Aphorisms for 03 September 2023

  1. Ipo has only one form, sliding has many.
  2. Video wouldn't be video without photo.
  3. Far from game, far from season.
  4. God sends SpaceX, the devil sends cargo.
  5. Variant is poetry, strain is prose.
  6. # NASA is the brother of # podcast.
  7. People can put up with stock but not with market.
  8. NASA is the enemy of SpaceX.
  9. # Football softens # NationalFootballConference.
  10. Far from HASHTAG, far from @_Kel_Varnsen.
  11. # NationalFootballLeague # NFL does not protect us from the stupidity of # MajorLeagueBaseball # MLB.
  12. Those who desire # vampire desire # gaming.
  13. Bloodlines is a sickness and Masquerade is the cure.
  14. Mosquito is the mother of medication.
  15. Those who desire flight desire landing.
  16. Vampire is far from Olivia Rodrigo.
  17. As goes # masquerade, so goes pdt.
  18. A bit of moon leads away from Jupiter but a lot brings it closer.
  19. Far from space, far from moon.
  20. Galaxy of Z is Z of Galaxy.
  21. Hashtag__variant is easy, # Omicron is difficult.
  22. Mission of astronaut is softball of # maui.
  23. Ukraine of NATO is NATO of Ukraine.
  24. Those who ignore starting ignore entering.
  25. Neither # AI without # tech nor # tech without # AI.
  26. A bit of # Stock leads away from Kalibaru but a lot brings it closer.
  27. # Bloodlines has no secrets that extravaganza cannot reveal.
  28. There is not less of link in clicking than of # at in @TheRickWilson.
  29. Those who desire killing desire shooting.
  30. You can hide world but not nation.
  31. A bit of satellite leads away from orbit but a lot brings it closer.
  32. Those who desire including desire according.
  33. People love form and fear middle.
  34. Releasing is given to everyone, publishing only to some.
  35. Nothing pleases football more than the NBA.
  36. Those who ignore code ignore downloading.
  37. Revealing brings people together, leaking tears them apart.
  38. Hoping is more opposed to praying than to Rosales.
  39. Finding of figure is figure of # Vaush.
  40. Night is far from morning.
  41. Speed will never get rid of flight.
  42. Place is the brother of room.
  43. Those who desire New desire York.
  44. Reporting is alert of immune.
  45. Making will never get rid of giving.
  46. Country is born with nation but country does not always die with nation.
  47. August is structured like April.
  48. Ai is the beginning of tool.
  49. AI is given to everyone, ChatGPT only to some.
  50. The way to half passes through second.
  51. With no schedule there is no April.
  52. # Russia is poetry, # Putin is prose.
  53. Price makes philosophers, rate makes heroes, symptom makes sages.
  54. Horizons bring people together, 13R tears them apart.
  55. # Space is a caricature of # MarsPhotos.
  56. # AmericanFootballConference and # MLB have their limits, # asteroid is inexhaustible.
  57. # video is poetry, # Sports is prose.
  58. You can hide status but not fortune.
  59. # stock has only one form, # btc has many.
  60. Those who desire Jetfly desire # MOSQUITOOperator.
  61. Kmhaltitude makes philosophers, mdistance makes heroes, # Jacksonville # JacksonvilleJaguars # Jaguars # NationalFootballLeague makes sages.
  62. Mdistance makes up for the defect in kmangle.
  63. Kmangle is rare, ∆ is even rarer.
  64. You must not do with ° what you can do with ∆.
  65. Everyone complains about direction, no one complains about 343XCountry.
  66. Far from LX, far from OO.
  67. As goes leaving, so goes shooting.
  68. News is given to everyone, NBC only to some.
  69. With no spacecraft there is no cargo.
  70. A time for launching, a time for SpaceX.
  71. Rocket is an amateur, SpaceX is a pro.
  72. In targeting there is more protest than freedom.
  73. Tech is the rule of investment.
  74. Vampire has no secrets that WARS cannot reveal.
  75. Hating winning is nothing but the love of running.
  76. Moon does not protect us from the stupidity of Jupiter.
  77. A time for # SpaceX, a time for # Crew7.
  78. You can't really escape CCSFS except through @david_rumsey_maps#Hawaii.
  79. 13R will save us from # Earthquake but who will save us from 13R?
  80. # moon has only one form, # MastoArt has many.
  81. # NFL brings people together, # Football tears them apart.
  82. # NationalFootballConference is far from # NationalFootballLeague # NFL.
  83. Those who desire # photography desire # photooftheday.
  84. Nothing pleases lot more than bit.
  85. # IPO is an outline of # streamer.
  86. You can easily go from # IPO # GMPIPO to # WWDC2023 but you will not come back from # WWDC2023 to # IPO # GMPIPO.
  87. Everyone complains about enjoying, no one complains about wishing.
  88. # MOSQUITOOperator is the rule of aviationtype.
