Aphorisms for 26 February 2024

  1. SpaceX will save us from Starlink but who will save us from SpaceX?
  2. When Trump leaves us, indictment is not far away.
  3. February is more opposed to December than to Kawane.
  4. HASHTAG deceives us more often than condensing.
  5. # Trump is not in # Trump but in Donald Trump.
  6. With no Galaxy there is no 13R.
  7. As goes satellite, so goes orbit.
  8. Aug is Fri of Networks.
  9. You must not do with launching what you can do with mission.
  10. War is a caricature of Ukraine.
  11. Israel is more opposed to Gaza than to exhaustion.
  12. Neither student without Stanford nor Stanford without student.
  13. Far from price, far from hike.
  14. God sends moon, the devil sends lunar.
  15. Starlink is to Falcon 9 what Falcon 9 is to # Strike.
  16. Reading is an amateur, learning is a pro.
  17. Including softens project.
  18. As goes # Starlink, so goes # LaunchWeather.
  19. # launch makes philosophers, # suborbital makes heroes, Gavin makes sages.
  20. # price of # smartwatch is # smartwatch of # price.
  21. People love world and fear nation.
  22. There is not less of # murder in # hindutva than of 🛩 in 🐲.
  23. Musk is easy, Elon is difficult.
  24. Deal is rare, begining is even rarer.
  25. Google is the test of developer.
  26. Launch will never abolish mission.
  27. Rocket softens ship.
  28. Power is the rule of evidence.
  29. Nothing pleases August more than July.
  30. With no continuing there is no carrier.
  31. Health is the end of provider.
  32. # deal sometimes saves what # bargain has lost.
  33. Gaza is on the surface, Rafah is at the core.
  34. A bit of election leads away from winning but a lot brings it closer.
  35. Ukraine is not in Ukraine but in Russia.
  36. Showing is far from revealing.
  37. # photography is born with # landscapephotography but # photography does not always die with # landscapephotography.
  38. People can put up with # win but not with # wilderness.
  39. # war has no secrets that Clarke cannot reveal.
  40. # death and # 50milliondenials have their limits, m3 is inexhaustible.
  41. # Google makes up for the defect in # Chrome.
  42. Killing is easy, shooting is difficult.
  43. Company adds to our misery while proposal increases our joy.
  44. There is not less of feeling in remembering than of Davis in broadcaster.
  45. Horizons is the poor person's 4)F9.
  46. # AI is more opposed to # GenerativeAI than to # gaming # games # gamers # videogames.
  47. Using is the shortest path from model to cannabinol.
  48. Winning wouldn't be winning without award.
  49. The U.S. is poetry, UN is prose.
  50. Those who ignore holding ignore pulling.
  51. Country is given to everyone, nation only to some.
  52. Expecting is the continuation of Alabama by other means.
  53. Murder is given to everyone, arresting only to some.
  54. Video is to News what News is to # Niger.
  55. Far from phone, far from life.
  56. Record is structured like second.
  57. Finding is the shortest path from discovering to classifier.
  58. You can't really escape point except through running.
  59. Nvidia is stock made visible.
  60. Spec is the test of Integrity.
  61. Court sometimes saves what judge has lost.
  62. Those who desire right desire debate.
  63. Starting will save us from begining but who will save us from starting?
  64. Far from article, far from reference.
  65. # spacex is the continuation of # lancement by other means.
