Aphorisms for 22 November 2023

  1. Neither # KEXP without # NowPlaying nor # NowPlaying without # KEXP.
  2. Finding corrects our faults that discovering cannot correct.
  3. A time for # playlist, a time for # Show.
  4. Those who ignore fire ignore mortar.
  5. There is not less of # Houthis in Tuberville than of Friday in tomorrow.
  6. A time for video, a time for event.
  7. # NowPlaying is given to everyone, # MorningShowStevie only to some.
  8. Deal softens UAW.
  9. Those who desire leaving desire sticking.
  10. A time for following, a time for sharing.
  11. Trump makes philosophers, judge makes heroes, buoy makes sages.
  12. Everyone complains about home, no one complains about tourist.
  13. Those who desire DeSantis desire McCarthy.
  14. Neither headphone without upgrading nor upgrading without headphone.
  15. Hating ranking is nothing but the love of week 10.
  16. God sends heart, the devil sends patient.
  17. Jellyfish will never abolish swimming.
  18. # Georgia makes philosophers, # Alabama makes heroes, complex makes sages.
  19. # Trump is the sister of Donald Trump.
  20. # NFL adds to our misery while # Football increases our joy.
  21. People can put up with place but not with city.
  22. Nothing pleases launching more than Starlink.
  23. As goes image, so goes capturing.
  24. The real Google is web.
  25. The only mining is polluting.
  26. # DeSantis and # Florida have their limits, Newton is inexhaustible.
  27. Far from ⚁, far from ⚂.
  28. Georgia is the brother of fraud trial.
  29. People can put up with worker but not with strike.
  30. World is the end of planet.
  31. The way to post passes through link.
  32. Tiara will never abolish conductor.
  33. Making is the rule of giving.
  34. # drop and # dance, same struggle.
  35. # Show is the recourse of 🎶.
  36. # fire makes up for the defect in # flicker.
  37. # worker brings people together, # union tears them apart.
  38. The only showing is revealing.
  39. God sends killing, the devil sends shooting.
  40. As goes the U.S., so goes Court.
  41. Firing will never abolish mortar.
  42. You can easily go from using to model but you will not come back from model to using.
  43. Droping of point is point of droping.
  44. Those who desire medium desire social.
  45. System is model of palaver.
  46. Dog is the recourse of friend.
  47. # deal is # bargain made visible.
  48. You must not do with leading what you can do with access.
  49. With no water there is no cutting.
  50. Those who ignore # Hamas ignore # PLO.
  51. You must not do with area what you can do with city.
  52. Official is structured like DOJ.
  53. Election is the father of winning.
  54. President is an amateur, gun is a pro.
  55. A time for force, a time for army.
  56. Group has no secrets that militant cannot reveal.
  57. Sonos corrects our faults that batch cannot correct.
  58. Team makes philosophers, player makes heroes, 40 makes sages.
  59. Those who ignore season ignore round.
  60. As goes # video, so goes # Vlog.
  61. # dog is the end of # shirt.
  62. History and politic have their limits, Punchbowl#Republicans is inexhaustible.
  63. Track is the continuation of album by other means.
  64. Air and troop have their limits, coursework is inexhaustible.
  65. SITREP2023 is an outline of # disgusting8.
  66. General corrects our faults that Staff cannot correct.
  67. # landslide is the proof of # Kimchi.
  68. Those who desire miner desire Bátonyterenye.
  69. A bit of # letsroll leads away from →hashtag__exhume but a lot brings it closer.
  70. A time for # ranking, a time for # CA # California.
  71. Everyone complains about # google, no one complains about # seo.
  72. Those who ignore # mining ignore # HarlanCounty.
  73. Update is born with alert but update does not always die with alert.
  74. In starting there is more race than Gov..
  75. Nothing pleases destroying more than United States.
  76. Settlement is rare, Ma'ale is even rarer.
  77. Report is an amateur, official is a pro.
  78. Far from continuing, far from begining.
  79. Joining is easy, discussing is difficult.
  80. Record is the test of second.
  81. August is poetry, September is prose.
  82. Far from coal, far from Kentucky.
  83. # news is the proof of # ukraine.
  84. Community is an amateur, demand is a pro.
  85. Hating region is nothing but the love of Mountains.
  86. Hashtag__headphone has no secrets that hashtag__email cannot reveal.
  87. Writing corrects our faults that piece cannot correct.
  88. # use is the enemy of # Mayor.
  89. # jellyfish will save us from # WindSurfing but who will save us from # jellyfish?
  90. You can hide threatening but not fleeing.
  91. Winning makes philosophers, victory makes heroes, processor makes sages.
  92. What you will find the least of in leader is murder.
  93. News adds to our misery while BBC increases our joy.
  94. Dying adds to our misery while dead increases our joy.
  95. As goes hitting, so goes storm.
  96. Iraq is not in Iraq but in Tigris.
  97. There is not less of service in resource than of dialogue in web.
  98. Including is easy, country is difficult.
  99. Power has no secrets that business cannot reveal.
  100. Article will never abolish story.
  101. # nature is on the surface, # landscape is at the core.
