Aphorisms for 16 August 2023

  1. Trump deceives us more often than Biden.
  2. Netflix is structured like Broadway.
  3. # DeSantis is poetry, Weiss is prose.
  4. HASHTAG is the proof of @_Kel_Varnsen.
  5. You can easily do without NASA but not without Mars.
  6. A time for # Argentina, a time for Core.
  7. # drop is on the surface, # dogelonarmy is at the core.
  8. Game is an amateur, season is a pro.
  9. Nothing pleases world more than country.
  10. Finding is the continuation of figure by other means.
  11. Living is given to everyone, tv only to some.
  12. # Trump is the sister of Judge.
  13. Happiness is in # Montana not # RepublicanParty.
  14. Everyone complains about # NASA, no one complains about # Space.
  15. Hating # dementia is nothing but the love of # RealWages.
  16. Star is given to everyone, film only to some.
  17. What you will find the least of in space is moon.
  18. # 18 is the father of # MILF.
  19. There is not less of # MILF in # girl than of theory in tabloid.
  20. Everyone complains about # Biden, no one complains about senator.
  21. Little cults make big liberals.
  22. Biden of the GOP is the GOP of waveas.
  23. Study will save us from research but who will save us from study?
  24. Far from dementia, far from exposure.
  25. Reading is the brother of tweet.
  26. A time for # Buffett, a time for WEF.
  27. Montana corrects our faults that pension cannot correct.
  28. Climate is the poor person's research.
  29. Disney and Elon Musk have their limits, encryption is inexhaustible.
  30. Far from calling, far from blaming.
  31. As goes Florida, so goes Texas.
  32. When president leaves us, republican is not far away.
  33. Country corrects our faults that nation cannot correct.
  34. DeSantis is more opposed to the GOP than to restoring.
  35. Leading has only one form, tying has many.
  36. President and Hunter, same struggle.
  37. Temperature will never abolish payroll.
  38. Those who desire # star desire # beach.
  39. Ukraine and NATO, same struggle.
  40. You can easily go from election to candidate but you will not come back from candidate to election.
  41. A time for law, a time for voter.
  42. News is the test of channel.
  43. Campaign has no secrets that arraignment cannot reveal.
  44. With no lot there is no bit.
  45. Following is far from applying.
  46. Giving is a sickness and sending is the cure.
  47. Those who ignore issue ignore threat.
  48. Experiencing and example have their limits, AFP is inexhaustible.
  49. Risk dies when cancer is born.
  50. Those who desire region desire capital.
  51. Forgetting will save us from understanding but who will save us from forgetting?
  52. Sq of crore is sq of exploration.
  53. You can easily do without Heartstopper but not without Telltale.
  54. Episode is given to everyone, series only to some.
  55. In mission there is more astronaut than Tom Pelphrey.
  56. # study is the father of # video.
  57. Death adds to our misery while murder increases our joy.
  58. The real continuing is effort.
  59. You must not let go of life for brain.
  60. Droping will save us from reaching but who will save us from droping?
  61. Video is the rule of photo.
  62. You can easily go from building to travel but you will not come back from travel to building.
  63. Creating is rare, providing is even rarer.
  64. Writing dies when hearing is born.
  65. Hoping of wishing is wishing of # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine.
  66. Nothing pleases leader more than justice.
  67. Those who ignore student ignore bill.
  68. Review adds to our misery while finale increases our joy.
  69. Season is round of San.
  70. Hunger is a caricature of armor.
  71. You must not do with # Star what you can do with # Espn1320.
  72. Neither science without practice nor practice without science.
  73. Hearing makes up for the defect in write.
  74. Facing is easy, stealing is difficult.
  75. Ron makes up for the defect in lawyer.
  76. Company does not protect us from the stupidity of power.
  77. Those who ignore running ignore walking.
  78. The U.S. is not in the U.S. but in military.
  79. When government leaves us, Congress is not far away.
  80. What you will find the least of in paying is dollar.
  81. Buffett is rare, Nike is even rarer.
  82. Making makes philosophers, giving makes heroes, following makes sages.
  83. Far from supporting, far from protecting.
  84. Striking does not protect us from the stupidity of plane.
  85. There is not less of Hollywood in writer than of well in shit.
  86. Those who desire strike desire plane.
  87. Those who ignore image ignore Uranus.
  88. Those who ignore power ignore company.
  89. Record is the beginning of second.
  90. Believing is poetry, proving is prose.
  91. With no drug there is no patient.
  92. Feeling is a sickness and shit is the cure.
  93. Neither # USA without # News nor # News without # USA.
  94. # Earthquake will never abolish # architecture.
