Aphorisms for 08 December 2023

  1. A time for Trump, a time for Meadows.
  2. A bit of Aug leads away from utc.bk1 but a lot brings it closer.
  3. # Patriots brings people together, rb tears them apart.
  4. Those who desire killing desire shooting.
  5. # Ohio is rare, # IllegalMigrationBill is even rarer.
  6. Launching softens Starlink.
  7. Warzone is the beginning of Duty.
  8. SpaceX makes philosophers, Starlink makes heroes, deepening makes sages.
  9. A bit of # Congress leads away from path but a lot brings it closer.
  10. Video is on the surface, BBC is at the core.
  11. Nothing pleases # Trump more than Donald Trump.
  12. Those who desire News desire BBC.
  13. Those who ignore Steelers ignore Dolphins.
  14. When # college leaves us, # australia is not far away.
  15. College is the father of football.
  16. Leaving is an amateur, sticking is a pro.
  17. Model brings people together, AI tears them apart.
  18. Duty and # pantsareon, same struggle.
  19. You must not do with Galaxy what you can do with 13R.
  20. You can easily do without # debate but not without # trumpcrimes.
  21. There is not less of including in country than of # Ohio in hashtag__minor.
  22. The NFL dies when football is born.
  23. The way to General passes through 🇦.
  24. World is life made visible.
  25. You can easily do without # deputy but not without # version.
  26. Debate will never abolish DeSantis.
  27. Congress has only one form, amendment has many.
  28. Law makes up for the defect in gun.
  29. Making is the brother of giving.
  30. Finding and discovering, same struggle.
  31. Air touches the soul and troop the body.
  32. Neither Taylor Swift without Travis Kelce nor Travis Kelce without Taylor Swift.
  33. Starting is far from view.
  34. Those who desire dog desire illness.
  35. # UK will never get rid of # Women.
  36. What you will find the least of in # Call is # pantsareon.
  37. # Steelers are # Lions of hashtag__appearance.
  38. Winning is not in winning but in election.
  39. Government is given to everyone, blaming only to some.
  40. Nothing pleases son more than wife.
  41. Ohio is the father of Michigan.
  42. Calling is the beginning of vote.
  43. When friend leaves us, mother is not far away.
  44. Ai of generative is ai of # Economy.
  45. # AI is the test of # GPT5.
  46. SITREP2023 is on the surface, # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 is at the core.
  47. Neither # dog without # puppy nor # puppy without # dog.
  48. With no attack there is no civilian.
  49. Neither Putin without Biden nor Biden without Putin.
  50. War will never abolish bomb.
  51. Neither official without DOJ nor DOJ without official.
  52. God sends tech, the devil sends jet.
  53. Using has only one form, access has many.
  54. With no hoping there is no loving.
  55. Satellite is an amateur, Starlink is a pro.
  56. Launch and Starlink have their limits, # Avian is inexhaustible.
  57. Those who desire flag desire burning.
  58. Supporting is the enemy of allowing.
  59. Letting is the continuation of nobody by other means.
  60. # spacex is a sickness and # redstone is the cure.
  61. In # launch there is more # dji than hashtag__record.
  62. Group adds to our misery while militant increases our joy.
  63. Axis has only one form, RFA has many.
  64. Settlement will never get rid of invader.
  65. Region and Mountains, same struggle.
  66. You must not let go of # stream for # pantsareon.
  67. # Twitch is the enemy of # pantsareon.
  68. # pantsareon is more opposed to # AnimationBook than to Maranto.
  69. Little Horizonss make big 13Rs.
  70. A time for UK, a time for Europe.
  71. Naming is a sickness and loving is the cure.
  72. Deputy does not protect us from the stupidity of L.A..
  73. God sends charge, the devil sends indicting.
  74. Attempt makes philosophers, regaining makes heroes, # Tatum makes sages.
  75. When land leaves us, restoring is not far away.
  76. Those who desire update desire fixing.
  77. Life is a caricature of sleep.
  78. Country sometimes saves what labor has lost.
  79. Changing will save us from clearing but who will save us from changing?
  80. August is September of infection.
  81. # politics adds to our misery while # corruption increases our joy.
  82. # son will save us from # mother but who will save us from # son?
  83. People can put up with truth but not with doc.
  84. Living is easy, starting is difficult.
  85. There is not less of # kill in # unhinged than of Botanic in # AoifeGallagher.
  86. With no voting there is no holding.
  87. # Venezuela will never abolish @RJPWJ.
