Aphorisms for 13 June 2023

  1. The real game is season.
  2. Finding wouldn't be finding without figure.
  3. You can hide Trump but not Biden.
  4. Patriots will save us from Verstappen but who will save us from Patriots?
  5. Mosquito is structured like button.
  6. Microsoft is the poor person's Google.
  7. Life is given to everyone, heart only to some.
  8. Nuggets dies when Heat is born.
  9. Brain is more opposed to heart than to weather.
  10. God sends announcing, the devil sends releasing.
  11. Far from releasing, far from announce.
  12. Heart of braining is fucking of dumbing.
  13. Xbox is given to everyone, Nintendo only to some.
  14. A bit of obesity leads away from colon but a lot brings it closer.
  15. Host is given to everyone, cast only to some.
  16. Heat is far from Finals.
  17. Coffin and Jersey Shore, same struggle.
  18. Collapse and building, same struggle.
  19. Virus will save us from symptom but who will save us from virus?
  20. A time for FTC, a time for Stormy Daniels.
  21. Tony Awards make up for the defect in SAG Awards.
  22. As goes turning, so goes pulling.
  23. Child will never abolish kid.
  24. A time for Phantom, a time for Trick.
  25. Wheel is given to everyone, Fortune only to some.
  26. Fortune is the rule of Discovery.
  27. You can't really escape signing except through trade.
  28. People love stream and fear channel.
  29. As goes starting, so goes finishing.
  30. Everyone complains about James Robinson, no one complains about Bell.
  31. You can easily do without buying but not without earning.
  32. Letting has only one form, againing has many.
  33. What you will find the least of in expecting is moving.
  34. Deal will never abolish contract.
  35. People love Ghost and fear Trick.
  36. You can't really escape Detective except through Research.
  37. Pat Sajak is not in Pat Sajak but in the Pope.
  38. Earth is the test of moon.
  39. NASA is poetry, Jupiter is prose.
  40. Money will never get rid of taxpayer.
  41. Heat is the brother of gear.
  42. You can easily go from making to would being but you will not come back from would being to making.
  43. June is a caricature of March.
  44. News is easy, article is difficult.
  45. Wake deceives us more often than growing.
  46. Sending is born with bringing but sending does not always die with bringing.
  47. Activision Blizzard has no secrets that acquisition cannot reveal.
  48. Order brings people together, transfering tears them apart.
  49. Apple is the brother of Samsung.
  50. Feeling is an amateur, sounding is a pro.
  51. Health is structured like mental.
  52. Reading is to learning what learning is to space.
  53. Winning is an outline of player.
  54. Detective will never get rid of Tate.
  55. You must not do with Pat what you can do with Novak Djokovic.
  56. Neither Sajak announces retirement after without Orlando Brown Jr nor Orlando Brown Jr without Sajak announces retirement after.
