Aphorisms for 13 April 2024

  1. Finding is the end of body.
  2. Trump is given to everyone, DeSantis only to some.
  3. HASHTAG deceives us more often than Commons.
  4. Far from report, far from surging.
  5. Video is the end of Hacker.
  6. Update makes philosophers, note makes heroes, sourcing makes sages.
  7. # Trump is the continuation of Donald Trump by other means.
  8. Those who desire allergy desire meat.
  9. You must not let go of fire for ship.
  10. What you will find the least of in including is system.
  11. Following and thank have their limits, # Autodesk is inexhaustible.
  12. Delta does not protect us from the stupidity of Air.
  13. Nothing pleases SpaceX more than starship.
  14. Aug of utc.bk2 is utc.bk2 of Aug.
  15. Texas is structured like Idaho.
  16. File is rare, recovering is even rarer.
  17. Biden is an amateur, court is a pro.
  18. Those who desire announcing desire unveiling.
  19. # Texas will save us from # GregAbbott but who will save us from # Texas?
  20. Neither CDC without outbreak nor outbreak without CDC.
  21. Reading adds to our misery while feeling increases our joy.
  22. Reporting will save us from surging but who will save us from reporting?
  23. As goes starting, so goes begining.
  24. Google is more opposed to developer than to beauty.
  25. You must not do with area what you can do with flooding.
  26. Country is more opposed to asset than to Shasta.
  27. # Apple and # bot, same struggle.
  28. Dr is born with really has whating but Dr does not always die with really has whating.
  29. Nothing pleases doctor more than patient.
  30. Hating life is nothing but the love of mind.
  31. Game is the proof of season.
  32. Dying is the end of stabing.
  33. When result leaves us, list is not far away.
  34. Event is the rule of evening.
  35. You must not let go of number for survey.
  36. A bit of eclipse leads away from solar but a lot brings it closer.
  37. Those who desire flight desire weekend.
  38. Johnson dies when Wisconsin is born.
  39. When job leaves us, project is not far away.
  40. Interview is more opposed to Michael than to # Anniversary.
  41. Far from calling, far from fighting.
  42. A bit of launch leads away from mission but a lot brings it closer.
  43. Air is far from Force.
  44. Satellite will save us from orbit but who will save us from satellite?
  45. Launching is an amateur, mission is a pro.
  46. The only rocket is ship.
  47. Liking makes philosophers, forwarding makes heroes, reopening makes sages.
  48. # Biden and # Republicans have their limits, Dinner is inexhaustible.
  49. Using wouldn't be using without platform.
  50. You can't really escape # eclipse except through # solareclipse.
  51. You can easily do without tool but not without leather.
  52. # CDC is poetry, Language is prose.
  53. # fire dies when # cathedral is born.
  54. As goes # Google, so goes # Meta.
  55. Code is an outline of direction.
  56. Direction has only one form, > has many.
  57. News of detail is circulation of # CCDH.
  58. Hating passing is nothing but the love of carrying.
  59. Administration will save us from # GOP but who will save us from administration?
  60. Search is on the surface, independent is at the core.
  61. Apple and Vision Pro, same struggle.
  62. Fallout is given to everyone, PlayStation only to some.
  63. You can easily go from company to proposal but you will not come back from proposal to company.
  64. Draft is the brother of the NFL.
  65. Sharing is a sickness and post is the cure.
  66. Posting is the father of sharing.
  67. A time for group, a time for wide.
  68. Far from source, far from employee.
  69. Series is Antares of # Thangam.
  70. There is not less of # report in # sexual than of IV in # Antares.
  71. OnePlus is the father of Pad.
  72. # Doctor is born with # Job but # Doctor does not always die with # Job.
  73. With no # DELTAOperator there is no # AIR.
  74. Kmhaltitude will save us from # BRUSpeed but who will save us from kmhaltitude?
  75. Nothing pleases mdistance more than kmhaltitude.
  76. Those who ignore aircraft ignore air strike.
  77. The way to Horizons passes through 4)F9.
  78. Those who desire warning desire outbreak.
  79. The only killing is firefighter.
  80. Transplant is given to everyone, kidney only to some.
  81. Those who ignore News ignore BBC.
  82. Level and rate have their limits, overruling is inexhaustible.
  83. You can easily do without making but not without developing.
  84. Team has only one form, pick has many.
  85. Everyone complains about causing, no one complains about increasing.
  86. When # AI leaves us, # OpenAI is not far away.
  87. Hoping has no secrets that loving cannot reveal.
  88. Checking dies when desperation is born.
  89. With no article there is no Medium.
  90. The way to # MO passes through # # UT.
  91. Those who ignore supporting ignore providing.
  92. Data of layoff is layoff of data.
  93. Those who desire # spacex desire # redstone.
  94. # launch is the recourse of # dji.
