Aphorisms for 07 November 2023

  1. You can't really escape twitter except through Instagram.
  2. With no video there is no podcast.
  3. Neither killing without shooting nor shooting without killing.
  4. With no game there is no preseason.
  5. HASHTAG adds to our misery while @odktiger increases our joy.
  6. Trump is to Hunter Biden what Hunter Biden is to Black Sea.
  7. A time for finding, a time for discovering.
  8. # Cowboys have only one form, # Chiefs have many.
  9. Those who ignore strike ignore UAW.
  10. # Bengals is the enemy of Burrow.
  11. Trial touches the soul and fraud the body.
  12. # strike dies when # wgastrike is born.
  13. News is given to everyone, BBC only to some.
  14. Calling is the end of crime.
  15. Fortnite sometimes saves what havei has lost.
  16. Everyone complains about including, no one complains about region.
  17. The real worker is farm.
  18. Ai and iphone 15 have their limits, percent is inexhaustible.
  19. Making is more opposed to proving than to CIA.
  20. NASA does not protect us from the stupidity of mission.
  21. # Senate will never abolish # House.
  22. Warzone and Duty have their limits, Bankhead is inexhaustible.
  23. Update will never get rid of alert.
  24. Those who ignore the U.S. ignore official.
  25. Using sometimes saves what digital has lost.
  26. Leading is born with causing but leading does not always die with causing.
  27. When building leaves us, producing is not far away.
  28. Those who ignore # AI ignore # Strike.
  29. Far from code, far from usb.
  30. Russia softens mutiny.
  31. With no continuing there is no returning.
  32. Team dies when player is born.
  33. # Bills is the brother of Prescott.
  34. Practice is on the surface, history is at the core.
  35. Far from shooting, far from Baltimore.
  36. Joining is the recourse of discussing.
  37. As goes General, so goes Staff.
  38. # NASA is the rule of # Crew7.
  39. The only # Stanford is # KIDS.
  40. Nothing pleases Duty more than # pantsareon.
  41. Biden will never get rid of the Supreme Court.
  42. Those who desire fire desire mortar.
  43. The Senate of Newsom is Newsom of the Senate.
  44. Launching will save us from SpaceX but who will save us from launching?
  45. Samsung is the mother of Pro.
  46. With no writer there is no studio.
  47. Those who desire model desire AI.
  48. The way to president passes through gun.
  49. Everyone complains about writing, no one complains about piece.
  50. You can easily go from union to wealth but you will not come back from wealth to union.
  51. Election and interference have their limits, Gary is inexhaustible.
  52. Camp will save us from training but who will save us from camp?
  53. Air is far from troop.
  54. Season makes up for the defect in round.
  55. History sometimes saves what practicing has lost.
  56. Winning is poetry, victory is prose.
  57. Police is the enemy of officer.
  58. Far from # trial, far from # randomised.
  59. # Cincinnati and # Game have their limits, implant is inexhaustible.
  60. There is not less of # Fortnite in # luxurycars than of # Cops in # JacksonCounty.
  61. # Biden sometimes saves what administration has lost.
  62. Labor is a caricature of tradition.
  63. # ChatGPT is born with # AmazonWebServices but # ChatGPT does not always die with # AmazonWebServices.
  64. # Samsung has no secrets that # Streaming cannot reveal.
  65. Life touches the soul and cat the body.
  66. Far from setting, far from catching.
  67. BBC is structured like ABC.
  68. You can easily do without charge but not without arresting.
  69. Starting corrects our faults that Friday cannot correct.
  70. Happiness is in supporting not blaming.
  71. Stanford makes philosophers, Cal makes heroes, Mari makes sages.
  72. Hating Cincinnati is nothing but the love of Las.
  73. ChatGPT is rare, Sony is even rarer.
  74. The NFL has no secrets that the MLB cannot reveal.
  75. Far from world, far from life.
  76. A time for power, a time for business.
  77. A bit of settlement leads away from artillery but a lot brings it closer.
  78. The way to # Gaza passes through Strip.
  79. SITREP2023 dies when # Galaxy37 # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 is born.
  80. With no position there is no conducting.
  81. Far from # News, far from # USA.
  82. As goes # Trump, so goes Donald.
  83. A time for song, a time for labor.
  84. A time for AI, a time for modeling.
  85. You can hide # Call but not # pantsareon.
  86. # Grok is Lander made visible.
