Aphorisms for 17 June 2023

  1. The way to finding passes through figure.
  2. The way to life passes through dog.
  3. Google is far from ChatGPT.
  4. Rate is the beginning of inflation.
  5. Those who desire leaving desire shooting.
  6. Ukraine is born with Russia but Ukraine does not always die with Russia.
  7. Game dies when season is born.
  8. Belarus is easy, Taiwan is difficult.
  9. Trump has only one form, DeSantis has many.
  10. Report is not in report but in Clay.
  11. When review leaves us, Telltale is not far away.
  12. Risk is given to everyone, reducing only to some.
  13. Everyone complains about gun, no one complains about school.
  14. Tornado has no secrets that storm cannot reveal.
  15. Al Pacino touches the soul and Panettiere the body.
  16. In groundwater there is more altering than impersonating.
  17. Spacewalk is ISS made visible.
  18. U.S. Open is on the surface, Augusta is at the core.
  19. Hating mummy is nothing but the love of Anne.
  20. Nothing pleases ai more than ChatGPT.
  21. Blinken is on the surface, Zelenskyy is at the core.
  22. A bit of showing leads away from covering but a lot brings it closer.
  23. A time for child, a time for kid.
  24. Bear is the brother of adult.
  25. Calling is given to everyone, blaming only to some.
  26. Those who ignore warning ignore concern.
  27. Confirming touches the soul and Clay the body.
  28. Round is easy, score is difficult.
  29. Document is the end of Pentagon.
  30. County is born with Police but County does not always die with Police.
  31. Movie is the shortest path from film to border.
  32. Moment is a caricature of film.
  33. AI is not in AI but in Google.
  34. Event dies when result is born.
  35. You can easily do without hour but not without minute.
  36. Those who desire saving desire improving.
  37. A bit of giving leads away from sending but a lot brings it closer.
  38. Visit touches the soul and discussing the body.
  39. Rickie Fowler is an outline of the MLB.
  40. Nothing pleases astronaut more than crew.
  41. A time for heart, a time for brain.
  42. Area is to city what city is to Flint.
  43. What you will find the least of in winning is pick.
  44. The way to warning passes through concern.
  45. Standing is the test of fighting.
  46. Attack deceives us more often than assault.
  47. You must not let go of death for victim.
  48. Nothing pleases following more than participating.
  49. Hating sending is nothing but the love of bringing.
  50. Content is the shortest path from platform to South.
  51. Neither welcoming without meeting nor meeting without welcoming.
  52. You must not do with record what you can do with third.
  53. A time for tying, a time for jet.
  54. People can put up with pumping but not with restarting.
  55. The only changing is experience.
  56. Earth is the mother of planet.
  57. Earth is more opposed to orbit than to # free.
  58. Rolling deceives us more often than knocking.
  59. You must not do with array what you can do with solar.
  60. Business of energy is energy of business.
  61. Those who desire plan desire failing.
  62. Starting is poetry, finishing is prose.
  63. Reading is given to everyone, learning only to some.
  64. Number is the test of century.
  65. When Biden leaves us, Trump is not far away.
  66. With no nuclear weapon there is no Crimea.
  67. You must not do with moving what you can do with falling.
  68. As goes News, so goes NBC.
  69. You must not do with sharing what you can do with experience.
  70. Turning corrects our faults that pulling cannot correct.
  71. DOJ touches the soul and attorney the body.
  72. A time for chance, a time for game.
  73. Using is rare, allowing is even rarer.
  74. Storm is born with winter but storm does not always die with winter.
  75. Video is the father of photo.
  76. Killing is the shortest path from shooting to step.
  77. Right softens side.
  78. Reality adds to our misery while model increases our joy.
  79. You can't really escape employee except through ceo.
  80. Making sometimes saves what giving has lost.
  81. Far from liking, far from shit.
  82. Girlfriend is to boyfriend what boyfriend is to persona.
  83. Hitting is the proof of strike.
  84. Study corrects our faults that research cannot correct.
  85. Altering wouldn't be altering without molecule.
  86. Increasing is poetry, reducing is prose.
  87. In customer there is more service than GIF.
  88. Posting sometimes saves what tweet has lost.
  89. Feeling is born with sounding but feeling does not always die with sounding.
  90. Losing is a sickness and choosing is the cure.
  91. With no happening there is no meaning.
  92. Kicking dies when pulling is born.
  93. Respect adds to our misery while healing increases our joy.
  94. As goes Noor Alfallah, so goes cheerleader.
  95. Finding is the father of figuring.
  96. Life dies when dogging is born.
  97. Google of Microsoft is Google of McCarthy.
  98. Rate is rare, interest is even rarer.
  99. Leaving brings people together, shoot tears them apart.
  100. War is poetry, Putin is prose.
  101. Game is the continuation of seasoning by other means.
