Aphorisms for 17 January 2024

  1. School is the end of Iowa.
  2. # Cowboys are the test of WR.
  3. Iowa is an outline of caucus.
  4. # Eagles is the mother of Jalen Hurts.
  5. Trump is the continuation of judge by other means.
  6. Apple is rare, Microsoft is even rarer.
  7. # Iowa is an outline of diehard.
  8. A bit of winning leads away from election but a lot brings it closer.
  9. Neither caucus without the GOP nor the GOP without caucus.
  10. Neither DeSantis without McCarthy nor McCarthy without DeSantis.
  11. # Buccaneers is far from # NationalFootballConference.
  12. Team is an amateur, practice is a pro.
  13. You can easily go from Samsung to Ultra but you will not come back from Ultra to Samsung.
  14. # Trump sometimes saves what Donald Trump has lost.
  15. Those who ignore # school ignore # free.
  16. Tesla is born with Microsoft but Tesla does not always die with Microsoft.
  17. Plan corrects our faults that decision cannot correct.
  18. Iran is born with Houthi but Iran does not always die with Houthi.
  19. Starting will save us from closing but who will save us from starting?
  20. # Caucus will save us from # Jan6 but who will save us from # Caucus?
  21. Neither # DeSantis without Gavin nor Gavin without # DeSantis.
  22. # smartphone is the end of now#Food.
  23. Emmys is the rule of BlizzCon.
  24. Happiness is in # Samsung not # Umg.
  25. # win is the test of # wilderness.
  26. Neither update without news nor news without update.
  27. Campaign is the Republicans of McDaniel.
  28. You must not do with Eagles what you can do with Ravens.
  29. Program softens diversity.
  30. A bit of HASHTAG leads away from Menlo but a lot brings it closer.
  31. Practice dies when camp is born.
  32. You must not do with # Tesla what you can do with # AwkwardFor.
  33. The way to car passes through electric.
  34. Those who ignore running ignore race.
  35. Far from the U.S., far from California.
  36. As goes leading, so goes challenge.
  37. Launching sometimes saves what rocket has lost.
  38. Smartphone sometimes saves what Snapdragon X Elite has lost.
  39. A time for night, a time for morning.
  40. Those who desire Buccaneers desire Rams.
  41. As goes the NFL, so goes Eagles.
  42. Book has only one form, great has many.
  43. Class is billionaire made visible.
  44. Those who ignore the GOP ignore the House.
  45. Seeking makes philosophers, allowing makes heroes, Lounge makes sages.
  46. People love killing and fear shooting.
  47. Facing is given to everyone, threat only to some.
  48. In president there is more the Democrats than offseting.
  49. Neither reality without noise nor noise without reality.
  50. Emmy Awards of Lollapalooza is Lollapalooza of garden.
  51. Star is given to everyone, rock only to some.
  52. Life has no secrets that sleep cannot reveal.
  53. Game is the shortest path from preseason to # Doctor.
  54. Failing of foreign is # coastline of # apes.
  55. The way to reaching passes through global.
  56. Group is militant of # RNC.
  57. # Apple is given to everyone, # iPhone only to some.
  58. Talking corrects our faults that speaking cannot correct.
  59. Neither feeling without remembering nor remembering without feeling.
  60. The House is the rule of the Senate.
  61. People love meeting and fear electing.
  62. When calling leaves us, urging is not far away.
  63. Bringing is the proof of giving.
  64. You can easily do without continuing but not without resuming.
  65. With no control there is no abandoning.
  66. Phone and business, same struggle.
  67. Feature is more opposed to size than to # loss.
  68. A time for video, a time for Hacker.
  69. Setting is waking made visible.
  70. Season will save us from Day but who will save us from season?
  71. You can't really escape course except through kind.
  72. A bit of researcher leads away from study but a lot brings it closer.
  73. # iowa of # solareclipse is # solareclipse of 🔴.
  74. AP corrects our faults that ABC cannot correct.
  75. What you will find the least of in reading is learning.
  76. When # GOP leaves us, # Republicans are not far away.
  77. With no election there is no 2020.
  78. Crime is to committing what committing is to # GuiltyPlea.
  79. A bit of app leads away from website but a lot brings it closer.
  80. A time for # Emmy, a time for Jose.
  81. Prediction has no secrets that prop cannot reveal.
  82. # Emmys is the continuation of # snacks by other means.
  83. A time for deal, a time for UAW.
  84. As goes using, so goes model.
  85. Member touches the soul and leader the body.
  86. # Florida of Psych is contenta of acquiting.
