Aphorisms for 31 October 2023

  1. Date and schedule have their limits, slide is inexhaustible.
  2. HASHTAG is the beginning of @odktiger.
  3. Everyone complains about killing, no one complains about shooting.
  4. A bit of Biden leads away from President but a lot brings it closer.
  5. # Raiders and TE have their limits, Crompton is inexhaustible.
  6. When # Texas leaves us, # RepublicanParty is not far away.
  7. When # loss leaves us, # grief is not far away.
  8. Closure brings people together, Layoff tears them apart.
  9. Game is born with preseason but game does not always die with preseason.
  10. Those who desire employee desire owner.
  11. Everyone complains about Apple, no one complains about iphone 15.
  12. You must not do with life what you can do with little.
  13. As goes paying, so goes fee.
  14. Order makes philosophers, plan makes heroes, # Starship makes sages.
  15. Company has only one form, industry has many.
  16. # death is the continuation of # loss by other means.
  17. Texas is Mexico made visible.
  18. Event makes philosophers, dark makes heroes, containing makes sages.
  19. PermanentNo corrects our faults that Layoff cannot correct.
  20. Finding of discovering is metal of filling.
  21. With no trial there is no conspiracy.
  22. Learning is born with hearing but learning does not always die with hearing.
  23. Little buildings make big producings.
  24. Official is to the U.S. what the U.S. is to MayThe.
  25. With no Trump there is no Hunter Biden.
  26. Update is an outline of weekly.
  27. # Netanyahu is the recourse of # BenGvir.
  28. When place leaves us, country is not far away.
  29. With no CountyReceived there is no Stanislaus.
  30. Inc. has no secrets that Platforms cannot reveal.
  31. Layoff is born with Warzone but Layoff does not always die with Warzone.
  32. As goes # trial, so goes # Jan6.
  33. A time for # NFL, a time for # Illinois # NationalFootballConference # NationalFootballConferenceNorthDivision # NationalFootballLeague.
  34. You must not let go of executive for limitation.
  35. Security deceives us more often than tie.
  36. Family is poetry, mother is prose.
  37. Calling is given to everyone, crime only to some.
  38. Matthew Perry has only one form, DWTS has many.
  39. When Raiders leaves us, Jacobs is not far away.
  40. Dinosaur sometimes saves what rich has lost.
  41. Government makes up for the defect in the Supreme Court.
  42. # Biden of administration is administration of resuming.
  43. You can easily go from lot to little but you will not come back from little to lot.
  44. Reading brings people together, learning tears them apart.
  45. Turning is a caricature of field.
  46. God sends # border, the devil sends # trabajo.
  47. As goes # order, so goes # chaos.
  48. Layoff is Inc. of hashtag__opensource.
  49. County adds to our misery while Freestone increases our joy.
  50. # executive of hashtag__certifying is Cobie of Discovery.
  51. People love # dinosaur and fear # bear.
  52. There is not less of election in overturning than of detering in Maryland.
  53. Joining of discussing is capitol of contempt.
  54. Setting is rare, catching is even rarer.
  55. Including corrects our faults that system cannot correct.
  56. Giving has only one form, sending has many.
  57. Hating tribute is nothing but the love of funeral.
  58. Winning will save us from election but who will save us from winning?
  59. Those who desire world desire nation.
  60. God sends letting, the devil sends forgetting.
  61. Those who ignore hearing ignore lying.
  62. # grief is the shortest path from # cartoon to ssh.
  63. Making touches the soul and bringing the body.
  64. Those who desire parish desire CountyReceived.
  65. 23company is the poor person's Platforms.
  66. As goes Meta, so goes OpenAI.
  67. Platforms deceive us more often than layoff.
  68. # SolarWinds adds to our misery while concept increases our joy.
  69. Those who ignore Netanyahu ignore admin.
  70. Creating is the shortest path from providing to inferno.
  71. Home is rare, store is even rarer.
  72. A time for ordering, a time for plan.
  73. People love loss and fear cost.
  74. Those who ignore leading ignore causing.
  75. As goes eye, so goes noticing.
  76. A bit of SolarWinds leads away from # BCGreenParty but a lot brings it closer.
  77. God sends revealing, the devil sends showing.
  78. Friend has only one form, dog has many.
  79. The NFL is the brother of the MLB.
  80. News is BBC made visible.
  81. Department softens Secretary.
  82. # Palestine # Israel sometimes saves what # ukraine # news has lost.
  83. Video sometimes saves what podcast has lost.
  84. # Apple makes up for the defect in # SteveJobs.
  85. Losing of paying is risemillion of stabing.
  86. Nothing pleases # cause more than # LosAngelesDodgers.
  87. Far from # AmericanFootballConference # AmericanFootballConferenceWestDivision # California # Football, far from # LasVegas # LasVegasRaiders # NationalFootballLeague # NFL.
  88. There is not less of # LasVegas # LasVegasRaiders # NationalFootballLeague # NFL in # NewYorkGiants than of bell in released from prison.
