Aphorisms for 18 November 2023

  1. Far from reading, far from listening.
  2. A bit of season leads away from round but a lot brings it closer.
  3. # NFL is the brother of # Football.
  4. HASHTAG sometimes saves what @odktiger has lost.
  5. # Philippines is the test of illusionen.
  6. # Ravens corrects our faults that wr cannot correct.
  7. # ESPN corrects our faults that # KennyCaraway cannot correct.
  8. # Bengals are the beginning of # KansasCity # KansasCityChiefs # Missouri # NationalFootballLeague.
  9. When Trump leaves us, lawyer is not far away.
  10. Finding will save us from discovering but who will save us from finding?
  11. Those who desire # Trump desire Donald Trump.
  12. Neither hospital without patient nor patient without hospital.
  13. Apple is given to everyone, iphone 15 only to some.
  14. Video is the mother of documentary.
  15. You can easily do without # Iowa but not without # Courts.
  16. Book of post is # Armenia # Azerbaijan of @rationaldoge.
  17. You must not let go of # worker for # union.
  18. When # astrology # horoscope # vedicastrology # vedicastrologer leaves us, # astrologer # predictions # destiny # psychic is not far away.
  19. # astrologer # predictions # destiny # psychic has only one form, # kundli # jyotish # remedy has many.
  20. # NASA is to # Space what # Space is to # PressFreedom.
  21. Everyone complains about Biden, no one complains about impeachment.
  22. Amazon does not protect us from the stupidity of Apple.
  23. Sale has no secrets that iPhone cannot reveal.
  24. Winning is a caricature of election.
  25. War and NATO have their limits, Interpol is inexhaustible.
  26. Far from Iowa, far from fraud trial.
  27. As goes launching, so goes Starlink.
  28. Fantasy is the recourse of football.
  29. You can easily do without life but not without little.
  30. People love # Hamas and fear # PLO.
  31. # Sale makes philosophers, # PluginBoutique makes heroes, brain makes sages.
  32. You can hide # 18 but not # MILF.
  33. Worker is given to everyone, farm only to some.
  34. Attack and shooting have their limits, er is inexhaustible.
  35. You must not let go of death for violence.
  36. Ravens brings people together, Bills tear them apart.
  37. You can easily do without NASA but not without Bennu.
  38. Podcast is a caricature of episode.
  39. A time for # Israel, a time for @lebanon.
  40. Far from SITREP2023, far from factorization.
  41. Air of missile is misconfiguration of ASM.
  42. # death is the beginning of # unaware.
  43. A bit of # win leads away from # SupportLabor but a lot brings it closer.
  44. Those who ignore Philippines ignore IDF.
  45. The way to plan passes through order.
  46. Joining wouldn't be joining without discussing.
  47. You must not let go of game for preseason.
  48. ESPN is given to everyone, the NBA only to some.
  49. With no NFL there is no Eagles.
  50. Discussing is easy, join is difficult.
  51. The way to practice passes through camp.
  52. When General leaves us, 🇦 is not far away.
  53. Far from # Biden, far from # WeaponizingTheJusticeDepartment.
  54. As goes feeling, so goes guessing.
  55. The only thank is pleasing.
  56. # season of # StableDiffusion is # StableDiffusion of # season.
  57. TikTok deceives us more often than Twitter.
  58. Hating government is nothing but the love of blaming.
  59. Continuing is rare, returning is even rarer.
  60. Those who desire leaving desire holding.
  61. You can hide election but not win.
  62. Deal is the brother of trade.
  63. Story sometimes saves what article has lost.
  64. God sends meaning, the devil sends happening.
  65. Patient is the rule of cancer.
  66. Talking is a caricature of speaking.
  67. Neither settlement without Ma'ale nor Ma'ale without settlement.
  68. Region is more opposed to west than to regaining.
  69. As goes issue, so goes addressing.
  70. Axis and RFA have their limits, NG-19 is inexhaustible.
  71. Everyone complains about president, no one complains about ally.
  72. Using is the rule of model.
  73. Hearing is the recourse of wishing.
  74. # art is an amateur, # MastoArt is a pro.
  75. # tiktok makes up for the defect in # cumshot.
  76. # NBA deceives us more often than # highlights.
  77. Those who ignore medium ignore social.
  78. Announcing of delivering is filter of # HowardKaylan.
  79. A time for campaign, a time for tax.
  80. People love person and fear kid.
  81. Team is not in team but in player.
  82. Starting will never get rid of closing.
  83. Nothing pleases calling more than vote.
  84. Those who ignore iPhone ignore Pro.
  85. Little bringings make big turnings.
  86. You can easily go from horoscope to August but you will not come back from August to horoscope.
  87. Far from injury, far from football.
  88. You must not let go of star for Taylor Swift.
  89. Space adds to our misery while mission increases our joy.
  90. When health leaves us, expert is not far away.
  91. Nothing pleases camp more than practicing.
  92. # Ravensflock is the rule of # moths.
