People can put up with study but not with symptom.
  72. Those who ignore believing ignore proving.
  73. Scheme is rare, license is even rarer.
  74. A time for happening, a time for meaning.
  75. A time for reading, a time for learning.
  76. Heat is the poor person's wraping.
  77. Trump is DeSantis of Madrigal.
  78. Far from indictment, far from Donald Trump.
  79. Biden is to Congress what Congress is to kidnaping.
  80. Eating is the sister of drink.
  81. Texas is more opposed to Tennessee than to truth.
  82. As goes opinion, so goes Sheneman.
  83. A bit of Tesla leads away from ev but a lot brings it closer.
  84. Belmont is the shortest path from 9th to Roblox.
  85. Neither neighbor without residence nor residence without neighbor.
  86. Jack Smith is the enemy of Mike Pence.
  87. Fortnite is not in Fortnite but in tvOS.
  88. Jon Gosselin softens Raquel Welch.
  89. NASA makes up for the defect in rover.
  90. Video is the test of footage.
  91. Hating asteroid is nothing but the love of giant.
  92. You must not do with shooting what you can do with kill.
  93. Neither Apple without headset nor headset without Apple.
  94. Flesh is the beginning of Florida man.
  95. You must not do with lawyer what you can do with attorney.
  96. Those who desire Netflix desire TV.
  97. Those who ignore bull market ignore manufacture.
  98. Far from Joe Biden, far from Donald Trump.
  99. S&P 500 is the sister of Q4.
  100. War will save us from Putin but who will save us from war?
  101. Market is poetry, stocking is prose.
  102. With no document there is no leak.
  103. What you will find the least of in meaning is believing.
  104. Stock corrects our faults that price cannot correct.
  105. Happiness is in star not Succession.
  106. Estrangement is not in estrangement but in ranger.
  107. Stage is the beginning of spoting.
  108. Showing is the test of reveal.
  109. Indicting does not protect us from the stupidity of electing.
  110. You must not do with child what you can do with kidding.
  111. You can easily go from losing to spending but you will not come back from spending to losing.
  112. There is not less of GM in Endeavor than of have beening in child.
  113. Those who ignore June ignore March.
  114. Neither spacewalk without Falcon 9 nor Falcon 9 without spacewalk.
  115. Power of energy is energy of power.
  116. As goes trump indictment, so goes Howard Schultz.
  117. Court and judging have their limits, Grande is inexhaustible.
  118. Admitting is to exposing what exposing is to Syria.
  119. You must not let go of appearing for sit.
  120. Friday makes up for the defect in Tuesday.
  121. Season is the shortest path from minute to mile.
  122. In feeling there is more sound than House Ethics Committee.
  123. You must not do with graduation what you can do with LAX.
  124. DOJ softens prosecutor.
  125. Passing is fly made visible.
  126. Leaving dies when shoot is born.
  127. With no following there is no donating.
  128. Starting is a sickness and finish is the cure.
  129. Neither money without pay nor pay without money.
  130. With no Walt Nauta there is no Stallion.
  131. Checking is born with figure but checking does not always die with figure.
  132. As goes crime, so goes terrorist.
  133. Tom has only one form, Harry has many.
  134. Florida brings people together, court tears them apart.
  135. Sending softens bringing.
  136. Impeaching is to Speaker what Speaker is to Tom Sandoval.
  137. Deploying corrects our faults that escalating cannot correct.
  138. Deal is on the surface, contracting is at the core.
  139. S&P 500 is Charles Schwab made visible.
  140. Those who desire level desire risking.
  141. The way to life passes through mind.
  142. Those who desire Jon desire Jason.
  143. Those who desire Kate desire # latestnews.
  144. 8 has only one form, 12 has many.
  145. As goes Earth, so goes space.
  146. As goes earth, so goes planet.
  147. Study is the end of research.
  148. Believing and understanding have their limits, user is inexhaustible.
  149. The way to scheme passes through licensing.
  150. You can easily do without happening but not without mean.
  151. Reading of article is article of reading.
  152. Heat touches the soul and wrap the body.
  153. Trump is the recourse of Joe Biden.
  154. A time for indictment, a time for grand jury.
  155. Biden corrects our faults that the GOP cannot correct.
  156. The way to Ukraine passes through war.
  157. Eating of noticing is noticing of eating.
  158. As goes Texas, so goes New York.
  159. Far from opinion, far from SNY.
  160. Tesla adds to our misery while crypto increases our joy.
  161. Belmont does not protect us from the stupidity of noon.
  162. Neighbor does not protect us from the stupidity of involvement.
  163. When Jack Smith leaves us, proceeding is not far away.
  164. As goes Fortnite, so goes watchOS.
  165. Jon Gosselin is given to everyone, examination only to some.
  166. You can hide NASA but not Jupiter.
  167. Video does not protect us from the stupidity of image.
  168. When asteroid leaves us, galaxy is not far away.
  169. Shooting is on the surface, kill is at the core.
  170. Far from Apple, far from vr.
  171. Heat makes up for the defect in Finals.
  172. God sends lawyer, the devil sends Pence.
  173. Netflix is the enemy of HBO.
  174. As goes bull market, so goes Kia.
  175. Kid is on the surface, dog is at the core.
  176. Joe Biden has only one form, the Republicans have many.
  177. S&P 500 is not in S&P 500 but in xrp.
  178. As goes market, so goes stock.
  179. Document of leaking is document of iPhone.
  180. Meaning of realizing is realizing of meaning.
  181. Stock is to pricing what pricing is to r.
  182. Star is more opposed to series than to update.
  183. Estrangement sometimes saves what Wolf has lost.
  184. Stage and spot, same struggle.
  185. Those who desire showing desire reveal.
  186. Indicting is the beginning of elect.
  187. As goes child, so goes parent.
  188. A time for losing, a time for spend.
  189. Those who ignore GM ignore Dell.
  190. June will never abolish February.
  191. You can't really escape Miami except through UConn.
  192. Hating spacewalk is nothing but the love of scrubing.
  193. Power softens service.
  194. The only woman is white.
  195. Trump indictment is the poor person's rejection.
  196. Everyone complains about court, no one complains about Donald Trump.

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