Aphorisms for 21 November 2023

  1. People love Trump and fear Smith.
  2. Finding is born with discovering but finding does not always die with discovering.
  3. You must not let go of HASHTAG for Brendan.
  4. Happiness is in # Eagles not Good.
  5. # Trump has no secrets that Donald cannot reveal.
  6. Biden is an outline of the Republicans.
  7. Stock has only one form, market has many.
  8. Risk deceives us more often than benefit.
  9. Apple has only one form, iphone 15 has many.
  10. People love # Israel and fear # Russia.
  11. # Texas has only one form, # Fascism has many.
  12. Little videos make big Moons.
  13. Reporting is given to everyone, issue only to some.
  14. Loving is the sister of remembering.
  15. President is born with impeachment but president does not always die with impeachment.
  16. Deal is the brother of pitch.
  17. Far from test, far from algorithm.
  18. Season has no secrets that round cannot reveal.
  19. Info is structured like # expensive.
  20. Gaza is the continuation of blockade by other means.
  21. When pardoning leaves us, recruiting is not far away.
  22. Paying is the poor person's cutting.
  23. World makes up for the defect in life.
  24. Far from # Argentina, far from # ExtremeHeat.
  25. There is not less of # Earthquake in # sismo than of rioters.(c in # BBC # News # World.
  26. Those who desire # Chiefs desire # Cowboys.
  27. Hating election is nothing but the love of winning.
  28. Sharing sometimes saves what post has lost.
  29. As goes hour, so goes minute.
  30. You must not let go of # Turkey for # News # Russia.
  31. Those who ignore reading ignore listening.
  32. People can put up with # risk but not with # safety.
  33. # NASA is the mother of # Space.
  34. Using is on the surface, model is at the core.
  35. Striking is far from worker.
  36. Talking makes philosophers, speaking makes heroes, pouring makes sages.
  37. Game will never abolish preseason.
  38. Dog is more opposed to cat than to hashtag__violation.
  39. Flu is not in flu but in COVID.
  40. As goes number, so goes survey.
  41. Team of person is person of hashtag__student.
  42. Km will save us from # Sallanches but who will save us from km?
  43. Min dies when mm is born.
  44. # Alzheimer sometimes saves what Parkinson has lost.
  45. News is easy, winner is difficult.
  46. Thanksgiving is the end of Michael Lorenzen.
  47. A time for record, a time for high.
  48. A time for life, a time for little.
  49. Those who desire letting desire forgetting.
  50. You can hide continuing but not begining.
  51. # Hamas is far from # PLO.
  52. # Biden is a sickness and office is the cure.
  53. The only # deal is # bargain.
  54. Facing is to challenge what challenge is to programming.
  55. Service is born with resource but service does not always die with resource.
  56. Including is given to everyone, identifying only to some.
  57. Report is issue made visible.
  58. Far from illness, far from infection.
  59. App is easy, website is difficult.
  60. Sale is the test of iPhone.
  61. Those who desire Texas desire Mexico.
  62. When space leaves us, mission is not far away.
  63. NASA is the father of space.
  64. Basing is born with track but basing does not always die with track.
  65. Indictment of Donald is Donald of # narcissist.
  66. There is not less of # Apple in # Meta than of Gov. in SEC.
  67. Hashtag__pardoning of defeating is # MyAlaskaWx of orca.
  68. # deprem is the sister of # भूकंप.
  69. # Stock is the enemy of # apple.
  70. As goes winning, so goes victory.
  71. With no showing there is no turning.
  72. Turning is more opposed to bringing than to infecting.
  73. News and BBC have their limits, svg is inexhaustible.
  74. With no post there is no book.
  75. With no medium there is no social.
  76. Those who ignore August ignore July.
  77. A bit of home leads away from store but a lot brings it closer.
  78. With no government there is no administration.
  79. IPhone is the brother of Android.
  80. A bit of Alzheimer leads away from Parkinson but a lot brings it closer.
  81. Neither disease without Alzheimer nor Alzheimer without disease.
  82. Far from group, far from militant.
  83. Hating phone is nothing but the love of app.
  84. Document is revealing made visible.
  85. Those who desire # News desire # USA.
  86. When providing leaves us, resource is not far away.
  87. A time for capacity, a time for PICU.
  88. Country of city is # Cygnus of cargo.
  89. # season is the proof of # StableDiffusion.
  90. # video and # Vlog, same struggle.
