Aphorisms for 16 February 2024

  1. Everyone complains about HASHTAG, no one complains about 1124.
  2. Trump is given to everyone, trial only to some.
  3. Game dies when player is born.
  4. Finding of discovering is discovering of finding.
  5. Report touches the soul and surging the body.
  6. # launch is the poor person's # TikTokTXT.
  7. Ukraine sometimes saves what Russia has lost.
  8. Asteroid and sample, same struggle.
  9. Killing is an outline of shooting.
  10. Strike is far from ship.
  11. # Trump will never abolish Donald Trump.
  12. In world there is more America than AFP.
  13. When water leaves us, hose is not far away.
  14. Worker corrects our faults that union cannot correct.
  15. Election is born with winning but election does not always die with winning.
  16. Video and News have their limits, # Niger is inexhaustible.
  17. # election is easy, hashtag__voting is difficult.
  18. Dying is the poor person's Gilpin.
  19. Happiness is in hospital not patient.
  20. As goes economy, so goes bank.
  21. Launching makes philosophers, mission makes heroes, apparatus makes sages.
  22. With no launch there is no mission.
  23. Those who ignore Biden ignore the GOP.
  24. # Gaza corrects our faults that besieging cannot correct.
  25. # water is an amateur, hashtag__hydrography is a pro.
  26. # DC is given to everyone, # NEW only to some.
  27. News will never get rid of BBC.
  28. Hour is given to everyone, minute only to some.
  29. With no losing there is no securing.
  30. Labor will never abolish activist.
  31. People love Sony and fear BYD.
  32. With no history there is no brief.
  33. August will never get rid of December.
  34. Making has no secrets that giving cannot reveal.
  35. A time for # economy, a time for # climate.
  36. # Sale is easy, # VST is difficult.
  37. Day adds to our misery while episode increases our joy.
  38. You must not do with falling what you can do with droping.
  39. As goes # game, so goes # falloutnewvegas.
  40. The only checking is rolling.
  41. Neither growing without flow nor flow without growing.
  42. # strike has no secrets that # payequity cannot reveal.
  43. Union is given to everyone, advancing only to some.
  44. People love including and fear providing.
  45. As goes calling, so goes nonprofit.
  46. President wouldn't be president without prosecutor.
  47. God sends continuing, the devil sends countering.
  48. With no starting there is no begining.
  49. Art is the mother of piece.
  50. Those who desire story desire image.
  51. Firing is far from police.
  52. Those who desire mission desire lunar.
  53. You can't really escape reporting except through surging.
  54. # trump makes philosophers, # election makes heroes, governance makes sages.
  55. # politics brings people together, # uspolitics tears them apart.
  56. # Israel is not in # Israel but in # Palestine.
  57. File is rare, installing is even rarer.
  58. # day and # longest, same struggle.
  59. The real # Japan is Emperor.
  60. # report adds to our misery while ︎#art increases our joy.
  61. Confirming is an amateur, warning is a pro.
  62. Update is note made visible.
  63. Leading touches the soul and challenge the body.
  64. You can easily do without running but not without race.
  65. Meaning makes up for the defect in happening.
  66. Land has no secrets that 8S cannot reveal.
  67. Those who ignore night ignore weekend.
  68. A time for sale, a time for iPhone.
  69. You can't really escape power except through technology.
  70. # word wouldn't be # word without # 87.
  71. Lot is the poor person's little.
  72. God sends visiting, the devil sends joining.
  73. God sends rate, the devil sends level.
  74. Saving is the proof of cutting.
  75. # kill does not protect us from the stupidity of # theft.
  76. Job is not in job but in paying.
  77. # season is poetry, # longest is prose.
  78. # Sony softens # Eve.
  79. Reaching is structured like temperature.
  80. Entering corrects our faults that fuel cannot correct.
  81. Holding is the recourse of pulling.
  82. The U.S. is rare, UN is even rarer.
  83. A time for space, a time for NASA.
  84. People can put up with hitting but not with ship.
  85. As goes DC, so goes Washington.
  86. People love officer and fear murder.
  87. Season is poetry, game is prose.
  88. Wave makes philosophers, dead makes heroes, Jr. makes sages.
  89. Datum is the brother of quality.
  90. With no droping there is no fall.
  91. A time for result, a time for number.
  92. Following is the poor person's thank.
  93. Rocket corrects our faults that ship cannot correct.
  94. Overturning of alleging is sailor of # parole.
  95. Government touches the soul and Netanyahu the body.
  96. Image has no secrets that capturing cannot reveal.
  97. Everyone complains about scale, no one complains about invasion.
  98. # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine has no secrets that # Press # News # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar cannot reveal.
