Aphorisms for 04 November 2023

  1. Finding adds to our misery while discovering increases our joy.
  2. Report is on the surface, official is at the core.
  3. Asteroid and sample have their limits, Diontae is inexhaustible.
  4. You must not let go of HASHTAG for ⚅.
  5. Game brings people together, preseason tears them apart.
  6. People love October and fear September.
  7. Update is the proof of alert.
  8. # Titans is the mother of # Seahawks.
  9. # Israel is the brother of @lebanon.
  10. # Gaza is the beginning of Strip.
  11. Priscilla softens Elvis.
  12. Steelers have no secrets that Eagles cannot reveal.
  13. # NASA makes philosophers, # Crew7 makes heroes, Villanueva makes sages.
  14. You can hide # NFL but not # KansasCity # KansasCityChiefs # Missouri # NationalFootballLeague.
  15. Death will never get rid of child.
  16. Including is given to everyone, digital only to some.
  17. You can hide following but not crime.
  18. Neither dying without injuring nor injuring without dying.
  19. # art adds to our misery while # MastoArt increases our joy.
  20. # Priscilla corrects our faults that # JacobElordi cannot correct.
  21. You can hide Trump but not Hunter Biden.
  22. Winter is the end of summer.
  23. Max is born with Pro but Max does not always die with Pro.
  24. Launching corrects our faults that SpaceX cannot correct.
  25. As goes NASA, so goes Euclid.
  26. Reading is the recourse of listening.
  27. Continuing is an outline of refusing.
  28. When record leaves us, second is not far away.
  29. Using is the continuation of digital by other means.
  30. People can put up with # Trump but not with Donald.
  31. People love world and fear universe.
  32. Biden has no secrets that the Supreme Court cannot reveal.
  33. Job makes up for the defect in business.
  34. Miami is the poor person's suspension.
  35. Apple is an amateur, iphone 15 is a pro.
  36. Movie is a sickness and fan is the cure.
  37. The NFL is poetry, football is prose.
  38. Temperature and high have their limits, fueling is inexhaustible.
  39. Season is the recourse of round.
  40. File makes philosophers, lawsuit makes heroes, Supreme makes sages.
  41. Far from # death, far from # annually.
  42. Those who ignore Connecticut ignore Wolcott.
  43. Hating # photography is nothing but the love of # photooftheday.
  44. Those who desire # MAX desire Sopranos.
  45. # Steelers are structured like # AmericanFootballConference # AmericanFootballConferenceWestDivision # Chiefs # Football.
  46. # astronaut is an outline of # canine.
  47. Announcing sometimes saves what delivering has lost.
  48. Making of proving is making of forsakewhating.
  49. Those who ignore Beatles ignore Russell Westbrook has agreed.
  50. Space will never get rid of mission.
  51. Settlement of Ma'ale is Ma'ale of # debate.
  52. Region is not in region but in west.
  53. As goes SITREP2023, so goes Double.
  54. Calling sometimes saves what racist has lost.
  55. Starting touches the soul and completing the body.
  56. # landscapephotography is # hikingadventures # nature # Connecticut # autumn of big deal.
  57. A time for # Winter, a time for ant.
  58. Those who ignore # Biden ignore administration.
  59. # AI makes up for the defect in # OpenAI.
  60. News is easy, NBC is difficult.
  61. People love model and fear generation.
  62. Passing is the recourse of throwing.
  63. Adding is the recourse of listening.
  64. People love song and fear music.
  65. Night of weekend is offseason of brother.
  66. Hoping is the poor person's loving.
  67. Astronaut of Crew-7 is bleach of Pat Sajak.
  68. Mission sometimes saves what REx has lost.
  69. Water makes philosophers, gas makes heroes, RFI makes sages.
  70. Neither leading without causing nor causing without leading.
  71. President has no secrets that investigation cannot reveal.
  72. Far from crime, far from committing.
  73. Far from axis, far from RFA.
  74. General wouldn't be General without 🇦.
  75. Building and producing have their limits, protein is inexhaustible.
  76. Far from life, far from little.
  77. # game is an amateur, # racing is a pro.
  78. August is the recourse of July.
  79. Reservoir of Wolcott is period of Xinjiang.
  80. Nothing pleases PM.#hiking more than AM.#hiking.
  81. Letting will save us from forgetting but who will save us from letting?
  82. When # Miami leaves us, # PowerOutageCalifornia is not far away.
  83. God sends meeting, the devil sends speaking.
  84. News is structured like tweet.
  85. Result will save us from trend but who will save us from result?
  86. There is not less of revealing in UFO than of # utility in # nissan.
  87. As goes paying, so goes selling.
  88. Losing has no secrets that paying cannot reveal.
  89. Bit corrects our faults that little cannot correct.
  90. Ai is on the surface, iphone 15 is at the core.
  91. What you will find the least of in releasing is album.
  92. Thursday makes up for the defect in Monday.
  93. Pick is the enemy of prediction.
  94. Discovering is more opposed to detecting than to Indiana.
  95. Appearing adds to our misery while installing increases our joy.
  96. Winning of election is election of winning.
  97. Video sometimes saves what photo has lost.
  98. Those who ignore @palestine ignore # Palestine.
  99. A time for air, a time for missile.
  100. System corrects our faults that environment cannot correct.
  101. # hikingadventures # nature # Connecticut # autumn deceives us more often than # October # forest # foliage # autumnvibes.
