Aphorisms for 15 August 2023

  1. Those who desire Trump desire Biden.
  2. Netflix is not in Netflix but in Heartstopper.
  3. # DeSantis is the poor person's Loan.
  4. In HASHTAG there is more @_Kel_Varnsen than toot.
  5. NASA and Mars, same struggle.
  6. A bit of # Argentina leads away from Band but a lot brings it closer.
  7. As goes # drop, so goes # lineart.
  8. Game will save us from season but who will save us from game?
  9. There is not less of world in country than of officer in shooter.
  10. You can't really escape finding except through figure.
  11. Living of tv is Apple of Twitter.
  12. # girl is the sister of # 18.
  13. # Trump is the brother of Judge.
  14. # Montana is born with # Brazil but # Montana does not always die with # Brazil.
  15. # NASA of # Space is # NASA of sergeant.
  16. Everyone complains about star, no one complains about film.
  17. Space is to moon what moon is to Gate.
  18. Those who ignore # MILF ignore # girl.
  19. # Biden has no secrets that Congress cannot reveal.
  20. A time for cult, a time for behavior.
  21. People love Biden and fear the GOP.
  22. Study is the end of researcher.
  23. Dementia will never get rid of exposure.
  24. Reading is a sickness and tweet is the cure.
  25. # Buffett wouldn't be # Buffett without # wga.
  26. Montana is U.K. made visible.
  27. You must not let go of climate for crisis.
  28. Disney has no secrets that Elon Musk cannot reveal.
  29. Calling will save us from speaking but who will save us from calling?
  30. Florida corrects our faults that Texas cannot correct.
  31. Little presidents make big republicans.
  32. Country is the end of nation.
  33. Neither DeSantis without the GOP nor the GOP without DeSantis.
  34. Leading is born with passing but leading does not always die with passing.
  35. There is not less of President in DOJ than of patient in dementia.
  36. Temperature does not protect us from the stupidity of hike.
  37. Everyone complains about # trump, no one complains about @JoeBiden.
  38. With no # star there is no # comics.
  39. When # Disney leaves us, # face is not far away.
  40. Ukraine is the continuation of war by other means.
  41. When election leaves us, court is not far away.
  42. Law adds to our misery while voter increases our joy.
  43. News wouldn't be news without hint.
  44. Campaign has no secrets that arraignment cannot reveal.
  45. You can easily do without lot but not without bit.
  46. With no following there is no participating.
  47. Giving is the rule of sending.
  48. Issue is poetry, threat is prose.
  49. As goes experiencing, so goes perfecting.
  50. Risk has no secrets that COVID-19 cannot reveal.
  51. With no region there is no south.
  52. Everyone complains about forgetting, no one complains about understanding.
  53. Sq is given to everyone, Hermes only to some.
  54. # Ukraine of # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine is # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine of caring.
  55. Heartstopper corrects our faults that Finale cannot correct.
  56. Episode wouldn't be episode without series.
  57. You must not do with mission what you can do with astronaut.
  58. You can hide # study but not # StochasticTerrorism.
  59. Death is an outline of murder.
  60. Continuing is rare, serving is even rarer.
  61. Nothing pleases Argentina more than Belgium.
  62. Life and mind have their limits, @LauraLoomer is inexhaustible.
  63. Far from droping, far from reaching.
  64. Far from video, far from photo.
  65. Building is the recourse of service.
  66. Creating is an amateur, providing is a pro.
  67. As goes writing, so goes hearing.
  68. Hoping will save us from guessing but who will save us from hoping?
  69. You must not let go of war for Russia.
  70. Leader will never abolish justice.
  71. The way to student passes through bill.
  72. Review has no secrets that finale cannot reveal.
  73. Far from season, far from round.
  74. Hunger is to entertainment what entertainment is to Paraguay.
  75. With no # Star there is no # Sacramento.
  76. Science adds to our misery while color increases our joy.
  77. A bit of hearing leads away from remembering but a lot brings it closer.
  78. A time for facing, a time for stealing.
  79. Ron dies when Governor is born.
  80. Neither company without bank nor bank without company.
  81. God sends running, the devil sends walking.
  82. The U.S. is born with military but the U.S. does not always die with military.
  83. Those who ignore government ignore Congress.
  84. With no paying there is no money.
  85. Buffett has no secrets that dilemma cannot reveal.
  86. Far from making, far from giving.
  87. Supporting is rare, blaming is even rarer.
  88. Striking of fire is fire of striking.
  89. Dying is the rule of shooting.
  90. Hollywood dies when NYPD is born.
  91. Strike sometimes saves what fire has lost.
  92. Far from image, far from photo.
  93. In record there is more second than HOF.
  94. Believing and proving have their limits, exploring is inexhaustible.
  95. As goes drug, so goes patient.
  96. Happiness is in feeling not sounding.
  97. # USA will never get rid of # News.
