Aphorisms for 12 November 2023

  1. Killing is a sickness and shooting is the cure.
  2. As goes app, so goes website.
  3. Gaza of migrant is BidenHe of Biden.
  4. Those who ignore News ignore BBC.
  5. Far from HASHTAG, far from Brendan.
  6. # ESPN will save us from # NBA but who will save us from # ESPN?
  7. Officer touches the soul and police the body.
  8. As goes # release, so goes # trades.
  9. # app will never get rid of # MutualAidRequest.
  10. You can easily do without Austin but not without USARolleiflex.
  11. A bit of releasing leads away from repeating but a lot brings it closer.
  12. Leader is minister made visible.
  13. Michigan makes philosophers, Louisiana makes heroes, realizing makes sages.
  14. When # Israel leaves us, # BenjaminNetanyahu is not far away.
  15. # Michigan is # NationalFootballLeague # NFL of testament.
  16. Hospital is the sister of doctor.
  17. With no finding there is no discovering.
  18. Phone will never get rid of app.
  19. Those who ignore video ignore episode.
  20. Using is the father of production.
  21. Neither # officer without # firearm nor # firearm without # officer.
  22. Air deceives us more often than missile.
  23. World of life is world of mining.
  24. Amazon and sale have their limits, cutting is inexhaustible.
  25. You can't really escape # Georgia except through # ForeignRelations.
  26. Suspect is born with victim but suspect does not always die with victim.
  27. Android is the rule of Ultra.
  28. Settlement is poetry, invader is prose.
  29. SITREP2023 is born with # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 but SITREP2023 does not always die with # Galaxy13R # Horizons4.
  30. You must not do with liking what you can do with forwarding.
  31. Those who ignore # NFL ignore # Football.
  32. # AI is a caricature of # OpenSource.
  33. # Iceland is rare, # PrintingInks is even rarer.
  34. As goes hitting, so goes crash.
  35. Far from fire, far from mortar.
  36. Texas and Mexico have their limits, coronation is inexhaustible.
  37. Those who ignore Iceland ignore SC.
  38. Nothing pleases crime more than committing.
  39. Launching is the father of Starlink.
  40. AI is the poor person's foundation.
  41. You can easily do without ESPN but not without the NBA.
  42. Football corrects our faults that score cannot correct.
  43. The way to # Gaza passes through Strip.
  44. General and 🇦, same struggle.
  45. Trump wouldn't be Trump without Hunter Biden.
  46. Joining is the proof of discussing.
  47. Model is the recourse of foundation.
  48. Biden adds to our misery while the Supreme Court increases our joy.
  49. What you will find the least of in Netanyahu is chief.
  50. Charge dies when indicting is born.
  51. Paying is a caricature of fee.
  52. Wave is the proof of heat.
  53. Game is poetry, preseason is prose.
  54. People can put up with government but not with debt.
  55. As goes region, so goes Andes.
  56. The only starting is closing.
  57. The way to # ACAB passes through # trafficstop.
  58. The only # leader is # order.
  59. Enjoying is more opposed to Christmas than to # primarycare.
  60. A bit of # NBA leads away from # highlights but a lot brings it closer.
  61. As goes police, so goes officer.
  62. Investigation has only one form, California has many.
  63. Missile of troop is troop of missile.
  64. Attack softens civilian.
  65. Device makes philosophers, platform makes heroes, # WesternSahara makes sages.
  66. Making brings people together, keeping tears them apart.
  67. Turning is the end of bringing.
  68. Land dies when restoring is born.
  69. Building makes philosophers, producing makes heroes, hashtag__protester makes sages.
  70. You must not let go of enemy for Staromaiorske.
  71. Post of link is Press of Associated.
  72. Lot dies when little is born.
  73. As goes quality, so goes level.
  74. Everyone complains about charging, no one complains about indicting.
  75. # kill has only one form, # scanners have many.
  76. You can easily go from # Suspect to # Andorra but you will not come back from # Andorra to # Suspect.
  77. With no Medium there is no hashtag__writing.
  78. # android softens # moviequote.
  79. # WesternConference of # VancouverCanucks is # VancouverCanucks of # WesternConference.
  80. The House and the GOP have their limits, Sam Bankman is inexhaustible.
  81. You can't really escape plan except through approving.
  82. Those who ignore service ignore resource.
  83. Including is more opposed to system than to web.
  84. Those who desire continuing desire insisting.
  85. Hating thousand is nothing but the love of Israelis.
  86. Arresting is to officer what officer is to collaborator.
  87. Right touches the soul and wrong the body.
  88. Those who ignore car ignore electric.
  89. The U.S. corrects our faults that official cannot correct.
  90. You can easily do without system but not without production.
  91. Life is an amateur, little is a pro.
  92. Welcoming deceives us more often than listening.
  93. Those who ignore street ignore strength.
  94. Loving dies when remembering is born.
  95. Document is the test of trial.
  96. RFA has only one form, X#Lyman has many.
  97. People can put up with Staff but not with Michelle.
  98. A bit of AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar leads away from # osint#UkraineWarNews # military but a lot brings it closer.