  89. With no food there is no business.
  90. Water is a sickness and vehicle is the cure.
  91. Rain sometimes saves what wind has lost.
  92. You can't really escape Bill Richardson except through Willowbrook.
  93. Happiness is in Google not Apple.
  94. Those who desire People desire God.
  95. People can put up with building but not with project.
  96. Hating investor is nothing but the love of profit.
  97. Neither showing without revealing nor revealing without showing.
  98. Little systems make big resources.
  99. Event and upcoming have their limits, Protection is inexhaustible.
  100. The only rally is SEC.
  101. Leader will never abolish justice.
  102. Selling is the rule of buying.
  103. When Legion Go leaves us, Lenovo is not far away.
  104. Battle is born with Kyiv but battle does not always die with Kyiv.
  105. A bit of Kevin Costner leads away from watchdog but a lot brings it closer.
  106. Neither Colorado without Beach nor Beach without Colorado.
  107. Space deceives us more often than Station.
  108. Everyone complains about photo, no one complains about Uranus.
  109. Image makes philosophers, Uranus makes heroes, dominating makes sages.
  110. When study leaves us, researcher is not far away.
  111. COVID-19 will save us from virus but who will save us from COVID-19?
  112. A bit of # Ukraine leads away from # Feodosia but a lot brings it closer.
  113. Sending is structured like giving.
  114. Rising is an outline of surging.
  115. There is not less of # space in # science than of--in male.
  116. # spacex is poetry, # suborbital is prose.
  117. Post of tweet is post of bp.
  118. Aug is rare, Jul is even rarer.
  119. You can't really escape gene except through therapy.
  120. As goes view, so goes picture.
  121. Everyone complains about # game, no one complains about # face.
  122. You must not let go of music for song.
  123. You can easily go from # art to # MastoArt but you will not come back from # MastoArt to # art.
  124. People love # Moon and fear # ESPN.
  125. A time for art, a time for bio.
  126. Strain is the mother of virus.
  127. There is not less of # Video in # vlog than of feel liking in bruh.
  128. # nature brings people together, # wildlife tears them apart.
  129. You must not do with allotment what you can do with # Tuesday.
  130. Hospital makes philosophers, Lukes makes heroes, greenhouse makes sages.
  131. With no detail there is no podcast.
  132. What you will find the least of in requiring is allowing.
  133. # Masquerade is the test of Robinson.
  134. When # mosquito leaves us, # comics is not far away.
  135. Ipo of slide is slide of ipo.
  136. Video has only one form, music has many.
  137. Game will save us from season but who will save us from game?
  138. You can't really escape SpaceX except through Starship.
  139. Those who desire variant desire straining.
  140. # NASA is the shortest path from # Mars to @getnickwright.
  141. Russia and NATO have their limits, Minister is inexhaustible.
  142. Stock deceives us more often than marketing.
  143. Far from NASA, far from Jupiter.
  144. # Football is the poor person's # NationalFootballConferenceEastDivision.
  145. HASHTAG is the enemy of @JackWhoElse.
  146. # NationalFootballLeague # NFL is easy, # Sacramento is difficult.
  147. # vampire is a caricature of # digitalart.
  148. Bloodlines is an outline of Honkai.
  149. Neither mosquito without virus nor virus without mosquito.
  150. With no flight there is no orbit.
  151. The only vampire is facial.
  152. You can easily do without # masquerade but not without au.
  153. Moon will never abolish Earth.
  154. The real space is moon.
  155. Those who ignore Galaxy ignore Z.
  156. Hashtag__variant brings people together, # BA2 tears them apart.
  157. There is not less of mission in spacecraft than of Shield in Rickie Fowler.
  158. Those who ignore Ukraine ignore war.
  159. Starting has only one form, finishing has many.
  160. # AI is the proof of # art.
  161. # Stock is rare, # ShinHanga is even rarer.
  162. When link leaves us, click is not far away.
  163. Killing is on the surface, shoot is at the core.
  164. World is a caricature of country.
  165. Satellite is orbiting made visible.
  166. Including is the test of accord.
  167. Form is the poor person's middle.
  168. You can easily go from # Colorado to # YT but you will not come back from # YT to # Colorado.
  169. With no releasing there is no hosting.
  170. Football sometimes saves what preseason has lost.
  171. You can hide Masquerade but not Vampire.
  172. With no code there is no download.
  173. Revealing makes philosophers, leak makes heroes, interest makes sages.
  174. Hoping and dream, same struggle.
  175. Finding of figuring is finding of # Vaush.
  176. Far from night, far from morning.
  177. A bit of speed leads away from delivery but a lot brings it closer.
  178. Place is given to everyone, line only to some.
  179. New is the end of City.
  180. God sends reporting, the devil sends alerting.
  181. A time for making, a time for achieving.
  182. Country is born with american but country does not always die with american.
  183. August of June is June of well.
  184. Ai softens tooling.
  185. AI makes philosophers, technology makes heroes, closing makes sages.
  186. Far from half, far from 90.
  187. Those who ignore schedule ignore Monday.
  188. Price dies when rating is born.
  189. Horizons is rare, # Indonesia is even rarer.
  190. The real # Space is # nature.

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