  91. As goes # dog, so goes # Comedy.
  92. Update is the test of fixing.
  93. Happiness is in releasing not meeting.
  94. Opinion is Mint made visible.
  95. You can hide right but not hashtag__censorship.
  96. Those who desire adding desire selling.
  97. Official makes philosophers, DOJ makes heroes, # teen makes sages.
  98. A time for level, a time for high.
  99. People love Android and fear Ultra.
  100. Starting is a caricature of closing.
  101. Neither climate without infection nor infection without climate.
  102. The way to health passes through expert.
  103. Joining is the continuation of discussing by other means.
  104. @palestine is to @israel what @israel is to # bot.
  105. Killing touches the soul and shooting the body.
  106. Temperature makes philosophers, high makes heroes, hashtag__pedestrian makes sages.
  107. With no link there is no website.
  108. Person and kid have their limits, pickup is inexhaustible.
  109. You can easily do without # Thanksgiving but not without costar.
  110. There is not less of # flu in # epidemiology than of Pentacles in artifact.
  111. County is far from hospitalization.
  112. Feeling and guessing have their limits, # MeteoCOVID is inexhaustible.
  113. A bit of sq leads away from km5 but a lot brings it closer.
  114. # Illness and # earth have their limits, organising is inexhaustible.
  115. With no author(s there is no RetirementHomeUnit(s.
  116. The GOP is the shortest path from DeSantis to BFF.
  117. When hospital leaves us, patient is not far away.
  118. Neither Argentina without exit nor exit without Argentina.
  119. People can put up with travel but not with foot.
  120. Tool will save us from technology but who will save us from tool?
  121. Map and monitoring have their limits, 2064#Putin is inexhaustible.
  122. New of York is York of New.
  123. A bit of holding leads away from facing but a lot brings it closer.
  124. With no event there is no Moon.
  125. Linking is born with website but linking does not always die with website.
  126. A time for loss, a time for expectation.
  127. Following touches the soul and thank the body.
  128. Company is far from advancing.
  129. Reaching is to global what global is to hashtag__baredataset2.
  130. Ai is poetry, iphone 15 is prose.
  131. Happiness is in rate not low.
  132. IMessage will never abolish rcs.
  133. Launching will save us from Falcon but who will save us from launching?
  134. Price is structured like cost.
  135. Change is the test of clearing.
  136. Revealing will never get rid of documenting.
  137. Little storys make big articles.
  138. Opening wouldn't be opening without door.
  139. As goes Chiefs, so goes Eagles.
  140. Making is the proof of bringing.
  141. Source is the shortest path from director to Alex Murdaugh.
  142. Region touches the soul and Andes the body.
  143. You can hide destroying but not United States.
  144. Place touches the soul and street the body.
  145. Camp touches the soul and practice the body.
  146. Article is an amateur, piece is a pro.
  147. You can easily do without meaning but not without happening.
  148. House and life have their limits, common is inexhaustible.
  149. Those who ignore # trump ignore # classifieddocs.
  150. A bit of job leads away from business but a lot brings it closer.
  151. As goes # news, so goes # ukraine.
  152. What you will find the least of in leaving is losing.
  153. Neither receiving without stealing nor stealing without receiving.
  154. Hashtag__pardon is rare, defeating is even rarer.
  155. # stock touches the soul and # congress the body.
  156. Option dies when prefering is born.
  157. # Test is the poor person's # Ventilate.
  158. Hashtag__illness is the rule of chart.
  159. # android makes up for the defect in # GooglePlay.
  160. Fence will never get rid of carmaker.
  161. Smith is the proof of Jack.
  162. Court makes philosophers, appeal makes heroes, ÖzkanCongratulations makes sages.
  163. Attack of shooting is shooting of attack.
  164. Disrupting brings people together, banking tears them apart.
  165. You can't really escape changing except through clearing.
  166. Age is rare, # Biden is even rarer.
  167. As goes falling, so goes jumping.
  168. God sends rising, the devil sends surging.
  169. Believing will never abolish admitting.
  170. Weekend sometimes saves what morning has lost.
  171. Meeting sometimes saves what testifying has lost.
  172. A time for design, a time for model.
  173. Problem will save us from difference but who will save us from problem?
  174. You can't really escape Black Friday except through Deals.
  175. Little improvings make big strategys.
  176. Point is given to everyone, droping only to some.
  177. Photo corrects our faults that post cannot correct.
  178. Begining is rare, traffic is even rarer.
  179. Star does not protect us from the stupidity of Taylor Swift.
  180. Eagles is given to everyone, Dolphins only to some.
  181. M and $ have their limits, the Republicans are inexhaustible.
  182. Recording is high of climate change.
  183. Mission is an amateur, Artemis is a pro.
  184. Those who desire study desire researcher.
  185. Increasing is the continuation of infection by other means.
  186. The only pledging is redoubling.
  187. Power and business have their limits, grandma is inexhaustible.

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