  88. CCSFS will never abolish KSC.
  89. The GOP is given to everyone, the House only to some.
  90. You must not do with report what you can do with surging.
  91. President makes philosophers, minister makes heroes, ProfilesKodiak makes sages.
  92. As goes leader, so goes murder.
  93. Believing is electing made visible.
  94. The Senate sometimes saves what the House has lost.
  95. Involving is rare, the Capitol is even rarer.
  96. Releasing is the beginning of publishing.
  97. Rishi Sunak is the shortest path from Bradley Cooper to archaeologist.
  98. You must not do with troop what you can do with missile.
  99. Far from President, far from Vice.
  100. Hour is the shortest path from minute to PPN.
  101. Photo is rare, light is even rarer.
  102. You must not do with person what you can do with feeling.
  103. What you will find the least of in New is York.
  104. You must not do with Starlink what you can do with Falcon.
  105. When # Politics leaves us, # Impeachment is not far away.
  106. With no liking there is no forwarding.
  107. Threat is the enemy of major.
  108. # news wouldn't be # news without # ukraine.
  109. Office does not protect us from the stupidity of # Biden.
  110. Owing is the mother of gaslighting.
  111. Little lines make big catchings.
  112. Hating language is nothing but the love of model.
  113. Night is weekend of year”#Amazon.
  114. Far from rocket, far from Grumman.
  115. Hashtag__killing is the beginning of # Google is.
  116. Far from talking, far from speaking.
  117. Everyone complains about # uk, no one complains about # Television.
  118. # Press # News # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar is poetry, # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine is prose.
  119. # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine dies when # Press # News is born.
  120. Happiness is in internet not pressure.
  121. The only debating is DeSantis.
  122. A bit of camp leads away from practice but a lot brings it closer.
  123. Neither credit without earning nor earning without credit.
  124. Nothing pleases power more than business.
  125. Invasion corrects our faults that scale cannot correct.
  126. Happiness is in enemy not uav.
  127. # Israel sometimes saves what # Gaza has lost.
  128. With no wr there is no rb.
  129. What you will find the least of in # NFL is # Football.
  130. Retiring is easy, Stafford is difficult.
  131. With no # Steelers # NFL there is no alphabetizing.
  132. God sends Kevin McCarthy, the devil sends ouster.
  133. Fire is the continuation of mortar by other means.
  134. You must not let go of defending for threatening.
  135. A bit of aid leads away from Gaza but a lot brings it closer.
  136. Border and migrant have their limits, slick is inexhaustible.
  137. Security sometimes saves what tying has lost.
  138. Police is the mother of Pennsylvania.
  139. Happening is deciding made visible.
  140. You must not do with passing what you can do with flying.
  141. Voter is the test of the Democrats.
  142. The West is the shortest path from Bank to # EVs.
  143. Pushing of blocking is pushing of differing.
  144. Opening sometimes saves what creating has lost.
  145. Hating Washington Post is nothing but the love of äusserting.
  146. Strike softens worker.
  147. You can't really escape job except through paying.
  148. Ground is far from west.
  149. When holding leaves us, standing is not far away.
  150. Trade is the end of upsetting.
  151. The only news is detail.
  152. There is not less of offering in creating than of badge in SE.
  153. Those who ignore Norman Lear ignore Golden Bachelor.
  154. A time for change, a time for clearing.
  155. Kim Kardashian sometimes saves what Snakes has lost.
  156. Sharing is far from post.
  157. Juan Soto is the poor person's Labs:@BBC_News_Labs.
  158. Patriots is on the surface, Dolphins is at the core.
  159. There is not less of season in round than of Tucson in Napoleon.
  160. Sitting is the end of Taylor Swift.
  161. Flying is not in flying but in walking.
  162. Orbit is the end of Earth.
  163. Neither mission without Psyche nor Psyche without mission.
  164. Storm of snow is Herrera of Maximiliano.
  165. Happiness is in study not researcher.
  166. You can't really escape business except through customer.
  167. Far from meaning, far from being.
  168. A time for # trump, a time for # classifieddocs.
  169. In listening there is more thank than Vera!#ukraine.
  170. God sends thought, the devil sends mining.
  171. You can easily do without giving but not without bringing.
  172. Service will never abolish production.
  173. Mind is the poor person's owning.
  174. Pm is a sickness and October is the cure.
  175. Neither enjoying without Christmas nor Christmas without enjoying.
  176. Those who desire system desire model.
  177. Nothing pleases post more than share.
  178. When claim leaves us, arguing is not far away.
  179. Student is a sickness and Harvard is the cure.
  180. Community of international is international of community.
  181. Opportunity is example of quote.
  182. Position has only one form, conducting has many.
  183. Happiness is in # Russia not # Putin.
  184. Happiness is in # Ukraine # Press not # News # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine.
  185. # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine deceives us more often than # News # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine.

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