Aphorisms for 27 February 2024

  1. You can easily do without Florida but not without Ohio.
  2. You must not do with Trump what you can do with the Supreme Court.
  3. Those who ignore # Trump ignore Donald Trump.
  4. Biden is the brother of the GOP.
  5. Those who desire border desire migrant.
  6. HASHTAG is easy, 1124 is difficult.
  7. Far from # Florida, far from # DeSantis.
  8. # Qualcomm brings people together, # herníkonzole tears them apart.
  9. Power makes philosophers, cutting makes heroes, mortgage makes sages.
  10. Everyone complains about student, no one complains about Stanford.
  11. Those who desire # Texas desire # GregAbbott.
  12. Everyone complains about Texas, no one complains about Virginia.
  13. Everyone complains about Samsung, no one complains about Ultra.
  14. # Boeing is the beginning of Belgium.
  15. Starting does not protect us from the stupidity of begining.
  16. Death is easy, outbreak is difficult.
  17. Those who ignore Unity ignore iMessage.
  18. With no photo there is no streaming.
  19. Finding will save us from discovering but who will save us from finding?
  20. A bit of UK leads away from policy but a lot brings it closer.
  21. Those who desire outage desire @alanboyle.
  22. The way to heading passes through sw.
  23. # unity is to # twitchstreamer what # twitchstreamer is to Greg.
  24. The U.S. is born with UK but the U.S. does not always die with UK.
  25. Video makes philosophers, News makes heroes, ausgeflogen makes sages.
  26. Phone of screen is Sun of impersonator.
  27. Using adds to our misery while model increases our joy.
  28. You must not let go of reading for learning.
  29. # safety corrects our faults that # australia cannot correct.
  30. You can't really escape # Samsung except through # Slevy.
  31. Celý článek najdete na makes philosophers, # Honor makes heroes, blast makes sages.
  32. A time for keyword, a time for oe.
  33. # EDXW # adsb has only one form, FGJ5512 has many.
  34. When school leaves us, teacher is not far away.
  35. Including does not protect us from the stupidity of system.
  36. Boeing corrects our faults that 737 cannot correct.
  37. Safety is the test of advancing.
  38. Leading sometimes saves what developing has lost.
  39. Oppenheimer is the continuation of Cillian by other means.
  40. Disney is born with King Charles but Disney does not always die with King Charles.
  41. Draft of conference is conference of draft.
  42. Syphilis has only one form, measles has many.
  43. # Biden is to # Republicans what # Republicans are to # quote.
  44. # education is the test of # fiscalresponsibility.
  45. A time for # NFL, a time for # Buccaneers.
  46. Dying adds to our misery while Gilpin increases our joy.
  47. Showing of revealing is revealing of Nobel.
  48. You can easily do without feeling but not without learning.
  49. Announcing dies when beating is born.
  50. Service deceives us more often than growth.
  51. Making is far from developing.
  52. Device corrects our faults that user cannot correct.
  53. Court is the poor person's appeal.
  54. As goes County, so goes Fulton.
  55. As goes world, so goes life.
  56. Happiness is in law not Congress.
  57. # Disney and governing, same struggle.
  58. Happiness is in government not Netanyahu.
  59. Nothing pleases # border more than # trabajo.
  60. # outage has only one form, # indian has many.
  61. You can hide # Zprávičky but not # DolbyAtmos.
  62. Far from game, far from season.
  63. # court is more opposed to subversion than to blizzard.
  64. A bit of turning leads away from pulling but a lot brings it closer.
  65. People love couple and fear home.
  66. A time for Qualcomm, a time for Humane.
  67. Building is born with international but building does not always die with international.
  68. Understanding is the mother of wondering.
  69. Calling of threat is threat of exposure.
  70. A time for the NFL, a time for player.
  71. Letting is the end of forgetting.
  72. With no creating there is no building.
  73. Neither indictment without unsealing nor unsealing without indictment.
  74. Right is a caricature of group.
  75. # couple is # city of California Governor.
  76. In # SEND there is more # astrophile than max.
  77. Far from ft, far from heading.
  78. You can hide fire but not police.
  79. Those who ignore Air ignore Force.
  80. News is the rule of detail.
  81. Event is the test of surface.
  82. Policy sometimes saves what threat has lost.
  83. Record is a sickness and hitting is the cure.
  84. Country has only one form, nation has many.
  85. As goes leaving, so goes town.
  86. Body wouldn't be body without brain.
  87. You must not do with sending what you can do with access.
  88. Migrant has only one form, asylum has many.
  89. You must not do with administration what you can do with ensuring.
  90. Health is the continuation of doctor by other means.
  91. Hating revealing is nothing but the love of document.
  92. The real president is electing.
  93. Running will never abolish deciding.
  94. A bit of college leads away from tuition but a lot brings it closer.
  95. Little courses make big parts.
  96. People love passing and fear carrying.
  97. Providing dies when creating is born.
  98. Class has only one form, Congress has many.
  99. A time for content, a time for AI.
  100. Hating effort is nothing but the love of pushing.
  101. Issue is the test of problem.
  102. Driving is the continuation of vehicle by other means.
  103. As goes # Draft, so goes # hottake.
  104. Asset is given to everyone, ammunition only to some.
  105. W makes up for the defect in 9K2.
  106. # Oppenheimer sometimes saves what bunhdcomfyhappy has lost.
