Aphorisms for 24 March 2024

  1. Everyone complains about finding, no one complains about discovering.
  2. Trump is the end of Georgia.
  3. Reading makes up for the defect in learning.
  4. Update sometimes saves what note has lost.
  5. The way to Apple passes through Vision Pro.
  6. # Trump of Donald Trump is Donald Trump of # Trump.
  7. HASHTAG deceives us more often than condensing.
  8. Neither # FBI without # FiveEyes nor # FiveEyes without # FBI.
  9. A time for # Auburn, a time for Chan.
  10. Those who ignore victim ignore arresting.
  11. Neither FBI without lawmaker nor lawmaker without FBI.
  12. Starting has only one form, begining has many.
  13. Body is the recourse of barrier.
  14. A time for # astrology # horoscope # vedicastrology # vedicastrologer, a time for # astrologer # predictions # destiny # psychic.
  15. # astrologer # predictions # destiny # psychic brings people together, # kundli # jyotish # remedy tears them apart.
  16. Result is the poor person's list.
  17. Happiness is in # Apple not # bot.
  18. When August leaves us, March is not far away.
  19. # government of # power is CPAC of Ladd.
  20. # Haiti makes philosophers, # labor makes heroes, # USNews makes sages.
  21. A time for crime, a time for committing.
  22. A bit of government leads away from Netanyahu but a lot brings it closer.
  23. Hating hoping is nothing but the love of choosing.
  24. March is far from December.
  25. Deal does not protect us from the stupidity of begining.
  26. Google is given to everyone, developer only to some.
  27. Life corrects our faults that hand cannot correct.
  28. A time for file, a time for recovering.
  29. Happiness is in # deal not # bargain.
  30. Using is born with model but using does not always die with model.
  31. Those who ignore number ignore survey.
  32. # Gaza makes philosophers, Strip makes heroes, survival makes sages.
  33. # body is the shortest path from # astrologer to Blizzard.
  34. # victim of # grift is # grift of Wyndham Clark.
  35. Those who desire tool desire technology.
  36. God sends company, the devil sends proposal.
  37. # Google is the beginning of # Chrome.
  38. Happiness is in # Yale not Bharara.
  39. Neither photo without picture nor picture without photo.
  40. Haiti softens gang.
  41. Neither Amazon without Apple nor Apple without Amazon.
  42. Following is more opposed to driving than to railway.
  43. Leading is given to everyone, developing only to some.
  44. Book has only one form, great has many.
  45. # measles softens # airborne.
  46. You can easily go from security to food but you will not come back from food to security.
  47. Office deceives us more often than box.
  48. New is the end of York.
  49. People love snow and fear storm.
  50. Video corrects our faults that News cannot correct.
  51. Including is the recourse of system.
  52. Adult is the proof of infection.
  53. Continuing softens extending.
  54. As goes winning, so goes beating.
  55. Those who desire iPhone desire Android.
  56. People love Yale and fear SwRI.
  57. Risk is rare, increasing is even rarer.
  58. When supporting leaves us, allowing is not far away.
  59. Losing is a sickness and sending is the cure.
  60. System touches the soul and food the body.
  61. # crime of # fedilaw is order of appeal.
  62. You must not do with indictment what you can do with unsealing.
  63. # march is the beginning of # virginia.
  64. People can put up with country but not with nation.
  65. # new deceives us more often than # NSFWArt.
  66. Making softens hand.
  67. Happiness is in launching not ship.
  68. A time for happening, a time for being.
  69. When change leaves us, life is not far away.
  70. Horoscope is rare, Dec. is even rarer.
  71. A bit of living leads away from feed but a lot brings it closer.
  72. As goes drug, so goes blood.
  73. Measles has only one form, outbreak has many.
  74. Information is more opposed to providing than to neck.
  75. Business is not in business but in test.
  76. Showing sometimes saves what revealing has lost.
  77. People love # artwork and fear # fediart.
  78. Those who desire # trump desire # election.
  79. # find is the enemy of # easyfind.
  80. As goes # office, so goes # fox.
  81. # New adds to our misery while # EAS for Moniteau increases our joy.
  82. As goes # Amazon, so goes # Microsoft.
  83. As goes # yale, so goes Arado.
  84. Far from # WDE, far from heartbreak.
  85. Releasing has only one form, publishing has many.
  86. Calling brings people together, fighting tears them apart.
  87. Letting is to money what money is to hashtag__package.
  88. President will never abolish Vice.
  89. A time for search, a time for capability.
  90. Rain is to light what light is to paper.
  91. What you will find the least of in feeling is little.
  92. Record is hitting made visible.
  93. With no returning there is no beating.
  94. Auburn has only one form, Duke has many.
  95. Game dies when player is born.
  96. You can easily go from understanding to surviving but you will not come back from surviving to understanding.
  97. Disease is the continuation of illness by other means.
  98. Far from will being, far from last year.
  99. People can put up with article but not with writing.
  100. Inspiration is the sister of watercolor.
  101. What you will find the least of in # woman is # film.
  102. Author makes up for the defect in benchmark.
  103. Email is more opposed to Google than to Tesla.
  104. # Politics dies when # Trump # MAGA is born.
