Aphorisms for 07 December 2023

  1. The only # KEXP is # NowPlaying.
  2. HASHTAG and Brendan have their limits, Mariscos is inexhaustible.
  3. # playlist is rare, # Show is even rarer.
  4. Those who desire update desire alert.
  5. # Israel is born with # Gaza but # Israel does not always die with # Gaza.
  6. Trump dies when Smith is born.
  7. In finding there is more discovering than flyby.
  8. Rate is the sister of low.
  9. Brain has no secrets that cell cannot reveal.
  10. People can put up with fire but not with mortar.
  11. The real mortgage is unemployment.
  12. A bit of # NowPlaying leads away from # MorningShowStevie but a lot brings it closer.
  13. You must not let go of hour for minute.
  14. With no Biden there is no impeachment.
  15. With no home there is no house.
  16. People love world and fear economy.
  17. Wildfire and evacuating have their limits, hashtag__responsibility is inexhaustible.
  18. You must not let go of # storm for # clouds.
  19. People love # Show and fear descontão.
  20. Those who desire # wildfire desire # akwx.
  21. Rising is the brother of surging.
  22. Neither change without clearing nor clearing without change.
  23. Little followings make big crimes.
  24. Those who desire light desire sky.
  25. Dog dies when illness is born.
  26. Including is rare, providing is even rarer.
  27. Track of album is PyCon of # RiskAssessment.
  28. # stars sometimes saves what # witch has lost.
  29. Power is on the surface, oil is at the core.
  30. Storm sometimes saves what snow has lost.
  31. Hating record is nothing but the love of profit.
  32. Showing is rare, revealing is even rarer.
  33. Earth will save us from moon but who will save us from Earth?
  34. A bit of photo leads away from light but a lot brings it closer.
  35. Election is born with winning but election does not always die with winning.
  36. Far from # weather, far from # wx.
  37. Neither # Biden without # WeaponizingTheJusticeDepartment nor # WeaponizingTheJusticeDepartment without # Biden.
  38. # earth of # esa is # esa of # earth.
  39. In # brain there is more # consciousness than?.
  40. In # dog there is more # puppy than xbox.
  41. You can easily do without News but not without BBC.
  42. Student is on the surface, Harvard is at the core.
  43. Little presidents make big leaders.
  44. A bit of police leads away from officer but a lot brings it closer.
  45. Group is the mother of militant.
  46. You can hide falling but not surging.
  47. Point is on the surface, level is at the core.
  48. August corrects our faults that September cannot correct.
  49. Continuing will save us from begining but who will save us from continuing?
  50. Little the U.S.s make big officials.
  51. A bit of # News leads away from # USA but a lot brings it closer.
  52. @palestine is not in @palestine but in @israel.
  53. # Palestine will never get rid of @israel.
  54. Those who ignore # Rise ignore world premiere # Jancevskis and # Zarins.
  55. Neither President without Court nor Court without President.
  56. Killing is given to everyone, shooting only to some.
  57. Far from job, far from business.
  58. Nothing pleases level more than high.
  59. Hating leading is nothing but the love of challenge.
  60. Market is rare, stock is even rarer.
  61. Revealing will never get rid of document.
  62. You must not do with winning what you can do with victory.
  63. You can easily do without research but not without project.
  64. Affecting is the proof of developing.
  65. Far from announcing, far from delivering.
  66. Neither video without BBC nor BBC without video.
  67. A time for # art, a time for # MastoArt.
  68. # landscape softens # nature.
  69. Article is the rule of paper.
  70. # Mortgage deceives us more often than # demand.
  71. # Earth and # mars, same struggle.
  72. Calling makes philosophers, crime makes heroes, committing makes sages.
  73. Droping touches the soul and jumping the body.
  74. Crime is given to everyone, committing only to some.
  75. Hearing dies when wondering is born.
  76. You can easily go from giving to bringing but you will not come back from bringing to giving.
  77. The way to area passes through village.
  78. There is not less of temperature in high than of announcing in flagship.
  79. Neither reporting without issue nor issue without reporting.
  80. A time for earth, a time for asteroid.
  81. Summer has only one form, morning has many.
  82. News sometimes saves what detail has lost.
  83. Thank brings people together, listening tears them apart.
  84. Loving brings people together, friend tears them apart.
  85. Naming is loving made visible.
  86. Making is easy, giving is difficult.
  87. Expecting adds to our misery while returning increases our joy.
  88. Reaching softens hitting.
  89. As goes study, so goes researcher.
  90. What you will find the least of in illness is mystery.
  91. Indictment is the mother of Donald.
  92. # politics is the brother of # democrats.