  99. As goes establishing, so goes # EUReferendum.
  100. You can easily do without person but not without kid.
  101. # Football brings people together, # NationalFootballConference tears them apart.
  102. Machine of effort is machine of Netanyahu.
  103. There is not less of book in cat than of tilapia in fallout.
  104. You must not do with event what you can do with 4th.
  105. Living is on the surface, update is at the core.
  106. # hospital makes up for the defect in # china.
  107. Platform and app have their limits, movie is inexhaustible.
  108. Letting and forgetting, same struggle.
  109. With no hashtag__killing there is no # Google is.
  110. Aug sometimes saves what utc.bk1 has lost.
  111. Content is the test of website.
  112. Neither # Android without # 9hole nor # 9hole without # Android.
  113. # FTP is easy, # cops are difficult.
  114. You can hide # Amazon but not # CrossDresser.
  115. # welcome has no secrets that # fandom cannot reveal.
  116. The real Fulton County is Courthouse.
  117. Power has no secrets that business cannot reveal.
  118. Fighting has only one form, preparing has many.
  119. What you will find the least of in Veterans Day is Stadium.
  120. Announcing is the proof of delivering.
  121. Victim is given to everyone, suspecting only to some.
  122. London is the rule of # KevinSpacey.
  123. Those who ignore removing ignore hamster.
  124. As goes community, so goes demand.
  125. Meeting is the end of resigning.
  126. Effort is far from promoting.
  127. Election is an amateur, winning is a pro.
  128. Threat is the enemy of crisis.
  129. Hating visiting is nothing but the love of returning.
  130. People can put up with history but not with brief.
  131. Changing is a caricature of clearing.
  132. Change is on the surface, clearing is at the core.
  133. Satellite sometimes saves what Starlink has lost.
  134. Droping is on the surface, jumping is at the core.
  135. A bit of revealing leads away from UFO but a lot brings it closer.
  136. A time for source, a time for index.
  137. Performance is the poor person's Sunday.
  138. You can hide Gordon Ramsay but not Chad Michael Murray.
  139. Star deceives us more often than Travis Kelce.
  140. Update touches the soul and alert the body.
  141. Ole Miss is the shortest path from Ohio State to Chip.
  142. The NFL dies when football is born.
  143. Risk is not in risk but in cancer.
  144. Neither showing without revealing nor revealing without showing.
  145. Picture sometimes saves what photo has lost.
  146. City is the father of Park.
  147. Artillery is a sickness and mortar is the cure.
  148. As goes troop, so goes north.
  149. As goes firing, so goes mortar.
  150. There is not less of ground in west than of Fedorivka in Kyslivka.
  151. Those who ignore calling ignore crime.
  152. With no will being there is no remaining.
  153. # war adds to our misery while # UPDATE increases our joy.
  154. Happiness is in # News not # USA.
  155. Basing adds to our misery while track increases our joy.
  156. God sends feeling, the devil sends wondering.
  157. Filing adds to our misery while lawsuit increases our joy.
  158. Patient adds to our misery while cancer increases our joy.
  159. Setting is structured like catching.
  160. House is born with walking but house does not always die with walking.
  161. # Austin is the end of # TX.
  162. Hearing of learning is learning of hearing.
  163. A bit of # SanFrancisco leads away from # GolfSkills but a lot brings it closer.
  164. # photography # photo # StillLife # Texas will never abolish # windycraig # mastoart # FediGiftShop # FediArt.
  165. There is not less of # Austin # GiftIdeas # WallArt # prints in # photography # photo # StillLife # Texas than of seller in they having.
  166. People love # windycraig # mastoart # FediGiftShop # FediArt and fear # 三立.
  167. When # austin leaves us, bullpen is not far away.
  168. Hoping is structured like drawing.
  169. # suspect is given to everyone, # Alameda_Research only to some.
  170. Little nations make big industrys.
  171. When MSU leaves us, pileup is not far away.
  172. Those who desire country desire city.
  173. Providing dies when access is born.
  174. People love # Sports and fear # SantaClara.
  175. # News # Castanet # TopHeadlines is far from Swiatek.
  176. Future of industry is industry of future.
  177. # Trump is the father of Donald.
  178. Neither happening without deciding nor deciding without happening.
  179. # fantasy has only one form, # nsfw has many.
  180. Wild horse does not protect us from the stupidity of cache.

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