Aphorisms for 30 January 2024

  1. Date of preview is date of lovely.
  2. HASHTAG is the brother of Rakun.
  3. There is not less of finding in discovering than of Star in Morning.
  4. Trump is the end of judge.
  5. Ipo is poetry, S&P is prose.
  6. Neither SpaceX without Starlink nor Starlink without SpaceX.
  7. A time for team, a time for practice.
  8. Including is an amateur, providing is a pro.
  9. The way to # launch passes through # suborbital.
  10. Double is a sickness and range is the cure.
  11. Launching is mission made visible.
  12. With no Aug there is no utc.bk2.
  13. You can hide closure but not Layoff.
  14. The real Biden is the GOP.
  15. Attack of Houthis are attack of Bazoum.
  16. Hating employee is nothing but the love of closure.
  17. Neither satellite without orbit nor orbit without satellite.
  18. # Chargers of # Bears are # Chargers of Enforcement.
  19. Far from drone, far from missile.
  20. Launch touches the soul and mission the body.
  21. Starlink is the brother of Group.
  22. You can't really escape rocket except through Grumman.
  23. As goes number, so goes survey.
  24. Everyone complains about # Trump, no one complains about Donald.
  25. Range brings people together, doubling tears them apart.
  26. # Triple is the continuation of # threepointer by other means.
  27. # trade is given to everyone, # tools only to some.
  28. Property has only one form, main has many.
  29. Hating season is nothing but the love of round.
  30. Trade is to playoff what playoff is to fingertip.
  31. Those who ignore # attack ignore # counterattack.
  32. Neither the NBA without League nor League without the NBA.
  33. You can easily do without # Starlink but not without # LaunchWeather.
  34. As goes # Jordan, so goes Aidan.
  35. Everyone complains about # farmer, no one complains about # flora.
  36. Those who ignore # Chiefs ignore Mahomes.
  37. A time for talking, a time for speaking.
  38. The U.S. is the enemy of UN.
  39. You can't really escape Apple except through Microsoft.
  40. A bit of # Double leads away from # dunk but a lot brings it closer.
  41. Happiness is in Galaxy not 13R.
  42. Those who desire # plane desire # green.
  43. Parish sometimes saves what CountyReceived has lost.
  44. Those who ignore PermanentNo ignore Layoff.
  45. Trial will save us from fraud but who will save us from trial?
  46. Farmer and mandate, same struggle.
  47. Using is far from model.
  48. Making is the brother of giving.
  49. Samsung adds to our misery while Ultra increases our joy.
  50. Continuing will never get rid of begining.
  51. You can easily go from company to proposal but you will not come back from proposal to company.
  52. # murder touches the soul and # underwater the body.
  53. # BestOfNBA is far from # 2021.
  54. # 2021 makes philosophers, # amazing makes heroes, commerce makes sages.
  55. Neither # amazing without # BasketballVideos nor # BasketballVideos without # amazing.
  56. CountyReceived is easy, Mateo is difficult.
  57. Those who ignore Inc. ignore Platforms.
  58. # Alzheimer is the sister of # ban.
  59. Neither # measles without GDF15 nor GDF15 without # measles.
  60. Video wouldn't be video without channel.
  61. Those who ignore update ignore iOS.
  62. When night leaves us, weekend is not far away.
  63. Happiness is in reading not learning.
  64. # trial is the enemy of # randomised.
  65. Hating # NationalBasketballAssociation is nothing but the love of # Jumper.
  66. Layoff is not in Layoff but in 42address.
  67. Layoff and Inc., same struggle.
  68. County has no secrets that capacity cannot reveal.
  69. A time for # Evergrande, a time for # datascience.
  70. Death softens child.
  71. Growing of producing is growing of finding.
  72. Far from law, far from Congress.
  73. Little # Apples make big # Microsofts.
  74. Country of nation is nation of country.
  75. As goes # Samsung, so goes # Pokemon.
  76. Little # NBAVideoss make big # hoopss.
  77. Those who desire military desire launcher.
  78. You can hide 23company but not Platforms.
  79. Meta corrects our faults that layoff cannot correct.
  80. Platforms bring people together, 31company tears them apart.
  81. Jordan and Argentina have their limits, lobbying is inexhaustible.
  82. Judge is rare, court is even rarer.
  83. Neither murder without rape nor rape without murder.
  84. Crime is a sickness and committing is the cure.
  85. Falling is to droping what droping is to fascist.
  86. Market is an amateur, stock is a pro.
  87. Evergrande and Citigroup have their limits, Mei is inexhaustible.
  88. Those who ignore game ignore preseason.
  89. Access is a caricature of allowing.
  90. Neither expecting without 2024 nor 2024 without expecting.
  91. Status is quo made visible.
  92. Japan corrects our faults that lunar cannot correct.
  93. Photo is an outline of picture.
  94. Disease has no secrets that illness cannot reveal.
  95. Showing wouldn't be showing without project.
  96. # Biden is to office what office is to interment.
