Aphorisms for 23 February 2024

  1. Florida does not protect us from the stupidity of Ohio.
  2. School sometimes saves what Iowa has lost.
  3. In Trump there is more Haley than Eras.
  4. A bit of Ukraine leads away from Russia but a lot brings it closer.
  5. People love parent and fear doctor.
  6. A time for # Trump, a time for Donald Trump.
  7. A bit of dying leads away from Gilpin but a lot brings it closer.
  8. Student and Stanford, same struggle.
  9. Company is the test of proposal.
  10. # company is poetry, abiding is prose.
  11. As goes Reddit, so goes microscopy.
  12. Following makes up for the defect in expecting.
  13. # Florida is on the surface, # leprosy is at the core.
  14. Feeling has no secrets that sounding cannot reveal.
  15. Those who desire starting desire begining.
  16. Those who ignore making ignore giving.
  17. Happiness is in finding not discovering.
  18. Hitting is closing made visible.
  19. Happiness is in Alabama not California.
  20. The way to revealing passes through document.
  21. Biden will never get rid of the Supreme Court.
  22. Law is the poor person's preventing.
  23. When attack leaves us, troop is not far away.
  24. Google will save us from AI but who will save us from Google?
  25. Providing is the father of creating.
  26. Number touches the soul and survey the body.
  27. Life softens business.
  28. Reading is easy, learning is difficult.
  29. Meaning is given to everyone, happening only to some.
  30. When AT&T leaves us, # SunOS is not far away.
  31. Ruling of hearing is hearing of Swift.
  32. Calling has no secrets that nonprofit cannot reveal.
  33. Running is given to everyone, deciding only to some.
  34. You must not let go of changing for developing.
  35. Those who desire power desire cutting.
  36. Loving is poetry, dream is prose.
  37. # attack is the beginning of # civilians.
  38. # market is a sickness and # love is the cure.
  39. # Boeing sometimes saves what Belgium has lost.
  40. Service sometimes saves what company has lost.
  41. Reaching is far from temperature.
  42. Apple is easy, Vision Pro is difficult.
  43. Mars is far from Moon.
  44. The only including is providing.
  45. In writing there is more song than precaution.
  46. Post does not protect us from the stupidity of version.
  47. People can put up with letting but not with forgetting.
  48. Article is the end of Medium.
  49. # Alabama of # LSU is uncle of Kurdistan.
  50. People love sketch and fear ghostbunofficial.
  51. # Kentucky of # EnergyMastodon is # EnergyMastodon of # Kentucky.
  52. World will never get rid of nation.
  53. Hating family is nothing but the love of boy.
  54. Killing is the rule of shooting.
  55. A time for leading, a time for form.
  56. You can hide market but not stock.
  57. Program adds to our misery while Ford increases our joy.
  58. Job dies when business is born.
  59. Kentucky will save us from County but who will save us from Kentucky?
  60. System will never abolish model.
  61. # Ukraine sometimes saves what # Russia has lost.
  62. # Biden is far from office.
  63. As goes link, so goes feed.
  64. A time for # school, a time for # soccer.
  65. # family is rare, # cartoon is even rarer.
  66. Heading is sw of Icon.
  67. Far from km, far from nw.
  68. Outage has no secrets that grid cannot reveal.
  69. God sends election, the devil sends 2020.
  70. You can easily do without Boeing but not without 737.
  71. Page of book is book of 50.
  72. Game has no secrets that player cannot reveal.
  73. Team is a caricature of practice.
  74. News is an amateur, BBC is a pro.
  75. Hating living is nothing but the love of feed.
  76. Place is a sickness and middle is the cure.
  77. You must not do with hand what you can do with house.
  78. Photo makes philosophers, picture makes heroes, pleading makes sages.
  79. Those who desire right desire human.
  80. Hour is the enemy of minute.
  81. Deciding makes philosophers, run makes heroes, chart makes sages.
  82. # Google of # Bing is # Google of Mattingly.
  83. # Apple has only one form, # SteveJobs has many.
  84. Email will save us from legal name but who will save us from email?
  85. A time for # war, a time for Clarke.
  86. Keyword of Caltech is insisting of supremacy.
  87. # EDXW # adsb is born with ei but # EDXW # adsb does not always die with ei.
  88. Hating result is nothing but the love of list.
  89. Remembering wouldn't be remembering without wondering.
  90. As goes failing, so goes registering.
  91. Happiness is in source not sponsoring.
  92. Continuing is the father of begining.
  93. There is not less of head in flying than of # KDE in Plasma.
  94. Content is born with ad but content does not always die with ad.
  95. A time for hoping, a time for drawing.
  96. Falling has only one form, droping has many.
  97. A time for will being, a time for price.
  98. Nothing pleases paying more than dollar.
  99. Everyone complains about fun, no one complains about little.
  100. As goes August, so goes July.
  101. Summer makes philosophers, camp makes heroes, CB makes sages.
  102. Town is more opposed to city than to hashtag__invasion.
  103. Story adds to our misery while reply increases our joy.
  104. Song is band of Progress.
  105. You must not let go of experiencing for life.
  106. # Haley # Halcyon is # Pokemon made visible.
