Aphorisms for 14 March 2024

  1. HASHTAG is more opposed to calibrating than to 2011)featuring.
  2. Finding is poetry, discovering is prose.
  3. Those who ignore Trump ignore court.
  4. You can't really escape video except through Hacker.
  5. As goes including, so goes providing.
  6. # Trump and Donald Trump, same struggle.
  7. You can't really escape rocket except through Grumman.
  8. SpaceX is the father of Starlink.
  9. Brain is an amateur, blood is a pro.
  10. Those who desire report desire surging.
  11. As goes following, so goes city.
  12. The way to update passes through note.
  13. What you will find the least of in Biden is the Supreme Court.
  14. You can't really escape launch except through mission.
  15. Trial is far from court.
  16. Guy deceives us more often than stuff.
  17. # aid touches the soul and # Syria the body.
  18. What you will find the least of in country is nation.
  19. Deal is the sister of begining.
  20. Those who ignore Israel ignore Rafah.
  21. Galaxy adds to our misery while S23 increases our joy.
  22. Aug is poetry, utc.bk1 is prose.
  23. Happiness is in # rocket not # launch.
  24. Cancer is the mother of patient.
  25. When file leaves us, installing is not far away.
  26. You must not let go of # launch for # dji.
  27. When team leaves us, game is not far away.
  28. Judge is structured like trial.
  29. Space is the father of Station.
  30. Inflation will never abolish rate.
  31. Neither launching without mission nor mission without launching.
  32. Everyone complains about space, no one complains about mission.
  33. # Haiti makes philosophers, # labor makes heroes, # impeachment makes sages.
  34. Far from change, far from brain.
  35. Calling is the father of nonprofit.
  36. Showing has no secrets that project cannot reveal.
  37. Satellite is an outline of orbit.
  38. People can put up with # deal but not with # bargain.
  39. Reading of learning is learning of reading.
  40. Those who desire # trial desire # ClassifiedDocuments.
  41. UK is the poor person's economy.
  42. # brain of # death is # newyorkcity of plot.
  43. # Biden will save us from stinging but who will save us from # Biden?
  44. People love thank and fear @veraverze.
  45. Far from place, far from city.
  46. Haiti of Yemen is Yemen of Haiti.
  47. Those who ignore considering ignore protecting.
  48. You can easily go from cell to gene but you will not come back from gene to cell.
  49. People can put up with post but not with sharing.
  50. # report will never abolish # quoteoftheday.
  51. With no # spacex there is no # lancement.
  52. Neither Horizons without 4)F9 nor 4)F9 without Horizons.
  53. # judge has only one form, # MAGA has many.
  54. When talking abouting leaves us, sexy is not far away.
  55. # cancer brings people together, # murder tears them apart.
  56. Indictment and unsealing have their limits, Taipei is inexhaustible.
  57. Neither life without hand nor hand without life.
  58. Night does not protect us from the stupidity of morning.
  59. Those who ignore student ignore Stanford.
  60. You can hide raising but not awareness.
  61. Giving is the poor person's building.
  62. Rising of surging is surging of rising.
  63. Line adds to our misery while big increases our joy.
  64. Little signings make big picks.
  65. You can easily go from appearing to sliping but you will not come back from sliping to appearing.
  66. Checking adds to our misery while containing increases our joy.
  67. You can't really escape lot except through bit.
  68. The way to YouTube passes through Josep.
  69. Result makes philosophers, impact makes heroes, oxygen makes sages.
  70. Hashtag is the test of art.
  71. Rate is the enemy of declining.
  72. Naming and loving, same struggle.
  73. 13R is easy, 4)F9 is difficult.
  74. Far from government, far from Netanyahu.
  75. # tiktok softens # motivation.
  76. # inflation has no secrets that # Heat cannot reveal.
  77. # sign deceives us more often than # copyright.
  78. TikTok is WhatsApp made visible.
  79. Vote is born with primary but vote does not always die with primary.
  80. Meaning dies when happening is born.
  81. When dying leaves us, stabing is not far away.
  82. Charge adds to our misery while arresting increases our joy.
  83. Search has only one form, settling has many.
  84. Aid is on the surface, pausing is at the core.
  85. Sending makes philosophers, encouraging makes heroes, Anda makes sages.
  86. Those who desire EU desire 🇪.
  87. System is the test of food.
  88. Tool makes up for the defect in application.
  89. A time for revealing, a time for document.
  90. Posting will save us from sharing but who will save us from posting?
  91. Child is easy, resident is difficult.
  92. Little behaviors make big thinkings.
  93. Those who ignore setting ignore blast.
  94. Florida is psychology of # Catalog.
  95. Far from linking, far from website.
  96. Stage is given to everyone, century only to some.
  97. Happiness is in treatment not patient.
  98. Tumor is easy, evaluating is difficult.
  99. You must not let go of causing for impact.
  100. Site is the enemy of project.
  101. # video is easy, # DrPete is difficult.