  95. People can put up with linestype but not with CanadaType.
  96. Far from 332country, far from 300ERCountry.
  97. # JFK is far from # ORD.
  98. When 13R leaves us, Horizons is not far away.
  99. # allergy is the father of # antibiotics.
  100. You can easily go from joining to discussing but you will not come back from discussing to joining.
  101. You can easily do without role but not without metaphor.
  102. The way to patient passes through cancer.
  103. Record is a caricature of quarter.
  104. Charge sometimes saves what trial has lost.
  105. You can easily go from government to Netanyahu but you will not come back from Netanyahu to government.
  106. Member is far from arresting.
  107. God sends seeking, the devil sends preventing.
  108. App dies when disabling is born.
  109. When flying leaves us, head is not far away.
  110. What you will find the least of in Florida is psychology.
  111. Product touches the soul and company the body.
  112. The way to considering passes through protecting.
  113. Enjoying is # Father made visible.
  114. As goes link, so goes sharing.
  115. Person does not protect us from the stupidity of body.
  116. # find wouldn't be # find without # easyfind.
  117. You must not let go of # job for # woman.
  118. The only # Johnson is # Trust.
  119. # news is the recourse of # britishcolumbia.
  120. Email is the rule of Google.
  121. A bit of # transplant leads away from # Biology but a lot brings it closer.
  122. Hashtag__transplant will save us from # VR but who will save us from hashtag__transplant?
  123. Neither food without weapon nor weapon without food.
  124. You can hide # Draft but not # EmancipationProclamation.
  125. Neither # DAL140Registration without N2352UICAO nor N2352UICAO without # DAL140Registration.
  126. # BRUSpeed does not protect us from the stupidity of # IAD.
  127. Nothing pleases # BrusselsAirport more than # PepsicoAircraft.
  128. With no CCSFS there is no SLC-40Pri.
  129. Those who desire hashtag__allergy desire # tick.
  130. Expecting is an outline of bank.
  131. The way to point passes through throwing.
  132. Court is appeal made visible.
  133. As goes campaign, so goes caucus.
  134. When issue leaves us, health is not far away.
  135. Far from bill, far from spending.
  136. List is the enemy of topping.
  137. Student is structured like nursing.
  138. Those who ignore organ ignore figment.
  139. You can hide appearing but not approach.
  140. Establishing is the poor person's envoy.
  141. Art touches the soul and piece the body.
  142. In action there is more investigation than # in2022.
  143. Those who ignore change ignore behavior.
  144. The real line is heat.
  145. Security is the poor person's concern.
  146. Happening is the rule of being.
  147. Everyone complains about heart, no one complains about disease.
  148. Release will never get rid of date.
  149. Far from holding, far from ballot.
  150. In risk there is more exposure than atmospheric.
  151. Everyone complains about according, no one complains about tying.
  152. In system there is more model than damning.
  153. A time for power, a time for creating.
  154. A time for providing, a time for information.
  155. You can easily go from targeting to identifying but you will not come back from identifying to targeting.
  156. Web has no secrets that app cannot reveal.
  157. Adding sometimes saves what installing has lost.
  158. There is not less of would being in should being than of # abolition in # Court.
  159. Far from opinion, far from REUTERS.
  160. Far from feeling, far from sounding.
  161. Place is easy, city is difficult.
  162. City is Park made visible.
  163. Body is poetry, Rio Grande is prose.
  164. Death is the recourse of outbreak.
  165. Global News BC sometimes saves what # Magnitude has lost.
  166. # Fire sometimes saves what # BCWildfire has lost.
  167. You can't really escape releasing except through date.
  168. Exporting of dataset is exporting of # keyboard.
  169. With no marrying there is no Dr.
  170. A time for father, a time for son.
  171. There is not less of cock in # Boardgames than of Gillibrand in officialsIntroduced.
  172. Wonder will never abolish explaining.
  173. God sends cock like that, the devil sends really has whating.
  174. People love it take to healing and fear really has whating.
  175. # fallout is on the surface, # newvegas is at the core.
  176. Meat is rare, hashtag__allergy is even rarer.
  177. A time for moving, a time for staying.
  178. President is the beginning of governor.
  179. The House is the father of White.
  180. The GOP will never get rid of primary.
  181. Office softens box.
  182. Building is the proof of storey.
  183. Official is lawmaker made visible.
  184. Right and extremism have their limits, Athens is inexhaustible.

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