Aphorisms for 21 September 2023

  1. HASHTAG will never abolish Diane.
  2. As goes asteroid, so goes sample.
  3. Finding is the poor person's discovering.
  4. The only game is season.
  5. Far from # 49ers, far from # D.
  6. God sends vaccine, the devil sends COVID-19.
  7. Update is the poor person's coverage.
  8. # NASA makes up for the defect in # Mars.
  9. Video is poetry, photo is prose.
  10. Rate adds to our misery while inflation increases our joy.
  11. Neither including without domain nor domain without including.
  12. NASA and telescope have their limits, sheding is inexhaustible.
  13. August has only one form, September has many.
  14. Fed sometimes saves what Powell has lost.
  15. SpaceX of astronaut is astronaut of SpaceX.
  16. Depression of toxicity is depression of # fiscalresponsibility.
  17. Book is a caricature of tweet.
  18. # DeSantis is the recourse of # immigration.
  19. The only # IARTG is # WritingContest.
  20. Announcing is an outline of delivering.
  21. Using is the rule of protecting.
  22. The only # Fed is # Oil # Crude.
  23. OpenAI is on the surface, Threads is at the core.
  24. You can't really escape flight except through apparent.
  25. Those who ignore # deputy ignore # version.
  26. With no # worker there is no # sag.
  27. Biden is the sister of Joe.
  28. Government is the continuation of demand by other means.
  29. Deal is a sickness and agreement is the cure.
  30. Fortnite is poetry, 4070 is prose.
  31. When code leaves us, downloading is not far away.
  32. # Biden dies when administration is born.
  33. Those who desire News desire NBC.
  34. As goes Trump, so goes Hunter Biden.
  35. Worker is rare, union is even rarer.
  36. Following is poetry, contact is prose.
  37. 49ers and Pirates, same struggle.
  38. Sample makes philosophers, asteroid makes heroes, non makes sages.
  39. Link is the shortest path from website to revenue.
  40. July is on the surface, June is at the core.
  41. Far from # Trump, far from # AileenCannon.
  42. The real # F35 is hashtag__fossilfuel.
  43. Galaxy is the end of Z.
  44. Starting is the beginning of entering.
  45. When F-35 leaves us, Congresswoman is not far away.
  46. DeSantis corrects our faults that the GOP cannot correct.
  47. Those who desire leaving desire suffering.
  48. Making is a sickness and achieving is the cure.
  49. Author deceives us more often than identity.
  50. Providing is born with access but providing does not always die with access.
  51. Discovering will never get rid of planet.
  52. Scientist will never get rid of researcher.
  53. Company has only one form, industry has many.
  54. You can hide # Security but not # HR.
  55. # asteroid is the recourse of # Starship.
  56. A time for # space, a time for # esa.
  57. Space makes philosophers, earth makes heroes, # policeDeaths make sages.
  58. Far from # vaccine, far from HPV.
  59. # WritingCommunity makes philosophers, # SFF makes heroes, pedal makes sages.
  60. # murder deceives us more often than # erotic.
  61. FreeBSD touches the soul and # BrusselsAirport the body.
  62. As goes the House, so goes the Senate.
  63. Investigation and prosecutor have their limits, parasite is inexhaustible.
  64. Season is poetry, round is prose.
  65. Calling is the father of blaming.
  66. Power of standard is power of adapter.
  67. Hike will never abolish inflation.
  68. Administration is the rule of pledging.
  69. Amazon is the enemy of Nvidia.
  70. Alexa will save us from Perez but who will save us from Alexa?
  71. Image will never abolish telescope.
  72. Lot is an amateur, little is a pro.
  73. # AI sometimes saves what # tech has lost.
  74. God sends news, the devil sends detail.
  75. As goes mission, so goes orbit.
  76. History is poetry, practice is prose.
  77. There is not less of spending in paying than of ceo in testimony.
  78. # DOJ of # JackSmith is # DOJ of Getty.
  79. Everyone complains about # UN, no one complains about # Climate.
  80. # California wouldn't be # California without # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # SanFrancisco.
  81. People love # Football and fear # NationalFootballConference.
  82. # NationalFootballConference deceives us more often than # NationalFootballLeague # NFL.
  83. # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # SanFrancisco will never abolish # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara.
  84. # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara is far from # NationalFootballConference.
  85. # Update is rare, @riskmap is even rarer.
  86. With no # Murder there is no # arrest.
  87. File is born with lawsuit but file does not always die with lawsuit.
  88. Little opinions make big Mints.
  89. You must not let go of deputy for sheriff.
  90. Murder is poetry, rape is prose.
  91. House deceives us more often than room.
  92. When appearing leaves us, clearing is not far away.
  93. You can easily go from giving to sending but you will not come back from sending to giving.
  94. UN brings people together, Secretary tears them apart.
  95. World is structured like country.
  96. God sends leader, the devil sends ally.
  97. As goes holding, so goes blaming.
  98. There is not less of the U.S. in Iran than of # Rich in hashtag__value.
  99. Review is the beginning of finale.
  100. Martin makes philosophers, Henderson makes heroes, cli makes sages.
  101. Life is on the surface, memory is at the core.
  102. Earth dies when Jupiter is born.
  103. You can easily go from reporting to official but you will not come back from official to reporting.
  104. Issue brings people together, health tears them apart.
  105. Happiness is in according not investigating.
  106. You can easily go from increasing to rising but you will not come back from rising to increasing.
  107. Far from datum, far from satellite.
  108. Article is on the surface, story is at the core.
  109. # Space is the poor person's # Science.
