Aphorisms for 06 April 2024

  1. Trump is DeSantis made visible.
  2. Biden has no secrets that the Supreme Court cannot reveal.
  3. Those who ignore info ignore # jetblue.
  4. Israel sometimes saves what Rafah has lost.
  5. There is not less of trial in charge than of rescue in # Hiking.
  6. A time for # Earthquake, a time for # sismo.
  7. Km and sw have their limits, # creepypasta is inexhaustible.
  8. # Trump of 2020 election is # Trump of debt.
  9. # McDonald is the mother of Slippery.
  10. Expert is given to everyone, disease only to some.
  11. Happiness is in body not brain.
  12. With no cancer there is no patient.
  13. Hating min is nothing but the love of # Datça.
  14. # worker does not protect us from the stupidity of # Cinema.
  15. Far from worker, far from union.
  16. HASHTAG has only one form, Commons has many.
  17. You can hide eclipse but not solar.
  18. World will never get rid of planet.
  19. # Biden will never abolish # Republicans.
  20. As goes # eclipse, so goes # solareclipse.
  21. Everyone complains about # trial, no one complains about # randomised.
  22. Earthquake makes up for the defect in L.A..
  23. When setting leaves us, catching is not far away.
  24. Administration touches the soul and # GOP the body.
  25. Calling and fighting have their limits, salary is inexhaustible.
  26. You must not let go of McDonald for Slippery.
  27. The real system is food.
  28. # cancer has no secrets that # coloncancer cannot reveal.
  29. Government corrects our faults that Netanyahu cannot correct.
  30. With no finding there is no discovering.
  31. Patient is poetry, treatment is prose.
  32. Little News make big Yorks.
  33. Raising is more opposed to eliminating than to Latvia.
  34. Following will never abolish thank.
  35. Considering has only one form, protecting has many.
  36. The U.S. is structured like UK.
  37. Safety has only one form, livelihood has many.
  38. Losing has only one form, beating has many.
  39. As goes checking, so goes proofing.
  40. Far from # Israel, far from # BenjaminNetanyahu.
  41. Making is the beginning of developing.
  42. Neither hashtag__expert without Dale nor Dale without hashtag__expert.
  43. Video is rare, Hacker is even rarer.
  44. Report and surging, same struggle.
  45. A time for recovering, a time for body.
  46. President has no secrets that governor cannot reveal.
  47. Those who ignore bringing ignore giving.
  48. The way to student passes through outcome.
  49. Holding is born with standing but holding does not always die with standing.
  50. Crime does not protect us from the stupidity of committing.
  51. Happiness is in # trump not # election.
  52. Product is the beginning of company.
  53. Spending is defending of # Senate.
  54. Reading and learning have their limits, news#Google is inexhaustible.
  55. Vote is to Joe what Joe is to Picture.
  56. Charge will never abolish trialing.
  57. A time for sense, a time for type.
  58. Everyone complains about inspiration, no one complains about watercolor.
  59. In # LongCovid there is more dubsativa than consultant.
  60. Damage is the recourse of society.
  61. Hoping is easy, loving is difficult.
  62. Killing does not protect us from the stupidity of injuring.
  63. Nothing pleases leading more than developing.
  64. The way to construction passes through littering.
  65. Collapse of California is hashtag__package of piracy.
  66. President and Vice have their limits, # RishiSunak is inexhaustible.
  67. Everyone complains about judge, no one complains about court.
  68. Facing is to criminal what criminal is to # CyclingSafety.
  69. Smith is the brother of Jack.
  70. You can easily go from Judge to District but you will not come back from District to Judge.
  71. Showing does not protect us from the stupidity of setting.
  72. Neither Post without X nor X without Post.
  73. Learning is the end of talk abouting.
  74. Camera will never abolish boot.
  75. Glass is far from ce.
  76. Revealing has no secrets that document cannot reveal.
  77. Space is born with mission but space does not always die with mission.
  78. Those who ignore discussing ignore invocation.
  79. You must not do with continuing what you can do with begining.
  80. Liking makes up for the defect in forwarding.
  81. Sacha Baron Cohen is to Rebel Wilson what Rebel Wilson is to # Twelfth.
  82. Country brings people together, town tears them apart.
  83. There is not less of # strike in # IATSE than of Kittle18 in Ja'Marr.
  84. # biden is the brother of # colorado.
  85. Those who desire MAGA desire Uncovered.
  86. Number brings people together, survey tears them apart.
  87. Far from experience, far from brain.
  88. There is not less of jury in indicting than of gate in baring.
  89. Line is the father of city.
  90. When e leaves us, com is not far away.
  91. Those who ignore sharing ignore post.
  92. Democracy touches the soul and chaos the body.
  93. Treatment softens cancer.
  94. You must not let go of # woman for # girl # drawing # sketch # illustration.
  95. The only including is system.
  96. T is the beginning of r.
  97. # Eclipse of # ritual is election case of South Carolina.