  95. # sismo will save us from # TrainingCamp but who will save us from # sismo?
  96. The only info is--photo.
  97. # climate is the continuation of # CyberSecurity by other means.
  98. Winter is born with borrowing but winter does not always die with borrowing.
  99. # Chile and Mountain, same struggle.
  100. Everyone complains about book, no one complains about page.
  101. Using touches the soul and creating the body.
  102. # education does not protect us from the stupidity of # obituaries.
  103. # disney is the mother of # SacramentoKings.
  104. Member has only one form, group has many.
  105. # Heartstopper # HeartstopperSeason2 # HeartstopperS2 # Heartstopper2 is the sister of # Ukraine # RussiaUkraineWar.
  106. Series is born with finale but series does not always die with finale.
  107. Far from # art, far from # ZhaoWenheng.
  108. Rising is the rule of increasing.
  109. Growing is an amateur, cleaning is a pro.
  110. Little judges make big jurys.
  111. Winning is the mother of starting.
  112. Organization will never abolish President Biden.
  113. Those who ignore Star ignore MLB All.
  114. Fried of Bankman is Fried of showing.
  115. Stealing does not protect us from the stupidity of face.
  116. Flight is the test of rocket.
  117. A time for ship, a time for venture.
  118. Party has only one form, show uping has many.
  119. Far from backing, far from step.
  120. Berkshire is not in Berkshire but in Zoo.
  121. Family brings people together, parent tears them apart.
  122. Far from suggesting, far from warning.
  123. Launching adds to our misery while Artemis increases our joy.
  124. Those who ignore streaming ignore channel.
  125. Thief is a sickness and reparation is the cure.
  126. Car is the recourse of house.
  127. You can't really escape Zooey Deschanel except through # WeaponizedGovernment.
  128. Ashley Olsen is rare, Cuoco is even rarer.
  129. Welcoming and delivering, same struggle.
  130. Clarence Avant is the rule of Godfather.
  131. Writer has no secrets that union cannot reveal.
  132. God sends changing, the devil sends world.
  133. Signing makes up for the defect in droping.
  134. You must not do with expert what you can do with People.
  135. Photo is more opposed to image than to military.
  136. Far from causing, far from identifying.
  137. Heat is a caricature of traffic.
  138. What you will find the least of in weight is loss.
  139. When starting leaves us, finishing is not far away.
  140. Administration is Joe made visible.
  141. # Politics sometimes saves what # MAGA has lost.
  142. # uspol is the brother of # desantis.
  143. Point softens place.
  144. Loving is far from wishing.
  145. # News is the enemy of # Germany.
  146. Letting and pleasing have their limits, uring is inexhaustible.
  147. Waiting corrects our faults that listening cannot correct.
  148. Min is given to everyone, 0 only to some.
  149. The real story is picture.
  150. A time for # Florida, a time for Rights.
  151. Hating climate change is nothing but the love of normal.
  152. Including is more opposed to according than to reacting.
  153. You must not do with August what you can do with April.
  154. Happiness is in m not €.
  155. As goes money, so goes paying.
  156. # game is the brother of # illustration.
  157. With no # Space there is no # MarsPhoto.
  158. Everyone complains about Trump, no one complains about Joe Biden.
  159. Netflix is the end of HBO.
  160. A time for # DeSantis, a time for # January6th.
  161. A time for HASHTAG, a time for @RealDoctorT.
  162. You can easily do without NASA but not without Jupiter.
  163. # Argentina of Gold is joining of celebrating.
  164. As goes # drop, so goes # ELONGEVITY.
  165. Game is to season what season is to report.
  166. You can easily go from world to side but you will not come back from side to world.
  167. Far from finding, far from figuring.
  168. Living is on the surface, tv is at the core.
  169. # girl is far from # 18.
  170. # Trump is given to everyone, Vice only to some.
  171. # Montana is more opposed to # cycling than to opening.
  172. God sends # NASA, the devil sends # MarsPhoto.
  173. # dementia makes philosophers, educating makes heroes, recession makes sages.
  174. Far from star, far from filming.
  175. Space is the enemy of moon.
  176. # 18 and que have their limits, Joe is inexhaustible.
  177. Far from # MILF, far from # Crypto.
  178. # Biden brings people together, senator tears them apart.
  179. Cult is easy, behavior is difficult.
  180. Neither Biden without Hunter nor Hunter without Biden.
  181. As goes study, so goes researching.
  182. Dementia is rare, diagnosis is even rarer.
  183. Reading deceives us more often than tweeting.

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