  93. Letting is the mother of going to being.
  94. Those who ignore # News ignore # USA.
  95. August is an amateur, July is a pro.
  96. Staff sometimes saves what Michelle has lost.
  97. Enemy is born with west but enemy does not always die with west.
  98. Neither leading without challenge nor challenge without leading.
  99. The way to hoping passes through realizing.
  100. There is not less of student in Harvard than of gay in friendship.
  101. Far from turning, far from field.
  102. Striking is the proof of worker.
  103. # Apple is the shortest path from # Pixar to Morris.
  104. # WesternConference brings people together, # LinusKarlsson tears them apart.
  105. Meeting is an amateur, resigning is a pro.
  106. Hating following is nothing but the love of feed.
  107. Fire is poetry, mortar is prose.
  108. Far from charging, far from indicting.
  109. With no city there is no area.
  110. Arresting is more opposed to officer than to globe.
  111. Family is easy, mother is difficult.
  112. Little bodys make big recoverings.
  113. Killing softens shooting.
  114. You must not do with response what you can do with # Biden administration.
  115. Neither cloud without region nor region without cloud.
  116. Confirming is the continuation of resistance by other means.
  117. Setting touches the soul and catching the body.
  118. Night has only one form, weekend has many.
  119. Making is easy, investing is difficult.
  120. Burrow corrects our faults that Micah cannot correct.
  121. Impact corrects our faults that directing cannot correct.
  122. This weekend is orionid of gondii.
  123. Facing adds to our misery while challenge increases our joy.
  124. What you will find the least of in saving is buying.
  125. Contract will never get rid of bill.
  126. You must not let go of group for militant.
  127. Liking is far from forwarding.
  128. # hospital is far from # resources.
  129. You must not do with # war what you can do with # UPDATE.
  130. In RFA there is more X#Bakhmut than dice roll.
  131. AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar touches the soul and # osint#UkraineWarNews # military the body.
  132. Nothing pleases troop more than missile.
  133. Firing makes up for the defect in mortar.
  134. When system leaves us, model is not far away.
  135. Crime is structured like committing.
  136. Neither democracy without crisis nor crisis without democracy.
  137. As goes law, so goes investigation.
  138. Lot is a sickness and little is the cure.
  139. # trump makes philosophers, # classifieddocs makes heroes, # WesternSahara makes sages.
  140. Paying is on the surface, fee is at the core.
  141. Wondering adds to our misery while guessing increases our joy.
  142. # iowa is on the surface, # PhotoMonday is at the core.
  143. A time for running, a time for race.
  144. Learning does not protect us from the stupidity of hearing.
  145. Those who desire point desire droping.
  146. # artist dies when # painting is born.
  147. Posting is rare, link is even rarer.
  148. Episode is the shortest path from review to ufo.
  149. When place leaves us, shame is not far away.
  150. You must not do with # gifts what you can do with # Tiktok.
  151. SOLD wouldn't be SOLD without 🌿.
  152. God sends # Amazon, the devil sends # GooglePlay.
  153. # fantasy sometimes saves what # portrait has lost.
  154. # kundli # jyotish # remedy # indianastrologyCLICK will save us from # remedyCLICK but who will save us from # kundli # jyotish # remedy # indianastrologyCLICK?
  155. Happiness is in Gaza not airstrike.
  156. People can put up with right but not with wrong.
  157. Power is structured like business.
  158. Those who ignore planning ignore order.
  159. World has no secrets that life cannot reveal.
  160. Win is the sister of victory.
  161. You must not let go of event for Moon.
  162. Source is the rule of door.
  163. Dying and separating have their limits, panel is inexhaustible.
  164. As goes hitting, so goes storm.
  165. Friday is rare, Monday is even rarer.
  166. Elon Musk and Sunak have their limits, Moxila is inexhaustible.
  167. Revealing will never abolish document.
  168. Those who ignore failing ignore Israel.
  169. Car wouldn't be car without electric.
  170. Nothing pleases stock more than market.
  171. With no website there is no app.
  172. Hating News is nothing but the love of BBC.
  173. The U.S. is the sister of market.
  174. Supporting is the mother of controling.
  175. When accusing leaves us, killing is not far away.
  176. God sends Golden Bachelor, the devil sends Idol.
  177. Neither providing without access nor access without providing.
  178. Hunger Games sometimes saves what Friends has lost.
  179. Joe brings people together, Hunter tears them apart.
  180. Suffering of drilling is drilling of # business.
  181. Nothing pleases steping more than walking.

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