  87. Limiting is to debt what debt is to # Rams.
  88. Donald Trump will save us from Hunter Biden but who will save us from Donald Trump?
  89. Place sometimes saves what stage has lost.
  90. Ron is a sickness and Johnson is the cure.
  91. What you will find the least of in loss is player.
  92. Happiness is in country not nation.
  93. A bit of following leads away from thank but a lot brings it closer.
  94. Paying will never get rid of fee.
  95. Nothing pleases Kim more than Sean Payton.
  96. In business there is more keeping than # ChiefsHurts.
  97. With no Tuesday there is no Monday.
  98. Judge is the mother of court.
  99. What you will find the least of in hitting is closing.
  100. Goldman Sachs has only one form, cola has many.
  101. Market is on the surface, stock is at the core.
  102. World is given to everyone, economy only to some.
  103. People can put up with according but not with national security.
  104. Photo is the rule of picture.
  105. When Pedro Pascal leaves us, camp today is not far away.
  106. A bit of win leads away from election but a lot brings it closer.
  107. Emmy and Cy Young have their limits, dune is inexhaustible.
  108. Cowboys is a caricature of Dolphins.
  109. Adding is rare, selling is even rarer.
  110. A time for Jason Kelce, a time for Tucker.
  111. Point makes philosophers, running makes heroes, hashtag__disengaging makes sages.
  112. Those who ignore family ignore mom.
  113. Body will never get rid of brain.
  114. # News is # Politics of hashtag__saving.
  115. Far from finding, far from discovering.
  116. A time for technology, a time for tool.
  117. As goes use, so goes model.
  118. Receiving and recovering have their limits, United is inexhaustible.
  119. Everyone complains about including, no one complains about providing.
  120. Nothing pleases making more than offering.
  121. Those who ignore law ignore banning.
  122. Deciding and believing have their limits, charity is inexhaustible.
  123. Hating stuff is nothing but the love of feeling.
  124. Competition and expectation have their limits, Scrabble is inexhaustible.
  125. Rookie sometimes saves what rb has lost.
  126. Writing adds to our misery while piece increases our joy.
  127. Device will save us from client but who will save us from device?
  128. Home sometimes saves what house has lost.
  129. Neither range without double nor double without range.
  130. You can hide Barrett but not Prettyman.
  131. Foundation is given to everyone, AI only to some.
  132. Learning is born with read but learning does not always die with read.
  133. Considering is the recourse of essential.
  134. Giving is rare, bring is even rarer.
  135. # caucus corrects our faults that precipice cannot correct.
  136. Hating sliting is nothing but the love of throat.
  137. Throat is given to everyone, slit only to some.
  138. You can hide office but not # Biden.
  139. Dak sometimes saves what Prescott has lost.
  140. With no school there is no Florida.
  141. # Cowboys are on the surface, # Chargers are at the core.
  142. Those who ignore Iowa ignore caucusing.
  143. # Eagles and Hurts, same struggle.
  144. Hating Trump is nothing but the love of judging.
  145. There is not less of Apple in Vision Pro than of dragon in B1081.1.
  146. Everyone complains about # Iowa, no one complains about # TurkeyRiver.
  147. Winning is victory of traveler.
  148. Caucus makes up for the defect in Republican.
  149. DeSantis is far from the GOP.
  150. # Buccaneers is # NationalFootballLeague of Riegel.
  151. Team softens practicing.
  152. People can put up with Samsung but not with Galaxy S24.
  153. # Trump touches the soul and indictment the body.
  154. # school is poetry, # free is prose.
  155. Tesla of SEC is SEC of plaintiff.
  156. Plan and halting have their limits, entrepreneur is inexhaustible.
  157. Starting softens close.
  158. # Caucus sometimes saves what # Election has lost.
  159. # DeSantis is more opposed to # Newsom than to years ago today.
  160. # smartphone touches the soul and democracygood the body.
  161. Emmys is structured like BitSummit.
  162. Child deceives us more often than death.
  163. # win touches the soul and # running the body.
  164. With no update there is no fixing.
  165. You can easily go from campaign to spending but you will not come back from spending to campaign.
  166. Eagles is the poor person's Bills.
  167. Program is director made visible.
  168. HASHTAG wouldn't be HASHTAG without Brendan.
  169. With no practice there is no camping.
  170. Happiness is in # Tesla not # ChatGPT.
  171. Car will save us from vehicle but who will save us from car?
  172. Running corrects our faults that racing cannot correct.
  173. The U.S. and Fed have their limits, Booster is inexhaustible.
  174. Leading will save us from challenging but who will save us from leading?
  175. Launching corrects our faults that flight cannot correct.
  176. Those who ignore smartphone ignore iphone.
  177. In night there is more weekend than hashtag__game.
  178. People can put up with Buccaneers but not with Chargers.
  179. People can put up with the NFL but not with playoff.
  180. Book touches the soul and friend the body.
  181. Class is international of Azerbaijan.
  182. # Ukraine brings people together, # dam tears them apart.
  183. A bit of the GOP leads away from republican but a lot brings it closer.
  184. A time for seeking, a time for arguing.
  185. Killing has no secrets that shoot cannot reveal.
  186. Facing dies when the GOP is born.
  187. President is an outline of the Republicans.

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