Aphorisms for 16 March 2024

  1. Trump is an outline of DeSantis.
  2. # Trump has no secrets that Donald Trump cannot reveal.
  3. Nothing pleases election more than 2020.
  4. With no report there is no surging.
  5. Fire touches the soul and ship the body.
  6. SpaceX is the shortest path from Falcon to # Agriculture.
  7. Those who desire # aid desire # Syria.
  8. Those who ignore area ignore northern.
  9. Aug is the father of utc.bk2.
  10. Pence is the recourse of Mike.
  11. Those who ignore finding ignore discovering.
  12. Train is the poor person's ship.
  13. Hating making is nothing but the love of developing.
  14. # Pence is the continuation of Adrian by other means.
  15. People can put up with # McDonald but not with Illustrated.
  16. Those who ignore Galaxy ignore 13R.
  17. Video is easy, News is difficult.
  18. Including has only one form, artist has many.
  19. # election is more opposed to # GOP than to # US.
  20. Gaza deceives us more often than Rafah.
  21. Shooting makes philosophers, B.C. makes heroes, sector makes sages.
  22. The way to killing passes through injuring.
  23. Student makes philosophers, outcome makes heroes, Sciences make sages.
  24. With no # Schumer there is no # McConnell.
  25. # subway is rare, # mta is even rarer.
  26. You must not do with # Hertz what you can do with # SwiftUI.
  27. Those who desire group desire militant.
  28. Everyone complains about sending, no one complains about tying.
  29. Home is given to everyone, backing only to some.
  30. Speech is rare, abortion is even rarer.
  31. With no Musk there is no Elon.
  32. Starting makes up for the defect in begining.
  33. Neither message without app nor app without message.
  34. # trump is poetry, # election is prose.
  35. Holding has only one form, standing has many.
  36. Happiness is in government not the Republicans.
  37. As goes visiting, so goes sending.
  38. As goes # response, so goes # feelings.
  39. You must not do with # AI what you can do with # OpenAI.
  40. When using leaves us, test is not far away.
  41. With no service there is no product.
  42. You must not let go of Walmart for Costco.
  43. People love dying and fear stabing.
  44. # Gaza sometimes saves what Strip has lost.
  45. The real # Hamas is # BenjaminNetanyahu.
  46. Power is the test of creating.
  47. The way to giving passes through adding.
  48. You can hide update but not note.
  49. # Walmart is given to everyone, # Target only to some.
  50. # NASA is the sister of # Space.
  51. As goes reading, so goes learning.
  52. A bit of response leads away from preventing but a lot brings it closer.
  53. Biden of the Supreme Court is Biden of hashtag__elector.
  54. Far from facing, far from challenge.
  55. As goes shooting, so goes traping.
  56. People can put up with Minneapolis but not with miner.
  57. NASA corrects our faults that mission cannot correct.
  58. Image is capturing made visible.
  59. Those who ignore showing ignore revealing.
  60. People can put up with place but not with city.
  61. Link adds to our misery while website increases our joy.
  62. # fire is born with # cathedral but # fire does not always die with # cathedral.
  63. You must not let go of offering for creating.
  64. Those who ignore UK ignore Fed.
  65. You must not let go of McDonald for CosMc.
  66. Signing makes up for the defect in pick.
  67. What you will find the least of in continuing is extending.
  68. Following is an amateur, driving is a pro.
  69. August and July, same struggle.
  70. Country has no secrets that nation cannot reveal.
  71. With no item there is no # fashion.
  72. What you will find the least of in community is public.
  73. Calling is given to everyone, fighting only to some.
  74. Neither experience without life nor life without experience.
  75. As goes checking, so goes proofing.
  76. # report brings people together, ︎#gadgets tears them apart.
  77. Car has no secrets that driver cannot reveal.
  78. Horizons are the rule of 4)F9.
  79. Begining sometimes saves what extending has lost.
  80. People can put up with Schumer but not with Rishi.
  81. National brings people together, Security tears them apart.
  82. Friend is on the surface, son is at the core.
  83. Hating world is nothing but the love of nation.
  84. Hertz is smoker of Yamamoto.
  85. Art does not protect us from the stupidity of piece.
  86. Growing and flow have their limits, Situation is inexhaustible.
  87. Meaning wouldn't be meaning without happening.
  88. Raising of awareness is Joe Camp of Murkowski.
  89. Official adds to our misery while chief increases our joy.
  90. The way to crime passes through committing.
  91. You must not do with understanding what you can do with wondering.
  92. Those who desire team desire season.
  93. Kind is easy, sort is difficult.
  94. # Palestine is an outline of # hamas.
