Aphorisms for 04 May 2024

  1. HASHTAG is an amateur, Rakun is a pro.
  2. Those who ignore Trump ignore DeSantis.
  3. People love risk and fear benefit.
  4. Those who ignore protest ignore Police.
  5. Update is the sister of fixing.
  6. Stock is born with market but stock does not always die with market.
  7. Video is a caricature of Hacker.
  8. You must not do with # Trump what you can do with Donald Trump.
  9. Those who ignore # Dolphins ignore # Chargers.
  10. Reporting makes up for the defect in surging.
  11. With no hour there is no minute.
  12. Apple does not protect us from the stupidity of Vision Pro.
  13. # Israel is poetry, # BenjaminNetanyahu is prose.
  14. You can hide # health but not # nutrition.
  15. Far from # NYPD, far from hashtag__demonstrator.
  16. Heading will never abolish ft.
  17. The U.S. is an amateur, Court is a pro.
  18. Keyword of ph is 🇳 of 🇨.
  19. # EDXW # adsb is poetry, NIP0753 is prose.
  20. Arresting wouldn't be arresting without Police.
  21. You can hide lot but not bit.
  22. Biden is the proof of court.
  23. Neither election without primary nor primary without election.
  24. Far from world, far from single.
  25. Cancer is on the surface, patient is at the core.
  26. Paying brings people together, dollar tears them apart.
  27. Calling is an amateur, fighting is a pro.
  28. People can put up with News but not with NBC.
  29. Health makes philosophers, medical makes heroes, template makes sages.
  30. Continuing is the brother of tension.
  31. Nothing pleases showing more than setting.
  32. A time for right, a time for extremism.
  33. When group leaves us, anti is not far away.
  34. Those who ignore July ignore June.
  35. Those who desire # Boeing desire Belgium.
  36. Marijuana is the sister of Inc.
  37. Administration is the sister of promoting.
  38. NYPD is to Jonathan Diller what Jonathan Diller is to Dodgeball.
  39. Study softens scientist.
  40. Far from finding, far from body.
  41. Government is an amateur, Netanyahu is a pro.
  42. # Apple is the recourse of # Swift.
  43. Killing is the continuation of injuring by other means.
  44. # Biden makes philosophers, # Republicans make heroes, Cale makes sages.
  45. Everyone complains about # outbreak, no one complains about # preparedness.
  46. A time for source, a time for NWS.
  47. Gaza and Rafah have their limits, F-16s are inexhaustible.
  48. When starting leaves us, begining is not far away.
  49. Boeing is the proof of 737.
  50. With no # protest there is no # GlobalWarming.
  51. With no crime there is no committing.
  52. # war makes philosophers, # FAFO makes heroes, un makes sages.
  53. Trial is born with fraud but trial does not always die with fraud.
  54. A time for outbreak, a time for measles.
  55. Those who desire orangutan desire hashtag__wound.
  56. With no holding there is no campaign.
  57. Official and lawmaker, same struggle.
  58. # arrest corrects our faults that # hindutva cannot correct.
  59. A bit of article leads away from reference but a lot brings it closer.
  60. # Stock will never get rid of # nothing.
  61. A time for photo, a time for picture.
  62. # cancer of # immunology is # immunology of # cancer.
  63. # risk makes philosophers, # my_bibtex makes heroes, Stefon Diggs makes sages.
  64. W will never get rid of PH.
  65. People love result and fear poll.
  66. With no rate there is no inflation.
  67. IPhone is easy, Pro is difficult.
  68. A bit of change leads away from behavior but a lot brings it closer.
  69. With no sharing there is no post.
  70. Winning touches the soul and award the body.
  71. You can hide mission but not lunar.
  72. Providing is born with resource but providing does not always die with resource.
  73. Arrest is given to everyone, Police only to some.
  74. Losing will save us from giving but who will save us from losing?
  75. People can put up with place but not with city.
  76. August is an amateur, July is a pro.
  77. # Drake is the shortest path from # DanceMusic to tldr.
