Aphorisms for 05 September 2023

  1. # Ukraine and # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine have their limits, Danny is inexhaustible.
  2. # Gabon and # Society, same struggle.
  3. China and Taiwan, same struggle.
  4. With no variant there is no strain.
  5. A bit of Apple leads away from headset but a lot brings it closer.
  6. News and NBC, same struggle.
  7. As goes # Duke, so goes Detective.
  8. People can put up with iPhone but not with pc.
  9. Gabon dies when Bridge is born.
  10. HASHTAG deceives us more often than @_Kel_Varnsen.
  11. # Biden is the end of administration.
  12. People can put up with Biden but not with the GOP.
  13. What you will find the least of in # China is # US.
  14. The only hashtag__variant is # Omicron.
  15. Meeting is a sickness and discussing is the cure.
  16. Little escapings make big inmates.
  17. Video is the sister of photo.
  18. Google and Apple, same struggle.
  19. # Meet is poetry, # Scientist is prose.
  20. Beach deceives us more often than roof.
  21. World is given to everyone, country only to some.
  22. What you will find the least of in singer is Biermann.
  23. # singer of @jazz is @jazz of SGE.
  24. # rescue and # westchester have their limits, involving is inexhaustible.
  25. Nothing pleases dying more than shooting.
  26. Making does not protect us from the stupidity of giving.
  27. President brings people together, DeSantis tears them apart.
  28. Game is not in game but in season.
  29. President makes up for the defect in DOJ.
  30. The real # escape is tire.
  31. A bit of turning leads away from walking but a lot brings it closer.
  32. Far from Labor Day, far from USFL.
  33. You can hide continuing but not economic.
  34. A time for rescuing, a time for surviving.
  35. When country leaves us, nation is not far away.
  36. Friend is far from kid.
  37. The real reporting is official.
  38. When US Open leaves us, French Open is not far away.
  39. Returning and flying have their limits, research is inexhaustible.
  40. Night dies when morning is born.
  41. What you will find the least of in hoping is dream.
  42. As goes reading, so goes listening.
  43. Those who desire # Apple desire # Photography.
  44. Far from # iPhone, far from Ethereum.
  45. # dogsofmastodon is the beginning of ol.
  46. Update is poetry, coverage is prose.
  47. Those who ignore leaving ignore shooting.
  48. Demand is the mother of challenge.
  49. Series is a sickness and episode is the cure.
  50. Bringing softens turning.
  51. Duke makes philosophers, Tournament makes heroes, 20 makes sages.
  52. Losing is the brother of giving.
  53. Far from hearing, far from remembering.
  54. # music touches the soul and # furry the body.
  55. Level is the mother of low.
  56. Hating letting is nothing but the love of pleasing.
  57. Neither announcing without unveiling nor unveiling without announcing.
  58. Using of tool is tool of using.
  59. When arresting leaves us, assault is not far away.
  60. Those who ignore # Rescue ignore # my_bibtex.
  61. Those who desire leader desire demanding.
  62. Setting adds to our misery while opening increases our joy.
  63. A bit of campaign leads away from the GOP but a lot brings it closer.
  64. Spending is not in spending but in later.
  65. Summer is rare, weekend is even rarer.
  66. Restoring dies when army is born.
  67. The way to fire passes through city.
  68. You must not let go of New for York.
  69. Little believings make big provings.
  70. Atlantic is not in Atlantic but in Malaysia.
  71. Far from killing, far from shooting.
  72. Those who ignore head ignore step.
  73. With no surviving there is no rescue.
  74. As goes claiming, so goes committing.
  75. Including is more opposed to according than to reacting.
  76. The only Smash Mouth is Steve Harwell.
  77. Passing makes philosophers, turning makes heroes, loud makes sages.
  78. Gary Wright is the mother of Bray Wyatt.
  79. Joe Jonas makes philosophers, Hackett makes heroes, slitting throat makes sages.
  80. People can put up with tour but not with Eras.
  81. You must not do with sharing what you can do with post.
  82. Woody Allen is easy, McConaughey is difficult.
  83. Those who desire writing desire remembering.
  84. Football will never get rid of draft.
  85. Clemson has only one form, QB has many.
  86. In leading there is more allowing than wannaing.
  87. In Jimmy Buffett there is more Coolio than quarantine.
  88. You must not let go of COVID-19 for virus.
  89. Nothing pleases # russia more than # NATO.
  90. # USA is # ZhaoWenheng of Nvidia.
  91. With no # news there is no # UK.
  92. # News is the mother of # USA.
  93. # jazz is the beginning of # Gaming.
