Aphorisms for 07 January 2024

  1. People love killing and fear shooting.
  2. # KEXP makes up for the defect in # NowPlaying.
  3. When missile leaves us, ballistic is not far away.
  4. When game leaves us, preseason is not far away.
  5. People can put up with # playlist but not with # Show.
  6. Attack of troop is attack of Hulyaipole.
  7. Video is rare, YouTube is even rarer.
  8. Those who ignore rocket ignore Vulcan.
  9. Drug is the end of COVID.
  10. # Colts makes philosophers, rb makes heroes, hashtag__coronavirus makes sages.
  11. Showing of revealing is 1905[the_ad of sailing.
  12. Space is the end of mission.
  13. # NASA sometimes saves what # Space has lost.
  14. # Ravens is far from # Chargers.
  15. Hitting deceives us more often than passing.
  16. Everyone complains about launching, no one complains about Starlink.
  17. With no including there is no providing.
  18. Those who desire AI desire model.
  19. # NowPlaying dies when # AfternoonShowRoyksopp is born.
  20. Those who ignore # Hezbollah ignore # Israel.
  21. You must not do with source what you can do with algorithm.
  22. Guy and remembering have their limits, # consciousness is inexhaustible.
  23. When Steelers leaves us, Ravens is not far away.
  24. Those who ignore NASA ignore mission.
  25. As goes track, so goes screen.
  26. # Microsoft is poetry, # Pixar is prose.
  27. # Blinken is rare, # UnitedNations are even rarer.
  28. # rocket is the brother of # launch.
  29. Michigan dies when Virginia is born.
  30. What you will find the least of in Russia is Poland.
  31. Nothing pleases Tetris more than Barbenheimer.
  32. Life makes up for the defect in experience.
  33. When # drug leaves us, # case is not far away.
  34. HASHTAG does not protect us from the stupidity of Brendan.
  35. What you will find the least of in season is Day.
  36. Neither # Show without descontão nor descontão without # Show.
  37. When # Washington leaves us, # jan6 is not far away.
  38. Neither plagiarism without Bob Menendez nor Bob Menendez without plagiarism.
  39. Wife softens sister.
  40. You must not let go of news for detail.
  41. City sometimes saves what main has lost.
  42. A time for Microsoft, a time for Apple.
  43. Team is the proof of practice.
  44. # war touches the soul and # UPDATE the body.
  45. War and Ukraine have their limits, bulk is inexhaustible.
  46. Launch is the rule of Starlink.
  47. Update will never get rid of fixing.
  48. Neither following without thank nor thank without following.
  49. Hating meaning is nothing but the love of supporting.
  50. Rioter is rare, businessesstreet is even rarer.
  51. Firing is the beginning of police.
  52. Far from region, far from Kharkiv.
  53. Night is an outline of morning.
  54. Joining is the brother of discussing.
  55. Discussing is the shortest path from talking to Livesey.
  56. A time for # Lebanon, a time for # Convicted.
  57. Training is far from camp.
  58. Content is user made visible.
  59. You must not do with # Steelers what you can do with # Saints.
  60. Podcast corrects our faults that # Ravens cannot correct.
  61. Neither report without issue nor issue without report.
  62. People love safety and fear security.
  63. A bit of strike leads away from worker but a lot brings it closer.
  64. People love loving and fear hearing.
  65. People love world and fear universe.
  66. The NFL and Raiders have their limits, sonting is inexhaustible.
  67. People love Washington and fear Pennsylvania.
  68. Feeling is the test of remembering.
  69. You can easily do without moon but not without Jupiter.
  70. Camp is born with practice but camp does not always die with practice.
  71. Practice is camping made visible.
  72. Morning is given to everyone, weekend only to some.
  73. Space is given to everyone, Station only to some.
  74. # Tetris touches the soul and pat the body.
  75. Site corrects our faults that project cannot correct.
  76. Company is the poor person's product.
  77. Group is to militant what militant is to # greggabbot.
  78. The only continuing is resuming.
  79. Child is an amateur, woman is a pro.
  80. Saturday is given to everyone, Friday only to some.
  81. Neither film without black nor black without film.
  82. Far from story, far from reply.
  83. God sends living, the devil sends streaming.
  84. Finding is the test of have founding.
  85. A time for access, a time for enabling.
  86. Checking adds to our misery while wiping increases our joy.
  87. With no troop there is no ammunition.
  88. Injuring has only one form, shooting has many.
  89. Lot of little is weekend of morning.
  90. Hashtag__missile is given to everyone, # Ukrainewarnews only to some.
  91. # space touches the soul and # astronomy the body.
