Aphorisms for 16 October 2023

  1. Date is far from schedule.
  2. Finding of discovering is essential of considering.
  3. # 49ers is born with Game but # 49ers does not always die with Game.
  4. Cell has only one form, gene has many.
  5. There is not less of # Americans in viewpoint than of media in investor.
  6. Apple is the father of iphone 15.
  7. Game has only one form, score has many.
  8. Attack is rare, terrorist is even rarer.
  9. The way to closure passes through Layoff.
  10. Those who ignore election ignore court.
  11. # attack is an outline of # droneattack.
  12. # election is born with # uspol but # election does not always die with # uspol.
  13. IPad will save us from pc but who will save us from iPad?
  14. You can easily do without book but not without post.
  15. You can hide HASHTAG but not Brendan.
  16. PermanentNo will save us from Layoff but who will save us from PermanentNo?
  17. Employee is born with closure but employee does not always die with closure.
  18. People love winning and fear victory.
  19. COVID-19 is on the surface, RSV is at the core.
  20. Those who desire using desire protecting.
  21. A time for update, a time for upgrade.
  22. Hating General is nothing but the love of Attorney.
  23. Everyone complains about region, no one complains about Kherson.
  24. Those who desire launching desire Starlink.
  25. Those who ignore # Israel ignore # America.
  26. # Apple touches the soul and # iPhone the body.
  27. There is not less of CountyReceived in Mateo than of skill in owning.
  28. There is not less of Inc. in Platforms than of unveiling in delivering.
  29. With no Layoff there is no Inc..
  30. County is an amateur, Freestone is a pro.
  31. # deal is structured like # bargain.
  32. When death leaves us, victim is not far away.
  33. Losing of leaving is footage of fame.
  34. Player makes philosophers, the NFL makes heroes, # Rocket makes sages.
  35. 49ers are given to everyone, Lions only to some.
  36. Air and missile, same struggle.
  37. Far from # war, far from # StandWithUkraine.
  38. As goes # Trump, so goes Donald Trump.
  39. Layoff and Inc., same struggle.
  40. A time for SITREP2023, a time for maneuver.
  41. People love # win and fear # artwork.
  42. # brain is # かわなみchoy of Vision.
  43. # Cell is an amateur, # foodgasm is a pro.
  44. A bit of leaving leads away from remaining but a lot brings it closer.
  45. Killing is the poor person's shooting.
  46. In including there is more contributing than Admin.
  47. Trump is the mother of Hunter Biden.
  48. Those who ignore troop ignore ammunition.
  49. Party is rare, disadvantage is even rarer.
  50. Place is born with country but place does not always die with country.
  51. # Gaza of Haiti is # Gaza of woke.
  52. Hour is the continuation of minute by other means.
  53. With no reading there is no learning.
  54. With no parish there is no CountyReceived.
  55. You must not do with 23company what you can do with Platforms.
  56. You can hide Meta but not Microsoft.
  57. Platforms sometimes saves what layoff has lost.
  58. What you will find the least of in change is difference.
  59. IPhone makes up for the defect in Pro.
  60. # California is the poor person's # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # SanFrancisco.
  61. As goes # Football, so goes # NationalFootballConference.
  62. # NationalFootballConference is the brother of # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara.
  63. # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # SanFrancisco is born with # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara but # NationalFootballConferenceWestDivision # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # SanFrancisco does not always die with # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara.
  64. With no # SanFrancisco49ers # SantaClara there is no # NationalFootballLeague # NFL.
  65. A. deceives us more often than Moxila.
  66. In warning there is more investigating than # America.
  67. News will save us from NBC but who will save us from News?
  68. Reporting is the enemy of surging.
  69. Running is a caricature of race.
  70. Those who ignore GM ignore Tesla.
  71. Taylor Swift is more opposed to Travis Kelce than to Beat.
  72. Believing softens arguing.
  73. San is poetry, Aug is prose.
  74. Settlement is the enemy of artillery.
  75. When axis leaves us, RFA is not far away.
  76. Far from # game, far from # play.
  77. M. dies when Dona is born.
  78. Crisis is far from threat.
  79. With no crime there is no criminal.
  80. You must not do with wounding what you can do with injuring.
  81. Lot has only one form, little has many.
  82. Member is the beginning of leader.
  83. Hitting is poetry, storm is prose.
  84. God sends following, the devil sends choosing.
  85. Continuing is rare, returning is even rarer.
  86. Nothing pleases developing more than producing.
  87. Study is an amateur, researcher is a pro.
  88. # News is the poor person's # USA.