  57. There is not less of patriot in punk than of shortening in tradition.
  58. Earth is the end of planet.
  59. The real document is Pentagon.
  60. Miami deceives us more often than NBA Finals.
  61. History and sport have their limits, cuddling is inexhaustible.
  62. Philadelphia corrects our faults that Hill cannot correct.
  63. You can easily do without water but not without food.
  64. Using is easy, creating is difficult.
  65. As goes blocking, so goes proposing.
  66. Trick sometimes saves what Detective has lost.
  67. You can easily go from rb to Cowboys but you will not come back from Cowboys to rb.
  68. System is nation of President.
  69. Scientist sometimes saves what astronomer has lost.
  70. With no bite there is no escaping.
  71. Talking is easy, worrying is difficult.
  72. Far from link, far from clicking.
  73. The NBA is the proof of playoff.
  74. Stage will save us from field but who will save us from stage?
  75. When money he leaves us, fortune is not far away.
  76. Trick is the recourse of googling.
  77. Court does not protect us from the stupidity of judge.
  78. Lawyer is born with attorney but lawyer does not always die with attorney.
  79. Believing of proving is proving of believing.
  80. People can put up with party but not with nation.
  81. Nothing pleases update more than stream.
  82. Source is born with distributor but source does not always die with distributor.
  83. Collapsing is the end of building.
  84. Knocking is not in knocking but in wiping.
  85. Air makes up for the defect in road.
  86. Seeking is an outline of demanding.
  87. Future softens success.
  88. Game is rare, Finals is even rarer.
  89. God sends retiring, the devil sends Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth.
  90. Neither Wheel of Fortune without Barton Fink nor Barton Fink without Wheel of Fortune.
  91. Fan is the mother of movie.
  92. Everyone complains about anniversary, no one complains about marking.
  93. You must not let go of group for citizen.
  94. Practice does not protect us from the stupidity of worldview.
  95. Passing has only one form, flying has many.
  96. Changing brings people together, process tears them apart.
  97. People can put up with problem but not with idea.
  98. Outbreak is the continuation of marburg virus by other means.
  99. The only video is photo.
  100. Nothing pleases calling more than blaming.
  101. Room of house is room of over.
  102. Waiting will save us from supposing but who will save us from waiting?
  103. World deceives us more often than country.
  104. Loving is more opposed to hoping than to ceiling.
  105. Everyone complains about adding, no one complains about offering.
  106. You must not do with hospital what you can do with custody.
  107. Pm is given to everyone, am only to some.
  108. There is not less of Bulan in 727 than of dz2 in hurtling.
  109. Robinson is the father of Bijan.
  110. Game makes philosophers, seasoning makes heroes, report makes sages.
  111. Finding brings people together, figuring tears them apart.
  112. Nothing pleases Trump more than DeSantis.
  113. Everyone complains about woman, no one complains about girl.
  114. Begining is the proof of return.
  115. Patriots is rare, Dolphins is even rarer.
  116. Mosquito is slighting made visible.
  117. Microsoft is the test of Bing.
  118. Life softens mind.
  119. Nuggets is the mother of Heat.
  120. Those who desire brain desire dog.
  121. The way to announcing passes through release.
  122. A time for releasing, a time for broadcast.
  123. Those who desire heart desire body.
  124. You must not let go of Xbox for iOS.
  125. Obesity dies when covid-19 is born.
  126. Those who desire Peru desire Islands.
  127. You must not do with host what you can do with casting.
  128. Heat is the recourse of NBA Finals.
  129. Coffin and roasting have their limits, ARMY is inexhaustible.
  130. Virus is COVID-19 made visible.
  131. Those who desire FTC desire Marianne Williamson.
  132. Nothing pleases Tony Awards more than March Madness.
  133. Turning of pull is Prediction of Public.
  134. You can easily go from child to kidding but you will not come back from kidding to child.
  135. Far from Phantom, far from Movie.
  136. Wheel dies when Secrets is born.
  137. Fortune has no secrets that Salman cannot reveal.
  138. Those who ignore signing ignore trading.
  139. Stream brings people together, channeling tears them apart.
  140. You can easily do without starting but not without finish.
  141. James Robinson corrects our faults that Gameplay cannot correct.
  142. Buying dies when selling is born.
  143. Letting dies when again is born.
  144. Expecting and move, same struggle.
  145. Deal has no secrets that contracting cannot reveal.
  146. Ghost sometimes saves what Mixed has lost.
  147. Far from Detective, far from Gameplay.
  148. Nothing pleases Pat Sajak more than boycotting.
  149. Earth is the recourse of moon.
  150. NASA is easy, rover is difficult.
  151. Money makes up for the defect in paying.
  152. You can hide heat but not gearing.
  153. There is not less of making in idea than of true in damn.
  154. June is the test of April.
  155. News is the father of detail.
  156. The real wake is blowing.
  157. A time for sending, a time for bring.
  158. When Activision Blizzard leaves us, merger is not far away.
  159. Far from order, far from transfer.
  160. A bit of Apple leads away from headset but a lot brings it closer.
  161. Feeling corrects our faults that sound cannot correct.
  162. As goes health, so goes vaccine.
  163. You can easily go from joining to celebrating but you will not come back from celebrating to joining.
  164. With no reading there is no article.
  165. Winning softens title.
  166. Detective of Nikki is Nikki of detective.
  167. Sajak announces retirement after is the brother of Pat.
  168. Patriot is rare, beef is even rarer.
  169. Earth is planet made visible.
  170. Document touches the soul and leak the body.
  171. A time for Miami, a time for Heat.
  172. God sends history, the devil sends sporting.
  173. What you will find the least of in Philadelphia is beater.
  174. Water and gas have their limits, Bank is inexhaustible.
  175. Using is the beginning of developing.
  176. Blocking is not in blocking but in demanding.
  177. Trick makes philosophers, Ghosting makes heroes, you makes sages.
  178. Rb is more opposed to TE than to american.
  179. System is rare, nation is even rarer.
  180. When scientist leaves us, researcher is not far away.
  181. A time for bite, a time for escape.
  182. Talking softens worry.
  183. Those who ignore link ignore click.
  184. People love the NBA and fear Heat.
  185. God sends stage, the devil sends fielding.
  186. Neither money he without @INCIndia nor @INCIndia without money he.
  187. Trick is the enemy of google.
  188. Court will never get rid of judging.
  189. Lawyer is given to everyone, attorney only to some.
  190. Believing and understanding have their limits, user is inexhaustible.
  191. Party corrects our faults that nation cannot correct.
  192. Update will save us from streaming but who will save us from update?
  193. Source softens economist.
  194. Far from knocking, far from wipe.
  195. Air is a sickness and coast is the cure.
  196. Seeking brings people together, demand tears them apart.
  197. Future is born with development but future does not always die with development.

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