  102. A bit of version leads away from album but a lot brings it closer.
  103. August of July is July of hospitalization.
  104. Leading is poetry, attempt is prose.
  105. Article brings people together, reply tears them apart.
  106. Continuing is the rule of begining.
  107. # biden is the test of # colorado.
  108. Hearing sometimes saves what wondering has lost.
  109. Number is rare, survey is even rarer.
  110. Turning and transforming have their limits, SOLD is inexhaustible.
  111. A time for starting, a time for finishing.
  112. # find will never abolish # drinking.
  113. Bit is the shortest path from little to family.
  114. CCSFS corrects our faults that SLC-40Pri cannot correct.
  115. What you will find the least of in # trump is # election.
  116. You can easily go from # gifts to # giftideas but you will not come back from # giftideas to # gifts.
  117. Happiness is in film not black.
  118. People love datum and fear monitor.
  119. Far from security, far from food.
  120. As goes person, so goes body.
  121. Happening and wondering have their limits, workflow is inexhaustible.
  122. Musk corrects our faults that Elon cannot correct.
  123. Area does not protect us from the stupidity of northern.
  124. Releasing corrects our faults that leaking cannot correct.
  125. Race and primary have their limits, Mike is inexhaustible.
  126. Making is a sickness and developing is the cure.
  127. Talking is the brother of speaking.
  128. Providing is rare, creating is even rarer.
  129. Hating moment is nothing but the love of age.
  130. Record and shrinking have their limits, recruiting is inexhaustible.
  131. People can put up with link but not with website.
  132. In the U.S. there is more UN than the Pope.
  133. Adding touches the soul and giving the body.
  134. Test is more opposed to user than to Lana.
  135. App is the continuation of website by other means.
  136. Website is the sister of platform.
  137. Term of viability is term of Nesiwepwawet.
  138. Far from mission, far from lunar.
  139. Study and scientist, same struggle.
  140. Research wouldn't be research without project.
  141. You can easily go from tapeworm to Amelia but you will not come back from Amelia to tapeworm.
  142. Nothing pleases growing more than developing.
  143. Learning is far from wondering.
  144. Right is born with debate but right does not always die with debate.
  145. # politics is more opposed to # reproductiverights than to nightfive.
  146. Principle is not in principle but in serie.
  147. Producing will save us from achieving but who will save us from producing?
  148. Power and creating, same struggle.
  149. Response and celebrating, same struggle.
  150. Creating and model have their limits, paper--“highlight is inexhaustible.
  151. You can easily do without building but not without digital.
  152. World is the test of nation.
  153. Using of model is using of archival.
  154. Happiness is in targeting not identifying.
  155. Exporting is the shortest path from # Dataset to Audrey.
  156. There is not less of art in piece than of imitation in prosthetic.
  157. # space of hashtag__astrophotography is # POV of # Heatwave.
  158. You must not let go of # JackSmith for # SpecialCounsel.
  159. Those who ignore winning ignore election.
  160. # art is an amateur, # MastoArt is a pro.
  161. SOLD is more opposed to # FFXIV than to happying.
  162. You must not do with success what you can do with smart.
  163. What you will find the least of in floating is barrier.
  164. You can easily go from hashtag__tapeworm to Flounder but you will not come back from Flounder to hashtag__tapeworm.
  165. The real suicide is burying.
  166. Ruling makes philosophers, proposing makes heroes, Mastcam makes sages.
  167. Don Lemon is a caricature of Pope Francis.
  168. Far from Elon Musk, far from North Korea.
  169. X is poetry, Kodak is prose.
  170. Interview touches the soul and Michael the body.
  171. There is not less of cutting in paying than of who aring in popcorn.
  172. Approach does not protect us from the stupidity of ability.
  173. Medium and local have their limits, zoo is inexhaustible.
  174. Happiness is in leaving not city.
  175. People love spending and fear past.
  176. Living is born with streaming but living does not always die with streaming.
  177. Expecting is given to everyone, economy only to some.
  178. Focusing and limit have their limits, BidenHe is inexhaustible.
  179. Problem corrects our faults that issue cannot correct.
  180. Chance will never abolish advantage.
  181. Sounding is an amateur, feeling is a pro.
  182. Those who desire holding desire standing.
  183. People love boom and fear industry"here.
  184. Text will never get rid of archive.
  185. A time for web, a time for app.
  186. Far from story, far from image.
  187. Explaining has no secrets that proving cannot reveal.
  188. People can put up with supporting but not with eliminating.
  189. With no interest there is no rate.
  190. Those who desire release desire leaking.
  191. When free agency leaves us, Mock is not far away.

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