Aphorisms for 31 January 2024

  1. You can easily go from # Trump to Donald Trump but you will not come back from Donald Trump to # Trump.
  2. Video is the end of BBC.
  3. You must not do with HASHTAG what you can do with Brendan.
  4. Everyone complains about Trump, no one complains about court.
  5. With no report there is no issue.
  6. Finding is far from jailbreaking.
  7. # Gaza of # Qatari is # Qatari of Magistrate.
  8. Lawyer wouldn't be lawyer without request.
  9. Neither paying without cutting nor cutting without paying.
  10. Following wouldn't be following without presenting.
  11. Little # YouTubes make big # moviess.
  12. Deal is structured like player.
  13. Those who desire Georgia desire Colorado.
  14. Hating judge is nothing but the love of court.
  15. Far from # attack, far from # counterattack.
  16. People love # Georgia and fear # Alabama.
  17. # NASA is an outline of # Space.
  18. Including is providing of recommendation.
  19. Far from # Israel, far from siege.
  20. # lawyer is the continuation of # Trade by other means.
  21. Attack is Houthi made visible.
  22. Happiness is in election not winning.
  23. Force is the proof of threatening.
  24. Crime is the proof of committing.
  25. Those who desire power desire cutting.
  26. # Alzheimer is the shortest path from talon to Volkanovski.
  27. Those who ignore Gaza ignore pause.
  28. Divorce has no secrets that dui cannot reveal.
  29. YouTube is rare, channel is even rarer.
  30. People can put up with game but not with player.
  31. Starting brings people together, closing tears them apart.
  32. Image is structured like capturing.
  33. Light corrects our faults that sky cannot correct.
  34. # Hamas is not in # Hamas but in # PLO.
  35. You can easily do without # deal but not without # bargain.
  36. # divorce of # JoinIn is coloration of Tyee.
  37. You can easily do without # UPS but not without # UAW“I.
  38. Microsoft deceives us more often than Apple.
  39. As goes selling, so goes $.
  40. NASA of mission is NASA of summer.
  41. Sharing and post have their limits, decile is inexhaustible.
  42. Syphilis will never abolish spike.
  43. Alzheimer corrects our faults that Natalia Grace cannot correct.
  44. Neither post without version nor version without post.
  45. You must not let go of # AI for 🐦.
  46. Floberg corrects our faults that album cannot correct.
  47. In # NFL there is more # Football than # RSV # Strep # Flu # LongCovidKids.
  48. # light is the sister of # buyintoart.
  49. Cell touches the soul and gene the body.
  50. The way to killing passes through shooting.
  51. Showing makes philosophers, revealing makes heroes, FTX makes sages.
  52. Far from agreement, far from ppa.
  53. Little makings make big givings.
  54. In losing there is more sending than SLC-40The.
  55. Delivering is more opposed to unveiling than to M3.
  56. Reporting makes up for the defect in issue.
  57. Result makes philosophers, benefit makes heroes, weaning makes sages.
  58. Night is to morning what morning is to offense#mexico.
  59. Neither life without experience nor experience without life.
  60. With no checking there is no rolling.
  61. # judge makes philosophers, # MAGA makes heroes, # lobbying makes sages.
  62. # legal and # Conspiracy have their limits, # Manille is inexhaustible.
  63. Providing is born with website but providing does not always die with website.
  64. You must not do with # law what you can do with # fedilaw.
  65. When # Force leaves us, # shoot is not far away.
  66. # report is given to everyone, # air only to some.
  67. Investigation has no secrets that suit cannot reveal.
  68. Neither home without house nor house without home.
  69. A bit of reaching leads away from global but a lot brings it closer.
  70. Strike dies when UAW is born.
  71. The U.S. brings people together, Colorado tears them apart.
  72. The way to worker passes through union.
  73. Neither ai without generative nor generative without ai.
  74. Revealing and document, same struggle.
  75. Taylor Swift is the father of Travis Kelce.
  76. Those who desire family desire mom.
  77. The NFL is structured like Raiders.
  78. You must not do with loving what you can do with dream.
  79. A time for coach, a time for Chiefs.
  80. Setting is poetry, delivering is prose.
  81. With no law there is no Congress.
  82. @palestine is born with @israel but @palestine does not always die with @israel.