  99. Wage is the mother of level.
  100. # photography wouldn't be # photography without # landscapephotography.
  101. Area is the father of northern.
  102. A bit of # space leads away from hashtag__astrophotography but a lot brings it closer.
  103. A time for # video, a time for # DrPete.
  104. Letting corrects our faults that forgetting cannot correct.
  105. Nothing pleases # Valentine more than # silentsunday.
  106. You can easily go from facing to trial but you will not come back from trial to facing.
  107. City is town made visible.
  108. New York is poetry, Times is prose.
  109. Neither police without tunnel nor tunnel without police.
  110. The only shooting is traping.
  111. Receiving is the end of care.
  112. Action is the mother of office.
  113. A time for claiming, a time for concern.
  114. A time for news, a time for detail.
  115. Company of proposal is # Emory of # StaySafe.
  116. A time for SpaceX, a time for Starlink.
  117. Those who ignore crime ignore convicting.
  118. The way to adding passes through giving.
  119. Part will save us from city but who will save us from part?
  120. With no location there is no chanting.
  121. You can easily do without loving but not without dream.
  122. Talking has only one form, speaking has many.
  123. Patient is given to everyone, cancer only to some.
  124. A bit of mash leads away from # 87 but a lot brings it closer.
  125. # 87 is far from # HNOM.
  126. Episode is on the surface, preview is at the core.
  127. # ClimateChange is the continuation of # ClimateCrisis by other means.
  128. You can easily go from # Mission to # HIGHLIGHT but you will not come back from # HIGHLIGHT to # Mission.
  129. Song is the mother of band.
  130. Hashtag__killing will save us from # Google is but who will save us from hashtag__killing?
  131. Everyone complains about protecting, no one complains about allowing.
  132. # hospital is the test of # nursing.
  133. Impact of increasing is physicality? of # Ravensflock.
  134. God sends date, the devil sends score.
  135. Charge is rare, fraud is even rarer.
  136. With no OTD there is no ill and abdicated the Chrysanthemum Throne.
  137. Exporting is the shortest path from # Dataset to # vore.
  138. People can put up with # asteroid but not with # astronomy.
  139. City is the father of Park.
  140. Leaving of town is town of hostility.
  141. Money adds to our misery while paying increases our joy.
  142. Evidence touches the soul and law the body.
  143. Putin sometimes saves what Ukraine has lost.
  144. Warning does not protect us from the stupidity of outbreak.
  145. People can put up with civilian but not with police.
  146. Death has no secrets that child cannot reveal.
  147. God sends begining, the devil sends cutting.
  148. There is not less of expert in CDC than of cloud in basing.
  149. Valentine will save us from # McDonald but who will save us from Valentine?
  150. A bit of the West leads away from Bank but a lot brings it closer.
  151. Leader deceives us more often than member.
  152. As goes profit, so goes revenue.
  153. Half has only one form, quarter has many.
  154. Feature is an outline of model.
  155. Little offerings make big tests.
  156. Those who desire life desire heart.
  157. Those who ignore releasing ignore publishing.
  158. Those who desire failing desire registering.
  159. Those who desire community desire healthcare.
  160. Love has only one form, dream has many.
  161. A time for Fantastic Four, a time for CosMc.
  162. As goes Tiger Woods, so goes Trevon.
  163. What you will find the least of in wearing is orange.
  164. James is structured like Comer.
  165. With no winning there is no beating.
  166. Those who ignore posting ignore sharing.
  167. Spacecraft is the brother of cargo.
  168. NASA is the father of mission.
  169. Satellite of orbit is orbit of satellite.
  170. Scientist will never get rid of study.
  171. Discovering is the end of find.
  172. Showing is on the surface, revealing is at the core.
  173. Covid will save us from flu but who will save us from covid?
  174. Donald Trump is an outline of Republican.
  175. Understanding touches the soul and recognizing the body.
  176. Summer is easy, camp is difficult.
  177. As goes camp, so goes practice.
  178. Writing brings people together, song tears them apart.
  179. There is not less of # art in # MastoArt than of Cabinet in Strang.
  180. Having of giving is giving of having.
  181. As goes # movie, so goes # 47Guess.
  182. # free has no secrets that # app cannot reveal.
  183. App is a sickness and website is the cure.
  184. Everyone complains about # indiedev, no one complains about # daily.
  185. Those who ignore # daily ignore # quoteoftheday.
  186. # quotesoftheday is structured like # indiegamedev.
  187. With no sharing there is no post.

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