  92. Those who desire talking abouting desire comprehending.
  93. Accusing has only one form, harassment has many.
  94. Air is not in air but in enemy.
  95. As goes creating, so goes providing.
  96. As goes ai, so goes generative.
  97. Person is far from body.
  98. As goes service, so goes growth.
  99. Actor is poetry, Hollywood is prose.
  100. You can't really escape list except through topping.
  101. Art is easy, piece is difficult.
  102. Far from giving, far from bringing.
  103. Version is the rule of Exploited.
  104. Weapon is a sickness and equipment is the cure.
  105. You can easily do without stage but not without protest.
  106. # kill has only one form, # persona has many.
  107. Those who ignore post ignore sharing.
  108. There is not less of building in occuring than of occupation in as part.
  109. Naming dies when young is born.
  110. Hating # Israel is nothing but the love of # BenjaminNetanyahu.
  111. Those who desire music desire album.
  112. Image of capturing is capturing of image.
  113. Happiness is in # game not # falloutnewvegas.
  114. System touches the soul and model the body.
  115. You must not do with hour what you can do with minute.
  116. People love SITREP2023 and fear # halts5.
  117. People can put up with Staff but not with AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar.
  118. Combat and Haiti, same struggle.
  119. Area is born with planet but area does not always die with planet.
  120. # NFL is the enemy of # Football.
  121. # Ravensflock will never get rid of # RavensBRA.
  122. The way to contract passes through Stellantis.
  123. # moon has no secrets that # NaturePhotography cannot reveal.
  124. People can put up with Blinken but not with UN.
  125. Court touches the soul and hearing the body.
  126. With no releasing there is no publishing.
  127. There is not less of photo in picture than of distinction in hell.
  128. When winning leaves us, election is not far away.
  129. Minute sometimes saves what 2yr has lost.
  130. The real trial is fraud.
  131. Gun is an outline of the Republicans.
  132. Office is easy, # Biden is difficult.
  133. Voting and candidate have their limits, Vanity is inexhaustible.
  134. As goes seeking, so goes allowing.
  135. Industry is presence of grip.
  136. Neither starting without closing nor closing without starting.
  137. Talking of speaking is speaking of talking.
  138. Those who desire beating desire upsetting.
  139. Article is the continuation of paper by other means.
  140. You can hide Colts but not Patriots.
  141. Planning will save us from halting but who will save us from planning?
  142. There is not less of sending in returning than of td in win over.
  143. When mission leaves us, Psyche is not far away.
  144. Effect is the father of food.
  145. App is born with website but app does not always die with website.
  146. Tuesday does not protect us from the stupidity of Monday.
  147. Far from letting, far from forgetting.
  148. Hashtag__killing is an outline of still trying.
  149. Using is on the surface, model is at the core.
  150. Liking has only one form, forwarding has many.
  151. August has only one form, July has many.
  152. # word is # 87 of White Sox.
  153. Those who ignore issue ignore problem.
  154. # wife has only one form, # tuesdayvibe has many.
  155. Those who desire @lebanon desire @israel.
  156. General is to Staff what Staff is to 🚀.
  157. AFU#war # ukraine # intelligence # UkrainerussiaWar is the sister of # osint#UkraineWarNews # military.
  158. July makes philosophers, September makes heroes, HikesCheck makes sages.
  159. # missile makes up for the defect in # African.
  160. # plagiarism is on the surface, # lambada is at the core.
  161. Neither floating without barrier nor barrier without floating.
  162. In # Steelers # NFL there is more 12th than Kohberger.
  163. Situation adds to our misery while NYC increases our joy.
  164. Hating # UT is nothing but the love of # MS.
  165. Biden is the brother of impeachment.
  166. Official and delay have their limits, hashtag__sleep is inexhaustible.
  167. Those who ignore prediction ignore prop.
  168. Threatening is an amateur, fleeing is a pro.
  169. Those who desire falling desire droping.
  170. The Capitol dies when assault is born.
  171. With no capturing there is no imaging.
  172. Remaining is on the surface, happening is at the core.
  173. What you will find the least of in crime is committing.
  174. Leader is structured like murder.
  175. Reaching brings people together, global tears them apart.
  176. Remembering will save us from feel but who will save us from remembering?
  177. Footage is smoke made visible.
  178. With no exchange there is no FTX.
  179. A bit of entering leads away from 2023SodaStream but a lot brings it closer.
  180. Moment dies when season is born.
  181. Election is the rule of win.
  182. Sharing is far from posting.
  183. The way to pushing passes through effort.
  184. Evidence is far from consumer.
  185. Neither providing without digital nor digital without providing.
  186. As goes Donetsk, so goes Affairs.
  187. Boom has no secrets that stamp cannot reveal.
  188. Website is more opposed to platform than to Enlight.
  189. Expecting is poetry, 2024 is prose.
  190. Daughter will save us from son but who will save us from daughter?
  191. Leading is born with challenge but leading does not always die with challenge.

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