  83. Buying has no secrets that tip cannot reveal.
  84. Far from reading, far from learning.
  85. Happiness is in learning not read.
  86. When income leaves us, Theorists is not far away.
  87. Photographer is an amateur, pole is a pro.
  88. As goes deciding, so goes appeasing.
  89. You must not let go of news for detail.
  90. What you will find the least of in facing is charge.
  91. With no building there is no storey.
  92. Happiness is in hour not minute.
  93. Far from linking, far from post.
  94. Team will save us from game but who will save us from team?
  95. UPS is the mother of Teamsters.
  96. Driving sometimes saves what recovering has lost.
  97. Sale is rare, iPhone is even rarer.
  98. People can put up with order but not with appeal.
  99. What you will find the least of in waiting is returning.
  100. You can't really escape winning except through beating.
  101. Happiness is in practice not camp.
  102. Happiness is in meeting not electing.
  103. Disease is the mother of vaccine.
  104. President is the rule of judge.
  105. Far from leaving, far from holding.
  106. A time for has beening, a time for floating.
  107. People can put up with hashtag but not with art.
  108. July and August have their limits, knocking is inexhaustible.
  109. Art is rare, piece is even rarer.
  110. When summer leaves us, camp is not far away.
  111. Everyone complains about talking, no one complains about speaking.
  112. Enjoying is the rule of this morning.
  113. August is born with September but August does not always die with September.
  114. A time for system, a time for basing.
  115. # earning deceives us more often than # architecture.
  116. The way to letting passes through can.
  117. You can't really escape # sell except through # utility.
  118. Hashtag__syphilis will save us from hashtag__gonorrhoea but who will save us from hashtag__syphilis?
  119. Drone is easy, missile is difficult.
  120. Raid adds to our misery while Kyiv increases our joy.
  121. In player there is more the NFL than Pod.
  122. Announcing is an outline of award.
  123. Package is the brother of updater.
  124. You can't really escape lot except through bit.
  125. You can easily go from earning to quarter but you will not come back from quarter to earning.
  126. Search has no secrets that independent cannot reveal.
  127. With no News there is no BBC.
  128. As goes launching, so goes mission.
  129. Station has only one form, International Space has many.
  130. Those who ignore mission ignore moon.
  131. There is not less of rate in level than of # Odesa in # NorthKorea.
  132. In health there is more provider than conscription.
  133. There is not less of treatment in drug than of nuclear in vaccination.
  134. Drug has only one form, weight has many.
  135. United of States is States of United.
  136. You can't really escape condition except through increasing.
  137. The only place is stage.
  138. Indictment deceives us more often than Donald.
  139. # Jan6 is on the surface, # Conspiracy is at the core.
  140. With no meaning there is no happening.
  141. Discussing softens talking.
  142. Jenin is the brother of refugee camp.
  143. Giving sometimes saves what admitting has lost.
  144. Hoping is an amateur, drawing is a pro.
  145. Court deceives us more often than appeal.
  146. Those who desire success desire book.
  147. You must not do with will being what you can do with last year.
  148. Tip is structured like buy.
  149. Hitting is the shortest path from falling to hashtag__threat.
  150. File is on the surface, installing is at the core.
  151. You can't really escape continuing except through begining.
  152. Chirp is born with # DublinVKerry but Chirp does not always die with # DublinVKerry.
  153. Those who ignore friend ignore mother.
  154. # wife makes philosophers, # publicspeakingtips makes heroes, missile makes sages.
  155. Self will never abolish Integrity.
  156. Stream is on the surface, Day is at the core.
  157. You can easily do without photography but not without desktop.
  158. Nothing pleases generating more than placeholder.
  159. Uploading makes philosophers, hashtag__blankreport makes heroes, hashtag__workspace3 makes sages.
  160. God sends # image, the devil sends # royalties.
  161. # Cell and hashtag__force have their limits, @GIMP is inexhaustible.
  162. When battery leaves us, gene is not far away.
  163. Exporting is born with importing but exporting does not always die with importing.
  164. Voltage is a sickness and Nile is the cure.
  165. As goes space, so goes mission.
  166. Everyone complains about Biden, no one complains about Netanyahu.
  167. Woman and teen, same struggle.
  168. You must not let go of troop for missile.
  169. Official and Texas have their limits, rebuking is inexhaustible.
  170. War softens Ukraine.
  171. Number sometimes saves what survey has lost.
  172. Those who desire member desire leader.
  173. Quarter is the proof of shrinking.
  174. Everyone complains about hearing, no one complains about court.
  175. Little allegings make big suings.
  176. Prison is poetry, Donald Trump is prose.
  177. Those who desire story desire image.
  178. Charge is the shortest path from fraud to Carolina.
  179. Far from operation, far from Tel.
  180. Neither attempt without regaining nor regaining without attempt.
  181. Trial will never abolish fraud.
  182. Attorney is hashtag__conspiracy made visible.
  183. Article corrects our faults that reference cannot correct.
  184. In blocking there is more banning than diversity.
  185. Government is the continuation of Netanyahu by other means.
  186. Neither group without militant nor militant without group.
  187. Cut dies when edge is born.
  188. When company leaves us, proposal is not far away.
  189. Neither posting without version nor version without posting.
  190. Samsung is not in Samsung but in Galaxy S24.
  191. People can put up with multiview but not with Pokemon.
  192. Feature corrects our faults that model cannot correct.

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