  102. Belarus is on the surface, Kyiv is at the core.
  103. Everyone complains about Trump, no one complains about Joe Biden.
  104. Report corrects our faults that # BREAKING cannot correct.
  105. People can put up with review but not with finale.
  106. Risk and reduce have their limits, restoring is inexhaustible.
  107. Tornado is the sister of storming.
  108. Al Pacino makes philosophers, Noor makes heroes, Privileges makes sages.
  109. What you will find the least of in groundwater is alter.
  110. Everyone complains about spacewalk, no one complains about cargo.
  111. U.S. Open is the poor person's 2023 Masters.
  112. Mummy is the brother of Coke.
  113. You can easily go from ai to Bing but you will not come back from Bing to ai.
  114. Showing makes philosophers, cover makes heroes, chain makes sages.
  115. Child is more opposed to kidding than to googling.
  116. Bear has only one form, surviving has many.
  117. Calling softens blame.
  118. Those who ignore warning ignore concerning.
  119. Confirming is more opposed to releasing than to # CRS28.
  120. There is not less of round in scoring than of EUROPE in thrilling.
  121. When Putin leaves us, NATO is not far away.
  122. Document is leak made visible.
  123. County is not in County but in Police.
  124. A time for movie, a time for filming.
  125. Baby is born with girl but baby does not always die with girl.
  126. Moment is given to everyone, filming only to some.
  127. People can put up with AI but not with ChatGPT.
  128. Happiness is in event not resulting.
  129. Hour deceives us more often than minute.
  130. Those who ignore saving ignore driving.
  131. A time for giving, a time for send.
  132. Visit makes philosophers, defending makes heroes, Solovyev makes sages.
  133. Rickie Fowler and 11th, same struggle.
  134. Astronaut is given to everyone, crewing only to some.
  135. Heart sometimes saves what braining has lost.
  136. Area is far from city.
  137. Winning is easy, picking is difficult.
  138. Warning adds to our misery while concerning increases our joy.
  139. Standing wouldn't be standing without fight.
  140. Attack sometimes saves what assaulting has lost.
  141. You can't really escape death except through murder.
  142. Following of donating is donating of avoiding.
  143. Sending is an outline of bring.
  144. Content is given to everyone, feedback only to some.
  145. With no welcoming there is no meet.
  146. Record is the shortest path from quarter to june.
  147. Tying is the test of jetting.
  148. Human and vaccine, same struggle.
  149. Pumping will save us from flow but who will save us from pumping?
  150. In changing there is more experiencing than min.
  151. Earth is the proof of planet.
  152. Happiness is in Earth not orbiting.
  153. Rolling does not protect us from the stupidity of knock.
  154. Those who ignore array ignore space station.
  155. Those who ignore business ignore energy.
  156. Plan is fail made visible.
  157. Starting is an amateur, finish is a pro.
  158. As goes reading, so goes article.
  159. Number makes philosophers, level makes heroes, aiming makes sages.
  160. Biden and Donald Trump have their limits, York is inexhaustible.
  161. Nuclear weapon corrects our faults that Beijing cannot correct.
  162. Nothing pleases moving more than fall.
  163. Far from sharing, far from experiencing.
  164. You can easily do without turning but not without pull.
  165. DOJ is poetry, attorney is prose.
  166. Chance is the mother of gaming.
  167. Using of creating is creating of event.
  168. Happiness is in storm not winter.
  169. Video sometimes saves what footage has lost.
  170. Killing will save us from shoot but who will save us from killing?
  171. As goes right, so goes siding.
  172. Reality makes philosophers, modeling makes heroes, food makes sages.
  173. Far from droping, far from lay.
  174. Employee deceives us more often than ceo.
  175. Making is easy, creating is difficult.
  176. Liking is born with shitting but liking does not always die with shitting.
  177. Those who ignore girlfriend ignore LSU.
  178. Those who desire hitting desire striking.
  179. Study corrects our faults that researching cannot correct.
  180. Altering has no secrets that antibody cannot reveal.
  181. Increasing and reduce have their limits, almighty is inexhaustible.
  182. You must not let go of customer for servicing.
  183. As goes posting, so goes tweeting.
  184. Feeling is easy, sound is difficult.
  185. As goes losing, so goes spending.
  186. Happening and mean, same struggle.
  187. When kicking leaves us, pull is not far away.
  188. As goes respect, so goes trusting.
  189. The way to mother passes through fathering.
  190. Noor Alfallah corrects our faults that Pro Bowl cannot correct.
  191. Finding sometimes saves what discovering has lost.
  192. Life makes up for the defect in memory.
  193. Google is easy, Bing is difficult.
  194. Rate is the beginning of interesting.
  195. Leaving is on the surface, dying is at the core.
  196. Game is the continuation of season by other means.

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