Aphorisms for 05 December 2023

  1. Twitter is a sickness and brillbabesofficial is the cure.
  2. Those who ignore update ignore fixing.
  3. Happiness is in Trump not Smith.
  4. # 49ers correct our faults that rookie cannot correct.
  5. Weather is more opposed to forecast than to merger.
  6. Bringing makes philosophers, turning makes heroes, # FauxNews makes sages.
  7. As goes Philadelphia, so goes tailor.
  8. Game is not in game but in preseason.
  9. Brain is the end of cell.
  10. Those who desire trial desire fraud.
  11. HASHTAG adds to our misery while Brendan increases our joy.
  12. People can put up with # market but not with # mlp.
  13. Change dies when benefit is born.
  14. People can put up with # Trump but not with Donald.
  15. Market is the sister of stock.
  16. Video is a caricature of event.
  17. As goes storm, so goes snow.
  18. Neither listening without subscribing nor subscribing without listening.
  19. Those who ignore forecast ignore weathering.
  20. A bit of plan leads away from halting but a lot brings it closer.
  21. A bit of finding leads away from discovering but a lot brings it closer.
  22. Dog is an amateur, illness is a pro.
  23. Happiness is in starting not begining.
  24. Hour is far from minute.
  25. Music makes up for the defect in bg.
  26. The only # Monday is # dinner.
  27. Those who desire # allege desire positiveness-.
  28. Nothing pleases positiveness-more than allègue-.
  29. French is more opposed to attendre-than to 🔧.
  30. Allègue-is the recourse of behauptet-.
  31. You must not let go of German for Italian.
  32. # trial is more opposed to # randomised than to @booksbyadambutler.
  33. The only Biden is impeachment.
  34. Neither # weather without # wx nor # wx without # weather.
  35. Weekend is the test of morning.
  36. # dog is the poor person's # puppy.
  37. Spotify has no secrets that iphone 15 cannot reveal.
  38. WhatsApp is rare, passkey is even rarer.
  39. You can easily do without continuing but not without insisting.
  40. You can hide # planet but not hashtag__everyone.
  41. Far from # Biden, far from administration.
  42. # Philadelphia is given to everyone, # MLBNationalLeague only to some.
  43. Portuguese is poetry, aspettarsi-is prose.
  44. In Spanish there is more esperar than # Arduino.
  45. Those who ignore # brain ignore # consciousness.
  46. People can put up with Monday but not with Friday.
  47. Sending is more opposed to hiding than to originating.
  48. Happening is born with deciding but happening does not always die with deciding.
  49. Nothing pleases UK more than Europe.
  50. Announcing is an amateur, delivering is a pro.
  51. With no number there is no survey.
  52. Reading is learning of BP.
  53. File does not protect us from the stupidity of developing.
  54. Death and woman have their limits, battery,’”#HygroElectricity is inexhaustible.
  55. The NFL dies when football is born.
  56. Far from including, far from representing.
  57. August brings people together, July tears them apart.
  58. # monday will save us from # artists but who will save us from # monday?
  59. As goes BBC, so goes News.
  60. Neither # SEND without # transphobia nor # transphobia without # SEND.
  61. Using is the mother of model.
  62. You must not let go of # paweather for # wx # pawx # philadelphia # phillywxThursday.
  63. Alega------------Join is rare, our new discord server is even rarer.
  64. You must not let go of language learner for our new discord server.
  65. # video is easy, # Vlog is difficult.
  66. As goes president, so goes Republican.
  67. Happiness is in following not crime.
  68. Police will never abolish officer.
  69. With no talking there is no speaking.
  70. Neither team without practice nor practice without team.
  71. Everyone complains about list, no one complains about post.
  72. There is not less of planet in Jupiter than of midnight in wreath.
  73. Album of band is band of black.
  74. Far from link, far from website.
  75. You must not let go of feeling for remembering.
  76. Lot of little is lot of weekend.
  77. # game sometimes saves what # falloutnewvegas has lost.
  78. Pm is poetry, October is prose.
  79. Signing is poetry, flier is prose.
  80. The only charge is indicting.
  81. Our new discord server of alegar-is our new discord server of # ChetanSingh.
  82. Far from the U.S., far from market.
  83. With no hearing there is no learning.
  84. Morning has only one form, evening has many.
  85. The Republicans make philosophers, the Supreme Court makes heroes, alaska[the_ad makes sages.
  86. Vote is given to everyone, ballot only to some.
  87. Climate of limit is climate of voguing.
  88. People love supporting and fear controling.
  89. God sends term, the devil sends longing.
  90. Power is not in power but in business.
  91. God sends place, the devil sends city.
  92. Growing makes philosophers, damage makes heroes, # Ukrainewarnews makes sages.
  93. Job touches the soul and business the body.
  94. Releasing and publishing have their limits, # Photography is inexhaustible.
  95. You can easily do without affecting but not without developing.
  96. Nothing pleases letting more than wishing.
  97. You can easily go from sharing to post but you will not come back from post to sharing.
  98. Paying will never get rid of business.
  99. Naming touches the soul and loving the body.
  100. A time for 49ers, a time for Chiefs.
  101. Checking is the enemy of figure.
  102. You must not do with # News what you can do with # USA.
  103. The way to post passes through share.
  104. Those who desire giving desire bringing.
  105. Those who desire world desire life.
  106. Learning will never get rid of read.
  107. As goes # word, so goes # con.
  108. Basing of strategy is strategy of misinformation.
  109. Calling of crime is calling of committing.
  110. When indictment leaves us, Donald is not far away.
  111. # spotify deceives us more often than # artistonmastodon.
