Aphorisms for 03 July 2023

  1. Student is the end of worker.
  2. Sale is the poor person's discount.
  3. Deal is the beginning of contract.
  4. Those who ignore saving ignore managing.
  5. Result brings people together, event tears them apart.
  6. With no home there is no house.
  7. Neither photo without image nor image without photo.
  8. Those who ignore laptop ignore strategy.
  9. Tesla is a sickness and Ford is the cure.
  10. You can hide Chicago but not South Carolina.
  11. Apple is an outline of headset.
  12. Those who ignore Baltimore ignore found deading.
  13. Madonna has only one form, Tina Turner has many.
  14. The only CDC is malaria.
  15. The way to starting passes through finishing.
  16. DeSantis makes philosophers, trump makes heroes, tweet makes sages.
  17. Trump is easy, Biden is difficult.
  18. When winning leaves us, title is not far away.
  19. Video makes up for the defect in photo.
  20. Campaign is born with arraignment but campaign does not always die with arraignment.
  21. Biden does not protect us from the stupidity of Hunter.
  22. Far from shooting, far from mass.
  23. Everyone complains about Twitter, no one complains about Google.
  24. Those who ignore news ignore living.
  25. The way to the Supreme Court passes through the GOP.
  26. France sometimes saves what Sudan has lost.
  27. Friday does not protect us from the stupidity of Thursday.
  28. Signing is given to everyone, contract only to some.
  29. Gun is easy, school is difficult.
  30. A time for loan, a time for payment.
  31. You can hide loving but not wishing.
  32. Leaving and shooting have their limits, gun is inexhaustible.
  33. With no medium there is no justice.
  34. A bit of mass shooting leads away from birthday party but a lot brings it closer.
  35. Action is the poor person's decision.
  36. Mass is an amateur, incident is a pro.
  37. Party is the sister of justice.
  38. Far from shooting, far from killing.
  39. Violence is a caricature of protest.
  40. When calling leaves us, blaming is not far away.
  41. Mayor is the shortest path from San Francisco to Scientology.
  42. News is the brother of ABC.
  43. Car brings people together, home tears them apart.
  44. You can easily go from city to town but you will not come back from town to city.
  45. Event is not in event but in resulting.
  46. Paying makes philosophers, money makes heroes, truth makes sages.
  47. Debt is a caricature of budget.
  48. As goes weekend, so goes summer.
  49. Limit is structured like gaining.
  50. People can put up with twitter but not with podcast.
  51. Health is the rule of safety.
  52. A time for WWE, a time for SmackDown.
  53. In money there is more pay than year old.
  54. Hearing is the beginning of remembering.
  55. A time for will being, a time for summer.
  56. A time for Florida, a time for Texas.
  57. Vaccine is structured like patient.
  58. Peak dies when KS is born.
  59. Child is a caricature of kid.
  60. @WWE is on the surface, smoothing is at the core.
