Aphorisms for 25 August 2023

  1. HASHTAG is the beginning of @_Kel_Varnsen.
  2. Trump corrects our faults that Biden cannot correct.
  3. As goes fire, so goes tornado.
  4. Little findings make big figures.
  5. Neither # St without LouisCardinals nor LouisCardinals without # St.
  6. There is not less of video in photo than of 12 in 7.
  7. # NFL is born with # Football # LosAngeles # LosAngelesChargers # NationalFootballLeague but # NFL does not always die with # Football # LosAngeles # LosAngelesChargers # NationalFootballLeague.
  8. Ukraine of war is war of Ukraine.
  9. God sends variant, the devil sends strain.
  10. Those who desire # ESPN desire # NBA.
  11. Setting makes philosophers, opening makes heroes, trusting makes sages.
  12. Neither NASA without SpaceX nor SpaceX without NASA.
  13. Space is the mother of moon.
  14. Those who ignore rate ignore price.
  15. Camera is an outline of album.
  16. With no continuing there is no economic.
  17. # COVID has no secrets that language cannot reveal.
  18. Following is not in following but in applying.
  19. Fed will save us from pause but who will save us from Fed?
  20. Number is not in number but in single.
  21. Cardinals do not protect us from the stupidity of Colts.
  22. Those who ignore hospital ignore bar.
  23. # Fed of outlook is upcoming of Card.
  24. Releasing is rare, announcing is even rarer.
  25. When death leaves us, victim is not far away.
  26. Star is born with series but star does not always die with series.
  27. God sends moon, the devil sends Jupiter.
  28. # NASA is # PerseveranceRover made visible.
  29. As goes # fire, so goes # Chase.
  30. Happening softens meaning.
  31. Neither bringing without giving nor giving without bringing.
  32. Hashtag__variant has no secrets that # Omicron cannot reveal.
  33. The way to update passes through coverage.
  34. Georgia is not in Georgia but in occupation.
  35. John of Lauro is Lauro of feel liking.
  36. Far from giving, far from bring.
  37. Lot of bit is tad of fat.
  38. Nvidia corrects our faults that cap cannot correct.
  39. Person is born with woman but person does not always die with woman.
  40. You can hide ESPN but not the MLB.
  41. Those who ignore # Trump ignore # SpecialCounsel.
  42. Loving is the enemy of remembering.
  43. A bit of game leads away from season but a lot brings it closer.
  44. # John will never abolish # speculativemaps.
  45. You can hide # mask but not 😢.
  46. War is not in war but in Russia.
  47. Those who desire morning desire weekend.
  48. Country will never get rid of nation.
  49. You can easily go from world to country but you will not come back from country to world.
  50. Those who desire returning desire head.
  51. Feeling has no secrets that imagining cannot reveal.
  52. Using makes up for the defect in resource.
  53. You can easily go from issue to condition but you will not come back from condition to issue.
  54. Those who desire # county desire # london.
  55. # debate is rare, # primary is even rarer.
  56. # studio is to # CincinnatiBengals what # CincinnatiBengals is to Michael Cohen.
  57. # Baseball # Cardinals # MajorLeagueBaseball # Missouri has only one form, # SaintLouisCardinals has many.
  58. # SaintLouisCardinals does not protect us from the stupidity of # St.
  59. Those who ignore Louis ignore Officer.
  60. LouisCardinals of # Culture is Aqsa Mosque of Aqsa.
  61. President softens Hunter.
  62. Neither County without Kentucky nor Kentucky without County.
  63. When election leaves us, trial is not far away.
  64. Killing of shooting is shooting of killing.
  65. When Maui leaves us, Lahaina is not far away.
  66. The U.S. is the father of UK.
  67. Talking is the continuation of worrying by other means.
  68. Reporting has no secrets that incident cannot reveal.
  69. The way to review passes through finale.
  70. You can hide image but not Uranus.
  71. Film is the shortest path from ring to space.
  72. Starting is an amateur, finishing is a pro.
  73. The real season is minute.
  74. Meaning is more opposed to wondering than to Swift.
  75. Mask is given to everyone, individual only to some.
  76. Those who desire # NBA desire # KennyCaraway.
  77. Study sometimes saves what researcher has lost.
  78. Far from news, far from explainer.
  79. When July leaves us, June is not far away.
  80. Those who desire team desire player.
  81. With no dying there is no shooting.
  82. Little remainings make big fears.
  83. Mission dies when astronaut is born.
  84. Happiness is in August not April.
  85. Risk is an outline of patient.
  86. Order corrects our faults that voting cannot correct.
  87. Sending sometimes saves what giving has lost.
  88. With no link there is no clicking.
  89. # trump is to trouble what trouble is to track.