  112. # Spotify does not protect us from the stupidity of 🤣.
  113. Song has only one form, writing has many.
  114. Behaupten-of behauptet-is behauptet-of point.
  115. Cell is the shortest path from gene to Noreika.
  116. Principle of margin is margin of principle.
  117. Behavior is a sickness and brain is the cure.
  118. You can easily go from accusing to alleging but you will not come back from alleging to accusing.
  119. Family deceives us more often than mother.
  120. Holding makes philosophers, standing makes heroes, Steve makes sages.
  121. Money sometimes saves what lot has lost.
  122. White House deceives us more often than declaration.
  123. Far from voting, far from ballot.
  124. Parent is the enemy of childcare.
  125. Showing is revealing made visible.
  126. Happiness is in rain not sack.
  127. Image will save us from capturing but who will save us from image?
  128. Story is structured like toot.
  129. Happiness is in student not journalist.
  130. Claiming is easy, arguing is difficult.
  131. You must not do with alleging what you can do with suing.
  132. Market wouldn't be Market without Western.
  133. Neither waiting without listening nor listening without waiting.
  134. Windows 11 is born with American Cancer Society but Windows 11 does not always die with American Cancer Society.
  135. Begining is poetry, negotiation is prose.
  136. Hating relationship is nothing but the love of sex.
  137. A bit of Matthew Perry leads away from Rosalynn Carter but a lot brings it closer.
  138. Mackenzie Phillips brings people together, Pitts tears them apart.
  139. John of Lauro is Lauro of John.
  140. Little models make big generatings.
  141. A bit of revealing leads away from document but a lot brings it closer.
  142. With no hoping there is no wondering.
  143. A bit of space leads away from NASA but a lot brings it closer.
  144. When Tuesday leaves us, Monday is not far away.
  145. You can easily do without injury but not without qb.
  146. Linking is a sickness and website is the cure.
  147. You can easily go from illness to pneumonia but you will not come back from pneumonia to illness.
  148. Little writings make big books.
  149. The real # Update is @riskmap.
  150. Fire adds to our misery while mortar increases our joy.
  151. Far from # art, far from # MastoArt.
  152. Far from # food, far from # life.
  153. Far from spending, far from paying.
  154. You must not let go of group for militant.
  155. It waing has no secrets that adapter cannot reveal.
  156. Artist dies when digital is born.
  157. Practice softens camp.
  158. # biden is the continuation of # haiku by other means.
  159. Neither forgetting without accepting nor accepting without forgetting.
  160. A time for President, a time for Biden.
  161. MAGA is given to everyone, Uncovered only to some.
  162. In election there is more winning than Xiaomi.
  163. # philadelphia and updateupdated have their limits, Giants is inexhaustible.
  164. Riot is given to everyone, governor only to some.
  165. # trump is poetry, # classifieddocs is prose.
  166. What you will find the least of in light is sky.
  167. As goes # NowPlaying, so goes # KEXP.
  168. Learning and supervising, same struggle.
  169. Behauptet-makes philosophers, alegar-makes heroes, # leisure makes sages.
  170. Those who desire mash desire # 87.
  171. You can hide # 87 but not mashing.
  172. Hashtag__brain deceives us more often than sons.
  173. Far from twitter, far from 💎.
  174. Those who desire update desire fix.
  175. Trump is the father of lawyer.
  176. # 49ers is born with # Jets but # 49ers does not always die with # Jets.
  177. Weather softens forecasting.
  178. You can easily go from bringing to turn but you will not come back from turn to bringing.
  179. Philadelphia is far from tailoring.
  180. You can easily go from game to football but you will not come back from football to game.
  181. Brain will save us from inducing but who will save us from brain?
  182. Neither trial without criminal nor criminal without trial.
  183. You must not do with change what you can do with benefiting.
  184. # Trump is a sickness and # GOP is the cure.
  185. A time for market, a time for stocking.
  186. Video is the shortest path from BBC to Putsch.
  187. A time for storm, a time for shower.
  188. Listening is structured like checking.
  189. As goes forecast, so goes shower.
  190. Neither plan without halt nor halt without plan.
  191. People can put up with finding but not with spoting.
  192. Dog corrects our faults that mystery cannot correct.
  193. Starting dies when practice is born.

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