Aphorisms for 10 April 2024

  1. HASHTAG corrects our faults that Spinoff cannot correct.
  2. There is not less of Trump in indictment than of Album in Huntley.
  3. Finding is easy, body is difficult.
  4. # Trump is the brother of Donald Trump.
  5. As goes update, so goes fixing.
  6. A time for video, a time for News.
  7. Abortion will never get rid of judge.
  8. Far from school, far from party.
  9. Following is the mother of leaving.
  10. # Illinois is born with # ChicagoCubs but # Illinois does not always die with # ChicagoCubs.
  11. Those who ignore killing ignore firefighter.
  12. Cancer touches the soul and patient the body.
  13. Those who desire Biden desire the Republicans.
  14. Nothing pleases # UConn more than # CIRCA.
  15. As goes deal, so goes Setting.
  16. Inflation is given to everyone, rate only to some.
  17. Little shootings make big B.C.s.
  18. Hamas is not in Hamas but in Gaza.
  19. Russia sometimes saves what Ukraine has lost.
  20. War of Ukraine is Ukraine of war.
  21. Winning is given to everyone, beating only to some.
  22. You must not do with world what you can do with nation.
  23. # basketball is the continuation of # ChicagoBulls by other means.
  24. Hating judge is nothing but the love of court.
  25. You can't really escape eclipse except through solar.
  26. # abortion is on the surface, # MatthewKacsmaryk is at the core.
  27. # school has only one form, # soccer has many.
  28. Parent is given to everyone, Disney only to some.
  29. Law is the end of gang.
  30. Those who desire shooting desire passenger.
  31. Paying wouldn't be paying without selling.
  32. Student will never get rid of outcome.
  33. With no rising there is no surging.
  34. Nothing pleases rate more than declining.
  35. Calling is structured like fighting.
  36. Basketball is structured like NCAA.
  37. Checking of wiping is tossing of # Weaver.
  38. Reading is a sickness and learning is the cure.
  39. There is not less of # Gaza in Strip than of conservatory in hashtag__compliance.
  40. What you will find the least of in file is authority.
  41. # deal is the continuation of # bargain by other means.
  42. # Arsenal does not protect us from the stupidity of demo.
  43. Plan of aid is aid of Lebanon.
  44. Country is poetry, nation is prose.
  45. When starting leaves us, begining is not far away.
  46. Illinois is a caricature of Ohio.
  47. Dying wouldn't be dying without actor.
  48. News corrects our faults that BBC cannot correct.
  49. August is far from March.
  50. # Biden is rare, # Republicans are even rarer.
  51. # war will save us from # Military but who will save us from # war?
  52. # eclipse and # solareclipse have their limits, @lastikis1949 is inexhaustible.
  53. The way to the U.S. passes through UK.
  54. UK is the father of policy.
  55. Those who ignore continuing ignore carrier.
  56. People love administration and fear # GOP.
  57. Using is structured like model.
  58. Letting will save us from forgetting but who will save us from letting?
  59. UConn is rare, Caitlin Clark is even rarer.
  60. As goes # cancer, so goes # tumor.
  61. Neither hoping without choosing nor choosing without hoping.
  62. # judge is not in # judge but in # republicans.
  63. You can't really escape # Zendaya except through # MikeFaist.
  64. Those who ignore # Basketball ignore # Assist.
  65. Hashtag__acetaminophen has no secrets that rsv cannot reveal.
  66. Officer dies when police is born.
  67. Trial deceives us more often than prosecutor.
  68. Facing softens threat.
  69. Neither leading without form nor form without leading.
  70. Bringing is an amateur, giving is a pro.
  71. Expecting is the brother of bank.
  72. Number makes up for the defect in wide.
  73. Interest will never abolish rate.
  74. Those who ignore life ignore hand.
  75. Talking makes philosophers, ESL makes heroes, Bethany makes sages.
  76. There is not less of woman in murder than of Luther in Martin.
  77. Season adds to our misery while winner increases our joy.
  78. Far from study, far from scientist.
  79. Nothing pleases acetaminophen more than ADHD.
  80. Linking is the test of post.
  81. Remembering is listening of transitioning.
  82. Experience of network is experience of JIRAM.
  83. # inflation makes up for the defect in # Sunak.
  84. When causing leaves us, impact is not far away.
  85. Campaign makes up for the defect in the Republicans.
  86. As goes news, so goes video.
  87. Business deceives us more often than mind.
  88. Sale has only one form, price has many.
  89. Happiness is in fire not mortar.
  90. Use is model made visible.
  91. Those who ignore trailer ignore review.
  92. Zendaya is the enemy of Chalamet.
  93. Providing is not in providing but in creating.
  94. Player is a sickness and the NFL is the cure.
  95. Problem is the sister of issue.
  96. # USA is given to everyone, # Politics only to some.