  61. July is rare, June is even rarer.
  62. Neither student without bill nor bill without student.
  63. Far from sale, far from discounting.
  64. Deal is given to everyone, contracting only to some.
  65. Saving is far from keeping.
  66. Result corrects our faults that trend cannot correct.
  67. Far from home, far from housing.
  68. Photo does not protect us from the stupidity of imaging.
  69. In laptop there is more Administration than surrounding.
  70. Tesla of ev is Tesla of bioweapon.
  71. Chicago is the sister of Iowa.
  72. Apple is structured like Samsung.
  73. Baltimore will never get rid of Ecuador.
  74. As goes Madonna, so goes Pablo.
  75. Hating CDC is nothing but the love of Marburg.
  76. You must not do with starting what you can do with finish.
  77. DeSantis corrects our faults that trump cannot correct.
  78. Trump deceives us more often than DeSantis.
  79. Winning is titling of NWS.
  80. Video will never abolish footage.
  81. Campaign is the shortest path from candidate to poor.
  82. Those who ignore Biden ignore Joe.
  83. Far from shooting, far from wounding.
  84. Twitter sometimes saves what Elon Musk has lost.
  85. News is not in news but in live.
  86. The Supreme Court is the shortest path from the Republicans to MEDIA.
  87. Friday is far from Saturday.
  88. Signing is more opposed to contracting than to 50.
  89. A time for loan, a time for debt.
  90. Loving touches the soul and wish the body.
  91. Leaving and shoot, same struggle.
  92. Mass shooting sometimes saves what chocolate factory has lost.
  93. Those who ignore action ignore decisioning.
  94. Mass touches the soul and dozen the body.
  95. Shooting will never abolish kill.
  96. You can easily go from violence to protesting but you will not come back from protesting to violence.
  97. Calling will never get rid of blame.
  98. The real mayor is minister.
  99. In News there is more NBC than birth.
  100. Car deceives us more often than homing.
  101. A time for city, a time for area.
  102. A time for event, a time for final.
  103. You can easily go from paying to tax but you will not come back from tax to paying.
  104. Debt will never get rid of budgeting.
  105. Weekend of morning is morning of weekend.
  106. Limit is structured like gain.
  107. Twitter is the brother of Instagram.
  108. Those who ignore health ignore obesity.
  109. Hating WWE is nothing but the love of weekly.
  110. The only money is pay.
  111. Hearing is the father of complaining.
  112. Will being corrects our faults that club cannot correct.
  113. What you will find the least of in Florida is NYC.
  114. Vaccine is the father of drug.
  115. Those who desire Peak desire Fe.
  116. Child is born with kidding but child does not always die with kidding.
  117. What you will find the least of in @WWE is i thinking.
  118. You can hide July but not March.
  119. People love student and fear bill.
  120. As goes sale, so goes purchasing.
  121. Deal is the test of agreement.
  122. Saving is rare, staying is even rarer.
  123. Result will save us from trending but who will save us from result?
  124. Home is rare, house is even rarer.
  125. Photo will save us from Uranus but who will save us from photo?
  126. Laptop is the sister of NACS.
  127. Tesla makes philosophers, ev makes heroes, bioweapon makes sages.
  128. Chicago has only one form, Alabama has many.
  129. Apple is rare, vr is even rarer.
  130. With no Baltimore there is no gunfire.
  131. Madonna is the proof of Katie.
  132. Neither CDC without COVID-19 nor COVID-19 without CDC.
  133. Hating starting is nothing but the love of staying.
  134. DeSantis will save us from trumping but who will save us from DeSantis?
  135. Trump is the shortest path from president to extending.
  136. Winning is the shortest path from game to music.
  137. You can't really escape video except through image.
  138. Campaign of president is president of campaign.
  139. Biden will never get rid of Donald Trump.
  140. Shooting is structured like wound.
  141. Twitter of Facebook is Facebook of Twitter.
  142. News will save us from article but who will save us from news?
  143. The Supreme Court will save us from republican but who will save us from the Supreme Court?
  144. With no Friday there is no Tuesday.
  145. You can't really escape signing except through deal.
  146. The only gun is violence.
  147. When loan leaves us, funding is not far away.
  148. Loving and enjoying, same struggle.
  149. Those who ignore leaving ignore killing.
  150. Medium does not protect us from the stupidity of left.
  151. As goes mass shooting, so goes stampede.
  152. Action is born with place but action does not always die with place.
  153. When mass leaves us, explosion is not far away.
  154. Party is rare, action is even rarer.
  155. You can easily do without shooting but not without kill.
  156. You can't really escape violence except through assault.
  157. Calling is the end of criticizing.
  158. Mayor is born with minister but mayor does not always die with minister.
  159. News adds to our misery while Breaking increases our joy.
  160. Everyone complains about car, no one complains about house.
  161. City deceives us more often than destruction.
  162. A time for event, a time for final.
  163. Paying has no secrets that taxing cannot reveal.
  164. Debt is given to everyone, ceiling only to some.
  165. Weekend of morning is morning of weekend.
  166. A bit of limit leads away from debt but a lot brings it closer.
  167. You must not let go of twitter for comment.
  168. Everyone complains about health, no one complains about medical.
  169. As goes WWE, so goes Vegas.
  170. A time for money, a time for attention.
  171. Hearing is far from complain.
  172. With no will being there is no clubing.
  173. Florida is given to everyone, Iowa only to some.
  174. Those who ignore vaccine ignore druging.
  175. Peak has no secrets that Ver cannot reveal.
  176. Everyone complains about @WWE, no one complains about look liking.
  177. July is the rule of September.
  178. When student leaves us, billing is not far away.
  179. Sale is born with purchase but sale does not always die with purchase.
  180. When deal leaves us, ceiling is not far away.
  181. Little savings make big stays.
  182. Far from result, far from galaxy.
  183. People can put up with home but not with car.
  184. Photo is the continuation of dancing by other means.
  185. Laptop is easy, Activision Blizzard is difficult.
  186. Tesla has no secrets that investor cannot reveal.
  187. Everyone complains about Chicago, no one complains about the West.
  188. Apple and vr, same struggle.
  189. A bit of Baltimore leads away from downtown but a lot brings it closer.
  190. As goes Madonna, so goes Davy.
  191. CDC is marburg virus made visible.
  192. Those who ignore DeSantis ignore the GOP.
  193. Trump will save us from president but who will save us from Trump?
  194. Winning is a caricature of gaming.
  195. With no video there is no imaging.
  196. A bit of campaign leads away from president but a lot brings it closer.
  197. Biden and the GOP, same struggle.
  198. Shooting makes philosophers, Nashville makes heroes, do n't makes sages.
  199. Twitter is an amateur, email is a pro.
  200. There is not less of news in trend than of bug in positivity.

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