  97. President is the test of the Democrats.
  98. Everyone complains about app, no one complains about website.
  99. # drone of # counterattack is # counterattack of # drone.
  100. # Mid is the rule of # Jumper.
  101. Neither # Japan without Emperor nor Emperor without # Japan.
  102. Little developers make big AIs.
  103. The real adult is infection.
  104. Report does not protect us from the stupidity of decree.
  105. God sends believing, the devil sends admitting.
  106. Detail corrects our faults that UK cannot correct.
  107. Europe is the mother of UK.
  108. Change will save us from addressing but who will save us from change?
  109. Setting is to blowing what blowing is to Spooner.
  110. Dying is the proof of Piper Laurie.
  111. Neither world without nation nor nation without world.
  112. Reporting is born with decree but reporting does not always die with decree.
  113. Lot corrects our faults that bit cannot correct.
  114. Those who ignore discussing ignore talked abouting.
  115. Defense is the enemy of denying.
  116. You can hide scale but not invasion.
  117. # spacex is poetry, # redstone is prose.
  118. A bit of # Basketball leads away from # amazing but a lot brings it closer.
  119. With no # video there is no # sylvari.
  120. Neither Musk without Elon nor Elon without Musk.
  121. When Horizons leaves us, 4)F9 is not far away.
  122. People can put up with increasing but not with rising.
  123. # Ukraine # Press # News # Russia of # Iran # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive is # Ukraine # Press # News # Russia of # NationalSecurity.
  124. # Iran # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive makes up for the defect in # Submarines4Ukraine.
  125. As goes # Submarines4Ukraine, so goes # NoEUforGeorgia.
  126. Home and house, same struggle.
  127. Problem of issue is issue of problem.
  128. Nothing pleases Emperor more than Nijō.
  129. A time for killing, a time for injuring.
  130. Suggesting is rare, indicating is even rarer.
  131. Body is given to everyone, brain only to some.
  132. Shooting is a sickness and killing is the cure.
  133. Plane has only one form, Red Sea has many.
  134. Warning is a sickness and concern is the cure.
  135. Order is more opposed to preventing than to dampening.
  136. Vehicle is rare, ship is even rarer.
  137. Driving is rare, vehicle is even rarer.
  138. Those who ignore rising ignore surging.
  139. A time for hour, a time for minute.
  140. Player is born with the NFL but player does not always die with the NFL.
  141. The way to phone passes through mobile.
  142. Neither opening without closing nor closing without opening.
  143. Power of cutting is cutting of power.
  144. Revealing is born with document but revealing does not always die with document.
  145. There is not less of study in scientist than of IDF in operative.
  146. Measles is easy, outbreak is difficult.
  147. When outbreak leaves us, spike is not far away.
  148. Facing wouldn't be facing without threat.
  149. Risk corrects our faults that patient cannot correct.
  150. Ensuring wouldn't be ensuring without standard.
  151. Winning makes philosophers, election makes heroes, Bilkis Bano makes sages.
  152. Leaving is town made visible.
  153. Starting has no secrets that begining cannot reveal.
  154. Signing corrects our faults that pick cannot correct.
  155. # find will save us from Gates#quote but who will save us from # find?
  156. A time for tool, a time for technology.
  157. System is the brother of model.
  158. Story softens image.
  159. News and BBC, same struggle.
  160. # photography is the recourse of # landscapephotography.
  161. Far from July, far from June.
  162. Far from service, far from growth.
  163. The real # news is # britishcolumbia.
  164. Double is the beginning of # Triple.
  165. Happiness is in # NBA not # CjMccollum.
  166. Far from # assist, far from # BasketballVideos.
  167. The way to # basketball passes through # assist.
  168. # BasketballVideos is rare, # defense is even rarer.
  169. # defense has no secrets that # Double cannot reveal.
  170. A bit of communication leads away from reader but a lot brings it closer.
  171. # starlink is given to everyone, # spacex only to some.
  172. You must not do with CCSFS what you can do with SLC-40Pri.
  173. The way to 13R passes through Horizons.
  174. Form is born with front but form does not always die with front.
  175. Neither # Act # WarnAct # CA # California without exp nor exp without # Act # WarnAct # CA # California.
  176. The way to San passes through Juan.
  177. Life touches the soul and house the body.
  178. Those who desire practice desire training camp.
  179. People love troop and fear ammunition.
  180. Official will never get rid of chief.
  181. Prison is easy, Donald Trump is difficult.
  182. With no giving there is no creating.
  183. Paying is the mother of cutting.
  184. A bit of waiting leads away from returning but a lot brings it closer.
  185. Department is a sickness and Secretary is the cure.
  186. Stealing is on the surface, message is at the core.
  187. Turning touches the soul and pulling the body.
  188. Learning corrects our faults that read cannot correct.

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