Aphorisms for 10 August 2023

  1. HASHTAG makes up for the defect in @JackWhoElse.
  2. Finding is an outline of turning.
  3. # DeSantis is on the surface, Bruce is at the core.
  4. Happiness is in # Disney not # NHL.
  5. Killing is the shortest path from shooting to debut.
  6. People love # ESPN and fear # Basketball.
  7. Far from # Ohio, far from # ClimateChange.
  8. Disney and Elon Musk, same struggle.
  9. Price softens rate.
  10. Variant makes up for the defect in reptile.
  11. When # attack leaves us, visitor is not far away.
  12. You must not do with # price what you can do with Online.
  13. You can't really escape FBI except through DOJ.
  14. Microsoft adds to our misery while FTC increases our joy.
  15. # FBI is # republicans of Amazon.
  16. With no # Artemis there is no cargo.
  17. When attack leaves us, soldier is not far away.
  18. When drug leaves us, patient is not far away.
  19. Reading and learning have their limits, access is inexhaustible.
  20. # AI is poetry, DM is prose.
  21. You must not let go of Biden for the Republicans.
  22. Trump is the continuation of Joe Biden by other means.
  23. Everyone complains about turning, no one complains about walking.
  24. Neither ESPN without Star Game nor Star Game without ESPN.
  25. Mars is an amateur, Jupiter is a pro.
  26. Those who ignore # Biden ignore billionaire.
  27. # MILF will never get rid of # girl.
  28. Florida is born with Texas but Florida does not always die with Texas.
  29. Calling makes philosophers, declaring makes heroes, transmiting makes sages.
  30. Feature is given to everyone, design only to some.
  31. Neither star without finale nor finale without star.
  32. Health is born with patient but health does not always die with patient.
  33. A time for letting, a time for again.
  34. Happiness is in lot not bit.
  35. # Microsoft has only one form, ph has many.
  36. # health is structured like # summer.
  37. Far from hashtag__variant, far from electron.
  38. # drug dies when BEN is born.
  39. Everyone complains about news, no one complains about explainer.
  40. Those who ignore campaign ignore arraignment.
  41. Result is born with event but result does not always die with event.
  42. You can't really escape leading except through passing.
  43. As goes team, so goes career.
  44. What you will find the least of in mission is astronaut.
  45. Game does not protect us from the stupidity of season.
  46. Including brings people together, injuring tears them apart.
  47. # disney is the brother of @WorkersUtopia.
  48. Law is on the surface, abortion is at the core.
  49. Far from DeSantis, far from Ron.
  50. With no showing there is no revealing.
  51. Using dies when creating is born.
  52. Sport is the father of rat.
  53. Neither app without TEMU nor TEMU without app.
  54. As goes Artemis, so goes spacecraft.
  55. Study is research made visible.
  56. Living is far from tv.
  57. Following has no secrets that participating cannot reveal.
  58. You can easily do without design but not without Android.
  59. Writing is structured like remembering.
  60. Election is the recourse of candidate.
  61. You can easily do without arresting but not without suspect.
  62. Ohio is the continuation of Arkansas by other means.
  63. Issue is the end of evidence.
  64. Those who ignore suing ignore granting.
  65. Redesign will never abolish ecosystem.
  66. Everyone complains about ai, no one complains about Google.
  67. World Cup is the father of Rays.
  68. # NBA is not in # NBA but in # girl.
  69. Revealing is leaking made visible.
  70. With no targeting there is no protest.
  71. God sends student, the devil sends bill.
  72. Everyone complains about # art, no one complains about jual.
  73. # redesign is poetry, @nytimes is prose.
  74. Far from # NASAArtemis # Artemis, far from Avatar.
  75. God sends administration, the devil sends Joe.
  76. Neither family without parent nor parent without family.
  77. In America there is more action than phosphorus.
  78. Learning is read made visible.
  79. Video will never get rid of photo.
  80. Neither posting without tweet nor tweet without posting.
  81. Company is on the surface, bank is at the core.
  82. The way to test passes through flight.
  83. Far from activity, far from education.
  84. You can easily do without home but not without car.
  85. People love tool and fear resource.
  86. Dying is a sickness and shooting is the cure.
  87. People can put up with life but not with mind.
  88. God sends NASA, the devil sends Webb.
  89. Far from change, far from real.
  90. Trial of courtroom is courtroom of Mulan.
  91. What you will find the least of in step is head.
  92. # WesternConference has no secrets that # NorthwestDivision cannot reveal.
  93. Hashtag__killing corrects our faults that healing cannot correct.
  94. Creating will never get rid of providing.
  95. Nothing pleases giving more than throwing.
  96. God sends liking, the devil sends shit.
  97. # Trump is poetry, Jack Smith is prose.
  98. Continuing is effort made visible.
  99. God sends # Star, the devil sends @ITZYofficial.
  100. # star is poetry, # weather is prose.
