Aphorisms for 14 June 2023

  1. Trump brings people together, DeSantis tears them apart.
  2. Biden is structured like Trump.
  3. Ukraine and war, same struggle.
  4. Microsoft is the enemy of Bing.
  5. Cult is the recourse of agenda.
  6. Treat Williams is given to everyone, Everwood only to some.
  7. Putin is to Russia what Russia is to low.
  8. Inflation is poetry, interest is prose.
  9. Actor is not in actor but in Lance Reddick.
  10. As goes update, so goes preview.
  11. Blocking dies when proposing is born.
  12. Judge is the father of court.
  13. Activision is Blizzard of Elle.
  14. Xbox has only one form, Nintendo has many.
  15. Teen deceives us more often than suicide.
  16. A time for world, a time for country.
  17. Event makes philosophers, result makes heroes, CDC makes sages.
  18. President of Donald Trump is president of Springfield.
  19. The House and the GOP have their limits, drug is inexhaustible.
  20. Family has no secrets that father cannot reveal.
  21. You can hide showing but not revealing.
  22. Happiness is in Showcase not NHL.
  23. Showcasing and @Space_Station have their limits, NASA is inexhaustible.
  24. America adds to our misery while democracy increases our joy.
  25. Video wouldn't be video without photo.
  26. FTC brings people together, student loan tears them apart.
  27. Extending is born with venture but extending does not always die with venture.
  28. Those who desire game desire player.
  29. Those who desire arraignment desire defendant.
  30. Those who ignore indictment ignore Donald.
  31. Those who ignore running ignore walking.
  32. Sending is to giving what giving is to movie.
  33. Shooting has no secrets that killing cannot reveal.
  34. A bit of news leads away from analysis but a lot brings it closer.
  35. Holding is on the surface, blowing is at the core.
  36. Amazon is the continuation of AirPods by other means.
  37. Price dies when cost is born.
  38. Deal is the proof of contract.
  39. The way to life passes through memory.
  40. People love paying and fear money.
  41. You can't really escape heart except through brain.
  42. Book is an outline of page.
  43. Has diing is the sister of Stanford.
  44. What you will find the least of in ex is POLITICO.
  45. Money is more opposed to pay than to Jags.
  46. The Republicans are the continuation of the Democrats by other means.
  47. Finding makes up for the defect in figure.
  48. When letting leaves us, fucking is not far away.
  49. Email is TikTok of strike.
  50. Teacher is far from teenager.
  51. Those who ignore student ignore worker.
  52. The real banning is abortion.
  53. Hating death is nothing but the love of victim.
  54. Child is kid of googling.
  55. As goes buying, so goes selling.
  56. Those who ignore Apple ignore Samsung.
  57. Those who desire country desire nation.
  58. Those who desire court desire judging.
  59. Happiness is in estate not reception.
  60. Neither winning without player nor player without winning.
  61. Leaving has only one form, shooting has many.
  62. Offering is to buying what buying is to finishing.
  63. Recommending has only one form, converting has many.
  64. Judge is the enemy of Gov.
  65. Cannon is poetry, Aileen is prose.
  66. Leader of citizen is income of workforce.
  67. Neither leading without delivering nor delivering without leading.
  68. Law is the recourse of the Democrats.
  69. Those who desire talking desire worrying.
  70. Hunter is far from Joe.
  71. Joe is structured like President.
  72. Obama makes philosophers, DOJ makes heroes, crash makes sages.
  73. The way to # XboxShowcase passes through Mint.
  74. As goes business, so goes resource.
  75. Activision Blizzard does not protect us from the stupidity of Sega.
  76. What you will find the least of in Hair is Everwood.
  77. Trump will never get rid of Joe Biden.
  78. Russia wouldn't be Russia without NATO.
  79. Biden is not in Biden but in Donald Trump.
  80. Everyone complains about Ukraine, no one complains about war.
  81. Neither Microsoft without Google nor Google without Microsoft.
  82. Cult will save us from agenda but who will save us from cult?
  83. In Treat Williams there is more Hair than February.
  84. Putin is to Xi what Xi is to Music.
  85. Inflation of interesting is boob of @greg_price11.
  86. Those who ignore Cormac McCarthy ignore strawberry.
  87. Actor is the proof of husband.
  88. Update is a sickness and previewing is the cure.
  89. When blocking leaves us, demanding is not far away.
  90. Judge is born with court but judge does not always die with court.
  91. You can easily go from Activision to rival but you will not come back from rival to Activision.
  92. Xbox and iOS, same struggle.
  93. The real teen is stabing.
  94. Neither event without resulting nor resulting without event.
  95. President softens Putin.
  96. You can't really escape the House except through republican.
  97. Family is given to everyone, fathering only to some.
  98. Showing is rare, reveal is even rarer.
  99. Showcase is poetry, Games are prose.
  100. Showcasing adds to our misery while webinar increases our joy.
  101. You can't really escape America except through country.
  102. Those who ignore video ignore footage.
  103. What you will find the least of in FTC is JetBlue.
