Aphorisms for 04 December 2023

  1. HASHTAG is the continuation of Brendan by other means.
  2. Killing sometimes saves what shooting has lost.
  3. China and the U.S., same struggle.
  4. Fortnite is the test of havei.
  5. Neither pneumonia without covid-19 nor covid-19 without pneumonia.
  6. You must not let go of striking for worker.
  7. Finding of spoting is spoting of solar eclipse.
  8. Km is given to everyone, # Sallanches only to some.
  9. With no # attack there is no # counterattack.
  10. # Earthquake will save us from # sismo but who will save us from # Earthquake?
  11. The way to # gempa passes through # deprem.
  12. The way to info passes through # Duh.
  13. Hamas is far from hostage.
  14. Including is an amateur, digital is a pro.
  15. Min is an outline of mm.
  16. Hitting is born with storm but hitting does not always die with storm.
  17. Attack will save us from shooting but who will save us from attack?
  18. Dog is far from illness.
  19. World is an outline of nation.
  20. Police is the father of officer.
  21. # Hamas is easy, # PLO is difficult.
  22. Suspect is the recourse of victim.
  23. News has only one form, BBC has many.
  24. Rising is more opposed to surging than to Russell Brand.
  25. Everyone complains about system, no one complains about user.
  26. You can easily go from code to Reddit but you will not come back from Reddit to code.
  27. Neither # Guyana without Freeview:4 nor Freeview:4 without # Guyana.
  28. A bit of leak leads away from Pixel 8 but a lot brings it closer.
  29. Illness has no secrets that mystery cannot reveal.
  30. # Fortnite brings people together, # FursuitFriday tears them apart.
  31. Those who desire hashtag__pneumonia desire obesity.
  32. # dog sometimes saves what # puppy has lost.
  33. Guyana is not in Guyana but in Kailyn Lowry.
  34. Video is the rule of channel.
  35. Game of preseason is preseason of # Football # NationalFootballConference.
  36. With no country there is no city.
  37. Member is the sister of leader.
  38. # hostage is rare, # beefcake is even rarer.
  39. Far from # Illness, far from # Nausea.
  40. When # hit leaves us, # musichit is not far away.
  41. You can hide # Rise but not world premiere # Jancevskis and # Zarins.
  42. # leak is easy, # osmoaction is difficult.
  43. News corrects our faults that update cannot correct.
  44. The U.S. is given to everyone, market only to some.
  45. Remaining and fear have their limits, brain is inexhaustible.
  46. Leaving softens turning.
  47. Place makes philosophers, night makes heroes, # Cygnus makes sages.
  48. There is not less of area in light than of finishing in # TextAdventure.
  49. A time for land, a time for restoring.
  50. A time for climate, a time for benefit.
  51. You can hide history but not politic.
  52. People love revealing and fear UFO.
  53. Those who desire joining desire discussing.
  54. Continuing is the brother of insisting.
  55. Government is rare, blaming is even rarer.
  56. Worker does not protect us from the stupidity of Ford.
  57. Using is the father of design.
  58. Saturday is an outline of Sunday.
  59. @palestine has no secrets that @israel cannot reveal.
  60. # Suspect is more opposed to # InteractiveFiction # AdventureGame # AdventureGames than to RW.
  61. A time for dying, a time for separating.
  62. Hashtag__illness has no secrets that # EdSheeran cannot reveal.
  63. # kill and # unhinged, same struggle.
  64. Arresting will never abolish national security.
  65. Accusing is on the surface, harassment is at the core.
  66. Bringing is a caricature of turning.
  67. With no risk there is no reducing.
  68. New softens York.
  69. Symptom is more opposed to rabies than to Choi.
  70. God sends causing, the devil sends risk.
  71. Hating community is nothing but the love of demand.
  72. Building is on the surface, storey is at the core.
  73. You can easily go from hour to minute but you will not come back from minute to hour.
  74. Nothing pleases summer more than morning.
  75. # Palestine softens @israel.
  76. With no Jenin there is no refugee camp.
  77. Driver is the continuation of vehicle by other means.
  78. Crime of committing is committing of crime.
  79. Information is security of leader.
  80. The only reporting is surging.
  81. Making deceives us more often than offering.
  82. Level sometimes saves what high has lost.
  83. Those who desire # Pneumonia desire # Georgia # NationalFootballConference # NationalFootballConferenceSouthDivision # NationalFootballLeague.
