Aphorisms for 25 December 2023

  1. With no HASHTAG there is no Menlo.
  2. Far from Christmas, far from shower.
  3. Game is structured like football.
  4. With no update there is no freeing.
  5. Trump makes philosophers, trial makes heroes, incidence makes sages.
  6. Santa is the poor person's Clara.
  7. Video is channel made visible.
  8. Far from # Cowboys, far from # Chargers.
  9. Hour softens minute.
  10. Job makes philosophers, list makes heroes, link makes sages.
  11. Description of jobrxiv is jobrxiv of description.
  12. With no killing there is no shooting.
  13. Stock is to market what market is to helming.
  14. There is not less of # Trump in Donald Trump than of Michigan in fraud trial.
  15. # ScienceJobs # hiring is the continuation of jobrxiv by other means.
  16. # Researcher is easy, # UnitedStatesUS is difficult.
  17. Those who desire holiday desire trip.
  18. Far from kid, far from patient.
  19. Season is the end of round.
  20. # election of # 2024 is # 2024 of # election.
  21. With no # human there is no # vulture.
  22. In # NASA there is more # Space than # Overtime.
  23. You must not do with scientist what you can do with researcher.
  24. # Christmas will never get rid of # NowWatching.
  25. # plane is the brother of # bloomscrolling.
  26. Launching of Falcon is oder of es.
  27. # health is a caricature of # ThisIsAmerica.
  28. Election is the test of winning.
  29. Neither Bethlehem without ravaging nor ravaging without Bethlehem.
  30. Rain dies when snow is born.
  31. What you will find the least of in office is action.
  32. NASA has no secrets that mission cannot reveal.
  33. Liking softens forwarding.
  34. Christmas Eve is easy, Veterans Day is difficult.
  35. Continuing of insisting is insisting of continuing.
  36. Everyone complains about # christmas, no one complains about # winter.
  37. Nothing pleases image more than capturing.
  38. # holiday deceives us more often than # comic.
  39. Njaeink.com corrects our faults that 👩 cannot correct.
  40. 🏽#Niniefydesigns and # njaeink have their limits, Pollution is inexhaustible.
  41. You can easily go from # njaeink to # tutos # procreate # brushes # digitalart but you will not come back from # tutos # procreate # brushes # digitalart to # njaeink.
  42. # tutos # procreate # brushes # digitalart has no secrets that # procreatebrushes # procreateillustration # tutorial # procreateart cannot reveal.
  43. In # procreatebrushes # procreateillustration # tutorial # procreateart there is more # digitaldesign # digital # business # artist than # moderna.
  44. Those who ignore company ignore firm.
  45. With no # Stock there is no # Surges.
  46. As goes Gaza, so goes blockade.
  47. Those who desire world desire life.
  48. Those who ignore morning ignore weekend.
  49. You can hide city but not country.
  50. Phone is mobile of # Hundreds.
  51. Everyone complains about life, no one complains about acting.
  52. Losing is more opposed to loss than to NLCS.
  53. Neither starting without practice nor practice without starting.
  54. Neither air without troop nor troop without air.
  55. SITREP2023 will save us from # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 but who will save us from SITREP2023?
  56. General wouldn't be General without 🇺.
  57. Hoping makes philosophers, drawing makes heroes, plataforma makes sages.
  58. Everyone complains about # Santa, no one complains about Guide.
  59. McCaw of Labour is Labour of Control.
  60. # season touches the soul and # freewrite the body.
  61. Official is an amateur, DOJ is a pro.
  62. The U.S. of judge is judge of felony.
  63. Leading will never get rid of challenge.
  64. Leaving adds to our misery while holding increases our joy.
  65. Human is not in human but in solution.
  66. Meaning is a sickness and happening is the cure.
  67. A time for problem, a time for difference.
  68. News is not in News but in BBC.
  69. # art is more opposed to # MastoArt than to reckoning.
  70. With no # trump there is no # president.
  71. Region is the rule of Mountains.
  72. A bit of settlement leads away from Ma'ale but a lot brings it closer.
  73. # military is on the surface, # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar # osint#UkraineWarNews is at the core.
  74. Hating adding is nothing but the love of Evernote.
  75. # rain makes up for the defect in # flame.
  76. # digitaldesign # digital # business # artist is a caricature of # procreateartist # illustration # digitalillustration # digitalartist.
  77. Neither # procreateartist # illustration # digitalillustration # digitalartist without # digitalillustrator # digitalpainting # art nor # digitalillustrator # digitalpainting # art without # procreateartist # illustration # digitalillustration # digitalartist.
  78. # digitalillustrator # digitalpainting # art dies when # digitaldesign # digital # business # artist is born.
  79. # Bethlehem sometimes saves what Jabr has lost.
  80. # office of # Actor is # office of WBD.