  87. The way to # MediaTek passes through # Qualcomm.
  88. Neither military without China nor China without military.
  89. Hating troop is nothing but the love of north.
  90. Monday is given to everyone, Friday only to some.
  91. You must not let go of region for Zaporizhzhia.
  92. Striking is the sister of UAW.
  93. When showing leaves us, revealing is not far away.
  94. Those who ignore run ignore passing.
  95. Neither student without grad nor grad without student.
  96. Injuring is the rule of dead.
  97. Leader is a sickness and chief is the cure.
  98. Giving makes philosophers, bringing makes heroes, servicing makes sages.
  99. Shooting is far from injuring.
  100. Story has no secrets that article cannot reveal.
  101. As goes enjoying, so goes finishing.
  102. Firing is not in firing but in mortar.
  103. Those who desire # art desire # MastoArt.
  104. People can put up with hoping but not with loving.
  105. Money has only one form, paying has many.
  106. IWW softens conviction.
  107. # Twitch of # pantsareon is # Twitch of cream.
  108. You can easily do without stand but not without holding.
  109. You can easily do without missile but not without troop.
  110. Destroying is easy, hiding is difficult.
  111. As goes attack, so goes civilian.
  112. In suspect there is more murder than College.
  113. Sharing is the shortest path from post to commission.
  114. Report is the rule of according.
  115. God sends leaving, the devil sends killing.
  116. Facing is to the GOP what the GOP is to Fetterman.
  117. Releasing will save us from publishing but who will save us from releasing?
  118. Those who ignore phone ignore app.
  119. Photo has only one form, picture has many.
  120. Night is more opposed to weekend than to offseason.
  121. Bills and Bengals have their limits, analog is inexhaustible.
  122. Eagles is the beginning of Dolphins.
  123. Space will never get rid of mission.
  124. # Palestine # Israel of # ukraine # news is # ukraine # news of # Palestine # Israel.
  125. A time for medium, a time for social.
  126. Far from loving, far from appreciating.
  127. Member corrects our faults that attorney cannot correct.
  128. # trump is given to everyone, # classifieddocs only to some.
  129. Axis is not in axis but in RFA.
  130. Reading is more opposed to listening than to traveling.
  131. God sends creating, the devil sends access.
  132. Smith deceives us more often than Jack.
  133. # monday touches the soul and # WilliamCarlosWilliams the body.
  134. Shop corrects our faults that # Barbie cannot correct.
  135. # run is not in # run but in # artforsale.
  136. # stream wouldn't be # stream without # Call.
  137. # pantsareon is poetry, # stream is prose.
  138. # Sunday is a caricature of # trail.
  139. Deciding is to failing what failing is to Israel.
  140. Offering is born with creating but offering does not always die with creating.
  141. Running does not protect us from the stupidity of passing.
  142. Happiness is in announcing not delivering.
  143. The way to crime passes through committing.
  144. The way to community passes through demand.
  145. Company is the beginning of industry.
  146. Those who ignore MediaTek ignore Trace.
  147. Raising adds to our misery while housing increases our joy.
  148. Neither record without second nor second without record.
  149. User of customer is user of United.
  150. Star is rare, Travis Kelce is even rarer.
  151. You can easily go from Sunday to Friday but you will not come back from Friday to Sunday.
  152. Happiness is in hour not minute.
  153. You can easily do without group but not without militant.
  154. Government is the end of administration.
  155. Bit is the father of little.
  156. In liking there is more forwarding than Command.
  157. Little @palestines make big @israels.
  158. Revealing and show have their limits, pissing is inexhaustible.
  159. As goes hand, so goes field.
  160. Change is a sickness and clearing is the cure.
  161. Thought is the enemy of mining.
  162. Deal is given to everyone, trade only to some.
  163. Response softens # Biden administration.
  164. Claiming of controling is claiming of site.
  165. Staff is more opposed to Writer than to hashtag__anorexic.
  166. Enemy is the end of Staromaiorske.
  167. Nothing pleases post more than art.
  168. When officer leaves us, Police is not far away.
  169. You can easily do without mission but not without lunar.
  170. The way to letting passes through forgetting.
  171. # Reds will save us from # MLB # MLBNationalLeague # MLBNationalLeagueCentral # Ohio but who will save us from # Reds?
  172. Feeling dies when cooling is born.
  173. As goes August, so goes July.
  174. # Strike will never get rid of # SupportUnions.
  175. You must not let go of # Citigroup for # Iphone.
  176. City dies when Kansas is born.
  177. People can put up with cutting but not with investor.
  178. Moving sometimes saves what step has lost.
  179. Little accusings make big harassments.
  180. Begining softens negotiation.
  181. God sends call, the devil sends crime.
  182. As goes reaching, so goes droping.
  183. Turning corrects our faults that bringing cannot correct.
  184. Those who ignore Citigroup ignore UBS.
  185. With no player there is no NFL.
  186. You must not let go of cloud for main.
  187. Episode has no secrets that podcast cannot reveal.

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