  107. # Gaza is poetry, # Qatari is prose.
  108. The U.S. is the proof of UN.
  109. User is easy, customer is difficult.
  110. Network does not protect us from the stupidity of digital.
  111. Showing is the test of project.
  112. Update touches the soul and news the body.
  113. People can put up with Sea but not with Grain.
  114. The GOP touches the soul and republican the body.
  115. Losing is easy, sending is difficult.
  116. Staying adds to our misery while moving increases our joy.
  117. The real hearing is dream.
  118. A bit of news leads away from detail but a lot brings it closer.
  119. A time for deal, a time for UAW.
  120. Gaza has no secrets that Rafah cannot reveal.
  121. A bit of order leads away from ensuring but a lot brings it closer.
  122. Security has no secrets that food cannot reveal.
  123. Neither Nvidia without outlook nor outlook without Nvidia.
  124. A bit of Airlines leads away from Belgium but a lot brings it closer.
  125. In enjoying there is more this morning than Big.
  126. Little drafts make big Days.
  127. NASA is an outline of mission.
  128. Kid is far from sick.
  129. Those who desire County desire gunman.
  130. Those who desire image desire capturing.
  131. Happiness is in group not militant.
  132. Liking is not in liking but in forwarding.
  133. # art is the test of # MastoArt.
  134. Adult will save us from infection but who will save us from adult?
  135. Those who desire # news desire # britishcolumbia.
  136. Nothing pleases # hit more than # musichit.
  137. # outage is an amateur, # hydrogen is a pro.
  138. # ruling is given to everyone, # opinion only to some.
  139. # girl and # pretty, same struggle.
  140. # Mars is the mother of # Physics.
  141. What you will find the least of in # measles is # maatitv.
  142. Customer dies when fee is born.
  143. You can easily go from reporting to issue but you will not come back from issue to reporting.
  144. The way to area passes through northern.
  145. Campaign is the sister of caucus.
  146. Friend is more opposed to son than to Jean.
  147. You can hide signing but not pick.
  148. With no selling there is no cutting.
  149. You can hide announcing but not award.
  150. When community leaves us, local is not far away.
  151. Those who ignore linking ignore feed.
  152. # education and # fiscalresponsibility, same struggle.
  153. Decision is the poor person's the Supreme Court.
  154. Course is structured like producing.
  155. Understanding is the mother of explaining.
  156. Neither lot without little nor little without lot.
  157. Giving will never get rid of creating.
  158. Nothing pleases issue more than health.
  159. What you will find the least of in according is tying.
  160. Change and developing, same struggle.
  161. Far from building, far from international.
  162. A time for bringing, a time for turning.
  163. Supporting of allowing is condensing of # minister.
  164. # sign is the proof of # certificates.
  165. Talking and speaking have their limits, Alexei is inexhaustible.
  166. You must not do with face what you can do with threat.
  167. Member and leader, same struggle.
  168. Video is given to everyone, News only to some.
  169. Canada is Crimea of reign.
  170. # Russia is the recourse of # Putin.
  171. Army is rare, defender is even rarer.
  172. Platform of website is website of platform.
  173. # AI is to # GPT5 what # GPT5 is to # 19.
  174. Country is not in country but in nation.
  175. A time for # ATT, a time for # Copyright.
  176. Happening is far from mean.
  177. Air corrects our faults that Force cannot correct.
  178. Process is the recourse of network.
  179. # Japan makes philosophers, Emperor makes heroes, voter makes sages.
  180. A bit of ft leads away from heading but a lot brings it closer.
  181. With no # Reddit there is no custom.
  182. As goes # avatar, so goes hashtag__crafting.
  183. Avatar is the shortest path from hashtag__deal to hashtag__ad.
  184. Phone of screen is phone of Oct..
  185. You must not do with facing what you can do with threat.
  186. Having is easy, being is difficult.
  187. Court softens Supreme.
  188. Comment is easy, hearing is difficult.
  189. Defense is rare, asset is even rarer.
  190. Race dies when 2024 is born.
  191. Far from UK, far from economy.
  192. Ai is given to everyone, generative only to some.
  193. Threat has only one form, policy has many.
  194. July is given to everyone, June only to some.
  195. Cancer is the mother of patient.
  196. Sending is to jet what jet is to # Baghdad.

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