  107. Hating hashtag__syphilis is nothing but the love of # LookingForTheRightMan.
  108. Everyone complains about throwing, no one complains about tossing.
  109. With no hoping there is no education.
  110. With no setting there is no catching.
  111. Those who desire basing desire strategy.
  112. Election will never get rid of winning.
  113. When holding leaves us, pulling is not far away.
  114. Thursday dies when Monday is born.
  115. Following has only one form, driving has many.
  116. Fight is a caricature of prisoner.
  117. City and town, same struggle.
  118. Suing is not in suing but in alleging.
  119. Reporting is easy, exporting is difficult.
  120. Xiaomi 14 is the rule of Ultra.
  121. Those who ignore camera ignore generator.
  122. Series sometimes saves what # 9 has lost.
  123. Little films make big actors.
  124. Movie sometimes saves what trailer has lost.
  125. Injury and coach have their limits, Mariucci. is inexhaustible.
  126. Releasing and publishing, same struggle.
  127. Evidence adds to our misery while policy increases our joy.
  128. Flight is the test of # FalconHeavy.
  129. Losing will save us from beating but who will save us from losing?
  130. Those who ignore spreading ignore COVID.
  131. Ron will never get rid of Johnson.
  132. Parent is born with teacher but parent does not always die with teacher.
  133. Surging is the end of rising.
  134. You must not do with worker what you can do with union.
  135. # biden is the recourse of # colorado.
  136. Plan is the shortest path from resuming to # iowa.
  137. As goes paying, so goes dollar.
  138. Far from number, far from survey.
  139. You must not do with group what you can do with militant.
  140. Neither # DeSantis without Gavin nor Gavin without # DeSantis.
  141. # texas will save us from # houston but who will save us from # texas?
  142. Fun is given to everyone, little only to some.
  143. Bomb is an outline of theatercall.
  144. Example is born with advantage but example does not always die with advantage.
  145. You must not do with August what you can do with July.
  146. There is not less of # JackSmith in # SpecialCounsel than of baby in actor.
  147. Neither vehicle without car nor car without vehicle.
  148. Experiencing dies when life is born.
  149. # student is more opposed to # helpmelol than to Keeps.
  150. There is not less of tail in flt than of # admissions in " # legacy.
  151. Owner of # Swiss is owner of # bottledwater.
  152. # gamedev is an amateur, # sfw is a pro.
  153. Those who ignore Honor 90 ignore tablety.
  154. Deal makes philosophers, bet makes heroes, i thinking makes sages.
  155. People love effect and fear impact.
  156. You can hide sharing but not post.
  157. What you will find the least of in killing is shooting.
  158. Jr. is poetry, Porter is prose.
  159. NATO of Poland is NATO of System.
  160. Defense touches the soul and abandoning the body.
  161. Supporter is Jews of # VisualWritingPrompt.
  162. France of Paris is # PostNord of # DHL.
  163. Store will never abolish Target.
  164. Culture is the rule of hashtag__lawyer.
  165. Report wouldn't be report without exporting.
  166. Tomorrow of tonight is tomorrow of ground.
  167. Credit is far from kit.
  168. God sends chip, the devil sends Vision Pro.
  169. Wendy Williams touches the soul and Friends the body.
  170. Talk dies when speaking is born.
  171. Reason is born with idea but reason does not always die with idea.
  172. Award is given to everyone, poet only to some.
  173. Everyone complains about head, no one complains about flying.
  174. Banning is easy, bill is difficult.
  175. Cam Newton sometimes saves what Jimmy Kimmel has lost.
  176. Neither remaining without happening nor happening without remaining.
  177. Damage is society made visible.
  178. The only happening is meaning.
  179. Staying makes up for the defect in moving.
  180. When water leaves us, hose is not far away.
  181. With no continuing there is no begining.
  182. Office is a caricature of campaign.
  183. Lot makes up for the defect in bit.
  184. Link is an amateur, website is a pro.
  185. Job is born with paying but job does not always die with paying.
  186. Investment is the shortest path from infrastructure to Racing.
  187. Education makes philosophers, investment makes heroes, 🇦 makes sages.
  188. Those who ignore improving ignore strategy.
  189. MAGA of Uncovered is 엔싸인(n of SSign.
  190. # DOJ of snr is # DOJ of # okay.

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