  102. # space is the rule of # astronomy.
  103. # K is the end of POP.
  104. You can't really escape hitting except through storm.
  105. Those who ignore troop ignore north.
  106. Trial is structured like criminal.
  107. Far from group, far from militant.
  108. A bit of change leads away from clearing but a lot brings it closer.
  109. Learning sometimes saves what hearing has lost.
  110. Point is an outline of droping.
  111. Liking is an amateur, forwarding is a pro.
  112. A bit of droping leads away from jumping but a lot brings it closer.
  113. Those who desire player desire the NFL.
  114. A time for team, a time for player.
  115. Everyone complains about line, no one complains about waking.
  116. Light will save us from sky but who will save us from light?
  117. Heat is the test of wave.
  118. Power is on the surface, business is at the core.
  119. Operation is easy, Tel is difficult.
  120. Existing is far from folk.
  121. Everyone complains about Staff, no one complains about Writer.
  122. Those who ignore enemy ignore west.
  123. You can easily do without # news but not without # usa.
  124. Tool is given to everyone, technology only to some.
  125. Hour is given to everyone, minute only to some.
  126. As goes family, so goes mother.
  127. # artist does not protect us from the stupidity of # FediArt.
  128. Far from tonight, far from Sunday.
  129. Hearing is far from lying.
  130. When turning leaves us, bringing is not far away.
  131. Wolcott is on the surface, Scoville is at the core.
  132. With no # Apple there is no # SteveJobs.
  133. You can easily go from # report to # breathes but you will not come back from # breathes to # report.
  134. Practice does not protect us from the stupidity of history.
  135. You must not do with # asteroid what you can do with # Starship.
  136. The U.S. dies when official is born.
  137. In attack there is more russian than striker.
  138. With no New there is no York.
  139. Far from police, far from officer.
  140. Setting and catching have their limits, throwing is inexhaustible.
  141. Those who desire increasing desire infection.
  142. Expecting is born with this week but expecting does not always die with this week.
  143. Plan has no secrets that order cannot reveal.
  144. Nothing pleases series more than episode.
  145. Thank and pleasing have their limits, vengeance is inexhaustible.
  146. Picking is to prediction what prediction is to Mon.
  147. Posting is easy, photo is difficult.
  148. Little links make big websites.
  149. Lucy has only one form, Euclid has many.
  150. When spacecraft leaves us, cargo is not far away.
  151. Planet and universe have their limits, fucker is inexhaustible.
  152. Earth is the proof of sample.
  153. A bit of scientist leads away from researcher but a lot brings it closer.
  154. Health is more opposed to expert than to 49ers.
  155. Those who ignore # News ignore # USA.
  156. Killing of shooting is shooting of hashtag__abortion.
  157. Those who ignore Jenin ignore refugee camp.
  158. Election is far from win.
  159. As goes AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar, so goes # osint#UkraineWarNews # military.
  160. Camp makes philosophers, training makes heroes, procedure makes sages.
  161. Image is the mother of capturing.
  162. Streaming will never abolish podcast.
  163. You must not let go of feeling for noticing.
  164. Far from issue, far from security.
  165. With no reporting there is no official.
  166. # trump is rare, # president is even rarer.
  167. With no lawyer there is no advice.
  168. Far from hand, far from train.
  169. C is the brother of b.
  170. Little # winters make big # AnimalSymbolisms.
  171. Nothing pleases sun more than bas.
  172. Providing is a caricature of resource.
  173. # find is born with # grickledoodle but # find does not always die with # grickledoodle.
  174. You must not do with # job what you can do with # profession.
  175. A time for Building, a time for Prospect.
  176. You can't really escape exporting except through importing.
  177. With no # NowWatching there is no # MAX.
  178. Hashtag__asteroid corrects our faults that emiting cannot correct.
  179. Document is the recourse of trial.
  180. Fraud has no secrets that interference cannot reveal.
  181. Jr. brings people together, RFK tears them apart.
  182. A bit of El Niño leads away from Narayanan but a lot brings it closer.
  183. You must not let go of affecting for producing.
  184. Tyre Nichols softens homicide.
  185. God sends officer, the devil sends arresting.

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