Aphorisms for 08 November 2023

  1. Election sometimes saves what winning has lost.
  2. Trump is easy, Hunter Biden is difficult.
  3. Those who ignore finding ignore discovering.
  4. HASHTAG of @JagmeetScheer is keto of # Trembita.
  5. # Ohio is the beginning of # ForeignRelations.
  6. Those who ignore telescope ignore Webb.
  7. # Trump is a caricature of Donald Trump.
  8. # Virginia softens fireworks.
  9. Amazon is the beginning of Sony.
  10. Record is on the surface, second is at the core.
  11. With no # Mississippi there is no MP.
  12. Those who ignore gun ignore abortion.
  13. Far from # election, far from hashtag__voting.
  14. Right is an amateur, majority is a pro.
  15. People love voting and fear electing.
  16. You must not let go of poll for Covid.
  17. A time for Rivian, a time for android.
  18. In # Israel there is more # Russia than Pres.
  19. Those who desire # gun desire # vidcap.
  20. Ohio of Michigan is # AntiLGBTQ+ of hashtag__soccer.
  21. General has no secrets that 🇩 cannot reveal.
  22. When # Rivian leaves us, # takeaway is not far away.
  23. Nothing pleases # race more than # poetrycommunity.
  24. A time for result, a time for benefit.
  25. The only facing is blocking.
  26. Law is poetry, investigation is prose.
  27. Biden is a sickness and President is the cure.
  28. Company has no secrets that major cannot reveal.
  29. President will save us from Obama but who will save us from president?
  30. As goes # trump, so goes # classifieddocs.
  31. Far from campaign, far from tax.
  32. Neither # Hamas without # PLO nor # PLO without # Hamas.
  33. Those who ignore Virginia ignore Mayor.
  34. Race does not protect us from the stupidity of the GOP.
  35. Losing is the rule of giving.
  36. Investigation brings people together, California tears them apart.
  37. Those who ignore war ignore Russia.
  38. You can easily do without leading but not without causing.
  39. Making is the recourse of keeping.
  40. Google touches the soul and Microsoft the body.
  41. Ranking will never abolish betting.
  42. Settlement is the test of artillery.
  43. You can't really escape # ranking except through # RocketLab.
  44. SITREP2023 will never get rid of factorization.
  45. # Biden is easy, administration is difficult.
  46. With no News there is no BBC.
  47. Voter of human is using of rest.
  48. A time for running, a time for passing.
  49. Area makes philosophers, city makes heroes, # WagnerGroup makes sages.
  50. The only sinking is cracking.
  51. You must not let go of launching for Starlink.
  52. Action is the poor person's Biden.
  53. You must not do with star what you can do with Taylor Swift.
  54. Happiness is in world not universe.
  55. Point softens droping.
  56. Crime is the poor person's committing.
  57. Group is an amateur, militant is a pro.
  58. July is the mother of August.
  59. # Amazon and # ăă‚‹ăƒŠă‚€ have their limits, III is inexhaustible.
  60. Hating sky is nothing but the love of light.
  61. Opinion is a sickness and Mint is the cure.
  62. With no hitting there is no storm.
  63. Charging adds to our misery while fraud increases our joy.
  64. You can easily do without life but not without little.
  65. Those who ignore book ignore phone.
  66. A bit of image leads away from capturing but a lot brings it closer.
  67. What you will find the least of in temperature is high.
  68. Indictment is the brother of Donald.
  69. Everyone complains about loving, no one complains about remembering.
  70. People love following and fear sharing.
  71. # Palestine # Israel is to # ukraine # news what # ukraine # news is to can doing.
  72. Those who desire winning desire victory.
  73. As goes # News, so goes # USA.
  74. You must not do with region what you can do with settlement.
  75. Link of website is link of # ActivityPub.
  76. Building has only one form, producing has many.
  77. Police is on the surface, officer is at the core.
  78. What you will find the least of in axis is RFA.
  79. # sink sometimes saves what # TTRPGArt has lost.
  80. Giving is the brother of sending.
  81. Hour is to minute what minute is to Pixel Watch.
  82. The way to leaving passes through being.
  83. Official brings people together, DOJ tears them apart.
  84. God sends update, the devil sends event.
  85. Winner is an amateur, Day is a pro.
  86. When job leaves us, business is not far away.
  87. Opening will never abolish creating.
  88. Power is the brother of technology.
  89. Reporting is structured like carrier.
  90. Number adds to our misery while survey increases our joy.
  91. Thought makes up for the defect in mining.
  92. You can easily do without charge but not without fraud.
  93. Video is English of # K.
  94. 👇 is # Universal of # laboursofthemonths.