  105. The real hearing is wondering.
  106. A time for justice, a time for obstructing.
  107. Far from violence, far from leader.
  108. # amazon is the shortest path from # CloudComputing to Dec.
  109. People love group and fear militant.
  110. Running is on the surface, point is at the core.
  111. Chirp will never get rid of # eBook.
  112. # kundli # jyotish # remedy # indianastrologyCLICK sometimes saves what # remedyCLICK has lost.
  113. Those who ignore Putin ignore Ukraine.
  114. Ukraine is born with war but Ukraine does not always die with war.
  115. State of Secretary is State of # family.
  116. Those who ignore control ignore limit.
  117. Site will never get rid of app.
  118. With no school there is no Iowa.
  119. Announcing is easy, beating is difficult.
  120. You can hide law but not banning.
  121. As goes facing, so goes national.
  122. Night is the beginning of weekend.
  123. People can put up with spring but not with lava.
  124. People love expecting and fear lightning.
  125. As goes travel, so goes trip.
  126. As goes report, so goes surging.
  127. Student does not protect us from the stupidity of outcome.
  128. Statement deceives us more often than DOJ.
  129. You can easily do without Saturday but not without Sunday.
  130. Expert makes philosophers, CDC makes heroes, wheat makes sages.
  131. Believing softens admitting.
  132. Blocking is structured like appeal.
  133. People can put up with aid but not with Rafah.
  134. Raid is a sickness and Kyiv is the cure.
  135. Lawsuit and allegation, same struggle.
  136. When home leaves us, backing is not far away.
  137. Hating sale is nothing but the love of Amazon.
  138. Android will save us from Pro but who will save us from Android?
  139. United is on the surface, States is at the core.
  140. Neither vulnerability without # SSH nor # SSH without vulnerability.
  141. Downloading sometimes saves what Safari has lost.
  142. Far from product, far from user.
  143. People can put up with release but not with publishing.
  144. In checking there is more proofing than dui.
  145. Season is more opposed to winner than to Albright.
  146. You must not do with birth what you can do with blue.
  147. History is the recourse of brief.
  148. God sends covering, the devil sends song.
  149. Providing adds to our misery while creating increases our joy.
  150. Nothing pleases russia more than # putin.
  151. # news makes up for the defect in # ukraine.
  152. We having is a sickness and has growning is the cure.
  153. Street softens public.
  154. With no West there is no tension.
  155. Power is the enemy of developing.
  156. As goes sense, so goes type.
  157. T is rare, r is even rarer.
  158. World of life is life of earning.
  159. Hashtag__victim corrects our faults that hashtag__oppression cannot correct.
  160. According will never get rid of regulation.
  161. As goes threat, so goes violence.
  162. Nothing pleases driving more than vehicle.
  163. Kid is easy, care is difficult.
  164. Thomas will never get rid of dl.
  165. Those who ignore clicking ignore thread.
  166. Appearing is easy, sliping is difficult.
  167. As goes # snow, so goes # feral.
  168. Hating # March is nothing but the love of # fotograf.
  169. You can easily do without community but not without service.
  170. Platform has only one form, website has many.
  171. # Find is far from # directo.
  172. Person of body is hashtag__market of # EastPalestine.
  173. # Office is born with # Descenders but # Office does not always die with # Descenders.
  174. # Microsoft softens Teams.
  175. Learning is talking made visible.
  176. Far from applying, far from thank.
  177. Those who ignore service ignore user.
  178. Those who desire targeting desire fuel.
  179. Affecting will save us from producing but who will save us from affecting?
  180. Region of occupying is DA of disqualifying.
  181. # Alabama is the continuation of # Georgia by other means.
  182. Fan is the continuation of Taylor Swift by other means.
  183. Infection is not in infection but in virus.
  184. Finding makes philosophers, body makes heroes, people who makes sages.
  185. Trump will never get rid of indictment.
  186. You can't really escape reading except through clicking.
  187. Update is the enemy of noting.
  188. The only Apple is headset.
  189. God sends # Trump, the devil sends Donald.
  190. HASHTAG is an amateur, Brendan is a pro.
  191. When # FBI leaves us, # NSA is not far away.
  192. As goes # Auburn, so goes Doherty.

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