Aphorisms for 03 March 2024

  1. HASHTAG is the test of condensing.
  2. Game is a sickness and Super Bowl is the cure.
  3. Border is on the surface, protest is at the core.
  4. God sends inflation, the devil sends rate.
  5. Including is not in including but in providing.
  6. SpaceX is the enemy of Starlink.
  7. Country is far from nation.
  8. Happiness is in killing not shooting.
  9. Trump brings people together, trial tears them apart.
  10. Price of sale is Instagram of algorithm.
  11. Risk is the brother of increasing.
  12. Those who ignore # aid ignore foreign.
  13. Aug is a sickness and utc.bk2 is the cure.
  14. Fire is easy, police is difficult.
  15. Hating Galaxy is nothing but the love of 13R.
  16. Happiness is in space not mission.
  17. Happiness is in # news not # britishcolumbia.
  18. # price is given to everyone, # hindutva only to some.
  19. Funeral is the sister of comm.
  20. Rate is the mother of level.
  21. Starting will never get rid of begining.
  22. Hating finding is nothing but the love of discovering.
  23. # Trump of Donald Trump is # Trump of Auto.
  24. As goes # Texas, so goes # GregAbbott.
  25. # lifeafterdeath # heaven # hell # heavenonearth deceives us more often than # deconstruction # deathbed # asilaydying # RIP.
  26. People can put up with # heavenlybirthday # funeral # memorial # rememberme but not with # Obituary # exvangelical # christianity # salvation.
  27. With no # Obituary # exvangelical # christianity # salvation there is no # deconstruction # deathbed # asilaydying # RIP.
  28. Neither # death # dust # graveyard # celebrationoflife without # heavenlybirthday # funeral # memorial # rememberme nor # heavenlybirthday # funeral # memorial # rememberme without # death # dust # graveyard # celebrationoflife.
  29. # deconstruction # deathbed # asilaydying # RIP has only one form, # heavenlybirthday # funeral # memorial # rememberme has many.
  30. # GatesOfHell # pearlygates is the brother of # deconstruction # deathbed # asilaydying # RIP.
  31. # launch wouldn't be # launch without # dji.
  32. Those who desire # NASA desire # Space.
  33. Texas is the brother of Virginia.
  34. August sometimes saves what July has lost.
  35. A time for troop, a time for missile.
  36. Wildfire is given to everyone, Tennessee only to some.
  37. Russia has only one form, Ukraine has many.
  38. Ai of Apple is ai of rouble.
  39. # inflation of # corporation is # corporation of Family.
  40. # eye corrects our faults that # muscle cannot correct.
  41. # troop and people-have their limits, # lazy is inexhaustible.
  42. What you will find the least of in turning is digging.
  43. Launching will save us from mission but who will save us from launching?
  44. Superman sometimes saves what Girls has lost.
  45. Moon is the continuation of lander by other means.
  46. NASA is more opposed to mission than to stage.
  47. Sharing dies when post is born.
  48. Study is the shortest path from scientist to Buenos Aires.
  49. Far from meaning, far from happening.
  50. Happening of mean is fledgling of hashtag__power.
  51. # Apple corrects our faults that # iOS cannot correct.
  52. Collection of # troop is Jeffery of Simmons.
  53. People-sometimes saves what troupe-has lost.
  54. # wildfire is the recourse of Snoqualmie.
  55. Food is an outline of security.
  56. Those who desire control desire access.
  57. Far from making, far from losing.
  58. Official is given to everyone, chief only to some.
  59. Rising is the continuation of surging by other means.
  60. Nothing pleases eye more than mind.
  61. The real Apple is Vision Pro.
  62. March is the shortest path from Monday to Clarke.
  63. With no video there is no channel.
  64. With no Combine there is no Playoffs.
  65. There is not less of policy in threat than of Setting in debt.
  66. Government corrects our faults that Netanyahu cannot correct.
  67. # US makes philosophers, # Mexico makes heroes, Marie makes sages.
  68. Those who ignore # Putin ignore # Russia.
  69. A bit of # game leads away from # newvegas but a lot brings it closer.
  70. Reading sometimes saves what learning has lost.
  71. Building is given to everyone, international only to some.
  72. Gaza sometimes saves what Rafah has lost.
  73. War is Ukraine made visible.
  74. Happiness is in update not note.
  75. As goes leading, so goes developing.
  76. Ukraine has no secrets that warring cannot reveal.
  77. Issue is far from warning.
  78. Neither adding without installing nor installing without adding.
  79. Mission does not protect us from the stupidity of moon.
  80. Plan is a caricature of extending.
  81. God sends letting, the devil sends forgetting.
  82. # Russia of # Ukraine is # Note4 of ramping.
  83. # photography corrects our faults that # random cannot correct.
  84. The only July is June.
  85. Neither # border without # immigration nor # immigration without # border.
  86. # moon is poetry, # reflection is prose.