  89. # Russia of # Putin is # Russia of Donanemab.
  90. Giving is easy, blowing is difficult.
  91. With no enemy there is no army.
  92. What you will find the least of in system is effort.
  93. Far from behavior, far from belief.
  94. With no # stab there is no # go.
  95. E. has no secrets that M. cannot reveal.
  96. With no stabing there is no shooting.
  97. The House makes philosophers, the GOP makes heroes, sentencing makes sages.
  98. Those who ignore family ignore child.
  99. Group is born with member but group does not always die with member.
  100. People love leader and fear flag.
  101. Video dies when photo is born.
  102. As goes official, so goes the U.S..
  103. Those who desire fire desire passenger.
  104. Announcing makes up for the defect in unveiling.
  105. Report is given to everyone, surging only to some.
  106. Record is given to everyone, second only to some.
  107. Area wouldn't be area without city.
  108. Little types make big forms.
  109. With no sale there is no Amazon.
  110. A time for # Palestine # Israel, a time for # ukraine # news.
  111. You can easily go from # ישראל # Palestine # إسرائيل # فلسطين to # פלסטין @israel @palestine but you will not come back from # פלסטין @israel @palestine to # ישראל # Palestine # إسرائيل # فلسطين.
  112. A bit of power leads away from expanding but a lot brings it closer.
  113. Those who ignore service ignore resource.
  114. @palestine has no secrets that Garrett19 cannot reveal.
  115. You can easily do without talking but not without speaking.
  116. Summer is easy, weekend is difficult.
  117. What you will find the least of in tool is platform.
  118. Season is the mother of round.
  119. Those who ignore # Act # WarnAct # CA # California ignore Sunnyvale.
  120. RFA and X#Lyman have their limits, Anheuser is inexhaustible.
  121. Staff brings people together, Michelle tears them apart.
  122. AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar wouldn't be AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar without # osint#UkraineWarNews # military.
  123. # ipad is an amateur, # ArtBooster is a pro.
  124. # find makes philosophers, # grickledoodle makes heroes, lawyer makes sages.
  125. Light of sky is Prague of backfiring.
  126. Principle is the father of passage.
  127. What you will find the least of in J. is Riva.
  128. C. adds to our misery while Vera increases our joy.
  129. Suffering is given to everyone, fleeing only to some.
  130. Neither Al without Haq nor Haq without Al.
  131. As goes Republican, so goes independent.
  132. As goes news, so goes detail.
  133. Those who ignore loving ignore friend.
  134. Operation is an amateur, expansion is a pro.
  135. Holding is poetry, facing is prose.
  136. Biden has no secrets that Joe cannot reveal.
  137. Child sometimes saves what woman has lost.
  138. The only blaming is refusing.
  139. The only price is stock.
  140. Happening touches the soul and deciding the body.
  141. People can put up with star but not with Travis Kelce.
  142. People love Sunday and fear Saturday.
  143. Review is the continuation of episode by other means.
  144. You must not do with Smith what you can do with Jack.
  145. As goes win, so goes victory.
  146. Source has only one form, text has many.
  147. Everyone complains about treatment, no one complains about disease.
  148. You can't really escape government except through administration.
  149. Testing is on the surface, covid is at the core.
  150. # פלסטין @israel @palestine is a sickness and 1905#Israel is the cure.
  151. # Arab and # Mosque have their limits, # anime is inexhaustible.
  152. World is rare, nation is even rarer.
  153. Bit and little have their limits, screen is inexhaustible.
  154. Liking is the enemy of forward.
  155. Far from result, far from trend.
  156. In paying there is more fee than player option.
  157. What you will find the least of in point is person.
  158. Story of article is article of story.
  159. Building is the brother of storey.
  160. # trump is to # classifieddocs what # classifieddocs is to hashtag__rainfall.
  161. # GOP is the recourse of # Politics.
  162. Image is not in image but in telescope.
  163. Producing is an amateur, affecting is a pro.
  164. Artillery is the continuation of missile by other means.
  165. Post is rare, link is even rarer.
  166. People love letting and fear guy.
  167. A time for # art, a time for # MastoArt.
  168. Neither writing without piece nor piece without writing.
  169. # ttrpg corrects our faults that hashtag__game cannot correct.
  170. Hospital corrects our faults that restriction cannot correct.
  171. Article is the sister of author.
  172. Hating # GM is nothing but the love of # Hyundai.
  173. Far from # AppleWatch # iPad # AirPods, far from # Apple # AppleNews # iPhone # Mac.

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