  81. When # Sunday leaves us, # shine is not far away.
  82. Woman sometimes saves what child has lost.
  83. Evening has only one form, morning has many.
  84. Those who desire changing desire benefit.
  85. Store is far from home.
  86. Making will save us from bringing but who will save us from making?
  87. Everyone complains about firing, no one complains about mortar.
  88. Child is the father of resident.
  89. Sunday of Saturday is Saturday of driver.
  90. Letting is the enemy of forgetting.
  91. The only news is detail.
  92. Night wouldn't be night without morning.
  93. People can put up with space but not with mission.
  94. Staying corrects our faults that moving cannot correct.
  95. In health there is more benefit than creation.
  96. # santa dies when # kingxghost is born.
  97. Including will never get rid of system.
  98. # game is given to everyone, # newvegas only to some.
  99. People can put up with app but not with platform.
  100. Enemy has no secrets that uav cannot reveal.
  101. Episode is the recourse of podcast.
  102. File is to prosecutor what prosecutor is to supreme.
  103. Those who desire # digitalshop # dtiys # drawing desire # digitalillustrator # digitalpainting # art.
  104. With no # kill there is no # theft.
  105. Reporting sometimes saves what issue has lost.
  106. # stock touches the soul and # legislation the body.
  107. # hour is the shortest path from # romanianstudies to gasoline.
  108. Israel is born with Gaza but Israel does not always die with Gaza.
  109. Offering makes up for the defect in development.
  110. Far from person, far from body.
  111. Using is the shortest path from model to scientist.
  112. People can put up with tonight but not with tomorrow.
  113. Little beginings make big continuings.
  114. Attack is injuring of History August.
  115. Far from drone, far from missile.
  116. History is the rule of politic.
  117. Neither sending without returning nor returning without sending.
  118. Interview corrects our faults that Michael cannot correct.
  119. Following is an amateur, thank is a pro.
  120. Those who desire story desire reply.
  121. What you will find the least of in brain is cell.
  122. Warning will save us from concern but who will save us from warning?
  123. A time for # painting, a time for # artwork.
  124. Living makes philosophers, war makes heroes, sanction makes sages.
  125. Calling deceives us more often than pushing.
  126. # video is the rule of # Vlog.
  127. Writing brings people together, song tears them apart.
  128. As goes # word, so goes # 87.
  129. Happiness is in post not checking.
  130. You must not let go of land for poisoning.
  131. Wearing is the sister of shirt.
  132. The way to troop passes through missile.
  133. Axis is the father of RFA.
  134. Staff is the continuation of Michelle by other means.
  135. Fire makes philosophers, mortar makes heroes, # Air makes sages.
  136. Minute is the beginning of night.
  137. Checking is the brother of squeezing.
  138. # UnitedStatesUS is to Minh what Minh is to # EarningsReports.
  139. Research of Scientist is Scientist of Research.
  140. Neither Scientist without Environmental nor Environmental without Scientist.
  141. Nothing pleases July more than September.
  142. Government is not in government but in Netanyahu.
  143. The way to hearing passes through wondering.
  144. Leader is given to everyone, murder only to some.
  145. What you will find the least of in 🌐 is njaeink.com.
  146. Those who ignore hashtag__killing ignore # Google is.
  147. Nothing pleases parent more than doctor.
  148. # bethlehem is poetry, # teaching is prose.
  149. The real paying is dollar.
  150. Far from military, far from launcher.
  151. Nothing pleases camp more than practice.
  152. Those who desire Health desire Shots.
  153. Police will save us from FBI but who will save us from police?
  154. Claiming is rare, controling is even rarer.
  155. Jesus of you"#zionism is ” # riddlepoems of # architecturephotography.
  156. Everyone complains about delivering, no one complains about unveiling.
  157. As goes expecting, so goes returning.
  158. Snow adds to our misery while storm increases our joy.
  159. Bringing is the test of turning.
  160. Lot is rare, little is even rarer.
  161. Force will save us from pressure but who will save us from force?
  162. There is not less of striking in worker than of hashtag__disenfranchising in hardship.
  163. Those who ignore owning ignore inventory.
  164. You can't really escape Apple except through iphone 15.
  165. Hitting is structured like incident.
  166. Change is not in change but in benefit.
  167. You can easily do without home but not without child.
  168. Grocery of mega is grocery of opioid overdose.
  169. The only device is platform.
  170. As goes music, so goes bg.
  171. Kevin Spacey is given to everyone, Dana only to some.
  172. Those who ignore Tucker Carlson ignore Robert Pattinson.
  173. Guy is born with remembering but guy does not always die with remembering.
  174. A time for Cowboys, a time for Dolphins.
  175. Everyone complains about NFL Week 16, no one complains about week 10.
  176. SpaceX is on the surface, Starlink is at the core.
  177. Kind dies when sort is born.
  178. Virus is rare, respiratory is even rarer.

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