  90. You can hide # USA but not # News.
  91. People can put up with # County but not with # Gas.
  92. As goes # Russia, so goes # Putin.
  93. There is not less of friend in kid than of covid in COVID.
  94. You can hide # CovidIsNotOver but not 🎨.
  95. # star is born with # washington but # star does not always die with # washington.
  96. Record is on the surface, third is at the core.
  97. # Arizona # ArizonaCardinals # Cardinals # Football makes philosophers, # Glendale # NationalFootballConference # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague makes heroes, Space makes sages.
  98. You can easily do without # Glendale # NationalFootballConference # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague but not without # Game.
  99. Those who desire showing desire revealing.
  100. Debate has only one form, the GOP has many.
  101. Nothing pleases picking more than draft.
  102. In Thursday there is more Tuesday than NH.
  103. Adding adds to our misery while fixing increases our joy.
  104. Joining adds to our misery while celebrating increases our joy.
  105. China will never get rid of Taiwan.
  106. Running is to walking what walking is to Plz.
  107. Those who desire losing desire hurting.
  108. The real water is vehicle.
  109. Offering corrects our faults that adding cannot correct.
  110. Audeze is the recourse of wireless.
  111. Winning makes philosophers, game makes heroes, feature makes sages.
  112. There is not less of moving in step than of swiftie in void.
  113. Studio is given to everyone, AMPTP only to some.
  114. Leading sometimes saves what passing has lost.
  115. You can easily do without News but not without NBC.
  116. Rising will save us from surging but who will save us from rising?
  117. COVID is an outline of virus.
  118. Covid will never get rid of vaccine.
  119. COVID-19 will save us from virus but who will save us from COVID-19?
  120. Place is an outline of America.
  121. Term of longing is term of off.
  122. Change sometimes saves what real has lost.
  123. Group has no secrets that gun cannot reveal.
  124. # WesternConference will save us from # PortlandTrailBlazers but who will save us from # WesternConference?
  125. # Sports and # Sacramento have their limits, # FishingknotsPlus are inexhaustible.
  126. You can't really escape making except through giving.
  127. Datum does not protect us from the stupidity of technology.
  128. A bit of drive leads away from train but a lot brings it closer.
  129. Thread is more opposed to clicking than to # Elections.
  130. Far from # COVID19, far from # severity.
  131. # covid has only one form, # DontSayGay has many.
  132. Neither # Wagner without Villavicencio nor Villavicencio without # Wagner.
  133. # Poland is not in # Poland but in # RussiaUkraineWar.
  134. # comics are # glitter made visible.
  135. Those who ignore # Star ignore # Trending.
  136. People can put up with # MLB # MLBNationalLeague # MLBNationalLeagueCentral # SaintLouis but not with # SaintLouisCardinals.
  137. Shot softens baseball.
  138. Causing touches the soul and preventing the body.
  139. Opinion deceives us more often than Ukrainska.
  140. Child and woman have their limits, the NBA is inexhaustible.
  141. A bit of threat leads away from fear but a lot brings it closer.
  142. When Pittsburgh leaves us, coaster is not far away.
  143. Learning and reading have their limits, balm is inexhaustible.
  144. Member dies when wagner troop is born.
  145. Air and Kyiv have their limits, Vice is inexhaustible.
  146. Hating stock is nothing but the love of market.
  147. You must not do with falling what you can do with jumping.
  148. You can't really escape report except through incident.
  149. Increase brings people together, interest tears them apart.
  150. Buying makes philosophers, earning makes heroes, workshop makes sages.
  151. Happiness is in including not according.
  152. You can easily do without age but not without teacher.
  153. Release has only one form, announcing has many.
  154. Far from creating, far from providing.
  155. Neither fact without problem nor problem without fact.
  156. Strain will never get rid of virus.
  157. Wearing sometimes saves what noticing has lost.
  158. Sepsis is the enemy of older adult.
  159. CDC is given to everyone, Marburg only to some.
  160. Neither company without bank nor bank without company.
  161. When holding leaves us, fighting is not far away.
  162. Idea makes up for the defect in matter.
  163. As goes story, so goes picture.
  164. Series is the recourse of episode.
  165. With no attack there is no soldier.
  166. Nothing pleases liking more than stuff.
  167. You must not do with community what you can do with freedom.
  168. Trial is the recourse of candidate.
  169. Point of person is accusing of suing.
  170. As goes supporting, so goes blaming.
  171. Sitting is throwing made visible.
  172. Hoping is the sister of praying.
  173. # politics is born with # poetry but # politics does not always die with # poetry.
  174. Level makes philosophers, low makes heroes, Tesla makes sages.
  175. You can easily go from version to all time but you will not come back from all time to version.
  176. You can easily go from Mac to M2 but you will not come back from M2 to Mac.

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