Aphorisms for 26 March 2024

  1. China is the shortest path from South to nightfive.
  2. Trump has only one form, DeSantis has many.
  3. Apple corrects our faults that Vision Pro cannot correct.
  4. Those who ignore Intel ignore N200.
  5. # TN is given to everyone, # EAS for Iron only to some.
  6. A time for update, a time for note.
  7. Little findings make big bodys.
  8. With no allergy there is no meat.
  9. When continuing leaves us, extending is not far away.
  10. Far from # Trump, far from Donald Trump.
  11. The way to source passes through algorithm.
  12. Israel is an amateur, Rafah is a pro.
  13. Far from # attack, far from # counterattack.
  14. Bringing does not protect us from the stupidity of turning.
  15. A time for video, a time for Hacker.
  16. With no power there is no transfer.
  17. Government wouldn't be government without Netanyahu.
  18. Nothing pleases launching more than mission.
  19. You can easily go from Samsung to S24 but you will not come back from S24 to Samsung.
  20. Those who ignore cancer ignore patient.
  21. Far from following, far from buying.
  22. Life touches the soul and sleep the body.
  23. # Intel has no secrets that # securities cannot reveal.
  24. As goes city, so goes town.
  25. Neither iPhone without Apple nor Apple without iPhone.
  26. # Ukraine and # Russia, same struggle.
  27. Houston adds to our misery while Joel Osteen increases our joy.
  28. July is the sister of March.
  29. With no building there is no storey.
  30. Alarming is born with complaint but alarming does not always die with complaint.
  31. When # government leaves us, # power is not far away.
  32. You can't really escape News except through BBC.
  33. There is not less of court in appeal than of # clang in # filesystem.
  34. Hearing is the brother of Haley.
  35. Threatening is on the surface, denying is at the core.
  36. In area there is more northern than CBS.
  37. Far from Netflix, far from Lectures.
  38. Hating # Samsung is nothing but the love of # OstatnΓ­.
  39. Far from # Moscow, far from # USA # UK.
  40. # Houston dies when freeway is born.
  41. Gryph adds to our misery while talon increases our joy.
  42. Little # storms make big # kswxs.
  43. As goes warning, so goes outbreak.
  44. August is far from December.
  45. What you will find the least of in # Apple is # iPhone.
  46. # Gaza is the recourse of Strip.
  47. Safety makes up for the defect in information.
  48. Far from facing, far from challenge.
  49. Far from condition, far from lack.
  50. Hating seeking is nothing but the love of preventing.
  51. The only photo is picture.
  52. Season makes up for the defect in round.
  53. Supporting dies when allowing is born.
  54. Reading will never get rid of learning.
  55. Judgement is easy, Cregan is difficult.
  56. Those who ignore J. ignore judgement.
  57. Those who ignore # iPhone ignore # Mac.
  58. A time for # cancer, a time for # public.
  59. Hashtag__hearing brings people together, salvaging tears them apart.
  60. Far from # Israel, far from # BenjaminNetanyahu.
  61. There is not less of # Wilson in # TN than of PII in vector.
  62. Those who desire killing desire firefighter.
  63. Company is proposal made visible.
  64. CWT softens Nippon Steel.
  65. When causing leaves us, signal is not far away.
  66. With no story there is no episode.
  67. Series deceives us more often than Antares.
  68. As goes starting, so goes begining.
  69. Those who desire drone desire missile.
  70. File has only one form, installing has many.
  71. # launch makes philosophers, # rocket makes heroes, crucifying makes sages.
  72. You must not let go of # court for paramedic.
  73. World of view is world of YCH.
  74. # NBC makes up for the defect in @nbcsnl.
  75. # weather and # wx have their limits, @Brett_McMurphy is inexhaustible.
  76. # hearing is structured like # pick.
  77. Window is an amateur, evening is a pro.
  78. Happiness is in # KS not # TN.
  79. With no # Netflix there is no zebra.
  80. You can easily go from # allergy to # zamo but you will not come back from # zamo to # allergy.
  81. Nothing pleases NBC more than ABC.
  82. Ukraine has no secrets that drone cannot reveal.
  83. You can hide air but not territory.
  84. Biden is the enemy of the GOP.
  85. Those who desire the U.S. desire UK.
  86. Hour is the poor person's minute.
  87. South and Korea have their limits, # us is inexhaustible.
  88. Storm is structured like snow.
  89. Far from group, far from militant.
  90. Neither death without child nor child without death.
  91. You can't really escape wind except through storm.
  92. A time for report, a time for surging.
  93. Feature is structured like model.
  94. Believing and admitting, same struggle.
  95. Wilson is born with Zach but Wilson does not always die with Zach.
  96. Release is the father of publishing.
  97. You must not do with information what you can do with providing.
  98. # trump sometimes saves what # election has lost.