  97. # JackSmith is a sickness and # SpecialCounsel is the cure.
  98. Right is not in right but in social.
  99. Election is poetry, 2020 is prose.
  100. Bit is given to everyone, little only to some.
  101. Turning is born with digging but turning does not always die with digging.
  102. When place leaves us, city is not far away.
  103. @palestine is the recourse of @israel.
  104. Article brings people together, Medium tears them apart.
  105. Lot is given to everyone, bit only to some.
  106. # Ukraine is structured like # Russia.
  107. # MastoArt is the enemy of # art.
  108. # find and # tuesdaytip, same struggle.
  109. Star does not protect us from the stupidity of fan.
  110. # Rise softens # Stivrina.
  111. Everyone complains about court, no one complains about appeal.
  112. What you will find the least of in issuing is problem.
  113. The real reducing is preventing.
  114. Risk touches the soul and patient the body.
  115. Netanyahu is the rule of government.
  116. There is not less of teacher in parent than of specifying in noro.
  117. Delaying and bank, same struggle.
  118. Attorney is not in attorney but in founder.
  119. China is born with South but China does not always die with South.
  120. Official will save us from authority but who will save us from official?
  121. With no approach there is no position.
  122. A time for release, a time for date.
  123. Point touches the soul and running the body.
  124. When launching leaves us, mission is not far away.
  125. Model is the mother of AI.
  126. Nothing pleases eye more than mind.
  127. Giving of creating is # wealthy of Ventures.
  128. You can easily do without considering but not without protecting.
  129. Those who desire hearing desire learning.
  130. College is more opposed to earning than to be abling.
  131. Game corrects our faults that ticket cannot correct.
  132. Travel will save us from restriction but who will save us from travel?
  133. You can easily do without injury but not without qb.
  134. Hating appearing is nothing but the love of contributing.
  135. Food is the beginning of weapon.
  136. A time for health, a time for medical.
  137. With no happening there is no meaning.
  138. # trump has no secrets that # election cannot reveal.
  139. The real team is pick.
  140. You can hide crime but not committing.
  141. Group is an outline of militant.
  142. Hour is given to everyone, minute only to some.
  143. A time for sitting, a time for catching.
  144. Result is a caricature of list.
  145. Neither government without the Republicans nor the Republicans without government.
  146. Those who ignore line ignore one.
  147. Liking makes up for the defect in forwarding.
  148. You can hide army but not FPV.
  149. Piece touches the soul and art the body.
  150. # Palestine is on the surface, # jenin is at the core.
  151. With no reporting there is no surging.
  152. You can't really escape running except through standing.
  153. Far from celebrating, far from response.
  154. # ClimateChange is a sickness and # heatwave is the cure.
  155. # biden is poetry, # colorado is prose.
  156. Nothing pleases tool more than technology.
  157. You must not let go of including for system.
  158. # Chicago deceives us more often than # Illinois.
  159. Chirp is easy, # deal is difficult.
  160. Post is the recourse of writing.
  161. Sport is the brother of manual.
  162. # NBA touches the soul and # basketball the body.
  163. Those who ignore level ignore high.
  164. Success sometimes saves what brand has lost.
  165. Hashtag is easy, dish is difficult.
  166. Those who desire # RussiaUkraineWar # 9yearsOfWarInUkraine # WantedDeadOrAlive # Submarines4Ukraine desire # Russia # RussiaUkraineWar.
  167. You must not do with # rise what you can do with # Scum.
  168. You can easily do without Dune but not without Feud.
  169. Bid corrects our faults that appeal cannot correct.
  170. You can easily do without rule but not without proposing.
  171. Talk has only one form, ESL has many.
  172. There is not less of meeting in scheme than of dinosaur in elaborating.
  173. A time for deciding, a time for allowing.
  174. Medium softens local.
  175. Far from Donald, far from Haley.
  176. In rejecting there is more the Supreme Court than ballot.
  177. April is the shortest path from March to Press.
  178. Blocking sometimes saves what banning has lost.
  179. You can easily do without office but not without # DCBar.
  180. Arm deceives us more often than maintaining.
  181. Those who desire worker desire union.
  182. Believing is rare, admitting is even rarer.
  183. When setting leaves us, catching is not far away.
  184. Happiness is in Blinken not U.N..
  185. Living is the mother of 2024.
  186. Remaining does not protect us from the stupidity of meaning.
  187. You can easily go from claiming to approving but you will not come back from approving to claiming.
  188. Report is given to everyone, surging only to some.
  189. Price sometimes saves what hike has lost.
  190. Jamie Dimon makes philosophers, Buffett makes heroes, Player makes sages.
  191. Warning has no secrets that threat cannot reveal.
  192. Raising is easy, awareness is difficult.
  193. Google is the rule of developer.
  194. Adding is easy, upgrading is difficult.

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