  94. Administration is an outline of pledging.
  95. The only issue is threat.
  96. Staying is easy, keeping is difficult.
  97. Lot is given to everyone, bit only to some.
  98. Student sometimes saves what bill has lost.
  99. Finding is given to everyone, figure only to some.
  100. UK and the U.S., same struggle.
  101. There is not less of hashtag__diing in hashtag__accepting than of Bidenomics in @RonFilipkowski.
  102. # NAFO sometimes saves what # NATO # Russia has lost.
  103. Far from information, far from intelligence.
  104. Seat brings people together, roof tears them apart.
  105. Macron has no secrets that Xi cannot reveal.
  106. Strain of virus is strain of dead.
  107. Those who ignore # Ukraine ignore # war.
  108. Ukraine is the end of NATO.
  109. Everyone complains about Russia, no one complains about warring.
  110. China is born with NATO but China does not always die with NATO.
  111. With no variant there is no straining.
  112. What you will find the least of in Apple is Samsung.
  113. News is structured like Nightly.
  114. # Duke of # CostOfLiving is # CostOfLiving of false flag.
  115. Those who desire iPhone desire pc.
  116. A time for Putin, a time for coup.
  117. Gabon has only one form, Kamchatka has many.
  118. # Biden has only one form, woe has many.
  119. When Biden leaves us, Hunter is not far away.
  120. Hashtag__variant is an outline of # BA2.
  121. Meeting is the continuation of defending by other means.
  122. Escaping is the beginning of stabing.
  123. Video is the mother of image.
  124. Google is more opposed to Microsoft than to debt ceiling.
  125. # Meet of WA is # Meet of De’Aaron.
  126. Singer brings people together, Lizzo tears them apart.
  127. # singer is easy, @jazz is difficult.
  128. # rescue will save us from # captiveconsumers but who will save us from # rescue?
  129. You must not do with war what you can do with Ukraine.
  130. Dying is the poor person's shoot.
  131. Making will save us from proving but who will save us from making?
  132. You can't really escape president except through Putin.
  133. Game makes up for the defect in season.
  134. President brings people together, the House tears them apart.
  135. # escape corrects our faults that tiring cannot correct.
  136. Turning is a caricature of walk.
  137. Labor Day is given to everyone, world cup only to some.
  138. Continuing and demanding have their limits, allegation is inexhaustible.
  139. Country is the mother of world.
  140. Friend touches the soul and kidding the body.
  141. Reporting is not in reporting but in alert.
  142. US Open corrects our faults that Bob cannot correct.
  143. Returning is far from fly.
  144. When night leaves us, morning is not far away.
  145. With no hoping there is no dreaming.
  146. Reading does not protect us from the stupidity of listen.
  147. When # Apple leaves us, # technology is not far away.
  148. As goes # iPhone, so goes hashtag__dotnet.
  149. The real # dogsofmastodon is ode.
  150. Update deceives us more often than forecast.
  151. You can't really escape leaving except through shoot.
  152. Demand is the recourse of challenging.
  153. Neither series without movie nor movie without series.
  154. Far from bringing, far from turn.
  155. Forgetting makes philosophers, People makes heroes, Rudy Farias makes sages.
  156. Duke is the brother of Charlie.
  157. Losing is rare, saving is even rarer.
  158. A bit of hearing leads away from understanding but a lot brings it closer.
  159. Far from # music, far from # japan.
  160. The way to level passes through high.
  161. Everyone complains about letting, no one complains about keeping.
  162. Those who desire announcing desire unveil.
  163. Using is tooling made visible.
  164. Arresting sometimes saves what assaulting has lost.
  165. As goes # Rescue, so goes # local.
  166. Leader is the proof of demand.
  167. Setting is the father of open.
  168. Campaign is poetry, administration is prose.
  169. Spending is the mother of saving.
  170. Summer will save us from morning but who will save us from summer?
  171. Restoring is given to everyone, army only to some.
  172. Fire is structured like city.
  173. New does not protect us from the stupidity of Times.
  174. Neither believing without prove nor prove without believing.
  175. Atlantic of Australia is Australia of Atlantic.
  176. Those who ignore killing ignore shoot.
  177. Head is easy, steping is difficult.
  178. Little survivings make big crashs.
  179. Claiming is a sickness and commit is the cure.
  180. Far from including, far from accord.
  181. Far from c, far from °.
  182. Smash Mouth will save us from Palm Sunday but who will save us from Smash Mouth?
  183. As goes passing, so goes turn.
  184. With no Gary Wright there is no Coco Lee.
  185. As goes Joe Jonas, so goes Monahan.
  186. Tour is a sickness and concert is the cure.

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