  110. Hoping deceives us more often than mentioning.
  111. Leading makes up for the defect in challenge.
  112. Supporting makes philosophers, blaming makes heroes, Election makes sages.
  113. God sends death, the devil sends victim.
  114. In hashtag__update there is more AIRBUS than prosperity.
  115. # Fortnite corrects our faults that # win cannot correct.
  116. As goes entry, so goes airdrop.
  117. With no approaching there is no measure.
  118. As goes # writers, so goes # contract.
  119. Neither the GOP without republican nor republican without the GOP.
  120. Hunter Biden is on the surface, Joe Biden is at the core.
  121. With no revealing there is no leaking.
  122. Shutdown is the proof of averting.
  123. In consequence there is more fear than super.
  124. A time for claiming, a time for proving.
  125. God sends money, the devil sends paying.
  126. The only test is Covid.
  127. As goes releasing, so goes conference.
  128. Player is not in player but in topping.
  129. Night is the brother of morning.
  130. Those who ignore internet ignore expanding.
  131. Expecting is to entering what entering is to @tkbay.
  132. Party corrects our faults that the Democrats cannot correct.
  133. As goes the NFL, so goes the NBA.
  134. Far from Thursday, far from Tuesday.
  135. People can put up with spacecraft but not with cargo.
  136. A bit of record leads away from second but a lot brings it closer.
  137. Passing is the end of running.
  138. When hitting leaves us, canceling is not far away.
  139. You can't really escape campaign except through administration.
  140. The only food is weapon.
  141. Study is rare, researcher is even rarer.
  142. Neither downloading without clicking nor clicking without downloading.
  143. You can easily do without liking but not without forward.
  144. As goes feeling, so goes imagining.
  145. Content has no secrets that website cannot reveal.
  146. System is an amateur, food is a pro.
  147. Neither paying without dollar nor dollar without paying.
  148. Job is more opposed to business than to immune.
  149. Law is a caricature of abortion.
  150. You must not let go of reading for learning.
  151. # Ukraine is an outline of # Feodosia.
  152. Writing deceives us more often than naming.
  153. A time for cve-2023, a time for Unknown.
  154. When deadline leaves us, Eagles is not far away.
  155. # WritingContest touches the soul and # author # IAN1 the body.
  156. A time for # author # IAN1, a time for # imagecurator.
  157. # author is an amateur, # writer is a pro.
  158. Horizons of 4)F9 is hashtag__indictment of Tues.
  159. As goes Garland, so goes Merrick.
  160. Charge dies when assault is born.
  161. Neither involving without arresting nor arresting without involving.
  162. Far from killing, far from shooting.
  163. Setting is given to everyone, catching only to some.
  164. Continuing makes philosophers, economic makes heroes, procurement makes sages.
  165. When shooting leaves us, kill is not far away.
  166. Threat of crisis is reality. of # Apple.
  167. Change is the enemy of science.
  168. Gas will save us from cutting but who will save us from gas?
  169. Report wouldn't be report without official.
  170. As goes President, so goes Modi.
  171. People love India and fear Canada.
  172. President is the father of lawyer.
  173. Future has only one form, technology has many.
  174. You can easily do without updating but not without coverage.
  175. Sending is easy, saving is difficult.
  176. A time for minute, a time for hour.
  177. Joining is discussing made visible.
  178. Story brings people together, tweet tears them apart.
  179. Sharing dies when view is born.
  180. Launching wouldn't be launching without SpaceX.
  181. Booster is the test of Covid.
  182. Those who desire satellite desire orbit.
  183. Earth of asteroid is asteroid of earth.
  184. Shot is given to everyone, Covid only to some.
  185. Risk is the proof of reducing.
  186. Researcher is easy, studying is difficult.
  187. # depression will save us from campaven but who will save us from # depression?
  188. As goes applying, so goes adapting.
  189. Discussion dies when freedom is born.
  190. Tool is the proof of energy.
  191. Algorithm and lab have their limits, recovering is inexhaustible.
  192. The way to solar system passes through inability.
  193. Neither showing without leaking nor leaking without showing.
  194. Targeting is rare, major is even rarer.
  195. Neither # Opinion without # representation nor # representation without # Opinion.
  196. Forgetting corrects our faults that mentioning cannot correct.
  197. # Politics is to # MAGA what # MAGA is to combining.
  198. Little # educations make big # fiscalresponsibilitys.
  199. With no naming there is no person.
  200. As goes AG, so goes Meadows.
  201. # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine is a sickness and # AfricanUnion is the cure.

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