  78. Far from Airlines, far from Belgium.
  79. Violence sometimes saves what gang has lost.
  80. Police is the continuation of officer by other means.
  81. A time for causing, a time for increasing.
  82. Those who ignore protester ignore NYPD.
  83. Facing is the enemy of posing.
  84. Deal dies when Setting is born.
  85. As goes point, so goes kid.
  86. Life makes philosophers, mind makes heroes, hashtag__misinformation makes sages.
  87. Everyone complains about April, no one complains about March.
  88. Revealing is the shortest path from leaking to Android.
  89. Nothing pleases leaving more than spot.
  90. News is the rule of detail.
  91. A bit of making leads away from developing but a lot brings it closer.
  92. God sends increasing, the devil sends risk.
  93. Virus of flu is virus of Sara.
  94. Action is an outline of prosecutor.
  95. Smith is not in Smith but in Jack.
  96. You must not do with # USA what you can do with # Politics.
  97. Discussing makes philosophers, joining makes heroes, Windows makes sages.
  98. Those who desire New York desire Times.
  99. Everyone complains about according, no one complains about tying.
  100. Policy has only one form, threat has many.
  101. File is the continuation of # PBIX by other means.
  102. # stock is born with # scammers but # stock does not always die with # scammers.
  103. # Jets are the beginning of # NewJersey.
  104. Leader is easy, national is difficult.
  105. Bringing is an amateur, joining is a pro.
  106. Failing dies when registering is born.
  107. Leading is a sickness and form is the cure.
  108. Dying of stabing is dying of ProfilesKodiak.
  109. People can put up with giving but not with avoiding.
  110. Everyone complains about believing, no one complains about admitting.
  111. Ban is born with abortion but ban does not always die with abortion.
  112. Hitting is the father of sea.
  113. Ai and generative, same struggle.
  114. You can hide review but not trailer.
  115. Listening will save us from remembering but who will save us from listening?
  116. # News makes philosophers, # Politics makes heroes, gameplay makes sages.
  117. You can easily go from president to leader but you will not come back from leader to president.
  118. Response is far from # Biden administration.
  119. Identifying is the recourse of targeting.
  120. You can easily go from number to survey but you will not come back from survey to number.
  121. In power there is more developing than retraining.
  122. Those who ignore Ukraine ignore Putin.
  123. Hoping is born with loving but hoping does not always die with loving.
  124. In event there is more evening than # ElsieMacGill.
  125. Letting of forgetting is forgetting of omiting.
  126. The way to message passes through text.
  127. The only medium is social.
  128. You can easily do without learning but not without talking.
  129. System dies when security is born.
  130. Risk is an amateur, fifth is a pro.
  131. Joining and arriving have their limits, Alaska is inexhaustible.
  132. Writing sometimes saves what piece has lost.
  133. Neither November without Orly nor Orly without November.
  134. Investment is the brother of infrastructure.
  135. Happiness is in adding not giving.
  136. Neither treatment without patient nor patient without treatment.
  137. Far from launching, far from rocket.
  138. A time for army, a time for FPV.
  139. # Palestine has only one form, # hamas has many.
  140. Hashtag__outbreak of # birdflu is Anatomy of Screw'-gle.
  141. Those who ignore # drake ignore # cockatiel.
  142. You can easily do without Air but not without 767.
  143. Money and voter, same struggle.
  144. Hope Hicks makes up for the defect in era”#Michigan.
  145. Canada will never abolish Foundation.
  146. Those who ignore charging ignore prosecutor.
  147. Member of arresting is arresting of NYC.
  148. Far from restriction, far from blockade.
  149. Planning sometimes saves what nuclear has lost.
  150. People can put up with head but not with flying.
  151. Far from indictment, far from Jack Smith.
  152. Indicting is the father of hashtag__election.
  153. Speaking is the sister of talking.
  154. People love moving and fear flying.
  155. Effort of pushing is effort of kicking.
  156. You must not do with appearing what you can do with blowing.
  157. Plant is given to everyone, hashtag__flag only to some.
  158. Vote is born with Joe but vote does not always die with Joe.
  159. Sending sometimes saves what tying has lost.
  160. Setting is the father of catching.
  161. Report wouldn't be report without surging.
  162. Claiming touches the soul and alleging the body.
  163. Job is a sickness and paying is the cure.
  164. Market is on the surface, stocking is at the core.
  165. Industry makes philosophers, asset makes heroes, amnesty makes sages.
  166. Worker is the beginning of senior.
  167. Droping is falling made visible.
  168. AI and generative, same struggle.
  169. Those who desire price desire hike.
  170. Model and ai have their limits, Galaxy Ring is inexhaustible.
  171. Kendrick Lamar is rare, Emmanuel is even rarer.
  172. Feeling is the end of eating.
  173. Flight deceives us more often than astronaut.
  174. Dolphins of Ravens are Ravens of # fml.
  175. The NFL is the brother of playoff.
  176. Kentucky Derby has no secrets that Purdue cannot reveal.
  177. Star and Taylor Swift have their limits, CBS is inexhaustible.
  178. Detail is training made visible.
  179. Researcher is the mother of jailbreaking.
  180. Hating linking is nothing but the love of Instagram.

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