  98. # Earthquake deceives us more often than # TREASURE.
  99. Far from # sismo, far from # Earthquake.
  100. When km leaves us, # Argentina is not far away.
  101. In info there is more t&c than # Biden # Harris.
  102. You can't really escape # climate except through # official.
  103. God sends winter, the devil sends Dublin.
  104. People can put up with # Chile but not with mm.
  105. Book and page, same struggle.
  106. Using is structured like creating.
  107. # education is the continuation of @DLF by other means.
  108. # disney sometimes saves what # Hollywood has lost.
  109. Member is on the surface, group is at the core.
  110. Those who ignore # Heartstopper # HeartstopperSeason2 # HeartstopperS2 # Heartstopper2 ignore # Ukraine # RussiaUkraineWar.
  111. Series is an outline of film.
  112. With no # art there is no # Business.
  113. Rising is the end of increasing.
  114. Growing is given to everyone, blowing only to some.
  115. Judge makes philosophers, jury makes heroes, Diego makes sages.
  116. Winning has only one form, pick has many.
  117. What you will find the least of in organization is religion.
  118. Star and MLB All have their limits, sushi is inexhaustible.
  119. Fried has only one form, Bankman has many.
  120. As goes stealing, so goes face.
  121. A time for flight, a time for orbit.
  122. What you will find the least of in ship is lifting.
  123. Backing sometimes saves what step has lost.
  124. When Berkshire leaves us, Alibaba is not far away.
  125. Family of parent is parent of calorie.
  126. Suggesting adds to our misery while warning increases our joy.
  127. Launching corrects our faults that mission cannot correct.
  128. Streaming and channel have their limits, constituting is inexhaustible.
  129. You can easily go from thief to Sarah Silverman but you will not come back from Sarah Silverman to thief.
  130. You can't really escape car except through home.
  131. Zooey Deschanel and lt;3 have their limits, Alwyn is inexhaustible.
  132. Neither Ashley Olsen without Cuoco nor Cuoco without Ashley Olsen.
  133. You can't really escape welcoming except through delivering.
  134. Writer is the beginning of Hollywood.
  135. In changing there is more process than Sept..
  136. Signing is given to everyone, agreement only to some.
  137. Expert will save us from vector but who will save us from expert?
  138. You can easily do without photo but not without imaging.
  139. Those who ignore causing ignore identifying.
  140. Heat is an amateur, traffic is a pro.
  141. God sends weight, the devil sends loss.
  142. God sends starting, the devil sends finishing.
  143. Administration will never get rid of Joe.
  144. You can hide # Politics but not # MAGA.
  145. With no # uspol there is no # desantis.
  146. Point brings people together, falling tears them apart.
  147. Loving will never abolish wishing.
  148. # News of # America is # America of # News.
  149. Letting is the mother of pleasing.
  150. Little waitings make big listenings.
  151. Min sometimes saves what yr has lost.
  152. What you will find the least of in story is picture.
  153. # Florida wouldn't be # Florida without Redick.
  154. Those who ignore climate change ignore regular.
  155. You can easily do without including but not without # bivalent.
  156. August is to April what April is to checking.
  157. M is rare, fee is even rarer.
  158. Money is a sickness and pay is the cure.
  159. What you will find the least of in # game is # EasternConference.
  160. # Space of # MarsPhoto is # Space of mischief.
  161. Trump is the sister of Joe Biden.
  162. Netflix corrects our faults that BTS cannot correct.
  163. Nothing pleases # DeSantis more than JOE.
  164. You can hide HASHTAG but not @JackWhoElse.
  165. NASA is the enemy of Jupiter.
  166. # Argentina is more opposed to bra than to everytime.
  167. # drop and # Commentary have their limits, contingency is inexhaustible.
  168. You can easily do without game but not without season.
  169. World adds to our misery while side increases our joy.
  170. Finding is the brother of figuring.
  171. Living is the end of tv.
  172. # Trump is more opposed to Vice than to visiting.
  173. # Montana has no secrets that # Variant cannot reveal.
  174. Those who ignore # NASA ignore # PerseveranceRover.
  175. Neither # dementia without breathing nor breathing without # dementia.
  176. Star is the end of filming.
  177. People can put up with space but not with moon.
  178. # 18 makes up for the defect in que.
  179. # MILF is an amateur, que is a pro.
  180. # Biden is the rule of leadership.
  181. Cult softens liberal.
  182. Biden is not in Biden but in the Republicans.

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