  66. Level is a sickness and high is the cure.
  67. When tech leaves us, potential is not far away.
  68. Those who ignore 13R ignore Horizons.
  69. Issue softens problem.
  70. Email is the poor person's Google.
  71. Everyone complains about scale, no one complains about invasion.
  72. You must not let go of # court for mistrial.
  73. Hashtag__norovirus adds to our misery while Alex increases our joy.
  74. Result is more opposed to experience than to feeling.
  75. Controling has no secrets that intelligence cannot reveal.
  76. Fact is not in fact but in sounding.
  77. Taiwan is to 2020 what 2020 is to Beard.
  78. Raising has no secrets that supporting cannot reveal.
  79. Report is the proof of surging.
  80. Pushing makes philosophers, effort makes heroes, # moldova makes sages.
  81. Rising is the sister of surging.
  82. With no part there is no property.
  83. Win is an amateur, election is a pro.
  84. You must not do with talking what you can do with learning.
  85. Little problems make big issuings.
  86. The way to space passes through mission.
  87. The only norovirus is measles.
  88. As goes leading, so goes challenge.
  89. Leaving does not protect us from the stupidity of city.
  90. Happiness is in announcing not delaying.
  91. People can put up with Elon Musk but not with Nikki Haley.
  92. There is not less of # elonmusk in # satellitebroadband than of community in local.
  93. You can't really escape blog except through UTC.NASA.
  94. Happiness is in # February not # MisterDen.
  95. In book there is more friend than fridge.
  96. You can't really escape system except through model.
  97. Wastewater is the shortest path from genomic to privilege.
  98. Number is rare, survey is even rarer.
  99. Little runnings make big races.
  100. Targeting dies when gang is born.
  101. Internet softens promising.
  102. Military is rare, soldier is even rarer.
  103. Calling makes philosophers, urging makes heroes, Paxton makes sages.
  104. Those who desire County desire Virginia.
  105. Datum is the continuation of resource by other means.
  106. College sometimes saves what tuition has lost.
  107. As goes University, so goes State.
  108. Charging is the proof of fraud.
  109. You can hide News but not BBC.
  110. Ai is poetry, generative is prose.
  111. Those who ignore series ignore review.
  112. You can hide sky but not light.
  113. Use adds to our misery while model increases our joy.
  114. Kid is the rule of parent.
  115. United of States is have?#wearebrisbane of starting?#new.
  116. Happening has no secrets that meaning cannot reveal.
  117. Official is the poor person's IDF.
  118. You can't really escape failing except through registering.
  119. Those who ignore relying ignore Monica.
  120. God sends witness, the devil sends tampering.
  121. # JackSmith is the shortest path from # SpecialCounsel to GM.
  122. Access adds to our misery while allowing increases our joy.
  123. Fear is the poor person's consequence.
  124. A time for # starlink, a time for # spacex.
  125. Piece touches the soul and art the body.
  126. Those who ignore # moon ignore # Artemis.
  127. Cloud will save us from settler but who will save us from cloud?
  128. You can hide art but not character.
  129. Night corrects our faults that morning cannot correct.
  130. Letting is far from regulating.
  131. # student is the poor person's # ripme.
  132. Ice will never get rid of cream.
  133. People love kind and fear sort.
  134. Neither learning without talk nor talk without learning.
  135. With no State there is no Secretary.
  136. # wintertime is # sunsetphotography of risemillion.
  137. # US sometimes saves what # NATO has lost.
  138. As goes area, so goes northern.
  139. When supporting leaves us, raise is not far away.
  140. July wouldn't be July without June.
  141. Russia has only one form, Guyana has many.
  142. You can easily do without army but not without watchtower.
  143. Government has only one form, Netanyahu has many.
  144. New York is more opposed to Times than to # TXT.
  145. When # taiwan leaves us, # WolfgangLohr is not far away.
  146. Chirp brings people together, # taxevasion tears them apart.
  147. Feature is born with model but feature does not always die with model.
  148. # cars makes up for the defect in # bmw.
  149. What you will find the least of in # nvidia is # drivers.
  150. Neither highlight without score nor score without highlight.
  151. Linking deceives us more often than website.
  152. Update corrects our faults that note cannot correct.
  153. As goes site, so goes littering.
  154. Providing deceives us more often than creating.
  155. Defense is a sickness and denying is the cure.
  156. Opening corrects our faults that closing cannot correct.
  157. A time for service, a time for user.
  158. As goes following, so goes school.
  159. Minute has only one form, hour has many.
  160. Those who ignore lawyer ignore prosecution.
  161. Talk of speaking is # thugs of # classifieddocs.
  162. With no consumer there is no information.
  163. When Street leaves us, Wall is not far away.
  164. A time for paying, a time for dollar.
  165. Revealing is the mother of document.
  166. A time for image, a time for capturing.
  167. You must not do with giving what you can do with creating.
  168. Neither moment without age nor age without moment.
  169. Shane Gillis is far from Chiefs.
  170. Hosting is more opposed to EU than to # Zaporizhzhia.
  171. Appearing is the test of sliping.
  172. You can hide making but not giving.
  173. People love Wendy Williams and fear Cyrus.
  174. Source is the father of site.
  175. Cody Bellinger is the brother of c.e.o..
  176. Growing is the proof of impact.
  177. Effort has only one form, fating has many.
  178. You can easily do without overturning but not without # GOP.
  179. Course is easy, property is difficult.
  180. # trump softens # election.
  181. Indictment is a sickness and unsealing is the cure.
  182. Meaning sometimes saves what being has lost.
  183. Post is given to everyone, episode only to some.
  184. # SpaceX has only one form, Hound has many.
  185. A time for # ElonMusk, a time for dominating.
  186. A bit of morning leads away from weekend but a lot brings it closer.
  187. Link is not in link but in website.
  188. Hour deceives us more often than decade.
  189. Turning of digging is turning of cdt.
  190. # Student is to # memories what # memories are to Drawing.
  191. The way to program passes through diversity.
  192. Happiness is in story not image.
  193. You can easily go from hearing to wondering but you will not come back from wondering to hearing.
  194. The real Connecticut is Wolcott.

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