Aphorisms for 18 June 2023

  1. Biden does not protect us from the stupidity of Trump.
  2. Deal is the enemy of agreement.
  3. You must not let go of finding for figure.
  4. Injuring is the shortest path from wounding to globalist.
  5. With no planet there is no earth.
  6. George is rare, Bush is even rarer.
  7. God sends SEC, the devil sends proposal.
  8. Earth does not protect us from the stupidity of planet.
  9. You can't really escape Day except through Valentine.
  10. A time for Philadelphia, a time for Beach.
  11. Baltimore is the enemy of shuttle.
  12. Neither the U.S. without UK nor UK without the U.S..
  13. Father brings people together, Hope tears them apart.
  14. What you will find the least of in Red Sox are Jun.
  15. Russia is born with China but Russia does not always die with China.
  16. Fetterman softens Boebert.
  17. Pride is an outline of Dodger.
  18. June is structured like April.
  19. Team is more opposed to player than to Car.
  20. You must not do with Kourtney Kardashian what you can do with Jeremy Renner.
  21. Neither Netflix without HBO nor HBO without Netflix.
  22. In killing there is more shooting than Taylor Swift.
  23. Revealing of discovering is revealing of water.
  24. Bob Huggins adds to our misery while @cbeckj increases our joy.
  25. Neither Charlotte without Cameron nor Cameron without Charlotte.
  26. Guy is shit made visible.
  27. Father is a caricature of son.
  28. Happiness is in plan not failing.
  29. Far from making, far from would being.
  30. You can hide night but not weekend.
  31. Baby is the poor person's boy.
  32. God sends news, the devil sends Spark.
  33. Expecting will never abolish moving.
  34. Everyone complains about Flash, no one complains about Mandalorian.
  35. The real Saturn is Enceladus.
  36. Putin is a sickness and Russia is the cure.
  37. Event is the proof of result.
  38. You can easily do without head but not without step.
  39. People can put up with bus but not with truck.
  40. Following is rare, donating is even rarer.
  41. A time for Friday, a time for Thursday.
  42. A bit of signing leads away from setting but a lot brings it closer.
  43. Court is far from judge.
  44. As goes life, so goes memory.
  45. Child is the enemy of kid.
  46. A time for talking, a time for complaining.
  47. A bit of dying leads away from shooting but a lot brings it closer.
  48. Peace is far from Putin.
  49. You can easily do without hitting but not without collapse.
  50. Opinion is not in opinion but in Sheneman.
  51. Collapse of train derailment is train derailment of Mariah.
  52. Water will save us from food but who will save us from water?
  53. Calling is the shortest path from blaming to usurping.
  54. Building sometimes saves what dozen has lost.
  55. Those who ignore Dodgers ignore Golf.
  56. Everyone complains about Saturday, no one complains about Sunday.
  57. A time for government, a time for Congress.
  58. Travis has no secrets that booing cannot reveal.
  59. Those who desire changing desire solving.
  60. Avatar has only one form, Review has many.
  61. Airbender makes philosophers, Avatar makes heroes, # Earthquake makes sages.
  62. Action of position is position of offering.
  63. Fire of crash is probable of lockdown.
  64. With no world there is no country.
  65. When using leaves us, allowing is not far away.
  66. A time for standing, a time for fighting.
  67. Giving has no secrets that sending cannot reveal.
  68. Meaning will never abolish realizing.
  69. S is the beginning of tho.
  70. A time for flash, a time for Speaker McCarthy pushes through.
  71. Shooting is born with kill but shooting does not always die with kill.
  72. Report is more opposed to # UPDATE than to straw.
  73. Reopening is the test of Bucks.
  74. Police is the continuation of officer by other means.
  75. Hour is the recourse of minute.
  76. The real wave is debris.
  77. Update of stream is update of @Stationhead.
  78. According is the proof of presenting.
  79. Charge will save us from arresting but who will save us from charge?
  80. Reaching corrects our faults that laying cannot correct.
  81. Asset is the recourse of investment.
  82. WVU is rare, @cbeckj is even rarer.
  83. A bit of resigning leads away from affair but a lot brings it closer.
  84. Weekend is an amateur, summer is a pro.
  85. Those who ignore game ignore player.
  86. Moon has only one form, Jupiter has many.
  87. With no sky there is no planet.
  88. Appearing is an outline of testifying.
  89. When country leaves us, nation is not far away.
  90. Living of channel is channel of premium.
  91. Bill is poetry, voter is prose.
  92. Sending is the shortest path from defending to president.
  93. Paying is the rule of money.
  94. The real liking is shit.
  95. When believing leaves us, hating is not far away.
  96. There is not less of Joe Biden in Donald Trump than of Super Bowl in tonight.
  97. Attack corrects our faults that assault cannot correct.
  98. L is the beginning of Auto.
  99. When selling leaves us, buying is not far away.