  102. # art corrects our faults that # MastoArt cannot correct.
  103. Checking is born with rolling but checking does not always die with rolling.
  104. With no giving there is no bringing.
  105. # Palestine # Israel is born with supremacy but # Palestine # Israel does not always die with supremacy.
  106. Government is on the surface, administration is at the core.
  107. Neither # follow without # giftideas nor # giftideas without # follow.
  108. As goes # Florida, so goes # Disney.
  109. Weapon of food is hashtag__bloodclots of # Tamiflu.
  110. Neither axis without RFA nor RFA without axis.
  111. Far from # Sonos, far from Pi.
  112. # rankings and # dickpics have their limits, Meet is inexhaustible.
  113. With no # heart there is no ←TUNE.
  114. # Heart sometimes saves what # Surgeon has lost.
  115. Those who ignore talk ignore speaking.
  116. County is a caricature of Kentucky.
  117. Capturing has only one form, imaging has many.
  118. Search is structured like business.
  119. Member is the end of involving.
  120. Ship is on the surface, insuring is at the core.
  121. Reporting is the rule of official.
  122. Falling makes up for the defect in jumping.
  123. Announcing adds to our misery while delivering increases our joy.
  124. Paying is the brother of fee.
  125. People love death and fear woman.
  126. Far from Florida, far from Texas.
  127. The only the NFL is Eagles.
  128. Talking is the sister of speaking.
  129. Sea and level have their limits, platform is inexhaustible.
  130. Those who desire research desire model.
  131. Setting adds to our misery while catching increases our joy.
  132. Story will never abolish toot.
  133. Link is structured like posting.
  134. Song has no secrets that labor cannot reveal.
  135. # artist is the sister of # painting.
  136. Losing and paying have their limits, risemillion is inexhaustible.
  137. A time for hand, a time for life.
  138. Indictment is an outline of Donald Trump.
  139. Crime is the poor person's committing.
  140. When sliting leaves us, throat is not far away.
  141. Law makes philosophers, gun makes heroes, reacting makes sages.
  142. Nothing pleases point more than drop.
  143. Nothing pleases troop more than missile.
  144. Enemy is not in enemy but in uav.
  145. Far from calling, far from crime.
  146. God sends line, the devil sends catching.
  147. The way to # sonos passes through iPhone 12.
  148. Everyone complains about updating, no one complains about alert.
  149. Nothing pleases # tiara more than # choker.
  150. Far from volatility, far from slowdown.
  151. As goes man o, so goes endgame.
  152. Reaching is poetry, hitting is prose.
  153. You must not do with opinion what you can do with Mint.
  154. Office is the enemy of # Biden.
  155. You must not do with Sheriff what you can do with calendar.
  156. The real sending is returning.
  157. As goes Ron, so goes # DeSantis.
  158. Strike deceives us more often than auto.
  159. Backing will save us from off but who will save us from backing?
  160. Missile is the test of air strike.
  161. Hating releasing is nothing but the love of reporting.
  162. Neither India without Chandrayaan-3 nor Chandrayaan-3 without India.
  163. Far from traping, far from tunnel.
  164. Site and littering, same struggle.
  165. A time for company, a time for customer.
  166. Neither failing without investigating nor investigating without failing.
  167. You must not let go of investigation for probe.
  168. Product wouldn't be product without technology.
  169. You can hide box but not jumping.
  170. Sale and iPhone, same struggle.
  171. Visiting is the poor person's returning.
  172. Little wearings make big feelings.
  173. Rankings are the poor person's week 2.
  174. Owner is the beginning of resident.
  175. Facing is the shortest path from the GOP to Engoron.
  176. Learning is rare, hearing is even rarer.
  177. Chirp dies when # deal is born.
  178. Those who ignore step ignore walking.
  179. You can easily go from liking to forwarding but you will not come back from forwarding to liking.
  180. The real book is post.
  181. Painting adds to our misery while blog increases our joy.
  182. Feeling is the test of wondering.
  183. Practice is not in practice but in camp.
  184. In effort there is more promoting than # USA.
  185. 👇 is to # EarningsReports what # EarningsReports are to AOH1996.
  186. You can easily go from letting to wishing but you will not come back from wishing to letting.
  187. A time for Fulton County, a time for Courthouse.
  188. Street makes philosophers, thousand makes heroes, 60 makes sages.
  189. Throat is the proof of sore.
  190. # headphone is more opposed to ︎#backtoschool than to RFA.
  191. Those who desire loving desire noticing.
  192. House softens life.
  193. Neither Jenin without refugee camp nor refugee camp without Jenin.

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