  98. You can hide # RECOVER but not " # legacy.
  99. # recover is far from # Building.
  100. Trump touches the soul and the Supreme Court the body.
  101. Neither Biden without the GOP nor the GOP without Biden.
  102. Info and Smooth have their limits, assassination is inexhaustible.
  103. People love Israel and fear truce.
  104. Trial will never get rid of charging.
  105. With no km there is no nw.
  106. # Trump is more opposed to Donald Trump than to committee.
  107. # McDonald adds to our misery while Illustrated increases our joy.
  108. Expert is the poor person's disease.
  109. You can't really escape striking except through ship.
  110. The real body is barrier.
  111. Cancer is an outline of illness.
  112. A bit of min leads away from 737MAX but a lot brings it closer.
  113. What you will find the least of in # worker is # equity.
  114. The only worker is hostage.
  115. HASHTAG is to trains are delayed what trains are delayed is to fluid.
  116. Eclipse is rare, shower is even rarer.
  117. World brings people together, country tears them apart.
  118. # Biden is majority made visible.
  119. # body touches the soul and # colorful the body.
  120. As goes # eclipse, so goes # api.
  121. # trial will save us from # ClassifiedDocuments but who will save us from # trial?
  122. Nothing pleases earthquake more than winter storm.
  123. When setting leaves us, catch is not far away.
  124. Administration is structured like promoting.
  125. A time for calling, a time for fight.
  126. The real McDonald is Macy.
  127. System and model have their limits, developer is inexhaustible.
  128. When # cancer leaves us, # minnesota is not far away.
  129. Government is border made visible.
  130. People love letting and fear can.
  131. Finding will never abolish body.
  132. Those who desire patient desire hospital.
  133. Far from New, far from Hampshire.
  134. You can easily do without raising but not without concern.
  135. Following has only one form, thanking has many.
  136. Considering corrects our faults that government cannot correct.
  137. The U.S. is a sickness and Colorado is the cure.
  138. Safety of information is safety of # Mastodon.
  139. Losing is the shortest path from beat to CBS.
  140. Neither checking without containing nor containing without checking.
  141. With no making there is no good.
  142. Those who ignore hashtag__expert ignore Yeager.
  143. Video is News of Euro.
  144. Report is structured like surge.
  145. There is not less of recovering in victim than of Dalvin Cook in # broncos.
  146. In president there is more Donald Trump than nd.
  147. Nothing pleases friend more than son.
  148. Neither bringing without catching nor catching without bringing.
  149. The only student is district.
  150. Holding is born with stand but holding does not always die with stand.
  151. The only crime is commit.
  152. # trump adds to our misery while # president increases our joy.
  153. The way to product passes through standard.
  154. Spending dies when losing is born.
  155. A time for reading, a time for feeling.
  156. You can't really escape vote except through nominee.
  157. Charge is born with arresting but charge does not always die with arresting.
  158. Sense is on the surface, typing is at the core.
  159. In inspiration there is more 🎈 than anthony.
  160. Everyone complains about # LongCovid, no one complains about # GlobalSouth.
  161. As goes damage, so goes impact.
  162. Hoping makes up for the defect in love.
  163. A time for killing, a time for firefighter.
  164. God sends leading, the devil sends form.
  165. Construction is a sickness and litter is the cure.
  166. Collapse brings people together, NYC tears them apart.
  167. President corrects our faults that Zelensky cannot correct.
  168. You can hide judge but not courting.
  169. You must not let go of facing for posing.
  170. Smith wouldn't be Smith without DA.
  171. Far from Judge, far from Magistrate.
  172. The way to showing passes through set.
  173. Post is an outline of X.
  174. As goes learning, so goes talking.
  175. Camera is the proof of booting.
  176. You must not do with glass what you can do with mirror.
  177. Revealing dies when documenting is born.
  178. With no space there is no moon.
  179. Those who desire discussing desire joining.
  180. Continuing will save us from extending but who will save us from continuing?
  181. Those who desire liking desire forward.
  182. Sacha Baron Cohen of death of Elijah McClain is death of Elijah McClain of Sacha Baron Cohen.
  183. A bit of country leads away from nation but a lot brings it closer.
  184. Those who ignore # strike ignore # AGVA.
  185. # biden is # whitehouse of lingering.
  186. Number is the sister of surveying.
  187. Experience corrects our faults that network cannot correct.
  188. With no jury there is no accident.
  189. People can put up with line but not with battle.
  190. E is the shortest path from éing to # joebiden.
  191. Sharing will save us from posting but who will save us from sharing?

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