  89. Announcing wouldn't be announcing without delivering.
  90. People love the House and fear the GOP.
  91. Risk is the continuation of cancer by other means.
  92. In failing there is more vowwing than # DC # feature.
  93. A time for notice, a time for feeling.
  94. Everyone complains about causing, no one complains about uptake.
  95. SEC has only one form, regulator has many.
  96. Hack will save us from vehicle but who will save us from hack?
  97. People love season and fear the NBA.
  98. Network and demonstrating have their limits, heroic is inexhaustible.
  99. Happiness is in heat not wave.
  100. Group is the poor person's militant.
  101. Issue is a caricature of security.
  102. In passing there is more throwing than places!#streaming.
  103. Feeling has only one form, noticing has many.
  104. # art is on the surface, # MastoArt is at the core.
  105. With no attack there is no terrorist.
  106. With no talking there is no speaking.
  107. Those who desire # kill desire # persona.
  108. Far from house, far from field.
  109. San and Diego have their limits, # gene is inexhaustible.
  110. Neither # house without # nowPlaying nor # nowPlaying without # house.
  111. Found deading is structured like high school football game.
  112. Neither gun without ally nor ally without gun.
  113. Deal will save us from club but who will save us from deal?
  114. You can easily do without providing but not without access.
  115. There is not less of pushing in carrying than of # Packers have in Kool.
  116. There is not less of holding in facing than of striking in Iron.
  117. Hating rising is nothing but the love of surging.
  118. Water will never get rid of gas.
  119. Those who ignore Sam ignore Bankman.
  120. Protest has no secrets that evacuating cannot reveal.
  121. You can hide hour but not minute.
  122. Mac is far from iPad.
  123. Neither level without high nor high without level.
  124. Expecting is born with deporting but expecting does not always die with deporting.
  125. Microsoft has only one form, Apple has many.
  126. System is given to everyone, environment only to some.
  127. Neither bit without little nor little without bit.
  128. As goes claiming, so goes arguing.
  129. Far from living, far from stream.
  130. The only team is player.
  131. Adding is selling of manhunt.
  132. Facing is the beginning of hold.
  133. Liking corrects our faults that forwarding cannot correct.
  134. A time for destroying, a time for hiding.
  135. President makes philosophers, ally makes heroes, Card makes sages.
  136. Product is poetry, model is prose.
  137. Student is not in student but in loan.
  138. Using wouldn't be using without access.
  139. Room is the father of cracking.
  140. Far from forcing, far from position.
  141. You can't really escape country except through nation.
  142. With no Jenin there is no refugee camp.
  143. People can put up with hashtag__killing but not with # Google is.
  144. Tooth of celebrity is celebrity of Celebration.
  145. You must not do with # Act # WarnAct # CA # California what you can do with Sunnyvale.
  146. Hating # Executive is nothing but the love of # MakoNetworks.
  147. Action dies when Biden is born.
  148. # event touches the soul and # script the body.
  149. As goes # game, so goes # play.
  150. Josh Jacobs of Marcus is Marcus of perceiving.
  151. With no fire there is no mortar.
  152. Shani Louk is given to everyone, Mexico only to some.
  153. Issuing is not in issuing but in security.
  154. Those who ignore the U.S. ignore China.
  155. You can't really escape market except through stock.
  156. Showing is the proof of reveal.
  157. Concern is the enemy of demand.
  158. Moment adds to our misery while dream increases our joy.
  159. Campaign is the shortest path from tax to supplier.
  160. Striking is the recourse of UAW.
  161. Worker corrects our faults that strike cannot correct.
  162. America brings people together, meeting tears them apart.
  163. Police is the end of officer.
  164. Waiting makes philosophers, verifying makes heroes, hashtag__scope makes sages.
  165. Far from judge, far from prosecutor.
  166. Those who desire staying desire moving.
  167. Population is difference of recasting.
  168. God sends raising, the devil sends influencing.
  169. Bankman softens Fried.
  170. Neither Fried without Sam nor Sam without Fried.
  171. Founder dies when # bankrupt is born.
  172. Charging wouldn't be charging without indicting.
  173. Everyone complains about player, no one complains about the NFL.
  174. As goes app, so goes website.
  175. Existing is a caricature of folk.
  176. Neither Robert De Niro without grandson nor grandson without Robert De Niro.
  177. You can easily do without court but not without judge.
  178. Salma Hayek is # resinart of detering.
  179. With no forgetting there is no mentioning.
  180. Far from Maxx, far from Crosby16.
  181. A bit of carrying leads away from laying but a lot brings it closer.
  182. With no seller there is no inspection.
  183. Process makes philosophers, composition makes heroes, # Events make sages.
  184. Relating is the continuation of tie by other means.
  185. Dying is the beginning of injuring.
  186. Response is easy, strengthening is difficult.
  187. Those who ignore considering ignore essential.
  188. Power has only one form, business has many.

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