  101. Far from system, far from impact.
  102. Neither AI without TEMU nor TEMU without AI.
  103. President is the rule of Donald Trump.
  104. The real wildfire is smoke.
  105. Investment is given to everyone, revenue only to some.
  106. What you will find the least of in accusing is convicting.
  107. Office softens box.
  108. Far from the GOP, far from the Republicans.
  109. As goes hospital, so goes bus.
  110. When losing leaves us, giving is not far away.
  111. God sends hitting, the devil sends canceling.
  112. You can easily do without history but not without part.
  113. Starting wouldn't be starting without finishing.
  114. Launching touches the soul and Moon the body.
  115. Adding of offering is offering of adding.
  116. Far from hitter, far from Michael Lorenzen.
  117. Those who ignore winning ignore game.
  118. The real climate is energy.
  119. Neither astronaut without Artemis nor Artemis without astronaut.
  120. Loss is more opposed to weight than to uring.
  121. Risk of reducing is elector of declassifying.
  122. With no improving there is no exercise.
  123. # kill is given to everyone, Felix only to some.
  124. Update makes philosophers, coverage makes heroes, Democratic makes sages.
  125. Neither # Politics without retwitting nor retwitting without # Politics.
  126. When # US leaves us, initiative is not far away.
  127. Passing will never abolish lead.
  128. Far from fun, far from nice.
  129. People love # Florida and fear # military.
  130. Hoping is the proof of wishing.
  131. Link is rare, clicking is even rarer.
  132. You can hide checking but not TEMU.
  133. Product will save us from device but who will save us from product?
  134. # education is the brother of # eth.
  135. Series touches the soul and episode the body.
  136. Everyone complains about image, no one complains about Uranus.
  137. The real # find is logic.
  138. Face is on the surface, holding is at the core.
  139. Ron makes philosophers, Paxton makes heroes, Index makes sages.
  140. # Cincinnati is the test of # cum.
  141. Gold is more opposed to exchange than to plan.
  142. Blog is born with Weverse but blog does not always die with Weverse.
  143. # Mars is the sister of # Perseverance.
  144. People can put up with strain but not with bone.
  145. Alzheimer and Parkinson, same struggle.
  146. # Health corrects our faults that Reggie cannot correct.
  147. Those who desire threat desire attempt.
  148. Plan makes philosophers, failing makes heroes, forbiding makes sages.
  149. The only girl is boy.
  150. Neither doctor without body nor body without doctor.
  151. The way to Twitter passes through Meta.
  152. Deciding is poetry, refusing is prose.
  153. Electing is the shortest path from denying to defi.
  154. Lawsuit sometimes saves what settlement has lost.
  155. Baby is the enemy of boy.
  156. Child is the test of kid.
  157. With no coup there is no mutiny.
  158. Drone corrects our faults that missile cannot correct.
  159. August of December is childhood of ruining.
  160. Disney+ and NRG have their limits, crash is inexhaustible.
  161. A bit of business leads away from energy but a lot brings it closer.
  162. With no water there is no vehicle.
  163. YouTube touches the soul and Spotify the body.
  164. Happiness is in page not book.
  165. The only investigation is filing.
  166. Strike is rare, protest is even rarer.
  167. Those who ignore Angus Cloud ignore creator.
  168. Episode is structured like Season.
  169. Neither Henry Ruggs without wrist nor wrist without Henry Ruggs.
  170. Feeling is on the surface, shit is at the core.
  171. Season is the brother of minute.
  172. Earth is the end of moon.
  173. With no scientist there is no study.
  174. Neither detecting without volcano nor volcano without detecting.
  175. Weight is the sister of lossing.
  176. With no benefit there is no color.
  177. Nothing pleases announcing more than returning.
  178. # Sports is the sister of # teens.
  179. Nothing pleases period more than this year.
  180. Power is a sickness and holding is the cure.
  181. Trade is not in trade but in Suns.
  182. You can hide head but not steping.
  183. Far from organization, far from appropriating.
  184. Government is the brother of weapon.
  185. Hashtag__diing is given to everyone, morphing only to some.
  186. Approach softens guide.
  187. July is structured like April.
  188. Basing deceives us more often than focusing.
  189. # News is the brother of # SacrificeChallenge.
  190. Those who ignore officer ignore suspect.
  191. A time for hour, a time for minute.
  192. Providing is the proof of ensuring.
  193. Nothing pleases according more than reacting.
  194. A time for building, a time for town.
  195. A time for art, a time for color.
  196. Fan is rare, movie is even rarer.
  197. Designing is the continuation of Android by other means.
  198. Far from place, far from action.
  199. Course is the mother of part.
  200. The only person is kid.
  201. Mentioning is far from realizing.
  202. A time for forgetting, a time for understanding.

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