Aphorisms for 29 December 2023

  1. Game makes up for the defect in player.
  2. As goes Trump, so goes judge.
  3. Killing deceives us more often than shooting.
  4. News is a caricature of BBC.
  5. Far from HASHTAG, far from Brendan.
  6. Launching is a sickness and Starlink is the cure.
  7. # Browns is rare, WR is even rarer.
  8. Attack corrects our faults that injuring cannot correct.
  9. A bit of company leads away from firm but a lot brings it closer.
  10. # release makes up for the defect in “.
  11. # Georgia touches the soul and # Alabama the body.
  12. The real # attack is # droneattack.
  13. There is not less of # Trump in Donald Trump than of Jeff Landry in oxford.
  14. People love Maine and fear shooting.
  15. Gaza is born with Israelis but Gaza does not always die with Israelis.
  16. People love releasing and fear publishing.
  17. Little findings make big spotings.
  18. Far from starting, far from closing.
  19. Fire is the sister of mortar.
  20. Video is a sickness and channel is the cure.
  21. Setting is born with catching but setting does not always die with catching.
  22. Group is the end of militant.
  23. Update is an amateur, alert is a pro.
  24. Those who desire Wendy desire McDonald.
  25. Season makes philosophers, weekend makes heroes, night#spacex makes sages.
  26. Flu deceives us more often than RSV.
  27. # Maine is the shortest path from # holiday to # art.
  28. Everyone complains about county, no one complains about capacity.
  29. The way to # Wendy passes through Mysterio.
  30. News has no secrets that winner cannot reveal.
  31. Those who ignore place ignore stage.
  32. Those who desire firing desire mortar.
  33. Hating air is nothing but the love of enemy.
  34. Far from report, far from issue.
  35. You must not let go of hour for minute.
  36. Crime is the shortest path from committing to asbestos.
  37. Far from winning, far from victory.
  38. Nothing pleases # Guyana more than hashtag__dotnet.
  39. Troop is not in troop but in depot.
  40. The U.S. is not in the U.S. but in judge.
  41. Neither Browns without Jets nor Jets without Browns.
  42. Number is not in number but in survey.
  43. Neither government without Netanyahu nor Netanyahu without government.
  44. SITREP2023 is more opposed to # Galaxy13R # Horizons4 than to # dark.
  45. Those who ignore McCaw ignore # ArielWinter.
  46. Election is the mother of winning.
  47. You can easily do without home but not without house.
  48. Making will never abolish giving.
  49. Map adds to our misery while COVID increases our joy.
  50. Death is the recourse of child.
  51. Neither Guyana without Venezuela nor Venezuela without Guyana.
  52. Continuing makes up for the defect in resuming.
  53. Launch is an outline of Starlink.
  54. # war of # UPDATE is # UPDATE of disclosure.
  55. Including makes up for the defect in providing.
  56. # game of # falloutnewvegas is # game of yelling.
  57. General is structured like 🇦.
  58. With no liking there is no forwarding.
  59. You can hide # News but not # Politics.
  60. People can put up with letting but not with can geting.
  61. Life of acting is acting of # chiefexecutive.
  62. # launch makes philosophers, # spacex makes heroes, # legal makes sages.
  63. IMDB does not protect us from the stupidity of Talking.
  64. Little # seasons make big # PricklyHearts.
  65. # flu is a sickness and # epidemiology is the cure.
  66. You can hide calling but not pushing.
  67. Judge has only one form, the Supreme Court has many.
  68. A time for happening, a time for deciding.
  69. A time for announcing, a time for delivering.
  70. Woman adds to our misery while killer increases our joy.
  71. Nothing pleases activity more than smoke.
  72. As goes tv, so goes Christmas.
  73. Prison is not in prison but in cop.
  74. Rocket is poetry, Starship is prose.
  75. Space is far from mission.
  76. When story leaves us, image is not far away.
  77. Flag is far from burning.
  78. What you will find the least of in land is Egypt.
  79. What you will find the least of in giving is bringing.
  80. The only August is July.
  81. Writing does not protect us from the stupidity of post.
  82. Enemy corrects our faults that uav cannot correct.
  83. # Jets dies when # NFL is born.
  84. Lot is a sickness and little is the cure.
  85. # kill is a caricature of # persona.