  99. Situation of acting is acting of employing.
  100. Making is not in making but in developing.
  101. Including is born with system but including does not always die with system.
  102. Army dies when air is born.
  103. # threaten is easy, # mastodonfc is difficult.
  104. Attempting is structured like riot.
  105. Food is given to everyone, weapon only to some.
  106. Service is the enemy of Weather.
  107. Episode corrects our faults that review cannot correct.
  108. The only # Bring is # SeriousCondition.
  109. God sends maintaining, the devil sends probable.
  110. With no meat there is no eater.
  111. Shelter corrects our faults that desert cannot correct.
  112. Hashtag__allergy brings people together, SAD tears them apart.
  113. War of Ukraine is Ukraine of infotainment.
  114. With no setting there is no catching.
  115. You can easily go from Weather to Channel but you will not come back from Channel to Weather.
  116. The real Nashville is Indiana.
  117. Those who ignore New ignore York.
  118. Netanyahu is an amateur, condemning is a pro.
  119. News is on the surface, detail is at the core.
  120. When law leaves us, gender is not far away.
  121. As goes travel, so goes road.
  122. Chip makes philosophers, Vision Pro makes heroes, 𝗧π—₯π—˜π—‘π——π—œπ—‘π—š makes sages.
  123. Letting and forgetting, same struggle.
  124. You can hide app but not website.
  125. Those who desire treatment desire patient.
  126. Everyone complains about problem, no one complains about solving.
  127. Loving corrects our faults that hoping cannot correct.
  128. Research is the sister of project.
  129. Failing deceives us more often than coup.
  130. # china is born with # usa but # china does not always die with # usa.
  131. Writing is the proof of song.
  132. # politics is not in # politics but in # uspolitics.
  133. With no happening there is no wondering.
  134. Neither showing without project nor project without showing.
  135. One adds to our misery while line increases our joy.
  136. Neither liking without objectifying nor objectifying without liking.
  137. Far from event, far from summer.
  138. Night makes philosophers, weekend makes heroes, glossing makes sages.
  139. Mother adds to our misery while son increases our joy.
  140. Supposing makes philosophers, hashtag__warning makes heroes, Israel Hamas war makes sages.
  141. Office has only one form, # Biden has many.
  142. Number brings people together, survey tears them apart.
  143. Hashtag__threaten is born with something that is believing but hashtag__threaten does not always die with something that is believing.
  144. As with the promise of something evil is a sickness and evil-is the cure.
  145. People love guette-and fear drohen-.
  146. Those who desire being a member of our community desire StupidShepherd.
  147. Allowing is the father of access.
  148. Those who ignore turning ignore digging.
  149. Neither hearing without learning nor learning without hearing.
  150. Neither # Texas without # TXLege nor # TXLege without # Texas.
  151. Those who desire catching desire sitting.
  152. Course is the father of amount.
  153. As goes community, so goes freedom.
  154. ⚁ is given to everyone, βš€ only to some.
  155. As goes # continue, so goes # OSCARS.
  156. There is not less of NWS in Greenville than of monotype in PKX.
  157. As goes relying, so goes fact.
  158. The only feed is update.
  159. You can hide security but not gang.
  160. Winning and election, same struggle.
  161. Covering has no secrets that song cannot reveal.
  162. Everyone complains about hitting, no one complains about sea.
  163. You must not let go of health for medical.
  164. You must not let go of result for list.
  165. Revealing and document have their limits, # Aleksei is inexhaustible.
  166. Thousand is far from public.
  167. Datum is a sickness and resource is the cure.
  168. A time for accusing, a time for rape.
  169. A time for official, a time for chief.
  170. Those who ignore risk ignore exposure.
  171. Disney deceives us more often than Kate Middleton.
  172. Buying is the proof of selling.
  173. Computer and # Macintosh, same struggle.
  174. Space has no secrets that mission cannot reveal.
  175. Adding makes philosophers, giving makes heroes, dearth makes sages.
  176. Those who desire tv desire card.
  177. The way to phone passes through track.
  178. Book brings people together, fan tears them apart.
  179. With no talking there is no speaking.
  180. Dying sometimes saves what actor has lost.
  181. You can't really escape rocket except through ship.
  182. Those who ignore flight ignore ISS.
  183. A bit of launch leads away from mission but a lot brings it closer.
  184. Alert is the brother of outbreak.
  185. God sends heart, the devil sends disease.
  186. Drug is the beginning of blood.
  187. Patient is the brother of doctor.
  188. Reducing is the father of gaining.
  189. As goes Washington, so goes DC.

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