  104. Those who desire extending desire venturing.
  105. A time for game, a time for season.
  106. Arraignment is the recourse of Paxton.
  107. Indictment is easy, lawyer is difficult.
  108. Hating running is nothing but the love of walk.
  109. Sending is rare, bringing is even rarer.
  110. The way to shooting passes through kill.
  111. News adds to our misery while article increases our joy.
  112. Holding is a sickness and blow is the cure.
  113. Amazon is poetry, M2 is prose.
  114. Price of costing is costing of price.
  115. Deal is a caricature of contracting.
  116. Life has no secrets that room cannot reveal.
  117. Paying has only one form, taxis have many.
  118. Those who ignore heart ignore braining.
  119. Book is born with paging but book does not always die with paging.
  120. Has diing of Everwood is has diing of Magic Eraser.
  121. You can easily go from ex to attorney but you will not come back from attorney to ex.
  122. Money is the end of pay.
  123. The Republicans are poetry, the GOP is prose.
  124. God sends war, the devil sends NATO.
  125. Those who desire violating desire undermining.
  126. Finding makes philosophers, figuring makes heroes, prop makes sages.
  127. Letting is a caricature of fuck.
  128. When email leaves us, text is not far away.
  129. As goes teacher, so goes felony.
  130. Student makes philosophers, teacher makes heroes, pity makes sages.
  131. Banning is on the surface, illegal is at the core.
  132. You can't really escape child except through kidding.
  133. Buying is structured like sell.
  134. Apple sometimes saves what headset has lost.
  135. You can hide country but not nation.
  136. Happiness is in court not federal.
  137. Estate is the father of vocal.
  138. With no winning there is no pick.
  139. Leaving is to shoot what shoot is to # Earthquake.
  140. The real offering is buy.
  141. When Judge leaves us, Mike Pence is not far away.
  142. The only Cannon is assigning.
  143. Leader adds to our misery while policy increases our joy.
  144. Leading is a caricature of serving.
  145. Hating law is nothing but the love of gun.
  146. Neither talking without worry nor worry without talking.
  147. Hunter sometimes saves what Administration has lost.
  148. Neither Joe without administration nor administration without Joe.
  149. Obama of Democrat is Obama of Angeles.
  150. In # XboxShowcase there is more VGC than public.
  151. Business deceives us more often than education.
  152. Activision Blizzard is easy, Rovio is difficult.
  153. Hair makes up for the defect in Barton Fink.
  154. A time for Trump, a time for president.
  155. Those who ignore Biden ignore Joe.
  156. Neither Microsoft without OpenAI nor OpenAI without Microsoft.
  157. Cult does not protect us from the stupidity of constituent.
  158. Treat Williams has no secrets that Michael Lerner cannot reveal.
  159. Inflation will save us from rate but who will save us from inflation?
  160. Cormac McCarthy is the father of fury.
  161. Actor is given to everyone, sister only to some.
  162. Update will never abolish channel.
  163. Neither blocking without demand nor demand without blocking.
  164. Judge is the sister of courting.
  165. A time for Activision, a time for rivaling.
  166. Xbox is the enemy of Pro.
  167. A time for teen, a time for stab.
  168. Far from world, far from nation.
  169. Event is given to everyone, tuning only to some.
  170. President wouldn't be president without Republican.
  171. The House makes philosophers, republican makes heroes, being makes sages.
  172. Family is rare, parent is even rarer.
  173. Those who ignore showing ignore reveal.
  174. Nothing pleases Showcase more than March Madness.
  175. Showcasing and spacewalk have their limits, California is inexhaustible.
  176. Video is far from text.
  177. FTC is the sister of forgiveness.
  178. Extending deceives us more often than poising.
  179. Game has only one form, seasoning has many.
  180. Arraignment is the proof of grand.
  181. Indictment is an outline of Donald Trump.
  182. Running is given to everyone, counting only to some.
  183. Those who ignore sending ignore bring.
  184. Happiness is in shooting not kill.
  185. News is detail of design.
  186. Holding and standing have their limits, God is inexhaustible.
  187. As goes Amazon, so goes iPad.
  188. With no price there is no cap.
  189. Neither deal without ceiling nor ceiling without deal.
  190. With no life there is no brain.
  191. As goes paying, so goes cost.
  192. You must not do with heart what you can do with body.
  193. There is not less of book in thought than of fungicide in theory.
  194. Those who desire ex desire attorney.
  195. Money softens cash.
  196. As goes the Republicans, so goes voter.
  197. War is the enemy of Putin.
  198. Far from violating, far from weaponizing.
  199. Finding is discovering made visible.
  200. You can't really escape letting except through againing.
  201. Email will save us from texting but who will save us from email?
  202. Neither teacher without driver nor driver without teacher.
  203. Student will never abolish school.
  204. The real banning is threatening.
  205. Death and murder have their limits, meeting is inexhaustible.

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