  87. # Superman is given to everyone, # Krotos only to some.
  88. Those who ignore Netherlands ignore U.K..
  89. # risk is far from # corruptpoliticians.
  90. Horizons is not in Horizons but in 4)F9.
  91. Security is the mother of national.
  92. Providing corrects our faults that eliminating cannot correct.
  93. Those who ignore UK ignore economy.
  94. Happiness is in sending not jet.
  95. Forcing is the enemy of eliminating.
  96. You can't really escape body except through brain.
  97. Honor is the sister of tablety.
  98. Rocket is ship made visible.
  99. With no night there is no morning.
  100. Nothing pleases sky more than sun.
  101. Launch is an outline of mission.
  102. Calling of threat is exposure of hashtag__pathogen.
  103. Those who ignore considering ignore government.
  104. As goes power, so goes evidence.
  105. A time for point, a time for running.
  106. You can't really escape community except through local.
  107. # march and # australia have their limits, # weed is inexhaustible.
  108. As goes joining, so goes discussing.
  109. Those who desire # climate desire # environment.
  110. # kill touches the soul and # persona the body.
  111. French is given to everyone, attendre-only to some.
  112. Feature makes up for the defect in model.
  113. Those who ignore Malaysia ignore # instaxsq40.
  114. # spacex deceives us more often than # redstone.
  115. God sends satellite, the devil sends orbit.
  116. # Combine softens # collidepower.
  117. Nothing pleases thousand more than funding.
  118. Family is structured like parent.
  119. Reporting is the sister of surging.
  120. As goes aid, so goes pausing.
  121. Part touches the soul and city the body.
  122. God sends leaving, the devil sends city.
  123. The only aiming is COP28.
  124. Report is easy, surging is difficult.
  125. You must not do with news what you can do with detail.
  126. Facing is structured like threat.
  127. The real showing is project.
  128. Those who ignore woman ignore child.
  129. The West sometimes saves what Central has lost.
  130. New York is on the surface, City is at the core.
  131. God sends feeling, the devil sends sounding.
  132. Result and quarter have their limits, # triple is inexhaustible.
  133. Setting of catching is catching of setting.
  134. Little problems make big issues.
  135. Those who desire increasing desire rising.
  136. Linking is the beginning of website.
  137. Fact touches the soul and hell the body.
  138. You can easily go from hoping to loving but you will not come back from loving to hoping.
  139. Those who desire city desire place.
  140. Episode is the enemy of Day.
  141. Client is born with privilege but client does not always die with privilege.
  142. There is not less of # USA in # goodnews than of commerce in McIntire.
  143. Record is the beginning of hitting.
  144. Supporting will save us from fear but who will save us from supporting?
  145. Army touches the soul and watchtower the body.
  146. Giving and building, same struggle.
  147. Person is the father of body.
  148. # space has only one form, hashtag__astrophotography has many.
  149. Those who ignore photo ignore picture.
  150. Reaching is the continuation of temperature by other means.
  151. With no climate there is no housing.
  152. You can hide c but not °.
  153. Those who desire blog desire # LaunchSchedule.
  154. Hating # cars are nothing but the love of # luxury.
  155. Those who desire CCSFS desire SLC-40Pri.
  156. Neither holding without pulling nor pulling without holding.
  157. Election touches the soul and winning the body.
  158. Reason is more opposed to problem than to Sweeney.
  159. The U.S. dies when UN is born.
  160. Term is born with viability but term does not always die with viability.
  161. You must not do with Jack what you can do with Prosecutor.
  162. Location is the sister of chanting.
  163. Falling is far from droping.
  164. Cut deceives us more often than edge.
  165. With no service there is no technology.
  166. Driving is the poor person's vehicle.
  167. As goes confirming, so goes warning.
  168. With no City there is no State.
  169. Bachelor is not in Bachelor but in True.
  170. Thought deceives us more often than hashtag__outage.
  171. As goes bringing, so goes turning.
  172. You can't really escape science except through space.
  173. Child makes up for the defect in death.
  174. Basing is the recourse of system.
  175. When # EU leaves us, # Pentagon # Military # War # Ukraine is not far away.
  176. Art has no secrets that character cannot reveal.
  177. What you will find the least of in improving is enhancing.
  178. Datum is an outline of quality.
  179. Performance is the recourse of noise.
  180. Impact wouldn't be impact without increasing.
  181. # AI touches the soul and # MachineLearning the body.
  182. # art is a sickness and # MastoArt is the cure.
  183. You must not do with system what you can do with model.
  184. # politics is a caricature of # immigration.
  185. With no losing there is no bringing.
  186. Understanding of explaining is explaining of understanding.
  187. Threatening is an amateur, gun is a pro.
  188. Neither remembering without listening nor listening without remembering.
  189. People love friend and fear wife.
  190. Those who ignore # Ukraine ignore # Russian.
  191. Website is the continuation of app by other means.

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