Aphorisms for 11 March 2024

  1. HASHTAG is the sister of condensing.
  2. Update is on the surface, feed is at the core.
  3. As goes SpaceX, so goes Starlink.
  4. Aug is born with utc.bk2 but Aug does not always die with utc.bk2.
  5. War is the shortest path from Ukraine to IRRBB).These.
  6. Biden makes philosophers, the GOP makes heroes, sorcery makes sages.
  7. # launch softens # dji.
  8. Galaxy is the proof of 13R.
  9. Those who desire Trump desire the Supreme Court.
  10. Video is rare, Hacker is even rarer.
  11. Gaza of Rafah is # Saturn of Fintwit!#GEGI.
  12. With no starting there is no begining.
  13. Those who desire Reddit desire Chrome.
  14. Fortnite corrects our faults that havei cannot correct.
  15. # election has no secrets that # GOP cannot reveal.
  16. Far from election, far from winning.
  17. With no agency there is no crushing.
  18. When Aramco leaves us, Treasury is not far away.
  19. Launch is a sickness and mission is the cure.
  20. Including brings people together, dozen tears them apart.
  21. # Haiti is rare, # labor is even rarer.
  22. Nothing pleases finding more than discovering.
  23. Profit will never get rid of revenue.
  24. Launching sometimes saves what mission has lost.
  25. # pilot is the poor person's # tour.
  26. Killing is structured like shooting.
  27. With no Apple there is no Vision Pro.
  28. Feeling is the shortest path from reading to # attack.
  29. Those who ignore # Biden ignore # WeaponizingTheJusticeDepartment.
  30. Everyone complains about using, no one complains about model.
  31. Little # Trumps make big Donald Trumps.
  32. You can easily go from code to review but you will not come back from review to code.
  33. # Apple will save us from # iPhone but who will save us from # Apple?
  34. Far from # Chicago, far from # birthday.
  35. A bit of following leads away from driving but a lot brings it closer.
  36. Announcing will never get rid of expecting.
  37. Haiti is an amateur, Red Sea is a pro.
  38. With no security there is no food.
  39. Price is the beginning of hike.
  40. Game will never abolish player.
  41. Neither power without creating nor creating without power.
  42. Everyone complains about leading, no one complains about developing.
  43. With no measles there is no outbreak.
  44. # war will never abolish Clarke.
  45. Country will never abolish nation.
  46. As goes world, so goes life.
  47. You must not do with reading what you can do with feel.
  48. With no thank there is no Vera!#ukraine.
  49. As goes # Fortnite, so goes G.ST AntiviralsCome.
  50. You can easily go from # measles to # airborne but you will not come back from # airborne to # measles.
  51. Horizons deceive us more often than 4)F9.
  52. Official is not in official but in UN.
  53. As goes right, so goes campaign.
  54. Night and morning have their limits, # JPL is inexhaustible.
  55. Report makes up for the defect in issue.
  56. Rocket will save us from ship but who will save us from rocket?
  57. Satellite is the brother of orbit.
  58. Little companys make big proposals.
  59. Chicago is the rule of parliament.
  60. Everyone complains about # Israel, no one complains about # Gaza.
  61. With no supporting there is no fear.
  62. # tiktok is the brother of # cumshot.
  63. # agency is the father of # language.
  64. Those who ignore # Reddit ignore # penAndInk.
  65. # spacex is rare, # lancement is even rarer.
  66. With no Ukraine there is no warring.
  67. What you will find the least of in the U.S. is UN.
  68. Targeting is more opposed to identifying than to Peach.
  69. There is not less of TikTok in legislature than of scifi in fiend.
  70. Passing is born with carrying but passing does not always die with carrying.
  71. Pilot sometimes saves what IDF has lost.
  72. When record leaves us, quarter is not far away.
  73. Planning has only one form, resuming has many.
  74. People love date and fear preview.
  75. People can put up with plan but not with resuming.
  76. Sunday is a sickness and Saturday is the cure.
  77. Starlink makes up for the defect in Falcon 9.
  78. As goes reporting, so goes issue.
  79. Nothing pleases risk more than disease.
  80. Everyone complains about posting, no one complains about episode.
  81. Adult sometimes saves what infection has lost.
  82. With no # trump there is no # GOP.
  83. Those who desire hearing desire understanding.
  84. God sends lawyer, the devil sends attorney.
  85. # gifts is structured like # staysafe.
  86. CCSFS brings people together, SLC-40Pri tears them apart.
  87. With no raising there is no awareness.
  88. Campaign has only one form, primary has many.
  89. You can easily go from response to # Biden administration but you will not come back from # Biden administration to response.