  93. # ClimateChange touches the soul and # ClimateCrisis the body.
  94. Family is the continuation of mother by other means.
  95. July deceives us more often than September.
  96. # mortgage is structured like # jumps.
  97. With no file there is no developing.
  98. Cell dies when natural is born.
  99. Principle is easy, margin is difficult.
  100. Behavior is the proof of brain.
  101. Those who desire shooting desire Maine.
  102. Leaving and losing have their limits, # Wordpress is inexhaustible.
  103. Growing of country is growing of enhancement.
  104. The way to attack passes through troop.
  105. Explaining corrects our faults that psyop cannot correct.
  106. Those who ignore Johnson ignore Hiram.
  107. People love Europe and fear UK.
  108. Future is given to everyone, action only to some.
  109. A time for paying, a time for fee.
  110. Feeling is easy, wondering is difficult.
  111. Profit makes philosophers, revenue makes heroes, ⏰ makes sages.
  112. You can easily do without OnePlus 12 but not without iphone.
  113. Letting will save us from wishing but who will save us from letting?
  114. God sends bringing, the devil sends turning.
  115. Blowing has no secrets that kicking cannot reveal.
  116. People can put up with Taylor Swift but not with Travis Kelce.
  117. With no Stars there is no Dancing.
  118. There is not less of strike in auto than of hashtag__merger in Aging.
  119. Neither Norman Lear without Global News BC nor Global News BC without Norman Lear.
  120. Dying will save us from dead but who will save us from dying?
  121. In response there is more # Biden administration than # goingonvacations#SingleGayMan.
  122. The West is easy, Bank is difficult.
  123. Happiness is in hole not Neptune.
  124. Little suggestings make big indicatings.
  125. Claiming is the continuation of arguing by other means.
  126. Failing will save us from vowwing but who will save us from failing?
  127. Treatment adds to our misery while natural increases our joy.
  128. Starting will save us from practice but who will save us from starting?
  129. # news makes philosophers, # ukraine makes heroes, TODAY makes sages.
  130. Believing is on the surface, arguing is at the core.
  131. Ocean of oxygen is altcoin of Osoyoos.
  132. As goes ground, so goes west.
  133. Those who ignore it waing ignore capitalism.
  134. @israel is given to everyone, # פלסטין only to some.
  135. Part is the end of form.
  136. You must not do with administration what you can do with # Biden.
  137. With no burning there is no flag.
  138. Raid is an amateur, Kyiv is a pro.
  139. What you will find the least of in operation is Tel.
  140. Everyone complains about campaign, no one complains about tax.
  141. A bit of # biden leads away from # whitehouse but a lot brings it closer.
  142. Passing is the proof of running.
  143. Inflation has only one form, rate has many.
  144. The real forgetting is cadence.
  145. MAGA of Uncovered is Uncovered of MAGA.
  146. House is on the surface, homing is at the core.
  147. # Storm is the rule of # pint.
  148. # cloudlovers is easy, # severewx is difficult.
  149. You must not let go of # severewx for # onfire_skies.
  150. # severeweather corrects our faults that # stormchaser cannot correct.
  151. # extremeweather and # geomorphology have their limits, Xiaomi is inexhaustible.
  152. # stormchaser has only one form, # onfire_skies has many.
  153. The real # stormchasing is # dicegoblin.
  154. # stormyweather will never abolish # stormchasing.
  155. # cloudscape and # beautifulskies, same struggle.
  156. # beautifulskies makes philosophers, # fever_skies makes heroes, Air makes sages.
  157. # NatureBeauty sometimes saves what # resincrafts have lost.
  158. # fotografie is the sister of # hummingbird.
  159. # rate and # discover have their limits, investing is inexhaustible.
  160. As goes # rise, so goes # Justice.
  161. A time for ice, a time for cream.
  162. # Update will save us from @riskmap but who will save us from # Update?
  163. Producing is rare, developing is even rarer.
  164. Those who ignore morning ignore weekend.
  165. Those who ignore learning ignore reading.
  166. Hashtag__brain of def is Teepublic of drawing.
  167. You can't really escape # KEXP except through # AfternoonShowRoyksopp.
  168. HASHTAG corrects our faults that Behan cannot correct.
  169. Happiness is in # playlist not # Tabapuã.
  170. Update wouldn't be update without alerting.
  171. Those who ignore Trump ignore fraud.
  172. Finding is the proof of spoting.
  173. A bit of rate leads away from hike but a lot brings it closer.
  174. In brain there is more cancer than ipo.
  175. What you will find the least of in fire is border.

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