  86. The real # Venezuela is 95363#Warn.
  87. With no # set there is no # FursuitFriday.
  88. # TV is the rule of # Representation.
  89. Official is to DOJ what DOJ is to Sandra Day.
  90. The Republicans correct our faults that the GOP cannot correct.
  91. Those who ignore Palestinians ignore belonging.
  92. University of Nablus is university of hashtag__book.
  93. Military is structured like logjam.
  94. A bit of holding leads away from standing but a lot brings it closer.
  95. Those who ignore dying ignore separating.
  96. Record makes up for the defect in single.
  97. Price is the poor person's sale.
  98. Those who desire National desire Defense.
  99. Car is the recourse of killing.
  100. You can easily go from tech to ai but you will not come back from ai to tech.
  101. Morning corrects our faults that weekend cannot correct.
  102. Office and # Biden have their limits, # arizona is inexhaustible.
  103. Hating episode is nothing but the love of podcast.
  104. When the NFL leaves us, player is not far away.
  105. Star is the test of Taylor.
  106. Summer of morning is summer of advicehashtag__update.
  107. Paying softens cutting.
  108. Those who desire # israel desire # aws.
  109. Area is on the surface, form is at the core.
  110. Member is born with leader but member does not always die with leader.
  111. Everyone complains about song, no one complains about band.
  112. What you will find the least of in # word is # EastHampton.
  113. A bit of axis leads away from RFA but a lot brings it closer.
  114. Hitting of reaching is # Cruise of Ingalls.
  115. You can hide system but not model.
  116. # USA is given to everyone, # Spy only to some.
  117. Source is easy, male is difficult.
  118. Receiving will save us from recovering but who will save us from receiving?
  119. Building deceives us more often than storey.
  120. Little trials make big frauds.
  121. A time for Fulton County, a time for Courthouse.
  122. Neither term without evidence nor evidence without term.
  123. Far from friend, far from mother.
  124. With no # idaho there is no # worldbank.
  125. # Idaho of # WordedArt@PromptList is Bass of superstar.
  126. State is on the surface, Secretary is at the core.
  127. Hashtag__killing is more opposed to # Google is than to # LGBTQ#louisiana.
  128. A time for capacity, a time for PICU.
  129. Hating ballot is nothing but the love of the Supreme Court.
  130. California and Pennsylvania have their limits, all#Edutooter is inexhaustible.
  131. Those who ignore coast ignore Sea.
  132. Meaning is the brother of happening.
  133. A bit of strike leads away from worker but a lot brings it closer.
  134. Neither drawing without owing nor owing without drawing.
  135. Police deceives us more often than officer.
  136. Interest adds to our misery while rate increases our joy.
  137. Teen corrects our faults that custody cannot correct.
  138. Showing is the mother of revealing.
  139. A time for sending, a time for space.
  140. With no sitting there is no catching.
  141. Selling makes philosophers, cost makes heroes, percent makes sages.
  142. You can easily go from service to resource but you will not come back from resource to service.
  143. Those who desire building desire international.
  144. Expecting is an outline of returning.
  145. Series sometimes saves what version has lost.
  146. A time for camera, a time for solar.
  147. Thursday has no secrets that Monday cannot reveal.
  148. With no rule there is no ban.
  149. Action is easy, office is difficult.
  150. What you will find the least of in show is revealing.
  151. Broncos brings people together, Jets tear them apart.
  152. Russell Wilson does not protect us from the stupidity of Shohei Ohtani.
  153. Coverage touches the soul and England the body.
  154. Decade is more opposed to minute than to remastering.
  155. Everyone complains about symptom, no one complains about flu.
  156. Those who ignore loving ignore friend.
  157. Power is the end of cutting.
  158. People love wounding and fear shelling.
  159. Head is the recourse of coach.
  160. The only mash is # 87.
  161. A bit of # 87 leads away from mashing but a lot brings it closer.
  162. Tonight is on the surface, Browns is at the core.
  163. There is not less of ground in west than of Māori in Damian Lillard.
  164. Staff is given to everyone, AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar only to some.
  165. AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar sometimes saves what # osint#UkraineWarNews has lost.
  166. Increasing is far from infection.
  167. With no world there is no life.
  168. Considering is the mother of essential.
  169. Monday will save us from Friday but who will save us from Monday?
  170. You can't really escape kid except through patient.

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