  100. Starting is a caricature of finishing.
  101. Causing of damage is Wednesday of Sunday.
  102. Letting softens fucking.
  103. Droping has no secrets that laying cannot reveal.
  104. You can easily do without source but not without @ShamsCharania.
  105. What you will find the least of in Biden is Donald Trump.
  106. What you will find the least of in Ukraine is war.
  107. As goes deal, so goes contract.
  108. Finding sometimes saves what figuring has lost.
  109. Far from injuring, far from wound.
  110. Planet of earth is individual cigarette of impact.
  111. George will never get rid of Andrew.
  112. SEC of lawsuit is lawsuit of SEC.
  113. A time for earth, a time for asteroid.
  114. Day is Valentine made visible.
  115. Philadelphia is the proof of Utah.
  116. Those who ignore Baltimore ignore El Paso.
  117. There is not less of the U.S. in military than of Ummah in unity.
  118. Father is poetry, celebration is prose.
  119. Those who ignore Red Sox ignore Apr.
  120. Fetterman is the shortest path from Desantis to party.
  121. With no Pride there is no Huskies.
  122. June is far from March.
  123. A time for team, a time for player.
  124. Those who ignore Kourtney Kardashian ignore emotional.
  125. Those who ignore Netflix ignore SKY.
  126. In killing there is more shoot than Taylor Swift.
  127. Revealing is to psychedelic what psychedelic is to Islamic Republic.
  128. Bob Huggins is on the surface, James Robinson is at the core.
  129. Charlotte of Nicole is ex of POLITICO.
  130. People can put up with guy but not with shitting.
  131. Neither father without sonning nor sonning without father.
  132. Plan sometimes saves what fail has lost.
  133. A bit of making leads away from proving but a lot brings it closer.
  134. You must not do with night what you can do with evening.
  135. Baby is boy made visible.
  136. Everyone complains about news, no one complains about perspective.
  137. Expecting deceives us more often than move.
  138. Flash of Marvels are Marvels of reform.
  139. When Saturn leaves us, surface is not far away.
  140. Putin of NATO is NATO of warming.
  141. The way to event passes through resulting.
  142. Those who ignore head ignore steping.
  143. Bus is the continuation of trucking by other means.
  144. There is not less of following in reading than of movie in cast.
  145. Friday is the sister of Saturday.
  146. Signing is an amateur, set is a pro.
  147. When court leaves us, judging is not far away.
  148. Life corrects our faults that dog cannot correct.
  149. Everyone complains about child, no one complains about kidding.
  150. Talking sometimes saves what complain has lost.
  151. You must not do with dying what you can do with shoot.
  152. Peace is given to everyone, war only to some.
  153. Hitting is the recourse of collapsing.
  154. A time for opinion, a time for perspective.
  155. Collapse softens boat.
  156. You must not let go of water for gas.
  157. Calling is a sickness and blame is the cure.
  158. What you will find the least of in building is rubble.
  159. With no Saturday there is no Wednesday.
  160. Government has only one form, law has many.
  161. Those who ignore Travis ignore boo.
  162. You can easily do without changing but not without real.
  163. Avatar is the proof of Box.
  164. Airbender and adaptation have their limits, dressing is inexhaustible.
  165. Action is born with positioning but action does not always die with positioning.
  166. Fire is easy, crashing is difficult.
  167. World of nation is nation of world.
  168. A bit of using leads away from creating but a lot brings it closer.
  169. Standing sometimes saves what fight has lost.
  170. Giving is structured like send.
  171. Meaning will never abolish understanding.
  172. Flash is the continuation of MATIC by other means.
  173. A time for shooting, a time for kill.
  174. Report dies when warning is born.
  175. You can easily go from reopening to snowstorm but you will not come back from snowstorm to reopening.
  176. The way to police passes through suspect.
  177. Hour makes philosophers, minute makes heroes, bandit makes sages.
  178. A bit of wave leads away from midst but a lot brings it closer.
  179. Update is structured like streaming.
  180. Little accordings make big presents.
  181. Charge is rare, arrest is even rarer.
  182. Those who ignore reaching ignore lay.
  183. With no asset there is no flow.
  184. You can hide WVU but not @DonaldP47082631.
  185. Resigning is a sickness and arraigning is the cure.
  186. Those who ignore weekend ignore morning.
  187. Those who desire game desire player.
  188. With no moon there is no Mars.
  189. The real sky is planet.
  190. Those who desire appearing desire retiring.
  191. Country of nation is nation of Sajak.
  192. Living is given to everyone, channeling only to some.
  193. Bill will never abolish government.
  194. Sending of bringing is bringing of sending.
  195. Liking is a sickness and shitting is the cure.

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