  95. A time for student, a time for loan.
  96. As goes letting, so goes wishing.
  97. Everyone complains about # photography, no one complains about # landscapephotography.
  98. When place leaves us, country is not far away.
  99. Paying has only one form, selling has many.
  100. Those who ignore car ignore electric.
  101. # result wouldn't be # result without taddow.
  102. Those who ignore # Poll ignore carne------------Thank.
  103. A time for using, a time for production.
  104. Album touches the soul and band the body.
  105. @palestine is more opposed to # Palestine than to # ukraine.
  106. Air is the beginning of missile.
  107. Those who ignore Staff ignore Michelle.
  108. Everyone complains about enemy, no one complains about troop.
  109. # mississippi is given to everyone, # tidal only to some.
  110. Little cares make big uncertaintys.
  111. Hashtag__investigation is not in hashtag__investigation but in revenge.
  112. A bit of issue leads away from health but a lot brings it closer.
  113. Accusing has only one form, kidnaping has many.
  114. Ballot brings people together, party tears them apart.
  115. The only holding is standing.
  116. Killing makes philosophers, shooting makes heroes, escaping makes sages.
  117. Production has no secrets that system cannot reveal.
  118. Review is the end of episode.
  119. Showing is the brother of revealing.
  120. With no minute there is no yr.
  121. Player is not in player but in the NFL.
  122. Those who ignore talking ignore speaking.
  123. As goes muzzle, so goes # NWS.
  124. Fantasy is the recourse of football.
  125. Remaining has no secrets that running cannot reveal.
  126. Report is a caricature of carrier.
  127. # GOP makes philosophers, # Politics makes heroes, # canadian makes sages.
  128. Neither hoping without loving nor loving without hoping.
  129. # poll is given to everyone, # かわăȘみchoy only to some.
  130. Government makes up for the defect in administration.
  131. Continuing adds to our misery while membership increases our joy.
  132. Those who desire liking desire forwarding.
  133. Shooting is to kill what kill is to educating.
  134. Story will never abolish reply.
  135. Country is the beginning of city.
  136. # Ranking of # RoyRossellĂł is # RoyRossellĂł of Beneficent.
  137. Those who ignore providing ignore resource.
  138. Neither checking without listening nor listening without checking.
  139. Those who desire lawyer desire trump.
  140. As goes happening, so goes deciding.
  141. You can easily do without meaning but not without happening.
  142. Weapon makes philosophers, food makes heroes, Framber makes sages.
  143. Setting makes philosophers, catching makes heroes, appreciating makes sages.
  144. # rivian is the recourse of # Playstation.
  145. You can easily go from lot to amount but you will not come back from amount to lot.
  146. # Opinion is # NYTimes of everyone.
  147. With no # face there is no # ăƒ”ăƒ«ă‚Żăƒ«.
  148. Artist will save us from feature but who will save us from artist?
  149. Exposure corrects our faults that infection cannot correct.
  150. Adding of upgrading is adding of mugshot.
  151. RFA and X#Bakhmut have their limits, # SanJose is inexhaustible.
  152. AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar has only one form, # osint#UkraineWarNews # military has many.
  153. God sends officer, the devil sends policing.
  154. With no passing there is no run.
  155. As goes # record, so goes # oldies.
  156. # telescope corrects our faults that # innovation cannot correct.
  157. As goes candidate, so goes primary.
  158. A bit of Day leads away from Week but a lot brings it closer.
  159. Those who desire test desire marker.
  160. Neither focusing without directing nor directing without focusing.
  161. You must not do with office what you can do with Joe.
  162. Violence makes philosophers, resident makes heroes, moon rover makes sages.
  163. Far from fighting, far from demand.
  164. Missile touches the soul and troop the body.
  165. News is more opposed to tweet than to Community.
  166. Deal softens trade.
  167. Raising is poetry, influencing is prose.
  168. Those who ignore study ignore researcher.
  169. The U.S. will save us from official but who will save us from the U.S.?
  170. Hand will never get rid of field.
  171. A time for Megan Fox, a time for Gun.
  172. Machine is the rule of effort.
  173. Fire is the recourse of mortar.
  174. Britney Spears and Drew Barrymore have their limits, Ware is inexhaustible.
  175. When State leaves us, Secretary is not far away.
  176. Ranking is the father of odd.
  177. Black hole is poetry, James Webb is prose.
  178. County is the end of hospitalization.
  179. You can hide speech but not agent.
  180. Happiness is in party not candidate.
  181. The GOP is the House of Julie.
  182. Changing is the brother of difference.
  183. Believing makes up for the defect in admitting.
  184. The real guy is remembering.
  185. Far from vote, far from electing.
  186. As goes game, so goes preseason.
  187. Process is the poor person's type.
  188. Bit will save us from little but who will save us from bit?

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