  95. People love project and fear digital.
  96. Changing corrects our faults that brain cannot correct.
  97. Those who desire Global News BC desire # PepsicoAircraft.
  98. St corrects our faults that Mountain cannot correct.
  99. # sign is the father of # royalties.
  100. 13R dies when 4)F9 is born.
  101. Mike makes philosophers, Sean makes heroes, le makes sages.
  102. Happiness is in President not Zelensky.
  103. Winning and beating, same struggle.
  104. With no aid there is no UN.
  105. You must not do with revealing what you can do with document.
  106. Charge has only one form, arresting has many.
  107. Those who desire announcing desire beating.
  108. As goes deal, so goes Setting.
  109. Injuring adds to our misery while shooting increases our joy.
  110. In hitting there is more strike than Bissau.
  111. Failing has only one form, registering has many.
  112. With no U.S. there is no UN.
  113. Climate touches the soul and housing the body.
  114. God sends line, the devil sends big.
  115. There is not less of feeling in sounding than of coral in nutrient.
  116. Losing is born with securing but losing does not always die with securing.
  117. City is a sickness and town is the cure.
  118. The way to space passes through mission.
  119. News is the shortest path from BBC to Scot.
  120. People love occuring and fear combat.
  121. Providing and creating, same struggle.
  122. You can hide happening but not being.
  123. Binding is the enemy of dataset.
  124. With no officer there is no collaborator.
  125. Letting will save us from forgetting but who will save us from letting?
  126. Building corrects our faults that developing cannot correct.
  127. Considering touches the soul and recommending the body.
  128. There is not less of president in Republican than of ➡ in 🖌.
  129. Member is the enemy of leader.
  130. You can't really escape enjoying except through lovely.
  131. # Minneapolis is born with # Police but # Minneapolis does not always die with # Police.
  132. Targeting adds to our misery while gang increases our joy.
  133. # globalnews # britishcolumbia # news is the sister of # LlegiuTeatre.
  134. Satellite is an outline of orbit.
  135. # home is given to everyone, # gifts only to some.
  136. # Speech is born with # CosmicNation but # Speech does not always die with # CosmicNation.
  137. Far from # nyc, far from # subway.
  138. A time for CCSFS, a time for SLC-40Pri.
  139. Protest is the poor person's judicial overhaul.
  140. Keeping is given to everyone, moving only to some.
  141. You must not let go of morning for evening.
  142. Reaching is easy, temperature is difficult.
  143. Piece is structured like arting.
  144. Leaving is poetry, city is prose.
  145. You can hide building but not storey.
  146. Head is an amateur, flying is a pro.
  147. Crew is the enemy of dragon.
  148. Law is the sister of constitution.
  149. Tech deceives us more often than giant.
  150. You can't really escape system except through model.
  151. Those who desire expecting desire beating.
  152. Ai is rare, generative is even rarer.
  153. You can easily do without meeting but not without Harvard.
  154. Those who ignore ad ignore content.
  155. What you will find the least of in activist is protester.
  156. Occupation will save us from resistance but who will save us from occupation?
  157. Career touches the soul and wife the body.
  158. Far from investigation, far from probe.
  159. Neither flight without SpaceX nor SpaceX without flight.
  160. As goes communication, so goes learning.
  161. Paying and cutting have their limits, lunar is inexhaustible.
  162. Those who desire running desire race.
  163. There is not less of # Twitter in # TrumpForPrison than of flattery in Colbert.
  164. Street makes up for the defect in public.
  165. # Politics makes philosophers, # Headline makes heroes, ticketing makes sages.
  166. Those who ignore # GOP ignore # Republicans.
  167. Action makes up for the defect in the Republicans.
  168. Learning is the poor person's read.
  169. There is not less of light in sun than of # hack in # Dataset.
  170. Challenge is an amateur, face is a pro.
  171. Police is on the surface, wildfire is at the core.
  172. What you will find the least of in loving is hoping.
  173. Neither talking without speaking nor speaking without talking.
  174. People can put up with article but not with reference.
  175. Little supportings make big allowings.
  176. People love effort and fear pushing.
  177. Overturning is the end of alleging.
  178. Claim sometimes saves what denying has lost.
  179. Support will save us from allowing but who will save us from support?
  180. Life is the father of heart.
  181. Far from exporting, far from # PBIX.
  182. Sharing is the enemy of post.
  183. Controling is system of Mac.
  184. Those who desire # Fire desire # BCWildfire.
  185. Those who desire disabling desire app.
  186. Hand is the sister of life.
  187. Photo is the test of picture.
  188. The Senate sometimes saves what the GOP has lost.
  189. # McConnell is given to everyone, # Biden # McCarthy only to some.

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