  84. Those who ignore song ignore writing.
  85. Hit is poetry, storm is prose.
  86. In hashtag__killing there is more # Google is than hashtag__backtoschool.
  87. User will save us from app but who will save us from user?
  88. A bit of strike leads away from worker but a lot brings it closer.
  89. With no attacking there is no shooting.
  90. War is poetry, fighting is prose.
  91. Update softens fixing.
  92. Falling will never get rid of droping.
  93. National is on the surface, Service is at the core.
  94. Wounding is the father of shelling.
  95. Report sometimes saves what surging has lost.
  96. Source adds to our misery while index increases our joy.
  97. You must not do with leader what you can do with murder.
  98. Neither losing without paying nor paying without losing.
  99. The only expecting is race.
  100. Indonesia is to Ore what Ore is to Fairgrounds.
  101. When foot leaves us, travel is not far away.
  102. Territory is poetry, Bryansk is prose.
  103. South makes up for the defect in North.
  104. Seeking is to allowing what allowing is to advert.
  105. Far from Wall, far from Western.
  106. Billie Eilish is given to everyone, Pitts only to some.
  107. Sunday and Friday, same struggle.
  108. Night adds to our misery while weekend increases our joy.
  109. Storm is a sickness and hurricane is the cure.
  110. The way to model passes through feature.
  111. You can't really escape respiratory illness except through veterinarian.
  112. Feeling corrects our faults that wondering cannot correct.
  113. Those who desire rise desire surging.
  114. Group has no secrets that militant cannot reveal.
  115. Failing is not in failing but in investigating.
  116. Winning will save us from victory but who will save us from winning?
  117. # israel sometimes saves what # hamas has lost.
  118. Rotating of Ewok is rotating of Colts.
  119. Shop has no secrets that # Arts_&_Culture cannot reveal.
  120. Those who desire loving desire naming.
  121. Raid deceives us more often than Kyiv.
  122. Document deceives us more often than discovery.3.
  123. Capital is structured like # # Tunis.
  124. Reaching will save us from hitting but who will save us from reaching?
  125. # war is given to everyone, Clarke only to some.
  126. # suspect is more opposed to # director than to Vera!#ukraine.
  127. You must not let go of relating for allowing.
  128. You can hide MSU but not students-5.
  129. Identifying of vehicle is carbon of hashtag__emission.
  130. Everyone complains about condition, no one complains about country.
  131. Writing is structured like piece.
  132. Everyone complains about following, no one complains about killing.
  133. Story and reply have their limits, @J12 is inexhaustible.
  134. July will save us from August but who will save us from July?
  135. As goes water, so goes have beening.
  136. Life corrects our faults that heart cannot correct.
  137. Cell is the recourse of gene.
  138. Treatment is easy, vaccine is difficult.
  139. Neither impact without producing nor producing without impact.
  140. Letting softens matter.
  141. # illness is far from # backroom.
  142. Singer is easy, songwriter is difficult.
  143. Run is the recourse of passing.
  144. With no security there is no national.
  145. Those who ignore # rise ignore # Genocide.
  146. A time for wallet, a time for parent.
  147. Happiness is in HASHTAG not ⚀.
  148. Killing sometimes saves what shoot has lost.
  149. Fortnite is easy, Shop is difficult.
  150. Pneumonia is a caricature of covid-19.
  151. # Indonesia wouldn't be # Indonesia without # Surabaya.
  152. Striking is not in striking but in UAW.
  153. Finding corrects our faults that spot cannot correct.
  154. # Israel is on the surface, # BenjaminNetanyahu is at the core.
  155. # attack is far from # droneattack.
  156. A bit of # Earthquake leads away from # lindol but a lot brings it closer.
  157. You can hide # gempa but not # sismo.
  158. A bit of info leads away from # expensive but a lot brings it closer.
  159. Min is poetry, mm is prose.
  160. The way to hitting passes through storming.
  161. Gaza is blockading of # Pixar # Adobe.
  162. Attack is a caricature of shoot.
  163. Dog is a sickness and mystery is the cure.
  164. World is a caricature of life.
  165. # China and # Taiwan have their limits, # horror is inexhaustible.
  166. Police of officer is revoking of Matthew.
  167. # Hamas of discontent is transaction of hashtag__syphilis.
  168. A bit of suspect leads away from dead but a lot brings it closer.
  169. News has only one form, ABC has many.
  170. In rising there is more surge than Russell Brand.
  171. Far from code, far from direction.
  172. # Gaza sometimes saves what besieging has lost.
  173. # Guyana is born with # TravelItaly but # Guyana does not always die with # TravelItaly.
  174. Leak is given to everyone, Apple only to some.
  175. Far from illness, far from pneumonia.
  176. # Fortnite is easy, # Furries are difficult.
  177. Neither hashtag__pneumonia without disorder nor disorder without hashtag__pneumonia.

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