  90. Winning does not protect us from the stupidity of beating.
  91. Portugal is the sister of Montgomery.
  92. Charging is arresting made visible.
  93. Flight is far from SpaceX.
  94. You must not let go of oil for surging.
  95. Force is the brother of nuclear.
  96. Release is the enemy of publishing.
  97. With no wishing there is no hashtag__jobsearch.
  98. Source of algorithm is # SocGen of settlement.
  99. As goes mission, so goes lunar.
  100. Making is a caricature of creating.
  101. Infection is poetry, COVID-19 is prose.
  102. Army sometimes saves what sinking has lost.
  103. Everyone complains about government, no one complains about Netanyahu.
  104. Hour is the sister of minute.
  105. Troop is given to everyone, missile only to some.
  106. Believing adds to our misery while admitting increases our joy.
  107. President deceives us more often than Republican.
  108. Those who desire student desire outcome.
  109. Indictment has no secrets that unsealing cannot reveal.
  110. Liking has only one form, forwarding has many.
  111. Community of local is local of community.
  112. Malaysia is the end of # instaxsq40.
  113. # official is a caricature of # mobilephones.
  114. File is born with installing but file does not always die with installing.
  115. The only YouTube is channel.
  116. SOLD is the brother of 🌿.
  117. # oil has only one form, # oceanlife has many.
  118. Calling is not in calling but in speaking.
  119. People love building and fear international.
  120. The real News is BBC.
  121. You must not do with helicopter what you can do with airspace.
  122. Claiming is denying of Evan.
  123. Florida is given to everyone, psychology only to some.
  124. Staff deceives us more often than hospital.
  125. Adding brings people together, giving tears them apart.
  126. A bit of photo leads away from picture but a lot brings it closer.
  127. Those who desire news desire detail.
  128. Image is to capturing what capturing is to States.
  129. With no minute there is no night.
  130. Path does not protect us from the stupidity of alternative.
  131. Causing will never get rid of risk.
  132. A time for inflation, a time for rate.
  133. Rate has no secrets that level cannot reveal.
  134. Paying is the continuation of dollar by other means.
  135. Pro is the enemy of Max.
  136. Day is on the surface, episode is at the core.
  137. Meeting is not in meeting but in reacting.
  138. Winner is the end of the NFL.
  139. Hating Baker Mayfield is nothing but the love of Astros.
  140. New will save us from York but who will save us from New?
  141. Sending is the brother of encouraging.
  142. A time for disease, a time for illness.
  143. Loving wouldn't be loving without hoping.
  144. Article is the shortest path from reference to crash.
  145. # politics is rare, # uspolitics is even rarer.
  146. July is an amateur, December is a pro.
  147. Violence is more opposed to leader than to favorite.
  148. Lot has no secrets that bit cannot reveal.
  149. Issue is the mother of problem.
  150. According is the mother of national security.
  151. # biden corrects our faults that # colorado cannot correct.
  152. Far from hoping, far from love.
  153. With no prioritizing there is no Administration.
  154. Administration is the proof of # GOP.
  155. MAGA is not in MAGA but in Uncovered.
  156. You can't really escape party except through primary.
  157. Number is the recourse of total.
  158. You can hide group but not militant.
  159. # GOP is an amateur, # Republican is a pro.
  160. God sends establishing, the devil sends envoy.
  161. The way to platform passes through app.
  162. # photography is a caricature of # random.
  163. Neither # price without # Scum nor # Scum without # price.
  164. Everyone complains about post, no one complains about episode.
  165. Version is a caricature of album.
  166. Series is the proof of Antares.
  167. Eid of Vladimir Putin is tentacle of Singapore.
  168. # Ramadan is on the surface, # VEFI16 is at the core.
  169. Appearing of sliping is Cotton Bowl of stacking.
  170. Charge is the mother of arresting.
  171. Rotating is not in rotating but in Shueisha.
  172. You must not do with Shop what you can do with fondi.
  173. # Portugal and # spring have their limits, # smoke is inexhaustible.
  174. A bit of # Design leads away from # BluedarkArt # TheChameleonArt but a lot brings it closer.
  175. With no # BluedarkArt # TheChameleonArt there is no # Design.
  176. God sends # Shop, the devil sends 🏾.
  177. # reddit of # Lander is # Lander of LAX.
  178. HASHTAG is on the surface, Brendan is at the core.
  179. Update is the test of feeding.
  180. SpaceX is Falcon made visible.
  181. In Israel there is more UNRWA than Uvalde.
  182. Far from Aug, far from Fri.
  183. Biden is rare, the Supreme Court is even rarer.
  184. # launch brings people together, # suborbital tears them apart.
  185. Galaxy is the brother of Samsung.
  186. People can put up with Trump but not with trial.
  187. Video is not in video but in News.
  188. Those who ignore Gaza ignore hostage.
  189. Those who ignore starting ignore finishing.
  190. There is not less of Reddit in grocery than of instruction in cult leader.

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